Searching: Book 3 (PJO/HoO Fa...

SuzyQ_ által

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(WARNING! THIS IS THE 3RD BOOK!) Who are you? Who am I? Where are we? What's going on? What happened? These a... Több

1. Something Fishy
2. Already Tellin' Lies?
3. Secrets on The Quest?
4. Rough Start
5. Can You Accept The Truth?
6. The Quests Have Begun!
7. The Scary Truth
9. Things Must Go Wrong For It To Be A Quest
10. Couldn't Help But Steal
11. So Close, Yet So Far
12. Why Am I The One With Bad Luck?
13. Sibling Rivalry
14. Why Don't You Act More Like A Twin?
15. 2 Years And You Didn't Notice The Exit?
16. I Punch Percy 2.0, And It Hurts Me More
17. Stubborn? I Like A Challenge...
Thank You!

8. The Little Boy

2.1K 59 0
SuzyQ_ által


We all walked to the gates in front of the bottom of the mountain. I stuffed my hands in my pocket and took a look around. We were the only people here which made it suspicious, but I didn't complain. It just means we have easy access to enter. I looked up to the mountains, but I couldn't really see the top, and I couldn't see any flowers on the sides. I sighed and looked back in front of me, but had to run to catch up to them.

"Alright, so I was thinking that I could go up, and you two stay here, or near the bottom to stop any monsters from climbing up." I told them.

Zoë scoffed,"And why's that?"

"Well..." I awkwardly muttered, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Is it because you think we're weak?" She said, giving me a challenging look. My eyes widened, and I tried to protest, but she carried on,"Or is it because you think we can't fight?" I shook my head quickly,"Or is it because you think we're girls?"

I hesitated, waiting to see if she'll continue, but she didn't,"Look, it's because if there are monsters, then I don't want you to get hurt." I help up a finger,"Not because I don't think you can't fight. It's just, if it hurts your wings, then you'll plummet to the ground, possible dying. I don't want that. See, I can control the airs to stop my fall, you can't."

Bianca had on a thoughtful look,"I have faith in you Jason. I'm sure you'll catch us."

Oh great...

I felt eyes staring at me, and I'm sure the others did too, for we all tensed. Both girls looked at me, so I casually turned around. I saw an old man. He looked about 70-80 years old, and he wore ragged clothes, but they only covered his private areas with a strand across his shoulders, so it barely covered anything. Holding his hand was a little kid. He looked about 8, but his appearance worried me. He had normal jeans, a plain green shirt, but the clothes looked burnt. In fact, his whole body looked burnt and smoke and ash covered his face.

Like he was in a fire before coming here, I thought.

Once the old man saw me looking back, he quickly looked away. The boy, however, still stared. He pointed up to the top of the mountain, and then back at me. He shook his head afterwards, probably saying that going up there is bad. He pointed up there again and then put his finger on his throat. He moved his finger across it in a horizontal motion.

The man roughly pulled the kid away, making the kid wince as if he hit him. I looked away,"Well, that's convincing..." But the girls weren't concerned about me. The were looking to my right, so I followed their gaze. Whereas before nobody was here, now, there was a whole army behind us. Everyone, including the old man and kid, looked at us.

One man stepped up,"Going up the mountain?" Ghosts. That's what they were.

"Yes. We would like to go in peace." I said, putting myself in front of the girls. I heard Zoë scoff, but didn't move.

The crowd whispered and laughed. I furrowed my eyebrows, and instinctively pulled out my sword. The man stepped back instantly, staring at the sword,"I see you are prepared." He grinned wickedly at me,"Go along, children. We won't stop you."

I lowered my sword a bit, confused. Without noticing, I looked at the little boy. It suddenly hit me that he was the only kid. Everyone else were adults. The boy shook his head feverishly, as if he knew the outcomes.

He's been in this situation many times before...

"Who are you?" I asked the man.

His eyebrows shot up, as if he's never been asked that question before. He then smiled,"We are demigods who have died a millennium ago." The kid kept shaking his shaking.

"What's up there?" I inquired, yet again. There must be something there if the kid is insisting.

He laughed,"Nothing, my boy. Just go and find what you seek most." He hasn't stopped.

"I don't know, guys..." I muttered to the others,"That kid keeps telling me no."

The girls rolled their eyes,"He's a kid, Jason. Come on, we have to fine a cure before the deadline. We don't have time for this. We already wasted two days getting here." Bianca said, releasing her wings, and making her way to the top with Zoë right behind her.

Even though the kid was far away from us, he winced, as if hearing their words. I gave him a look of pity, but let the airs carry me up either way. We've been flying for quite some time, and no monsters have attacked us. I kept getting a feeling that we were going to get attacked soon, but we never did.

Soon, we arrived to the top after a couple hours. We touched the ground and sighed because we were glad to stop flying. Zoë and Bianca set me down, and laid down, far more exhausted than me. After the first couple hours, I was feeling drained from using my powers so much, and I nearly fell if the girls didn't catch me.

I looked around the area. The ground was rough and rocky, but it looked like a pattern. Spikes rose from ground forming a perfect circle around the very tip. It looks as something was plucked out of the spikes because there were holes on the tips of them. On the tip of the mountain, though, stood one flower. It looked even more magnificent then in the picture.

"This is your last chance to go back..." The little boy I saw earlier formed from thin air. He gave me tired and broken eyes, as if he didn't want to go through this again. I was about to take a step forward, but he shrieked,"Wait!"

I froze,"Ok..." I said, slowly, not trying to scare him again,"Who are you?"

He looked at the flower longingly,"Dalian..."

My eyebrows furrowed,"Dalian?" It hit me then. The name of the flower is Rainbow Blue Dahlia,"Are-are you named after the flower? Is that why you don't want us to pick it?"

He looked me in the eyes. His eyes swirled with power, yet his eye color was constantly changing,"I am the flower."

My eyes widened,"But, how is that possible?"

He sat down beside the flower,"I don't know..." He confessed,"But this flower is mine."

"So, you don't want us to pick it, do you?" I asked. I really don't want to fight a ghost...

"I do want you to pick." He said,"Then give it to me."

"Don't you already have it?"

"No, I don't..." He answered, voice weak,"For I am only a ghost. I cannot ever touch my power source, only given. I need you to give it to me."

I bit my lip. The poor kid looks like he's dying,"Is that the only flower, ever?"

"No. There were more, but people have come, taking them away and using it for their own needs. Some have died, which kills the flowers as well. I can never plant more, so this is my only hope. This plant is my only chance for life..."

"What do you mean?" I inquired. I could tell the girls behind me were getting agitated. They just wanted to get the flower and leave.

His voice shook as he answered,"I was not born a human." I raised an eyebrow,"I was born like this. A ghost to forever guard a flower that could save me, yet never able to touch it myself. This is my curse."

I felt pity rush in my blood,"Anything else I need to know about this flower beforehand?"

He sighed,"This flower can be used more than once. It can be used three times to help save someone's life, and all you do is put it to their wound. Once you've used all your chances, the flower turns a black color, losing it powers." I looked around and just now noticed that the ground was littered in these black flowers,"Just-keep it safe until you do need it, for this flower can resurrect Titans with one touch."

I tensed,"Can-can it heal someone who has their memory?"

He nodded,"It can, unless their memory has been stolen. If it has been stolen, then nothing will happen."

"And if we give it to you? How long would you need it?" I asked. I just wanted to put him out of his misery.

His eyes widened as he stood up,"Me?" He asked in shock,"I would need it near me at all costs. It is my life force. Take it away, and I should disappear forever. No Elysium or Underworld for me. I will be gone forever."

My hopes diminished,"How close?"

He pondered,"At least 20 feet."

"Ok, I can do that." Another thing popped into my mind,"Why would you tell me no then?"

He smiled faded,"It shall not be easy. Many before you have died. The last one was only 2 months ago, but I have faith in you."

"Ok, so what do I do now?" I asked.

He nodded towards my two companions,"You three must pick who will fight. Only one person can come and fight the beast guarding the flower." He explained,"Then, once you step into the ring, you will not be able to leave until you retrieve the flower or die."

"Ok, I'll go then." Zoë said before anyone could open their mouths.

Bianca shook her head,"No, I am."

"Bianca, do you really want to put Nico through that pain again if you don't make it?" Zoë asked her.

"What about Luke?" Zoë flinched,"He'll be so devastated because you're his backbone. I doubt Percy will be able to bring him out of it."

"Yeah, what about Percy?" Zoë argued,"Do you really want to die without telling him you love him?" Bianca took a step back in shock,"Do you want to die making him believe you didn't love him? That you broke up with him because he wasn't good enough? Is that what you want?" I saw Bianca clench her teeth and tears glistening in her eyes.

I didn't bother arguing, for I already stepped into the ring,"Doesn't matter, girls."

They both looked my way, and their jaws dropped,"Jason! You fool!" Zoë screeched at me. She tried grabbing my arm, but her hand touched a forcefield. Oh great, I thought, I really can't leave.

I stepped further into the ring, towards the flower. The boy gave me a sad, forced smile,"You are lucky, Jason. The beast is also extremely weak from losing its flowers as well." Then he disappeared outside the ring. Once he did, the spikes rose out of the ground. The ground shook and beside the flower, the ground also rose, this time though, slits opened up showing two pairs of swirling eyes.

All four eyes looked at me, and I knew he immediately knew I was a threat trying to steal its belonging. I stumbled as the ground shook some more. The beast finally got up on all fours with his tail curled around him. He took a deep breath and roared at me, showing his razor sharp teeth. I pulled out my sword which seemed to only anger him some more.

I sighed, this won't end well. The beast crawled towards me, and attempted to make a blow towards me. I blocked out the way, and as his hand passed by, I made sure to leave a good sized scar on his palm. The monster quickly used his other hand to get me from the other side. I barely missed it, but it still scrapped my left side. I cried out as its claws dug deep. The beast went on all fours, and that's when I realized I was underneath it. The monster was about to crush me, when I used my sword to pierce it's stomach, it didn't help much, since it cried out and was falling to the ground.

My eyes widened. I heard the girls screaming out, so I quickly summoned the winds, it only slowed his fall, but it still gave me time to roll out the way. It landed with a thump. The creature roared out in agony, while I went for my sword. I mentally groaned when I realized that's it's probably destroyed now. I sighed and grabbed a dagger that was attached to my belt. The behemoth glared at me, and before I knew it, another eye opened up.

"What is this...?" I heard Dalian mutter from behind.

"You mean this is new?!" I screeched in horror.

"I've never seen anything like it." He agreed.

This day just keeps getting better, huh? I sighed prepared for the next attack. Once his eye opened, it was only a matter of time before the minions jumped out. This aren't your normal yellow minions that love bananas, no, these are your evil purple ones that go crazy. Ok, not literally, but it might as well be. They were these rock balls, but as soon as they touched the ground, it unrolled to reveal a small...thing. It was so disturbing, I couldn't even describe it.

The little things attacked me. They came at me in packs, so whenever I killed one, another was on my leg, then my arm. They were all over my body, and I could feel them biting. I yelped in surprised, but soon enough, one bit me harder then the rest. I yelling out in agony, feeling the blood trickle through my wounds.

"Jason! Come on!"

I dropped my dagger through the process and pushed them off with my hands. I threw one off me, and it shattered like glass. Once the thing shattered, seeds fell out of it.

"Seeds!" Dalian yelled in excitement,"More seeds!" The seeds then buried itself underneath the ground, gone.

I tried pushing the creatures off of me, and slowly, one by one, they came off. The all shattered like the first one releasing Dahlia seeds. Soon, there was only one creature on me, so I pushed it off. Once it shattered, I quickly grabbed the two seeds before they were sucked underneath the ground.

I sighed once I did, and put the seeds in my pocket. I looked over, expecting the beast to attack, but when I turned, I saw it lying on the floor. It was dead. It seems as if releasing the minions sapped its energy. A last resort for protection.

I grinning, plucking the flower from the ground. Once I did, colors blasted from the ground. They swirled around me and flower before disappearing. I glanced at everyone, and grinned. The girls both had grins from relief, but Dalian wore a shocked expression.

I walked over to the girls and laughed as they both hugged me.

"Gods, Jason, I'm going to murder you!" Zoë growled, but I only laughed in response. She pulled out the hug, and clicked a few buttons on her watch before a portal formed. Bianca walked in first this time. I hesitated, and looked back. Dalian was looking at spoils of war, knowing I'd be leaving. I looked back at Zoë and saw her shake her head.

"I have to, Zoë." She sighed,"Besides, we have three chances." She nodded, giving me her consent. I turned towards the boy,"Dalian?" I said, hesitantly walking towards the boy. He looked at me, and noticed how sick he looks,"I have a proposal..."

He smiled weakly,"And what is that?"

I sighed,"I'll give you the flower," He grinned at me,"but I need you to come with me afterwards. You can stay by my side while we save me friends, that way you'll be close to it."

He nodded,"Yes, of course!" He said eagerly.

I handed him the flower. Once his hand came in contact with the flower, he seemed to glow with the flower. The colors that I saw earlier appeared again. They swirled around the boy, hopefully giving him life. His face and clothes cleaned itself. His clothes changed to a purple shirt with the flower imprinted on it and some light blue jeans. Whereas his black hair was flat before, it now earned more of its fluff back. His once dull eyes, brightened and swirled with many colors. The colors swirling around him didn't disappear like with me, instead they sunk into his skin.

Once they finished, he seemed to glow a bluish/purplish color. He grinned up at me and jumped up, giving me a hug. Surprised, I stumbled back. After a while, I wrapped my arms around him as well. His skin felt as smooth and delicate as the petals of a flower. His hair tickled my neck as he hugged me.

Once he pulled back he said,"So what's the wound I have to fix up?"

I glanced a Zoë,"Uh, a blast wound."

"From what?"


His eyes widened as I said it,"Order? As in the destroyer of universes?" I nodded,"Oh my boy, you'll need more than just this flower."

"What?" I asked, fear gripping my heart,"I thought you said this could save anyone."

He nodded gravely,"Anyone, yes. Anything, not so much. This can heal anything except for wounds created by Order and Chaos, for they created this. They gave me this curse and said so themselves," He said, bitterly,"You will need more than just this. You will have to mix its petals with other things."

"Do you know what?"

He shrugged,"They never told me. You will have to ask them yourself." I sighed. Of course it wouldn't be this easy. I nodded, solemnly,"I am sorry..."

"It's not your fault." I said,"Let's get going. I'll show you around camp." So, we walked through the portal prepared to get in trouble with Chaos.

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