The sexy type(OHSHC)

By XxBlackButterflyX

104K 2.1K 700

Koyuki is the new girl in ouran she becomes friends with haruhi fujioka what happens when she meets a certain... More

Ouran high school [EDIT]
I'm here for you [EDIT]
Starting today you're an official hostess [EDIT]
The ball [EDIT]
Beware the physical exam! [EDIT]
Attack of the lady manager [EDIT]
Yukis profile [EDIT]
Yuki meets nekozawa (The twins fight) [EDIT]
Engagement dinner [EDIT]
Jungle pool SOS [EDIT]
The sun the sea and the host club pt 1 [EDIT]
The sun the sea and the host club pt 2 [EDIT]
My captured butterfly
Taking care of yuki
Yuki's decision
Side story Hittachiin photo shoot
You're the reason I live
Challenge from lobelia girls academy
A challenge from lobelias girls academy pt 2
A visit to the fujioka family
Side story: we were never loved
Big brother is a prince
Yuki and kyoya's first date
Please let me in
Operation hikaru and haruhis first date
30 chapter special
Haruhi and hikarus first date part 2
Kyoyas reluctlant day out
Side story: lobelia girls academy strikes back
Cantarella [EDIT]
Cantarella part 2
Side story and so koyuki met him pt1
Side story And so yuki met him pt 2
Side story and so koyuki met him pt 3
The new teacher and challenges of the heart
The Nekozawa baby project
Surprise visit
Side story: Couple dance from the sexy type
Mori senpais apprentice and hatakes last words
R.I.P Hatake and 18th birthday celebration
A way to say goodbye
The host club declares dissolution(yukis strength)
The final goodbye
What it means to love someone
Authors note

Attack of the lady manager pt2 [EDIT]

3.4K 74 59
By XxBlackButterflyX

"Hikaru throws the ball he shoots he scores!!!"

The crowd goes crazy.

"Hahaha." Hikaru cheers

"Tweeeet' The whistle rang

"Get a stretcher get him to the infirmary this instant!!!"

"Kaoru? kaoru?!!" Hikaru said

"You've got to get back in the game hikaru." The coach said.

"Shut up!!" He said.

"Hikaru go on you can't feel my pain your not the one who got hurt." Kaoru said.

"I can't it hurts it hurts Kaoru." Hikaru said.

Your pain is my pain it doesn't matter if anybody understands....

"I'm sorry but I'm envious." Tamaki said standing in the rain.

"But suoh senpai how can you be envious of us you're the schools idol." The twins said.

"An idol I hate when people praise for something as superficial as my appearance perhaps it would be better for me to be alone." He stated.

One lonely heart cross each other wounding one another...

"There's no escaping from us." Honey said.

"Stop it mitsukuni you should've realized by now whenever you hurt others your really hurting yourself." Mori said.

"I didn't ask for your opinion do you want me to put you over my knee again."

Will it be the heart of salvation that awaits these boys or something else?...

"It really pisses me off when people don't know their place." Honey said.

"Ugh wuahhh I'm sorry haru-chan I can't do this anymore!!"

"CUT CUT CUUUUT!!!" Renge yelled.

"Stop shooting camera man." She said.

"Yes boss."

"When did we go from changing our characters to shooting a movie about it?" I asked.

"Apparently she flew them in from Hollywood can't your recognize the director he produced the movie millennium snow it was the #1 box movie of the year." kyoya said.

'Damn these rich people' Haruhi thought.

"Haruhi yuki did you like my preformance?!!" Tamaki said.

"Yea it was pretty believable." I said

"It was amazing how you could get to your character like that." Haruhi said.

"I discovered a new dark side of myself I thought I should explore it." He said.

"But I think you're fine just the way you are." Haruhi stated.

"Huh whatever you say Haruhi." Tamaki said blushing.

"Koyuki it's your turn." renge said.

"Okay." I said.

I followed renge. "Here this lovely boy agreed to play as your lover Yuki." renge said.

"Tomoya what are you doing here?!!" I said.

"I came looking for you and I asked her for you and she said she knew where you were so I followed her." he explained.

"Oh you know each other?" She asked.

"He's my cousin." I said.

"Wow this good looking guy is your cousin this is perfect forbidden love." renge said.

"Soo yuki you're gonna be here standing and tomoya has to leave for the marines and this is the last goodbye after that your going to kiss him." She said.

"Kiss?!!" We said.

"Of course since you're cousins it shouldn't be a problem." she said.

'C'mon yuki just lets get this over with.' I thought.

"Alright." I said.

"Perfect... action!!"

Scene (it starts raining)

"You'll be leaving soon?" I said

"Yes I have to it's my duty as captain of U.S. MARINES." Tomoya said.

"Will you come back to me?" I asked.

"Of course I will." he said as he got closer. "Even if my body is shattered and the battlefield is filled with no hope and despair even if I'm defeated my soul will remain by your side till the very end my love." He said.

He closed his eyes and pulled me close and held my chin up as he leaned to kiss me.

'He's really going to do it he's going to kiss me!!!'

I closed my eyes and he brought his lips against mine, he kissed me with so much passion as if he really was never going to see me again.

"And...CUT!!" Renge said

He pulled away and looked into my eyes for a while when we realized what just happened, we pulled away.

"Tomoya you were amazing!!" renge said.

He chuckled. "Hehe thanks"

"And yuki your acting was amazing!!!"

"You really think soo?" I asked blushing.

"Perfect now I have to look for a person to play the bullies since honey senpai won't do it taa taa." She said while running off.

"I didn't know you could act Tomoya." I said.

"As you can see I'm one hell of an actor." He smirked.{ author: ha! see what I did there!!:D}

I laughed and decided to go talk to haruhi.

"Haruhi!!" I yelled.

"Oh hey yuki done shooting your scene?" She said.

"Yea" I said.

"Oh haruhi you're up." Renge said.

"Coming!!" She said.

"I'll go with you." I said.


We went were renge was and there was two boys there with renge.

"Haruhi these boys agreed to make a special appearance in our film." She said.

"In your film what are you taking about?" The boys said.

"After all we're going to need some bad guys for the final scene." She said.

"Bad guys?"

"Yea that's when they come together to fight against the real villains at the school. According to the records these boy got their wealth by being part of the Japanese mafia."

Part of the Japanese mafia son akutaro and akujiro

"Don't you think that's a brilliant casting choice." She said.

"What's with this girl?!"

"Whatever my dad does has nothing to do with me!"

"Hey renge!" Me and haruhi said

"Now come here and wait for my cue." She said.

"Hey! How would you like to be pushed around you don't even know me!!!" The guy said


"RENGE!!" I yelled

Haruhi blocked the impact with her body.

"Haruhi are you alright?!!" Renge asked.

"You can't do that renge if your judging people by the way they look your stereotyping them and you'll never see the person inside." Haruhi said.

"I don't get what you mean." she said.

"Haruhi!!" Tamaki said

He saw haruhi cry.

*It's on face*

He took the guy and smashed him against the wall. "Now which one of you started this?" He asked.

"Wait suoh we didn't do it that girl was giving us a hard time!!" His brother said.

"He's right senpai they were provoked." Haruhi said.

"Haruhi are you in any pain." He said.

"Yea it's my contacts." She stated. 

"Your... contact?"

"Hehehe I see you can cry without using eye drops I guess you're a full fledge host now." He said.

"That... that tell me you got that camera man!!!" Renge said.

"Yes boss!!"

"Other than haruhi contact falling that was an ideal final scene now all it needs is a movie narration by my sweet kyoya-"


Kyoya broke the camera lens with a rock.

*Gasp* "What did you do to my camera!"

"I'm sorry but I cannot allow to be any evidence of a club member engaging in violence I believe you've caused enough trouble renge please stop being such a pest." He said.

"A... pest."

"But you're suppose to pat me on the head and tell me not to worry you're suppose to be kind and affectionate kyoya... tell me why why are you acting so differently now!!" She yelled.

"Because that's not the real Kyoya." Tamaki said.


Renge kneeled and started crying

"So what if kyoya not how you expected him to be get to know other people little by little is more fun that way." Haruhi said.

The next day...

"I bought that film you made Tamaki."

"I love that scene in the rain."

"I want to see honey act like a thug again."

"And the relationship between hikaru and kaoru was so touching."

"And koyuki's scene in the rain with the captain was just so romantic." The girls said.

"Kyoya!!" Tamaki said.

"What I only broke the lens but the film already shot wasn't damaged but I did cut that one violent scene business has been great so far that film crew did a fantastic job." He said.

The door opened to reveal Tomoya."Yuki we're leaving."

"Omg is that tomoya he looks more hot in person." The girl whispered.

"Okay goodbye guys." I said as I took his hand and left.

What yuki didn't see was that tomoya sent a smirk at kyoya which made kyoya boil in anger
Kyoya POV

'That bastard he kissed her stupid renge why did she put them together
I have to get closer to yuki I can't let her be stolen from me especially him.'
Tomoya POV

'Heheh guess I got you mad ootori? Yuki is mine and nobody else's'

"Tomoya?" Yuki asked.

"Yes what is it?" I said as we walked through the front gates.

"Why did you come early?" She asked.

"Didn't I tell you your fathers coming home and wants to see you over dinner." I said

"Fathers back?" She said.

"Yep." I said.

"What about Hanna is she going to be there?" She asked irritated.

"Unfortunately yes." I sighed

She sighed. "Great..."

Koyuki's POV

'That's perfect fathers coming home but Hanna is going to be their why does she have to be such a prick and ruin everything.'

"We're here." Tomoya said he said as he got down from the car.

"Breath in breath out." I said to myself.

I opened the door and saw my father and sisters and Hanna.

"Father you're back from your trip in the Bahamas!!" I said cheerfully.

"Hanna you're back from_"

"Paris." She said.

"Paris of course it slipped my mind." I shrugged.

"Lets eat!" Father said.

You were at the dining room eating the meal that the chef made.


"Yes father?" I said

"I heard your in a host club at school." He said.

"Yes I am it was as an apology from suoh." I explained.

"Suoh as in tamaki suoh?" He asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Have you made any friends Yuki?" Hanna asked.

"It's koyuki." I corrected

She frowned.

"And yes I have lets see there's  tamaki suoh mitsukuni honinosuka and takashi morinosuka the hitachiin twins the honor student haruhi Fujioka and kyoya ootori." I said

"Ootori?" Father mentioned.

"I'm friends with his father we recently met in Tokyo he a great person I will arrange one day for them to come visit us." He said.

"Hey Yuki." The twins said

"Yes girls."

"When is your photo shoot at the hitachiin mansion?" They asked.

"Tomorrow." I said

"Photo shoot that's amazing!! maybe I can show some poses that will kill the photographer." Hanna offered.

"No thanks I'm fine." I rejected.

"Tomoya how are your parents?" Father asked.

"They're doing well they've just return from their trip to London recently." He said.

"Good I wish to see my sister as soon as possible." Father said.

After dinner was done father called me to his office...

"Yes father what is it that you want?" I said.

"Yuki we need to discuss an important matter." He said.

"And that might be?" I said.

"Marriage." He said.

"Marriage!!!?" I said.

"What would make you think such a thing?!" I said.

"On my previous trip to Tokyo I met kyoya father like I said and we discussed business issues an we decided it would be best if the company prospered through marriage." He said.

"So that means using your own daughter to your advantage." I said angrily.

"Of course both of you are very independent and the same age so why not?" He said.

"Mother wouldn't have wanted this." I said.

"What?" He said looking at you.

"I said she wouldn't have wanted this!!" I yelled.

"Don't you raise your voice at me Yuki!" He yelled.

"Raise my voice just like you used to when you didn't agree with her?!!!" I yelled.

"I'm warning you Yuki." He said.

"Remember that it was your fault what happened that day it was your business issues that caused it!!" I yelled.

"If you wouldn't have borrowed from them they wouldn't have burned the mansion if you wouldn't have angered them they wouldn't have killed my mother your WIFE and my brother your SON!!!" I yelled.

"Yuki!!" He yelled.


He slapped you he never hit you in your entire life.

"So... that's how it's gonna be is it?" I said.


"Remember this father that I'm the one who will succeed the miyame one day and I will not allow the tragedy that you caused happen again for I'm the who saved the company didn't I?" I said.

I walked out.

Walking through the hall I bumbed into Hanna.

"Oh my god what happened to your face yuki!?"

"Like you care." I said

"I do care I'm your mother." she said.

"Correction step mother you're not my real mother and you will never be my mother." I said walking away.

"Stay out of my business." I said.


I locked the door to my room and looked out my window and gazed at the stars until I decided to go to bed.

As I laid on my bed I thought 'everyone at the host club is going to give me hell for this bruise anyway I'll cover it up with makeup it's easier.'

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