
By Potchans

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Noticing Jian Yi might have a chance, He Tian decides to help him with his unrequited love. Everything starts... More

Author's Note
Chapter 01 - After Dinner
Chapter 02 - After You
Chapter 03 - After Mutuality
Chapter 04 - After Shock
Chapter 05 - After Solitude
Chapter 06 - After Torture
Chapter 08 - After Deal
Chapter 09 - After Time
Chapter 10 - After Nabe
Chapter 11 - After Drunkenness
Chapter 12 - After Recovery
Chapter 13 - After Awareness
Chapter 14 - After Noticing
Chapter 15 - After Threat
Chapter 16 - After Betrayal
Chapter 17 - After Trauma
Chapter 18 - After Trust
Chapter 19 - After Freedom
Chapter 20 - After Woe
Epilogue - After Ending
Extra - After Lies

Chapter 07 - After (the) Truth

558 22 39
By Potchans

"First." He Tian wavered. "I should tell you about my family."

"Go on."

"Metaphorically, Jian Yi's family can be considered the King, while my family can be considered the Queen."

"So, you are also from the Mafia?"

"That's the point, Redhead. My family is, I am not."


"When Jian Yi was only a baby, his mother took him away from the business. She did the same with me, in some sort of way. She knew the He family had more than one heir, and me being the same age as her son only worked perfectly for her."

"What do you mean?"

"She snatched me. Not completely, nor forcefully. I still had contact with my family, especially my brother, but I didn't work for Mr. Jian, like them."

"And why did she take you?"

"Mrs. Jian needed someone to protect Jian Yi. I was always watching him from the shadows, since I can remember." He took a deep breath. "As I got older, my orders were getting different. On the first day of the third year, his mother told me to become his friend."

"He still doesn't know?"

"That I'm his bodyguard? He doesn't have a clue. But even though everything started because I had to, I don't hate Jian Yi, nor blame him because of the life I had to live. It isn't his fault."

"And what about this apartment? You said it was your uncle's."

"Right, I lied. Actually this apartment is Jian Yi's. He doesn't know either. His mother lent it to me and pay for my expenses. She also gives money sporadically. I used it to buy take outs, or order food, but now I use it to give you a payment and buy groceries."

"Do you have anything else to tell me?"

"I'm not trying to justify, you know, but I am this way because of my job. When Mrs. Jian heard about the time you attacked him, she asked me to kill you."

"What?" Redhead was stunned.

"That was the first time I disobeyed her. I told her I couldn't kill you, because you were not like me. The way you looked to Zhan Zheng Xi when he dropped unconscious, anyone would've forgiven you. You didn't know something like that would happen, and you were as afraid as Jian Yi."

"You had to kill me..."

"I told Mrs. Jian I would play with you. That's why I made you a scared cat. But then that happened. I wasn't planning to use it to mess with you; it was something in the spur of the moment. If I knew you'd react like that, I wouldn't have done it."

"You regret it?"

"The part of being forcefully, I do. The part of doing it, I don't."

"You are really blunt."

"You were the one who asked me to tell you everything, so I am telling. There is anything else you want to ask?"

Redhead thought for a moment, and then said: "You really want me to work for you again?"

"Yes, I do."

"Fine, I'll come back. What do you want me to do?"

"Mostly cook. But if you want, you can clean, do laundry, take out the trash, those kinds of things."

"The full maid service, you say?"

"Yeah, you can call it this."

"When do you want me to come?"

"To cook, every day. To do the other things, you pick."

"I'll do the other stuff when I don't have cleaning duty on school, what do you say?"

"It should work." He Tian mumbled, while going through his pockets. He grabbed something and gave it to Guan Shan. "Sometimes I won't be here, so here's a key, you'll need it."

"Okay." He grabbed the key and shoved it on his pocket. "I'm going home now." And then he stood up, going to the door. He unlocked it with his own key and opened it, when he heard a voice calling him.

"It's already late and your mom knows you're alright. Spend the night."

"I'm going home, He Tian."

"It's dangerous."

"If I get hurt, I'll send you the hospital bill." And then he left the apartment.

He Tian stared blankly at the already closed door. He shook his head and grinned, mumbling to himself.

"You say you won't trust me if I don't tell you everything, but you also haven't told me anything about you, Don't Close Mountain."


"I'm home." Redhead said upon opening the door.

"Thank God you are here." His mother ran to him. "What happened to your nose?"

"A guy punched me, it broke. The medical expenses are already paid, you don't need to worry."

"And the other boy, you only said you were fine on the phone."

"Zhan Zheng Xi was a mess. They tortured him."

"And Jian Yi? He Tian said he was the one in trouble."

"He lied, we all were. He Tian only said that to appease you, so you would comply with us. To be honest with you, ma, you're only seeing me right here, standing and alive, because we got lucky."


"He Tian's brother works for the guy that took Zhan Zheng Xi. He betrayed his boss."

"In order to help you?"

"I don't know, no one does. I don't think so, though, he was the one who tortured Zhan Zheng Xi."

"Why did you take so long to come back home?"

"We went to the hospital first, and then we grabbed a bite at a ramen restaurant. He Tian insisted on not letting me go, so I told him that it would be easier for me to trust him if he told me his secrets."

"And he did?"

"I'm going back to work for him tomorrow, what do you think?"

"What did he tell you?"

"It's not my secret, so I won't tell you, ma. But any sane person wouldn't get near him after the things I've heard."

"And why are you coming back there?"

"I already said I needed the money, didn't I? And that's some really easy money. I only do his house chores."

"Your life is not in danger?"

"As long as I don't open my mouth, probably." Guan Shan sighed. "Now I'm going to take a shower and head to sleep. Good night, ma."

"Good night, son." She said. "Wait, Guan Shan!"

"Yes, ma?" He turned around to face his mother that came to him and hugged him.

"You are alive." Redhead's mother mumbled crying. "Promise me you won't do these sort of things again, Mo Guan Shan. Unless you want to kill me out of concern. I couldn't even focus on my job properly, thinking about the horrible things that could be happening to you."

"I'm sorry, ma. I promise. Pinky promise." He said, showing her his pinky finger.

"Thank you." She answered locking the two fingers together and letting the boy go do whatever he said he'd do.


That Thursday morning was colder than the previous ones. Jian Yi's body was still stiff; he had slept two days in a row on weird places. He waved to Zhan Zheng Xi, telling him he would come back after the classes, and that he would do his best to copy the assignments.

Jian Yi knew it was quite early, so he headed home first, willing to take a shower. Soon he was under the hot water, feeling his body relax. The blond couldn't believe on the previous day events, he was still thinking his mind was playing tricks on him, and that nothing that happened was real. But it was.

He dried himself and put on a clean uniform, gathering his things to finally leave his place, going to the school. Soon he was crossing the school gates, being welcomed by 'dumb and dumber', as he started to call them. He smiled to He Tian, thinking how it was amazing that Redhead was hanging out with him.

"The bell will ring in a couple of minutes, I'm going to class. I told Zhan Xixi I would copy everything from the board for him."

"Jian Yi, before you go."


"You forgot about what I've told you?"

"What do you mean, He Tian?"

"You are doing your thing again; don't you want this to work out?"

"It's ok, fucktard, I don't need to do that anymore." Jian Yi chuckled and left a confused black haired.

"What's going on?" Redhead asked, an inquisitor look on his eyes.

"Jian Yi asked me for advice. He didn't need it, though."

"Eh?" Guan Shan realized. "You think they're dating?"

"How do you know what kind of advice he asked for?"

"I was right behind the couch when you said I couldn't be near, or it would spoil everything. I'm not smart, but I'm also not retarded."


Jian Yi sat on his chair and waited for the homeroom teacher to get there. A few seconds after the bell rang, the teacher entered the room and started to fill in the absences. He looked over to Jian Yi's desk, noticing the one in front of him was vacant once more.

"Zhan didn't come today as well?"

"Zhan Zheng Xi is in the hospital." Jian Yi said, causing the other students to start a little tumult. "He got ran over by a car." He lied.

The classes seemed way more boring than normal, since the blond didn't have his best friend to bother when he was bored. As soon as the lunch time began, Jian Yi stretched his muscles on his chair and prepared to get up. Until a black haired girl stormed inside the classroom and grabbed him by the collar, shaking him brutally.

"Tell me the truth, you fucking fag!" Xiao Hui asked emanating a threatening aura. "A lot of people heard you screaming things like What did he do to them yesterday. WHO ARE THEM?"

"None of your slutty business."

"Ha?" She said. "Do you want to die?"

"I'm ok alive, thanks." Jian Yi grabbed the girl's hands and squeezed them, making her let go of his collar. "Zhan Xixi is ok, this is what really matters."

"But I bet he is in the hospital because of you. Just like the last time." She grinned.

Jian Yi clenched his fist and punched his desk, causing the girl to jump on surprise. He took advantage of her reaction and left the classroom, heading to the rooftop. There he found He Tian and Redhead, sitting side by side and eating their lunches.

"You look terrible, Jian Yi." He Tian said.

"That Xiao Hui girl, she's so annoying. I bet she'll go to the hospital, pay Zhan Xixi a visit and tell him how she thinks I'm the utmost culprit."

"But he won't care, will he?"

"Nope. But she has a sharp tongue. I know that every time Zhan Xixi went to the hospital, it was my fault. I don't need people shoving it on my face."

"I thought you'd tell Zhan Zheng Xi to stay away from you." Redhead, that was busy eating, said.

"How did you know that?"

"You were mumbling things while you slept, back home, two days ago. You mumbled something like Zhan Xixi is in danger near me, I need to keep him away, or something like that."

"Well, makes no sense trying to hide it, then. It was my plan, to tell Zhan Xixi yesterday that I didn't want him to be my friend anymore."

"What made you change your mind?" He Tian asked.

"Zhan Xixi himself. He said it was impossible for him to not be near me."

"That sounds like a confession to me."

"Agreed." Redhead said.

"Ah." Jian Yi sighed. "That's because it was a confession."


When Redhead was about to leave his classroom, He Tian appeared at the door, blocking the passage. He slapped the taller guy's arm lightly and looked at him, pointing to the stairs with his chin. He hadn't forgotten that he needed to cook for He Tian this day, and the next, and all the other ones. Both walked side by side, without saying a single word.

"You won't ask me what I want for dinner?" He Tian asked as they entered the loft together.

"Nope. I already know what I'm going to make." Guan Shan smirked, throwing a smashed paper ball on the black haired boy's head.

"What's that?" He asked, opening the paper and reading its content. "You still have this, that's quite sweet."

"Shut up!"

"So, beef stew it is?"


"And this time you won't fuck everything up?"

"Yes, sir. I'll make sure the lid is tightly sealed." He huffed. "I'm not the type of person that repeats the same mistakes."

"How much time until it is ready?"

"A lot, you can go do whatever you want. I'll call you when it's ready."

Guan Shan started gathering all the ingredients he needed for the beef stew, getting surprised on how He Tian hadn't even touched the cupboards when he was gone. Everything was in the exact same place. He chopped the vegetable and the meat neatly.

He stretched his back and put the lid on the pan, heading to the bathroom. He took the dirty laundry basket and went to the washing machine, deciding what was going to be washed first. After sorting the dirty laundry and putting the first ones inside the washing machine, he started looking for a vacuum cleaner.

"He Tian!" He shouted.

"Dinner's ready?"

"No, I forgot where you keep the vacuum cleaner."

"I don't have one. Do you think there is time for a shower?"


Redhead sighed deeply. It would take a lot of time to clean that place without a vacuum cleaner. He took a large piece of fabric and a bucket, which he filled with water. He searched on the cabinets for cleaning products, but he found none, deciding to clean it with water only.

One hour on cleaning the apartment floor and he decided to take a look on the beef. He added the rest of the ingredients, stirring it to blend the broth. He closed the pan once more and came back to his cleaning duty. When he was cleaning the floor near the bed, He Tian left the bathroom.

"Took you hell long to finish this bath, huh."

"I was jerking off."

"Too much information."

He Tian wasn't lying, though. Seeing the Redhead wearing an apron and making him food turned him on beyond belief. The black haired went to couch and sat there, flipping through a magazine. He leaned his feet on the little table in front of him, taking turns on the magazine and watching Redhead work.

"Why are you always frowning?"

"What?" Redhead stood up, staring at He Tian.

"Your eyebrows. You're always carrying a frown. That's why people usually dislike you."

"Do I look like I care?"

"Redhead, it's not because I'm treating you better that it means you can talk to me like this. I'm still your boss."

"My boss my ass. You were the one begging for me to come back."

"Tch." He puffed. "Then pretend you like me."

"I don't want to."

"Dinner's ready?"


"When will dinner be ready?"

"When I tell you that dinner is ready."

"Dinner's ready?"

"For fucks sake, He Tian. Shut up and let me do my damn job."


It was already night, but Xiao Hui was still at school. She was standing at the rooftop's guardrail, slightly leaning on it, waiting for a person. By the time she was almost giving up, the door opened, and she turned around. A tall, handsome, full of bruises, white haired boy passed through it. He walked to her and grabbed her hand, smiling mischievously at her.

"What with the smile?"

"I've never thought one of the most beautiful girls in the school would dirty her hands because of a boy."

"I just want you to get the damn blond, so I can finally have Zhan Zheng Xi for myself. But I need to know the kind of interest you have."

"You are known as the 'homophobic', did you know that? Why would I say exactly what I want to do with Jian Yi, especially because he's the main reason He Tian fucked me up, if you will judge me?"

"Why would I judge the person who is making my plan works? You want to screw him, don't you?"

"Yes. His skin is way softer than yours. Maybe that's the reason Zhan Zheng Xi prefers him over you." He teased.

"Go fuck yourself!"

"But we will have to wait."


"We will need help, and the person who's willing to help told me to wait. I can't disobey this order, he's a big fish, you know?"

"How long?"

"Maybe a month."

"A whole month? That's too long!"

"Don't help, then. But I'll need to cut that sour tongue of yours, because I can't have you spilling the beans to everyone."


"Will you wait the whole month, pretty girl?"

"I will, m'fucker."


A/N: Donwhill, downhill, downhill. Things are totally going downhill from now on˜

I hope you guys liked the chapter!

Pop's out!

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