Professor Layton: Love In All...

Galing kay EffervescentElixir

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The sequel and final part of the Love In Memories two-parter. The heroes escape from the thrilling finale in... Higit pa

Professor Layton: Love In All Adversities
1. Prologue
2. The Fallen Castle; Memories Of A Time Gone By
3. The Feelings Will Always Be Close
4. Making Connections
5. The Diabolical Plan
6. The Dream Net
7. A New Age
8. Revelations: Time To Fly
9. The Dead World
10. A Warm Reunion
11. The Race For Claire
12. London Streets Remapped
13. The Illusion of Free Will
14. This Is Our Cycle
15. Changing Tides
16. Betrayed Senses
17. Only Perceptions
18. A World In Turmoil
19. I Knew You Would Come
20. Endless Love
21. Deceived Minds
22. Stranded And Trapped
24. Everything Is In Order
25. The Seeds Of Corruption
26. Before the Storm
27. Looks Can Be Deceiving
28. Love In All Adversities
29. This Isn't Over
30. Forgive Me
31. Love In Memories
32. Epilogue
Author's Notes
A Delicate Lie

23. Shared Sentiment

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Galing kay EffervescentElixir

There was a clear sense of unease with half the members of the cabin. As the moon's light dribbled through into the brightly lit cabin, Sophia sighed and turned to gaze into the night sky, which was once black, but now the dazzling purple haze.

"Why did you do it, Anton?'

"You mean... take on the role of a vampire?"

"Well, what do you think I mean?!" She had snapped at him, and only realised how violent she had become when it was too late. "I'm sorry... It's been a hard night... To learn that I am merely an illusion... I still have the thoughts and feelings that a normal person should do, but it is all wrong!"

"It's not wrong, my love." Anton cooed, stroking her hand, "This is a miracle, a second chance. Illusion or not, you are still my Sophia!"

"Thank you..."

"Wait a second!" The Inspector stated, raising her hand to gather their attention. Confusion dappled her face like a mask. "So Anton had put on this facade, that much I know from reading the records, but I want to know why."

"Well, you see..." He placed his finger in the diary page to keep it there and then he addressed the Inspector. "Bitter feelings grew in me when Sophia left. Then soon after, my father died. It was a terrible time in my life and I would spend long days in my room, locked away from the world, dreaming of how I could seek revenge against the world... I was harbouring a hatred for this betrayal. The betrayal I thought Sophia suffered upon me, and the betrayal of the world to take my father. I finally was able to perform these feelings of hatred and desperation as I learned that thieves were stealing gold from our mines. I played the part of the monster to scare them away. If they came too close, I locked them in the cellars for a night to truly frighten them. Then I would let them go so they would spread the rumour."

"That was... tragic..." The Inspector muttered. "But then, how did you find you way again?"

"Well," He smiled, gesturing towards Hershel and Katia. "It was no small effort from these two. I found the light again, and I learned that Sophia hadn't betrayed me. She had done what was best for our child."

Sophia smiled warmly at Anton and as they held each other tightly, all was calm in the Deluxe car.

A bump in the tracks caused them all to start and Anton looked out the window to see the path ahead.

"I better continue with the story then."

 Entry 3

Dinner was grand! I must admit that is was very strange and discomforting as Anton stared at me with those cold eyes and sipped at his wine as if it were some delicacy.

I write this now from my room. It is a most extravagant room and I could only dream to ever own a bedroom of this size in my life. From the ornate furniture to the gold laced curtains, everything demands attention.

I find my eyes growing more restless, and yet I can't help but admire the painting I see before me. It is of a couple dancing in a ball, except the man looks awfully like Anton. It seems strange that it could be him because this scene looks decades old and this man is barely a day over thirty!

And the woman... She has her obvious differences, but there are the striking similarities. The curve of the lips. the warm smile they lent, and the caring eyes.

'Claire." I found myself saying aloud. I was deeply moved. 'You are my sunshine, my happiness in this world...'

I worry, of course, about the pilot. I barely knew the man. We exchanged greetings, but in my wallowing state I rarely found myself able to focus on anything in particular.

It is late now and I really should rest. There is a growing sense of despair and uncertainty in the air, but I shall not let that spoil the mood.

Perhaps one more look at the painting...

Entry 4

I was most perturbed...

I was studying the painting in great detail. The woman in particular kept on drawing my interest, the little details that reminded me so much of Claire. Everything about her gave my heart a sense of longing, and it was as I conveyed my feelings aloud once more, that I could feel another presence close by.

I turned quickly to face the open door and I swore for a second that I saw a shape dash by. I ran to the door and looked both ways out into the corridor, but there was nothing there to be seen. 

Dismissing it as a result of my restless mind, I closed the door and went back to update this diary lest anything sinister happen to me. I would like a record kept in case they wonder what happens to me.

Not that I think that the vampire rumours are true, but there is certainly something odd about this place...

As Anton drew to a dramatic close, Hershel shook his head grimly.

"I recall this next part very well..."

"How so?" Martin inquired, scratching his left ear and then pinching himself to keep awake.

"You see, when Luke and I stayed at the castle, we also witnesses this painting and went to sleep. What happened next is all too familiar to me, however, I suspect Oliver will have endured a much different outcome to us."

"And most right you are!" Anton laughed. "What happened next was rare for me, but I found a strange feeling overcome me. This man was different. He piqued my curiosity, and I was glad for that."

Clearing his throat and opening the diary once more, Anton continued. Everyone sat on the edge of their seats to find out what happened next.

It seems Oliver has a knack for suspenseful storytelling, Anton thought with a smile.

Entry 5

I had the most extraordinary dream! I was inside the ballroom of that painting!

People danced in most merriment, and when my eyes caught that pair that took centre place, I was overcome with a great feeling of sentiment and also certainty. That man was undoubtedly Anton!

The feeling of sentiment came from seeing that beautiful woman dance. So elegant and... Dreamlike. Seeing her in person was like seeing Claire dance. Well, when Claire and I would dance. It was a special time in my life, one I would never dare to forget and seeing this now...

The dream seemed like it was about to go on. All the people seemed to be drawing to a close for a reason. I tried to wrap my head around why they would do this when my eyes snapped open and i was staring at the same roof I observed before nodding off.

The dream had seemed to end abruptly as if stolen from my mind by an unknown force. As if I didn't have the right to see what happened next.

It is a strange thing to say, after all, there is no higher force pulling me from my dreams, yet it certainly felt as if that were the case...

I smell the luxurious aroma of bacon and eggs and I know that breakfast will be ready soon. I was in awe of Nigel's cooking last night, and I was sure what awaited me below was just as amazing.

Entry 6

I shall describe the course of that most mind-bending day in great detail. After all, it deserves such with the strange elements I encountered at each stage.

Upon making myself look presentable, my reddish-brown hair now presentable and not tangled and riddled with leaves, I made my way down the grand staircase - and grand it was - and found my way into the dining room.

Nigel was placing a small plate of croissants in the middle of the table. already riddled with enough food to feed a dinner party!

Bacon, eggs, toast, pain au chocolat, fruit, orange juice and more littered the table and I first thought that it was far too much when I felt my stomach growl ferociously and I realised that the whole ordeal had taken a lot out of me.

Anton greeted me warmly, while Nigel merely brushed past me and through some doors to fetch more food, I assumed.

'Please,' Anton grinned warmly. 'Dig in. I am sure you will need to gain your strength.'

'Yes, I laughed, grabbing two pieces of toast and generously lacing them with butter. 'Being in such a situation does do a lot for the stomach.'

I was halfway through my second croissant when Anton sighed and placed his cup of wine down. He had been sipping from it occasionally, but once more he was treating it as if it was a delicacy and a drink that should be consumed with great care.

'I am afraid that your friend did not make it.' He said bluntly.

I had just taken a bite of my croissant when I instantly froze and took out the pastry delight slowly and placed it back on my plate. Suddenly, I wasn't feeling so hungry anymore.


'I realise that this isn't the topic to bring up over breakfast, but I simply couldn't allow the news to be kept from you any longer. You had a right to know.'

'Thank you...' I murmured in reply. I just couldn't quite believe it.

'I am deeply sorry for what happened.' I assumed he was just saying that but he did genuinely look upset. 'Nigel tried his best, but we were too late. Who knows how long you were unconscious for? The man lost a lot of blood and we simply didn't have enough of that to provide him with what he needed.'

'You're a vampire!' I roared suddenly, bashing the table with my fist. 'You must have plenty of blood!'

He looked taken aback and I realised instantly what I said.

'I am sorry... It's just that this has affected me more than I realise... I don't even know where that came from...'

"Were... Were you two good friends?'

'No... No... We barely knew each other... But the saddest part, the part that caused me to snap...' I gulped heavily and turned to face the man with almost misty eyes. 'I don't even remember the man's name!'

"That's horrible!" Flora gasped, placing her hands over her mouth.

"It was tragic," Anton agreed, looking up from the book at the shocked girl. "but once I read his diary all these years later, and as you know now, he was deeply troubled and barely paid attention to anything on the flight over."

"I suppose..." She sighed. "I really feel sorry for him. I never knew there was this whole side to him..."

"Do you think people are born evil? That they might not have once been good?"

"No, I don't mean that. I mean-"

"Hush, little one. I understand what you are trying to say. It seems almost impossible to see Oliver as having a once calm and logical inclination. Yet, he was such a hopeless wreck when I first met him, and as we got to know each other, I thought of him as a true friend. Anyway, you'll see all that soon enough..."

'Most despairing...' Anton muttered, staring deeply into his wine glass as if waiting for something to happen.

'I think it's best I leave now... I have no further need to be here and I can't eat anymore, so...'

'I see.' He looked at me with the most curious of eyes. There seemed to be a half mix of interest and sadness. As if he was judging me and felt sorry for what he saw. But who wouldn't?

I had barely risen from the table before he raised his hand to gesture for me to hold still and then he stood up very coolly.

'Allow me to escort you to the door. It's the least I can do. Besides, I must give you directions into town so you can find a way home. As for your nameless pilot, I shall have Nigel take him to the police first thing. It's best if you go home and rest with your daughter.'

I turned to him quickly, my feelings of dread now mixed with a slight sensation of disbelief.

'How do you know I have a daughter?!'

'...You mentioned it before. You said that she-'

'No I never did mention it! While it is true that she provided the tickets, I only told you that I was on a little holiday, nothing more.'


'Tell me how you know!' I demanded intensely. I couldn't leave until I knew.

'Oh...' He sighed and then showed the first true feelings apart from serenity and intrigue. He seemed as if he was speaking truly for the first time since I'd met him. 'I overheard you last night. I was watching you from the doorway...'

'I knew there was someone!'

'Yes, well, I normally do not tell anyone, but once you go into town, the rumours will go flying and I don't want you to come out of the castle in the state you're in... You see, you're different!'

That really surprised me. I couldn't possibly understand the gravity of what he was saying. I barely knew this man or this town, and yet I could tell that what he was saying meant something big.

'How so?'

'You have intrigued me more than I care to admit. More than anyone has. You see, the rumours about me being a vampire are false!'

'Yes, I know.' I responded dryly.

'Master!' Nigel protested, coming in from the doorway. Obviously I was the first person to hear these words.

'Hush, Nigel!' He stated, waving the startled butler away. 'I only tell this man because I know I can trust him. Oliver here... he doesn't deserve what would have happened...'

'Can you please tell me what is going on?!' I said in angry confusion. This was hurting my head more than the news of the pilot's demise.

'Yes..." He breathed, turning to face me again. 'I created the illusion that I was a vampire. To scare people away from my castle. And from our mines. I was going to do the same with you, however, I became very curious last night when I saw you studying that picture of me and Sophia, my love. You spoke aloud that she reminded you of your daughter. I knew then that you must have had a special daughter. Just like I knew I had a special love...'

Anton stopped abruptly as he felt Sophia stroking his hand once more.

"Oh, Anton. Sometimes I forget that you loved me so dearly all those years. You felt betrayed, but you still loved me."

"Of course!" He beamed back. 'I could never stop loving you.'

As the two begin to kiss, Flora caught the Professor in the side of her eye. She looked closely and saw a sadness in him. He wasn't crying, but he was definitely feeling some sort of feeling of pain.

'What's wrong, Professor?" She murmured to him so no one else would hear.

He regarded her with a smile and then held her hand.

"Oh no, nothing is wrong, Flora. It was just hearing talk of Claire and how she was special. I always knew that from the moment I met her..."

As the others laughed in joy at Anton and Sophia's love, and the Professor's feelings of love over Claire, the Inspector glanced wearily out the window to the night sky with its mysterious shade of purple, and she sighed.

"Hopefully one day I will feel this kind of love."

She felt a warm hand rest upon hers and she looked around to see the Professor smiling at her.

"I am sure you will. And whoever that special person is, they will be safe in the knowledge that they have someone as extraordinary as you!"

The Inspector felt a small tear falling from her eye and she only realised then that she was smiling like an idiot.

'Thank you." She muttered, wiping the tear away.

All eyes turned back to Anton as a hushed silence descended upon them. It was time to find out what happened next!

'You found pity of me because of this?'

'No, I found pity when I heard of your friend's passing. I hadn't the heart to tell you at first, but then I was really wondering how I was feeling much these days apart from a sense of power. Imagine that, a vampire who doesn't have the heart to tell you! How ironic!'

He smiled at me as he reflected on his little joke and I half smiled back.

'That had made up my mind completely,' He continued. 'but when I heard you say that last night, I knew that you were someone not like the others. That you would know what it is like to have this intense love and yet feel sorrow because you can't be with that person no matter how hard you try. The only difference between you and I is that you can come home to your love, whereas I do not know where mine is...'

'That is horrible to hear.' I breathed. This man was opening up to me, revealing secrets I shouldn't be privy to hear and yet I was.

I could have told him all about the distance between Claire and I, and yet this wasn't about dumping our personal problems on each other. I decided to just smile and let him know that it was time for me to leave.

'Wait!' he cried as I made my way out the door. I stopped and turned back to him.


'Before you go, can you please enlighten me as to how you knew I wasn't a vampire? All the signs were there! The menacing demeanour, drinking what appears to be blood! So how did you know?'

I turned and headed out the door further before stopping and I looked back at him, giving him a sly wink.

'Vampires don't eat garlic.'

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