By theMadMarsz

131K 4.1K 1.2K

Kimani, 16 going onto 17, has straight A's and is going onto College to face her A-levels, she has her two be... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Character List #1
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Character List #2
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 10.

2.9K 117 20
By theMadMarsz

Reader Discretion : I'm gonna start using 'real' swear words no 'fvc'k instead of 'fuck'. You all know what I mean anyways.


Monday, 1:30pm, School Canteen.
Christian's P.O.V

"Naah, if you saw the way she was grinding on me, she wanted this big black Ghana man." We all stopped and burst out laughing at our friend Kofi. Pause. Why is everyone in Ghana named Kofi, Kojo or Kwame, don't fight me on it just accept it, its true. Play. This boy was an actual joke, like he was the comedian of us all, no time was the wrong time for Kofi to buss a joke around us. It was a blessing AND a curse, sometimes he would buss some inappropriate jokes around us. "You man can laugh but I got her number sooo..." Kofi said waving his phone in our faces.

"Everyone got a whine though, what makes this ONE girl special my g?" Tristian asked mid laugh, we all slowed our laughter as we turned to Kofi.




He's gonna say some stupid shit.


"I felt a spark in my pelvis and then it ran down to my dick." Kofi said straight faced. We all started dying in laughter. I began to cry with laughter as the tears ran down my face. This nigga really just said he felt a spark in his pelvis. A spark bro, not even the normal 'man got hard' he said he felt a spark.

"Naah that must be a Ghanaian ting yah know!" Kevelle said catching his breathe.

"Ask your dad he felt the same thing with your mom." He said causing Kevelle to stop laughing, "Oh yeaah, you don't know him." Kofi said continuing his joke. We all continued to laugh whilst Kevelle chuckled menacingly.

"Say nothing, remember you said that init." Kevelle said nodding casually at Kofi.

We continued to buss jokes for most of lunch. I sat there and zoned out as I saw Kimani walk into the canteen with Brianna and Shemika. Kimani had on a white t-shirt with them green trousers that girls like to wear all the time which hugged her body nicely. You could see the bum in all its glory. (Christian's dumbass is talking about the 'cargo pocket jeans' from bershka) I just wanted to grab her bum, it was soo juicy and on Saturday it was just jiggling around in her dress and I didn't even know she had hips like that. I got up and walked towards her and her friends.

Palms sweaty, moms spaghetti head ass. I composed myself as I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and smiled as she jumped slightly and cracked a cheesy smile once she saw it was me. "You guys good yeah?" I asked playing it smoothly, I didn't want to bring TOO much attention to Kimani, I didn't want it to be obvious.

"Yeah." They all replied in unison, Shemika began to smirk as she watched Kimani and I. Once she caught my eyes she nodded and winked sarcastically whilst Kimani chose what sandwich she wanted. I shook my head in reply and we both began to laugh lowly. Shemika was one of those friends who always bussed bants with everyone about everything, she was pretty, all the girls Kimani hung out with were pretty but Kimani stood out to me. I don't know why but she just did.

Her skin was clear and smooth, she exerted the sweetest smells, perfect personality, cheesy jokes, intelligent and all around perfect. I honestly don't know if its lust or some sort of emotions I'm catching for Kimani but I've only known her for about a week or two now and love at first sight, that's a fools game but in love we're all fools I guess ...

"HELLOOOOO." Shemika said waving her hands in my face, I shook my head as I returned to planet earth.

"Yooo, what happened?" I replied as she laughed at me. I looked around and saw I was now standing alone. This always happens, I get lost in my thoughts sometimes I enter my own universe, my own reality so much that I forget what it is I'm supposed to be doing or saying. I quietly laughed to myself as I caught up with them. "Are any of you guys finished yet?" I asked. I had finished my lessons for the day but stayed for lunch.

"I am." Brianna said smiling softly at me. She was the Asian friend they had. She looked like some girl on Instagram called Mayleen, apparently she wasn't fully from Asia but had other roots but no offence I didn't really care.

"Calm, are you catching the bus 30?" I asked wondering if we could go home together.

"Yeah, I'm taking it basically to the last stop." She said after swallowing her bite that she had just taken. "Why, you wanna come home with me init." She said smiling. I nodded and replied with a yes, "Calm, tell me when you wanna leave init."

"Calm, say nothing." I said as I dapped them all up and walked back to the bros.


Brianna and I sat on the bus and listened to our separate music. It wasn't one of them awkward bus journeys, we had already talked a bit and now we had nothing to talk about. Some times people don't know when to just drop a convo and continue in silence or quiet, bloody chatty patties. AYE DON'T TELL ANYONE I SAID CHATTY PATTY!

As 'Migos - T-shirt' was ending Brianna nudged me whilst she took out her earphones. Uhhm. I thought the convo was done .. ..

"Christian, can I ask you a quick question real quick?" She enquired looking at me. My mind went into a frenzy as all the wrong I've done started running through my head. The time I watched p0rn on the house computer, the time I stole chicken from the pot, the time the police took my dad away because I defended my mom, the time I lied about being busy instead of going out.

"Do you like Kimani?"

Do I Like Kimani?

"Yeah, I do, she's my friend, I don't hang out with enemies." I replied smartly, I didn't know what kind of like she was trying accentuate but I wasn't gonna fall into this trap, nope. Once my reply had sunk into her mind, she gave me the 'really nigga look' and shook her head.

"We all know you like her and you guys would be cute together." She continued. ARGHH. This is what I meant, leave the silence as silence, all girls know is Missus Matchmaker, like leave us mandem alone with all those questions.

"OK." I replied lethargically. I honestly didn't have interest to have people all up in my business, no offence to Brianna, I know how these girls are with their friends but I'd rather not be interrogated right now. She shrugged noticing that I had no interest in talking about the subject and she left it how it was supposed to be. A thought.


Once I got home it was around 3pm and I had to go pick up my little sisters from school as my mom had a late shift today. Overworking herself as usual ... I unlocked my door and was hit with a strong stench. I scrunched up my face as I saw my brother and his friends on the couch, eyes low but you could see the piercing red, the smell of weed engulfing the room and now my clothes. I'm not gonna say I don't smoke cause that would be a lie but not in the house and especially not around my sisters. "Aye what the fuck man, why you smoking in the house for, you know I have to pick up the twins today!" I asked as I walked into the living room. Here we go again. More trouble, turmoil, stress.

"Brooo chill, its not that deep." My brother said causing his friends to smirk and snigger.

"You want our mom and sisters to come home to her eldest son smoking weed in her house?" I asked raising my voice. My emotions were going crazy.

"Please don't hit me Micheal, not in front of the kids, PLEASE!"

"I said who the fuck do you think you're talking to!" My brother said barging me out of my flashback. "That's what I thought pussy 'ole!" He said barging me as he left the room into the kitchen.

"I-I-I c-c-c-ant bre.'

"You know I'm talking to you, you know how mom feels about the house smelling like weed around the twins man." I replied breathing as I felt anger slightly take me over. It was like another me and I knew my brother versus myself was not gonna happen, especially not when he's intoxicated. He turned around tilting his head slightly whilst his face scrunched up as he stared me down before he started laughing. 

"You're my brother and I don't want you to be a memory so chill with the attitude cause I don't mind cheffing you up right now, cause on God I will and you know I'm being serious!" He said yelling in my ear as we watched each other, eye to eye. 

I inhaled as I got my bag back from the entrance and got my keys, fuck this bullshit. I'm not staying in this toxic household. Not today, not now. I walked to my sisters Primary School located about 10 minutes away from home, the walk wasn't long but it was long enough. Long enough to clear your mind, go over your day, think about resurrecting thoughts, you know just mind stuff.

"Hello Chris, how are you?" Miss Jameoson asked as I crouched to hug my little sisters. They gave me the little pieces of hope, the little fragments of happy in my daily life. I was truly happy with my sisters, they never caused my real stress, harm or anger.

"I'm fine Miss Jameoson, how about you?" I asked out of respect, because did I care? Not really. Should I ask? Most probably.

"Ooh I'm fine, you know looking after these children and juggling it with school work, you just have to juggle everything as a teacher, its like you've got no days off, ooh gosh I'm talking your ear off, you're most probably wanting to run off and do some teenage things." Overwhelmed I nodded awkwardly as my sisters giggled amongst each other. I got out my phone as I tried to call Kimani, I wasn't trying to go home with my brother at home acting like that, not in front of my angels at least. Sometimes I wish Milani and Mikaylah didn't have to live this life, like someone could rewrite our paths but our lives aren't stories which can be edited at its own will. Its created with options, decisions and routes for us all to make, take and create.

"And, and I made rice krispies in school with chocolattè (chocolate), and its tastes sooooo yummy." Mikaylah said licking her lips as she rubbed it in Milani and I's face. Mikaylah was the more aggressive twin and Milani was the more passive twin. 

"I don't care, my teacher said it's not good to eat too much chocolate." Milani replied. I laughed lowly between them as they had their own mini beef in front of me, it was like watching two puppies bark at each other, they weren't gonna do anything but look cute whilst they make noise. 

"Hello Kimani, can I come yours with my sister please?" Yup I was on the phone asking her if I could come over with my siblings but she only lived like a stop or two from mine and Tristian's dog scares my sisters plus he was most probably out with a girl trying to beat. "SAFE, I'll be there in about an hour yeah?" I stated after she accepted my request to come over. I was gonna go get food for my sisters and I knew they took long to eat, infact not even eating took long just to pick the food would take about 20 minutes.


Monday, 4:35pm, Kimani's House.

"Hi, my names Kimani what's your name beautiful." She asked kneeling at the front door, she directed the question to Milani. She hid behind my leg and tugged at my trousers as Mikaylah stepped forward. 

"She's Milani and I'm Mikaylah!" She said smiling from ear to ear. 

"Thanks for letting us come over, is your mum gonna get annoyed with me bringing them?" I asked knowing how these African parents can get, start throwing TV's and shit like that for breathing too hard.

"Yeah, my moms cool, as long as you don't disrespect her or her abode then you're good bro." She said smiling at me. Her smile, I don't know what it was but it was addictive to see her smile, like making her smile was the main goal between our interactions and her laugh an added blessing. She was so cute and tiny, like you could just put her in your pocket and take her wherever. "Why did you guys take long, I even got here before you and I had a lesson, which you interrupted." She said as she walked into the living room where Mikaylah had made herself comfortable on the sofa. 

"My sisters didn't know what they wanted in their happy meal, Milani didn't know if she wanted nuggets or a cheese burger and Mikaylah didn't like the toy she got in her happy meal so she begged for a change of the toy." I said exhaling after I reminisced about how they were acting in McDonald's, simple fast food and they had to take years. I should have been at Kimani's at 4pm. Kimani began to chuckle as she watched Mikaylah sing the theme song for 'Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.' 

"You know you called me like 10 minutes before my lesson ended, you didn't even respek it." She said laughing at me. I knew her lesson ended soon but I wasn't sure when. 

"I'm sorry, I actually didn't know that it ended soon, I thought it was done already, sorry." I apologised as she rolled her eyes playfully. I don't know why but when girls gives me that look it turns me on, like it's so cute and adorable, not to mention Kimani's short compared to me. 

"Lool, it's okay, don't worry, I was joking." She said lowly as if she had done something wrong. Another thing I noticed is every time she comes out of her 'shell' she goes back into it, like it's like she's shy sometimes not all the time but just sometimes she gets really quiet. We all sat in the living room as we watched TV, Kimani and I just talked about school, like the teachers we like, don't like, lessons we might change and other things. Just generic talk. Her door opened and then slammed shut and some sweet smell entered the house and it got stronger as a woman's voice, most probably her mother's. 

I was right, she looked like an older version of Kimani but a bit different, I don't know how to explain it but you could see that was her mom. "Kimani, I-" She stopped herself as she noticed my sisters and I sitting on her three seater couch. "Oh, hello young boy and girls in my house." She said looking at Kimani and then back to us. 

"Hello mummy, this is my friend from college Christian and his little sisters Mikaylah and Milani." Kimani said as I got up to say hello to her mom. I didn't know if she was going to get into trouble or not but she did tell me her mum was cool with guests. 

"I guess you must be very religious, Mr. Christian." She said with a goofy smile on her face. I started laughing as I clocked her reference and looked at Kimani laughing as she shook her head in disappointment. "Whaaat, that was a really good joke." She said in reply to our laughs. I raised my eyebrows as I scratched my head. 


Monday, 7pm, Christian's House.

I got into the house with my sisters and the smell of weed was no longer persistent in the house and once again it was just my sisters and I. I sighed as I took off my outer garments and looked at the twins yawn in unison. People think it's cute when they do things at the same time, I think it's weird. "Time for bed?" I asked as I yawned along with them. They both nodded, again in their weird twin unison way. 

After I got them ready for bed and left them in their rooms to fall asleep I went into my ...


... bedroom. I shook my head as the thoughts left my head. The nightmares. The past. My past. I turned on my lights and was greeted with pills staring at me on my bedside table. Why me? 

I'm done batchhhhhhhh! H U R T  Chapter 10 FINALLLYYYYY. I have another mock examination so I'm gonna try 'pre write' my chapters so I can post them quicker for you beautiful/handsome Martians. 

Thank youuuu for the constant support and love you guys show this book, it truly means a lot, it may not seem like it since I'm not being paid or getting and award or something iconic but it does mean a lot when you guys show that you like the stuff I write and put time into. 

ANYWHOOOOS enough emotional stuff that's weird for me..

- Kofi? Really bro.

- Was Brianna wrong for asking?

- SOOOO is Chris catching feelings?

- Ariam what a beautiful name, it means Loyal in Eitrea well Ge'ez

- SMH Imani that joke was sad. 

- Christian? You alright bro?

I'm gonna try and write the next chapter/s now if possible!!

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