On the inside

By norwegian_beliebers

388 4 0


On the inside
1. Outside of his hotel
2. Wake up honey
3. You okey?
4. Tell me what's wrong
5. Apologise
6. Telling mom
7. Deal

8. Surprise

8 1 0
By norwegian_beliebers

-Justin's P.O.V-

I didn't understand what Scooter ment when he said "tomorrow's going to be long", because I woke up at 11AM alone in the suite. Usually Kenny wakes me up at 8AM or earlier so we can go to the gym and get a fresh start on the day.. I started to make myself some breakfast before I found a note from mom, telling me that she was on shopping with a friend. I was wondering who it was, 'cause mom dosen't have any friends in Sweden.. Maybe it was her friend from Norway? Or maybe it was the one who keep sending us brown cheese?

-Amanda's P.O.V-

I walked out of the plane and the fresh air hit me. I was wondering if Kenny, Justin's bodyguard that you probably know, could recognize me. I took a deep breath before I let out a yawn. I was so damn tired, it was only 11 in the morning and for not mention I got 30 minutes sleep yesterday. My luggage came fast and I went out looking for K. 

We placed my baggage in the trunk and started to drive to the hotel where the crew were. I made a quik call to my brother telling him that I've landed and was on my way to the hotel. "Justin is probably waking up right now, and since we don't want you guys to meet each other before the show, we have some freetime now. What do you say about breakfast at Mc. Donals?" kenny better be kidding me right now.."Naaah, I'm not hungry. Why can't I meet Justin before tonight?" I asked, curious on why they wouldn't let me. "Pattie have something planned. I might be wrong, but I think she was saying something about you pranking JB on stage..I'm not sure, ask her" Kenny said being dumb. I had never met Pattie before, never talked to her, so how was I suppose to ask her? Soon as he noticed my *what the hell r u talking about bro* look, he continiued "Okey, so the plan is that we drive to the hotel and pick up Pattie, and she will take you out to do some girlstuff so you two can get known."

The hours went by and Pattie and I had so much fun at the mall. She told me a lot about herself and Justin, and so did I. Yeah, well.. not about Justin, but myself and my bro. We were standing inside of VS when a bunch of girls started to run against us. Pattie gave me a quik look and mimed with her lips "run". She grabbed my hand and dragged me into a fittingroom and both of us let out a loud groan of relief. "Can not imagine how Justin has survived all these years" I said. Just as I mentioned his name I got a text from him. 

From: Justin

           -How was school? I'm about to go the venue now!!!

I showed it to Pattie and we both laughed. He is just so adorable! 

From: Amanda

           -School is school. Boring. Have fun tonight, good luck. 

We used the next couple of hours before we went to the venue, doing or nails. I made french manicure on her, and she on mine. After that both of us freshed up our makeup and walked out of the hotel and out to the car that was waiting for us. "I'm so glad Justin met you in Norway.. I can see it in his eyes every time he talks about you.. and I actually think this is motivating him!" Pattie said while we were driving. "Aaaw, thanks Pattie! I'm probably the luckiest girl on Earth right now and I also hope you know how much I appreciate this! But please.. let me know if you think I'm talking to much or if I'm getting annoying!" I begged. 'Cause yeah.. that's maybe one of my biggest fears..I don't want to destroy anything for him or his crew. "Ow, don't you dare to think like that sweetie! I love you, come here" She said and gave me a hug.

"Okey.. so this is the plan.. I haven't talk to Justin all day, and he probably knows that something is going on and is probably waiting for something to happen. As you may know, everytime we surprise him we do it under OLLG, so I may think he's waiting for the song to start. When he sings 'OLLG', I will walk you to the airtoaster. After 'OLLG' he is going to sing 'As long as you love me' before 'Believe'. When 'Believe' starts, the toaster will bring you slowly up on stage where Justin is playing piano. When you are up, you are allowed to do what ever you want to. I warned the dancers earlier. How does it sound?" Pattie said with a smirk on her face. "When you say whatever I want to.. what do you mean?" I asked. I was thinking about doing some crazy(funny) dancemoves or something. "For exapmle throw water on him?" She laughed. "Okey, fine. That one was definetly better than my idea."

OLLG was just finished and Pattie and I ran to the toaster so Justin wouldn't see us. After she and the stageman showed me how to use the toaster, Pattie said "Okey, so just stay on this square and everything will be fine. Btw, here's some water for you!". And with that I got three bottles with water in my hands. 

'Believe' started and I could here Justin playing piano. The fans were screamning and probably crying. My heart was beating ten times faster than normal, and I'm pretty sure my puls was on 180. My holy body began to shake when the toaster started to move. I wasn't ready to just go on stage in front of 20K people and surprise him. What if he didn't like that I was coming on stage? What if he lied to Pattie and the truth is that he just wanted PR when he ''saved'' me that day? I felt my knees getting weaker and weaker, and my breath more and more heavy. Seconds later I was on the stage and I could feel everyones eyes on me. Little me on stage with Justin Bieber. Pretty unbelieveable or what? Okey it's now or never I told myself. I opened the bottles and ran over to Justin and poured all the water down his neck. I'm pretty sure he jumped 1 meter up in the air and I burst out in laugh. He turned around to see who it was and his yaw dropped. "AMANDA!" He screamed and I gave him a nod. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? I'VE BEEN MISSING YOU SO DAMN MUCH! COME HERE! He said and gave me a big(wet) hug, before he turned us around so we could see the fans again. The fans didn't know what was happening, but I swear EVERYONE was screaming on the top of their lungs! "This everyone, this is the beautiful girl I met in Norway. She is a belieber.. and yeah I guess someone managed to prank the prankster" He said taking his arm around me. I felt my cheeks blush and I gave him a smile. He led me to the piano and finished the song, before we ran of stage.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING TO ME?" Justin said with hapiness in his voice. "We wanted it to be a surprise" Pattie said walking in. "DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS TOO!?" hahaha omg he's so sweet. "Yeah Justin.. you gotta go on stage again, break's over" Scooter said and gave him a pat on his shoulder. "YOU TOO? HONESTLY GUYS, THANKUU" He said and ran away. Pattie and I walked to the crewroom where all the food and drink is. "You know.. We haven' been eating all day.. and you have to eat something, remember what you promised not only Justin, but Eric too" Pattie said being a bit nervous. But I don't blame her. I wouldn't know how to say that to a fucked up girl like me. "I know" I answerd briefly and walked over to the sofa and lay down. I think I might fell asleep after that, because the next thing I remembered was Justin carrying me in his arms. "Ssssh, she's sleeping!" I heard he warn the others that I don't know. 

"Amanda, wake up" Justin said carefully while he stroke my hair. I muttered something back and slowly sat myself up. We were inside of a limo, probably outside of the venue or hotel. I begged that it was the last one.. I was so tired.. "Okey, let my carry you inside.. It's like you are going to fall asleep right now sweetie" I was to tired to care about him touching my body at this moment, so I let him.."You will have to share room with me until further.. But I can take the sofa if you want!" "No, I'll take the sofa." I managed to get out. When we came to the room he laid me on his bed and before I could count to 3, I was in deep sleep. 

-Justin's P.O.V-

I couldn't believe that Amanda was sleeping right in front of me.. She pranked me pretty well this time, but I promise I will take it back on her. I carefully pulled her jumper of, and took one of my t-shirts on her, before I pulled of her pants..I know I shouldn't have done it, because I know she is shy of & hates herself, but I couldn't let her boil to death. 

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