Identical Opposites

By RahafShan

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After coping by myself for 6 years, I finally get my long awaited reunion with my twin brother at the age of... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Jun's POV #1
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifeteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty


105 9 14
By RahafShan

Ever since I was born until I was twelve, I lived what I called a "normal" life, not realizing that it was actually a "perfect" one. I had two loving parents who were always on good terms with each other, I had two older siblings, a twin brother and two younger sibilings and they were all amazing. We had a Golden Retriever named Felix and a small Persian white cat named Mira. We lived in a two story house and went to a proper school.

It was really ideal, with a house full of life and no worry on any of our shoulders. The hardest day of my life was when Felix died. I thought it was the end of the world and I was so upset, unable to imagine life without him.

I look back on that day and scoff.

On 8 December, the year I was 12 of age, there was a snow storm and both my parents died in a car crash. It was a cold night and I remember sitting infront of the heater next to my twin, watching as my older siblings quitely argued about something. They were stressed because our parents should've come back two hours ago.

But they died.

We discovered the day afterwards. I didn't register it properly so I didn't even know how to react, unlike most of my sibilings who burst into tears.

I haven't seen many of our distant relatives because mum always use to tell me that they "weren't like us". I didn't understand her until I actually met them. Dad had two brothers and a sister while mum had two sisters and two brothers and out of all seven, I only met two before.

A week after mum and dad died, it was the first time in my life seeing so many relatives at once. I met Aunt Wilma twice before and Uncle James once but it was my first time ever meeting Uncle Gordon, Uncle Ken, Aunt Penny, Aunt Jasmine and Uncle Sam. None of them looked the least bit friendly. Aunt Penny was crying her eyes out, making incoherent noises and Uncle Gordon was shouting, exclaiming "I swear if you give me any of the kids!" Uncle Ken looked cold and distant, sitting in the far end of the room. Aunt Wilma was demanding a few rules about the inheritance and Uncle James was refusing them. I didn't know what the rest were doing because Jewel dragged me out of the room, taking me upstairs.

Jewel was the eldest sister, seveteen of age, along with her twin Jem. They both had brown hair and green eyes but they weren't identical and they were the kindest, most loving people I knew. They cared a lot about all of us and did everything to help us. Jem was my role model, he loved video gaming and he looked so cool with his black clothes, yelling at a TV screen with his bangs tied to stay out of his face. I loved sitting beside him for hours, just watching him. He was the calmest upon recieving the news about our parents death, hugging Jewel who burst into tears. He took care of all of us but I knew he cried. I woke up from a nightmare that same day and I went to his room for comfort, like always, only to find him cursing loudly and crying. It was a scenario I can never get out of my head.

My twin brother was Jun and we were identical twins. The only difference between us was that I had dark blonde hair and he had light brown hair, other than that, we had the same green eyes, same skin tone, same height and the same facial features. We were inseparable, almost always holding each other's hands. We slept on the same bed, shared the same clothes and did all activities together. It was impossible to separate us.

At least it seemed impossible.

After Jun and I was Robin. He was younger than us with one year and he had dark black hair and black eyes. Being an autistic boy, he was the most one of us attached to mum and dad and was the most one affected by their death. For the entire week until my relatives come, he didn't speak one word. I don't know if he spoke afterwards because I haven't seen him since that day.

Last but not least was little Mia. She was six and she didn't understand what happened until three days later of asking 'Where is mum? Where is dad?', I snapped at her, telling her that they're not coming and that they're never coming ever again. She cried. She cried and cried until she slept. Then, when she woke up, she cried again.

Jem was sitting on Jun and I's bed one day before we all got separated and he told us in a soft whisper "Our aunts and uncles want us to be safe, so they discussing where we will all go-"

"We're not staying here?" I asked quickly, sitting up.

Jem placed his arm around me and smiled sadly. "No."

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

Jem was silent for a moment then he bit his bottom lip, bent down and gave both of us a kiss on the forehead. "Yun and Jun, I love you to bits alright? I want you to remember that for the rest of your lives."

I didn't realize then that it was a goodbye. I thought he just wanted to mention it. The next morning, our aunts and uncles collected us all in one room and Aunt Wilma spoke up.

"Listen well, children." She started. I was sitting on Jem's lap and I felt him pull me closer. "You can't all be together. No one here will be able to take care of six children"

"You can." Uncle James retorted "You're just selfish."

She sent him a warning look and glanced back at us. "No. You will be divided between us."

"Aunty please!" Jewel cried "You can't separate us. Mia is too young. Robin, Yun and Jun are too! You can't separate us from them, please!"

"There is no other way." Aunt Wilma replied. She toyed with the rings on her hand then looked at the rest of the boys. "Gordon and I will take two of you. Ken and Penny will take a child."

"No!" Jewel let out a panicked scream "Please!"

"Jewel." Jem said sternly. She snapped her head his way and glared at him. Jem just gave her sad eyes and ushered his head towards us. Jewel seemed to realize that her attitude was making us all more worried. The silence was broken by Mia's hiccup as she started crying again. Jewel whispered an 'Oh I am so sorry' and she scooped Mia into her arms, shushing her softly.

"Ken is married and has money to support one child since he is but a mere farmer." Aunt Wilma continued talking "He doesn't like children, he will be taking custody of Jem."

Jem took in a sharp breath as I held his hand tightly. I didn't want to separated from Jem! "Can I be with one of my sibilings? Please, I'm old and they need me." He faced Uncle Ken "I'll work and get enough income, let Mia or Robin or Yun and Jun come with me."

"No." Uncle Ken said sternly. I could feel Jem tighten his grip on my shoulder and rest his forehead on my back. I felt like crying but I wasn't going to that now, when I'm in Jem’s arms. Instead, I'll wait until I'm seperated from him to actually have a reason to break down.

"Aunt Penny wants a boy who will be friends with her son and at his age so she's taking Robin."

Robin didn't react. He didn't even look up from the book in his hand. Jem and Jewel gave each other small smiles, at least Robin will have someone his age. They assumed that Jewel will be with Mia and I'll be with my twin brother but they assumed wrong.

"I'm taking Jewel and Jun." Aunt Wilma stated so simply, getting of the chair as if the conversation was over. I instantly jumped off Jem's lap and pulled my twin brother into a hug.

"No." I said boldly.

"You can't separate the twins!" Uncle James exclaimed "Thats not what we agreed on!"

Aunt Wilma ignored him and walked to Jun and I. I could feel Jun shaking and I just hugged him tighter. Suddenly, Aunt Wilma grasped my forearm tightly, I let out a yelp of pain as she pushed me away from Jun. I managed to grab his hand as I fell and we both landed on the ground. Aunt Wilma clinched her jaw then held Jun's shirt and pulled him off me.

"No!" I exclaimed, clutching his hand tight. He closed his fingers around my hand in response. His face looked panicked and I was certain not to let go.

"You can't do this!" Jem got up "Yun and Jun are not getting separated!"

"Shut up!" Aunt Wilma shouted "Yun is bad influence on his own twin! Your own parents said so and I will not be having him in my house."

"Then leave both of them!" Uncle James glared

"Silence you!" She snapped back "Someone as poor and pitiful as you wouldn't understand how imporant it is for someone as rich as me to have a boy inherit the position."

Uncle James looked furious "Get married then! Give birth to a son. Leave the twins be."

She didn't bother replying. "The car is waiting outside." She stated, tugging sharply on Jun, separating our hands in an instant.

"Here!" I exclaimed suddenly. Only Jun understood what I said.

"Eighteen. Today." He sniffed back

"Noon." I added.

Jun started to cry. "Ill be waiting for you."

"Me too!" I sat up "I promise!"

"What the hell are you blabbering?!" Aunt Wilma dragged Jun then held Jewel's arm and pulled them both out of the door.

"You can't!" Jewel exclaimed "At least let me say goodbye!" She cried. Mia's cries got louder but the door slammed shut. Silence filled the room as we heard a car roar its engine then drive across the street. It was then that I bought my knees closer to my chest and covered my face crying. Six years until I meet my twin brother again. I'm not going to see Jun again until I turn 18.

Uncle Gordon who looked like he wanted to kill someone pulled Mia off her seat and pushed her forward so that she can walk. Instead, she fell face first on the ground and she started cry-screaming which made Uncle Gordon red in fury. He raised his hand to hit her but I raced forward, pulling her up and holding her against my chest. Uncle Gordon clinched his fists and walked past me.

"Car now." He said before storming outside. I looked up to find Uncle James looking at me with pity and guilt while Jem looked at me worryingly. My eyes watered.

"Oh, Yun." Jem ran to my side and pulled me into a hug, taking Mia in the hug with us. "Be strong, my brother. I know you can."

"Ill miss you." I whispered

"Me too, Yun" his hug tightened "Me too."

Uncle James sat down beside us and held my shoulders after Jem let go. "I promise you." he told me boldly "I promise Ill make enough profit to adopt you, Yun. You and Mia. And then, Ill make enough to adopt all of your sibilings as well."

Jem gave him a pleading look. "Please." He begged.

"Is Uncle Gordon..." I trailed off

Uncle James looked at me sadly "He doesn't want you but he's the only one who is financially capable of taking care of both of you. He is married and he has a stable job in a company that gives him enough money to take care of two children. I, on the other hand, am still unemployed, living off very few savings."

"Will he be nice to them?" Jem asked.

Uncle James didnt answer. My heart dropped.

That was the last time I met anyone but Uncle Gordon for the next six years. After we went to his home, Uncle Gordon fought with his wife who was angry that he bought us home. He broke stuff and drank a lot. And then he hit his wife. And then he hit me. And then he wouldve hit Mia but I came in the way and he beat me a second time.

One day later, after he constantly told Mia to stop crying and I didn't know what to do to shut her up, he got fed up. I wasn't close to Mia and since I was the one who told her our parents died, she seemed to dislike me so when she cried, I was the last person she probably wanted to see, making her cry even more. That day, Uncle Gorden held her shoulder tightly and pulled her out of the house. I tried to stop him but he slammed me away then dipped the heel of his shoe on my leg, making scream in pain and become unable to stand up. I could just watch as he aggressively pushed Mia into the back of the car and drove off. He returned four hours later without her.

And I never saw Mia after that day.

Half a year later, Uncle Gordon's company went bankrupt. He returned in an angry mood and gulped down bottles of alcohol, blinded by anger. He saw me and his eyes flashed red. In an instant, I was a plump on the ground, aching all over as his punches and kicks just kept landing on me. I had my eyes closed and my arms covering my face and this was the worst day of my life. After the day of the separation obviously.

Two years later, his wife got pregnant and he wasn't happy upon hearing the news. They were becoming broke, living off the money his wife made as a waitress, and they couldn't take care of another child.

The abuse of a pregnant mum and consumption of alcohol and drugs by the mum herself was enough for the newborn baby to be not normal. Little Mira was born two months early and she had asthma and several heart problems. Uncle Gordon was planning to dump her away but I disagreed. When I saw her, so small, so fradgile and so vulnerable, crying and wailing, I couldn't help but be baffled at the fact that this little girl would be killed just because she was born in the wrong house. She was living human, for God's sake, she would grow up to become someone. Someone with a personality, likes and dislikes. Killing this infant is as bad as killing a grown up.

After a good beating, I got to keep the newborn girl. I named her Mira to remember the sister I lost. Mia named the kitten we use to have Mira because it was similar to her own name so thats what I'm doing. Naming the baby Mira because it was similar to Mia. I promised to do everything to keep her safe and protected, to sheild her from Uncle Gordon and not repeat the same mistake I did with Mia. I was not going to lose her too.

I was almost invisible in the house. I knew better than to speak up or even appear in the same room as Uncle Gordon but I had to be extra careful with Mira. If he just heard her cries he would explode from anger and insist on beating her to death but I always stand in the way. I was going to protect Mira even if it costs me my life. I already lost a younger sister once, this isn't going to happen again.

It was extremely difficult to take care of her and I knew almost nothing about taking care of a baby. I was 15 and I could get a job. A part-time anyway and thats what I did. As a waiter in a high class restaurant that paid well. The owner said I 'had the face' that waiters should have. He told me to dye my hair to suit my 'butler' appearance a dark colour. I didn't mind as long as I get the job. The money I got all went to feeding Mira and if there was extra, feeding me too. It was hard to take care of a child, especially in the old garage next to the house, but I managed. Mira learnt slowly that she can't make loud noises and the more she grew up, the more silent she became.

It didn't cross my mind that she's mute until I discovered that she was deaf. She can't hear anything at all which is why she stopped making noises.

I went through the trouble of learning sign language and taught it to her and by the time I turned eighteen, she had learnt most of it. I could communicate with her now. Mira occationally had to go to the hospital because of sudden pain in the heart or because of an asthma attack but thankfully it was never serious. When I first took her to the hospital, I was told by a doctor that Mira had a high chance of having what he called Turner's Syndrome. That was why she had heart defects and might develop kidney problems.  By the time she turned 3, it was quite obvious that due to it, she was a small child, extra small in size. All what the doctors said, including the fact that she had asthma and needed inhalers, made me constantly on edge that maybe, someday, I won't be able to pay for something she needed. But thankfully, it was never something I couldnt afford with the extra hours I work. It was never too serious or life-threatening. We were managing fine. We managing just fine.

Until the day of the reunion with my brother came round that is.

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