Kevin Died

By SaidByTy

154K 14.5K 5K

March 24th, 2014: Kevin Vásquez goes missing. April 9th, 2015: Kevin's remains are found. March 24th, 2016: R... More

1. Years Gone By
2. Blood Doesn't Make a Family
3. When a Stranger Visits
4. Hush-Hush
5. Dead and Buried
6. Army of One
7. Left in The Dark
8. Perfect Date
9. Cornered
10. Questionable
11. Keep Your Friends Close
12. Mending
13. Trust
14. The Lead
15. A Brief Session
16. (Flashback #1)
17. The Search
18. SPI
19. Whispers in the Night
20. Birthday Bash
21. The Shack
22. The Chase (Danielle)
23. The Dead Boy's Letters
24. Gone Girl
25. To Believe or Not To Believe
26. (Flashback #2)
27. Text Message
28. Baited
29. There Will Be Blood (Sayora)
30. Choices
31. Patient "X"
32. The Video Diaries
33. Mask Off
34. (Flashback #3)
35. Bad Blood
36. The Final Stance
Kevin Died (Epilogue)
Unlike Kevin, The Author Didn't Die, So Here's An Author's Note

Run, Kevin, Run! (Intro)

12.1K 715 176
By SaidByTy

Run, Kevin, Run! (Intro)


Kevin tore through the foliage with all the speed he could muster. Heart racing, adrenaline pumping, fear gripping his soul. The woods were shrouded in darkness. He had only the moon to guide him.

What had he done? What had he done that was so bad that he found himself in this position?

He had just barely managed to escape. He was tired, losing energy. But he had to keep pushing. Had to keep running. He knew his pursuer had to be on his heels, not too far away at all. He couldn't die like this. So as he ran, he motivated himself.

Run, he thought. Just run!

The path that led out of the woods was still quite a bit away. Against his better judgement and with all the cells in his brain screaming at him to keep going, he needed to take a quick breath. He leaned his back against a wide and tall tree. He would only take a few seconds. Just a few seconds to catch his breath.

He didn't get to breathe for long.

Within moments, he heard the rustle of leaves. His attacker was close. Way too close for comfort.

Taking a final breath, Kevin made a run for it, refusing to look behind him. His only focus was getting away and he didn't care if his pursuer took notice. He was determined to outrun them. He was confident that he could. He just needed to get to the trail. Once there he just needed to get to the road.

Someone would find him. Someone would see him running down the road, frantic and terrified.

Unfortunately, Kevin only made it a few yards more before he misplaced a step and tripped over a broken tree branch.

He hit the ground hard, scraping his palm and crying out on impact. The footsteps were approaching, crunching in fallen leaves and twigs. Kevin flipped over to a sitting position and he watched as his attacker closed the distance.

A man, Kevin presumed, wearing a black hoodie, gloves and joggers. His face was hidden behind a mask which Kevin could only vaguely make out in the moonlight at first glance. What he could tell was that the mask had exaggerated smile, a wide moustache turned up at both ends, it's cheeks, Kevin could tell, were rosey, and finally a thin vertical pointed beard.

"What do you want?" Kevin asked.

The man said nothing, but instead inched even closer to Kevin. His steps deliberate and slow, making sure that each one evokes fear in Kevin's heart. The man had a dagger gripped in his hand. Kevin's eyes widened upon seeing it.

"No," Kevin begged, tears flowing down his cheeks as he backed up, still on the ground, scared to even attempt to run. "Please."

The man reached for Kevin and Kevin, in a last effort, finally turned, scrambled to his feet, and tried to sprint, but the man was quick and grabbed Kevin from behind.

The man had the upper hand this time around, despite Kevin being to barely outrun him before. The attacker grabbed Kevin's hair and snapped his head back.

Had anyone been in the woods... Had anyone at least been within the minimum distance it would take to hear it... They would've heard Kevin's agonized and dreaded wails of terror, echoing in the starry night.


Hey, all! Thanks for choosing to go on this journey. Feel free to vote/comment. It's great motivation!

Cover credits to: moonlight_aesthetics

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