Reconnected (Tokio Hotel FanF...

By Midnightriter

28.5K 443 48

Sephora lives a semi-normal life. I mean she lives with her mom, when she's in town, but more rather than no... More

Prologue- Wir Sterben Niemals Aus (We'll Never Die Out)
Ch 1- Durch den Monsun (Through the Monsoon)
Ch 3- Geisterfahrer (Phantom Rider)
Ch 4- Kampf der Liebe (Pain of Love)
Ch 5- Lass uns Laufen (World Behind my Wall)
Ch 6- Vergessene Kinder (Forgotten Children)
Ch 7- Screamin'
Ch 8- Strange
Ch 9- 1000 Mere (1000 Oceans)
Ch 10- Schrei (Scream)
Ch 11- Sonnensystem (Dark Side of the Sun)
Ch 12- Attention
Ch 13- Leb die Sekunde (Live Every Second)
Ch 14- รœbers Ende der Welt (Ready, Set, Go)
Ch 15- Fรผr immer jetzt (Forever Now)
Ch 16- Komm (Noise)
Ch 17- Schwarz (Black)
Ch 18- Automatisch (Automatic)
Ch 19 [Part 2]- Humanoid (Humanoid)
Ch 20- An Deiner Seite (Ich Bin Da) (By Your Side)
Ch 21- Heilig (Sacred)
Ch 22-Wenn Nichts mehr Geht (When You're at a Loss)
Ch 23- Nach Dir Kommt Nicht (There'll be Nothing After You)
Ch 24- Ich Bin Nicht Ich (I am not Me)
Ch 25- Reden (Talking)
Ch 26- Rette Mich (Rescue Me)
Ch 27- Hilf mir Fliegen ( Help me Fly)
Epilogue- In Your Shadow

Ch 2- Hey Du (Hey You)

1.3K 27 0
By Midnightriter


Hey Du/ Kleiner Android/ Hey Du/ Auf deinem Satelit/ Mit Überschall durchs Sternenmeer/ Nimm mich mit/ Ich kann nicht mehr/ Hey Du/ Kleiner Android


Hey you/ We can turn it up/ Hey you/ We can turn it up/ Silence has been killin' you/ Screamin' deep inside of you/ Just turn it up/ Just turn it up- Tokio Hotel- Hey Du

Ch 2

June 12th, 2010

​Clang! Awakening my sleeping senses, I suppressed a yawn. "Too early," I groaned, but I still rolled out from the warm wrinkled sheets.

​Breaking away from the curtains, the sun peaked through in a soft glow. The carpet, slightly warmer where the streaks of light burned the ground, sifted against my bare feet. Rejuvenating morning air, crisp with the dawning summer, created a cool breeze which swept through my open window.

​Another clang sounded. Followed by a few other crashing objects.

I hurried down the steps leading to the kitchen. "Adileigh," I asked, "are you ok?"

No static surged the air with unknown voices from the television. Sizzling of sautéing onions choked the air pleasantly. Unusual, I thought, Adileigh almost never cooked. Maybe there's an important occasion. Though as I rounded the corner, instead of a normal greeting of sleek bleach blonde hair facing me, I recognized loose blond barrel curls with swirling highlights of pinks and oranges blending perfectly with the glimmering morning light. "Morning mum," I yawned audibly.

​"You're just in time for breakfast." She smiled excitedly with a twinkle of happiness glinting in her layers of green eyes.

​A home-cooked omelet slid across table; underneath my nose. Inhaling deeply, I realized something. "There's a reason you're home early," I stated, "What happened in, um, wherever you were?" Concern may not have been noticeable within my steady tone, but my heart squeezed in my chest.

​"Why do you always assume the worst?" she questioned her voice as silky soft as clouds spotting the sky.

​"Ok, I'm a pessimist. I thought we all knew that," I replied, my voice unmistakably drowned with sarcasm.

​"So since we've clear that up-"

​"No. Seriously, what happened?" A once saucy voice drastically fluctuated to a weighted tone.

​"Think about it, today is-"

​The door sprang open, "Ms. Rosenzwig-" called Adileigh.

​"How many times do I have to tell you call me Gretchen?"

​"Too many times to count," she laughed, "Anyway where do you want to put the cake?"

​"On the counter is fine."

​"Wait. What does she know that I don't?" Confusion was a sickness consuming me, spreading quickly. Uneasiness held my stomach and my appetite started to diminish. "Will someone just spill?"

​A shared look passed between my mother and my best friend, communicating without words. With a nod from my mum, Adileigh turned to face me. In her hand a cream colored envelope.

​"Happy Birthday," they chorused together.

​"Wait." I paused. "It's already June 12th?"

​"See, I told you. She never remembers her birthday," announced Adileigh.

​"Before presents, cake," declared Mum.

​ "But I haven't-"

​"Don't complain," Adileigh whispered, trying not be overheard. Yet with only three of us in the room, murmuring defeated the point.

​With the cooled omelet removed from the table, a warmed piece of red velvet cake, smothered in cream cheese icing drizzling around the plate, invited my appetite back. Dissolving in my mouth, two slices of cake disappeared quickly.

​"You'll absolutely love my present."

​Slipping the envelope I spotted before across the reddened wood of the kitchen table, lightened by the rising sun, Adileigh gracefully picked my plate off the table to drop in the sink.

​Sitting thoughtfully, I eyed the mysterious envelope. Every year, she spends too much, yet she does think outside the box. But for her gift to be just a card, scared me a bit, in an unknowable way.

​"Go ahead, open it," Adileigh urged. Scrawled across the front was my name, in the messy cursive everyone complemented. I hesitantly reached for the awaiting gift. "It's not gonna kill you."

​"And I'm supposed to believe you?"

​"We've know each other since forever," she replied easily.

​"Ya. And you haven't tried to kill me before," I responded with my usual sense of over exaggerated sarcasm.

​"Just open it," inserted my mum, anxious as usual, though no doubt, she probably already knew the gift I was receiving.

​Slicing the top of the paper, thin and folded, I unveiled a simple message within the card. Reading aloud, "Coming closer through the years," I flipped inside, "I know are friendship isn't always clear. But keep in mind the moments spent together 'cause this may be the only chance we get to walk the lane together. Make a wish you want to come true, and be happy all year through. Happy Twentieth Birthday Sephora."

​Staring at the card for a moment, I registered the words sinking beneath my skin. The lack of a gift, surprised me, actually. "So only a card this year?" I asked after a small silence.

​"No-" Adileigh peaked over my shoulder.

​"I mean, a card is just fine," I continued.

​"There's supposed to be another package within the first card I gave you," she replied franticly searching for a missing piece.

​With the break of searching my mum seized the time to hand me her present. "I know you'll enjoy it." She hinted with her untold smile.

​Ripping the paper from the narrow rectangular cardboard box, my wondering gaze swept over the labels. Giving no hints as to what lay inside; I carefully grazed my fingernail along the tape sealing the case. Gently prolong the lid away, I gasped. "No way!" I expressed, excited but quiet. What a way to thank someone for a gift.

​"You don't like it?" my mum asked.

​"No. No, it's beautiful-"

Adileigh might have contributed a word or two, but I was lost in thought and without knowing how to properly thank mum, I ignored her. "These are all landmarks of places you've traveled to, isn't it?"

​No answer held the air as I backed away from my chair enveloping my mother in a warm hearted hug, long needed before now. "You would've loved these places. I'm glad you like it," she murmured against my ear, "I really am."

​"Hugging moment is over, unless I'm invited in," Adileigh interjected.

​"You are practically family," mum and I replied in unison.

​"I was just kidding. But I found the important part to my present that you purposefully left in the card's envelope."

​"I did nothing purposefully," I reprimanded, "I don't even know what it is. So if you'd hand it over..."

The miniature envelope couldn't have been in my hands more than a few seconds before I tore the stationary.

​"Every year, I tell you not to go over board-"

​"But it's the thought that counts. You're coming to the concert if you like it or not."

​"Seriously? I don't even get a say in this? You know as well as I do, we don't listen to the same music."

​"I've already paid for the tickets and backstage passes. You are going." Her voice became hard as unbreakable steel.

​"It's the thought that counts," I spit back. Stern looks from both Adileigh and my mum were thrown at me though it didn't tie my tongue. "Is this still about the festival two years ago?"

​"Possibly," came her short reply.

​"If I explain-"

​"You're still coming."


​Crowds roared behind walls, though I was trapped on the other side in a maze of halls. Voices echoed in multiplying amplitudes; ringing against my ears.

​"I think we're lost," expressing my displeasure of being here.

​"We're not lost."

​"We've been following endless signs and I feel like all we've gone is-"

​"Oh, look!" She took strides ahead of me with the knowledge that one more remark could set me aflame.

​"-Nowhere!" My scream rebounded fading into the buzzing of electricity. The murmur of a voice around the corner caused me to stop dead in my tracks. I could've picked out that voice anywhere, including in the reverberations of the crowd around me. Distant in a memory, yet clear as day, whispering secrets I once treasured. Thrown away, but haunting me, his last words merely a hallucination. Creating illusions of what could've been flashed my eyelids nightly.

​Water poured from clouds, drenching the concrete in cold rain. I was soaked to the bone, but the rain quickly became the least of my worries. A heated hand ran down my back, snaked around my waist, prying under the cloth melding itself to my skin. Pivoting, I turned spiraling into his arms, welcoming his presence. Hair, sleek and golden as the sun sinking behind the horizon, let rain drops cling for dear life in their short fall to earth. Luxurious lips moved closer, slightly discolored from the rising and falling temperatures, glided toward me. Intriguing eyes may have imprisoned mine for a moment, until they drifted close as seeing in my heart the astounding love that pulsed between us.

​Intenseness grew far too tempting not to surrender. Unclasping my eyes, our lips were connected. His tongue searching my mouth, as I gasped, I stole his breath and he reluctantly pulled away. He's just an illusion, I reminded myself, He's not here. It's your mind playing tricks. Nothing more.

​Yet again he leaned in, aiming for my lips, but I turned my head. Nipping my ear, his voice created another illusion, "I'm not your imagination, Sephora."

​Don't listen, I recited forcibly, It's a trick. It's a trick. "I've finally gotten you alone."

​A scream erupted from my mouth. "That won't do. No one's around to here you. I'd rather here you scream my name than scream for help."

​"That'll never happen," I hissed, "Never in your life." An undeserved slap stung my face.

​"That's for breaking up with me," he growled. Another whip. "And that's for your snarky comment."

​His lips grabbed mine. Though I shoved him backward, he pinned me to the wall. Escape-less. Warm air of his breath invaded my mouth as he bit my lip vigorously; deepening the kiss. Against my useless pushing and shoving, he refused to move.

​Running footsteps from opposite directions rescued me.

​Two voices cut through unconsciousness veiling me.

​A masculine voice with an a familiar German accent called, "Sephora!"

​A voice comparable to Adileigh's voice yelled, "Luke!"

​Our bodies pulled apart, and I slumped to the ground.


Here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed. A lot of dialogue, I know, but it had to happen. Hopefully the ending wasn't to confusing. And expect an upload within the next week. If not it'll be three weeks before I upload because while I'm gone I doubt I'll have internet connection.

Until next time

-Midnightriter <3

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