Jet Black Heart (boyxboy) *Co...

By tampamanatee

32.4K 1.9K 309

**This is part of a series. Please read Sex Ed FIRST.** [Book 6] Wes Yeager is used to being unwanted. From... More

One: Wes
Two: Noah/ Wes
Three: Noah/ Wes
Four: Wes
Six: Wes
Seven: Noah
Eight: Wes
Nine: Wes
Ten: Noah/ Wes
Eleven: Noah
Twelve: Noah
Thirteen: Noah
Epilogue: Wes/ Noah

Five: Noah

2.2K 136 28
By tampamanatee

A/N: This part is spicy 

"Thank you," I said to the woman handing me my coffee. After walking out into the sunshine, I sighed before taking a giant sip. It was no secret that I hadn't been sleeping that great lately, and it was all because of one person. He was very tall, dark and handsome. Wes Yeager was consuming my every thought lately, and I wasn't sure what to do about it. I wasn't sure what exactly was going on with us, and it seemed like Wes didn't know either.

Wes made me feel different than any man ever had. Whenever I was with him, I was having the time of my life. And whenever we weren't together, he was all I could think about. And when he had kissed me after class, goodness. He seriously knew how to make my heart beat like crazy.

Throwing my now empty coffee cup in the trash, I yawned while rounding a corner. I gasped when my body was suddenly running into someone, almost knocking them over.

"Whoa!" The girl I ran into said, her body almost falling onto the ground.

"I am so sorry!" I said while helping her stand up.

Her curly hair was sticking up in random places, as her thin glasses were sliding down her nose. "Oh you're fine," she said with a big smile. "I wasn't really paying attention."

"Do you need any help?" I asked while looking at all the magazines and books in her hands. She also had about twenty notebooks shoved inside the magazines.

"Are you by chance getting married soon?"

"Uh... no. I'm not even sure if I'm dating someone. Why?"

She smiled as she moved her curly hair behind one of her ears as she said, "I'm Francine Taylor. One day I'll be the biggest wedding planner in all of New Mexico."

"That's awesome. Nice to meet you Francine, I'm Noah."

Francine nodded as she shifted all of the books in her hands. "Oh I know. You're in my American Studies class."

"Really? I'm sorry for not noticing you before."

Francine rolled her eyes as a smile spread across her face. "I'm surprised you even notice anyone else in that class."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're always drooling over that Wes guy. You know, that guy who's basically sex on legs? I was talking with someone after class and I couldn't help but notice that passionate kiss you two shared."

Feelings my cheeks heat up, I looked down at the ground while twiddling my thumbs together. "Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable at all."

"Are you kidding me?"

When I looked back up at her, she was basically laughing while the wind was whipping her hair around. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Not at all! Look, I'm not like other people. I am so supportive of the gay community, it basically fills up my life. One I have my career established later on, I plan on adopting a son. It would make my heart so full if he was gay."

I couldn't help but laugh while shaking my head. "You're right, you aren't like other people. Do you mind if I ask why you're so in love with gay men?"

She shrugged while a large group of students suddenly walked by. Once they were gone and we could hear she said, "Their love is so pure and amazing. People shouldn't judge other people just because they love a man, or a woman. I also love weddings so much, there's something truly amazing about seeing people in love. And if my creative wedding eye knows anything, I'd say the way you and Wes look at each other is magical."

"I'm not sure about that. He doesn't really want to get close to me."

"Don't give up on him!" She then glanced down at her watch, instantly groaning. "Great, I'm late for class. It was nice talking to you Noah, I'll see you later! Think about what I said!"

With that Francine walked away, her curly hair blending in with the other students around her. I know she was right, I should't give up on Wes. But I also didn't want to force him into anything, and I was afraid I was getting too clingy for him.

Sighing, I stuck my hands into my pockets before walking back to my dorm. After sticking the key in the door, I yawned while opening the door and walking in. I immediately stopped in my tracks when I saw Wes sitting on my bed. When he saw me, he stood up, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"Uhm hi?" I asked while putting my bag down onto the ground.

"Hi. I uh ran into your roommate and asked if I could wait for you here."

My heart started beating in my chest, making me mentally curse. This probably doesn't mean anything, I shouldn't get too excited. "Why?" I asked while leaning against the door behind me.

I instantly tensed up when he walked over and stood right in front of me. His hands were on either side of my body, his blue eyes staring down into my soul. "I just... can't stop thinking about you. I don't know why, but I just do."

My eyes closed when his fingers were slowly running across my cheek, making my knees weak. Just having him so close to me, his manly scent invading my nose, was making me light headed. I had to grip onto his biceps just to keep myself from falling. When my eyes reopened, he was still staring at me like he wasn't sure what to do.

"I've been thinking about that kiss, I can't get it out of my mind." The look on his face was almost painful, as if touching me was too much for him. He then closed his eyes as an almost painful expression was crossing his face.

Before he could change his mind and walk away, I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him. My hands slowly ran up his arms before wrapping around his neck. After pulling back, I noticed his eyes were still closed before I started talking. "I can't stop thinking about it either."

Those blue eyes opened and stared at me like I was the greatest chicken nuggest he's ever seen. He then quickly locked the door before picking my body up. Instantly wrapping my legs around his waist, I gripped onto his thick hair before kissing him again.

I started heavily breathing as he slowly walked over to my bed and gently rested me on top. When his lips moved to my neck, my eyes tightly closed as I couldn't help but moan. A little part of me was thinking that this was all going too fast, but I didn't listen. Here I was, making out with bascially the hottest person alive but I didn't know anything about him. Maybe this was a bad idea. Wes then slowly slid my shirt over my head, making me think it was a good idea.

When I felt him start to take off my pants, I snapped out of my daze and basically ripped his shirt off. I could hear faric ripping and buttons flying off, but I didn't care as I chucked it across the room. My fingers quickly started taking his pants off, the same moment he slipped my briefs off. When I was fully naked, his dark eyes roamed over me before gently kissing my lips again.

Leaning over, I quickly grabbed a condom out of my desk and a little bottle of lube under my mattress. Handing it to Wes, he looked nervous as I immediately turned over and buried my face into my pillow.

"What are you doing?" His husky voice asked. I could feel him leaning against me, his hardening member rubbing agaisnt my ass. I had to bite my lip to keep control of myself.

"What?" I asked while looking up to see him staring at me like I had three heads.

"Why did you instantly turn away from me?"

Frowning, I looked up at him while scrunching my eyebrows together. "All the guys I've ever slept with, and there's only been two, they've made me go on my stomach. I basically wasn't allowed to look at them, I just had to make sure I was ready."

Wes frowned as he slowly flipped me back over, so I was on my back. "What kind of guys have you been with? That's fucking insane Noah, you're allowed to do anything you want."

Rolling my eyes, I looked away from him while saying, "It's not like I was in abusive relationships or anything. I had a boyfriend in high school and he didn't like looking at me while we had sex. And I slept with someone here, who did the same thing. Isn't that how guys do it?"

"That's how asshole guys do it." He was then turning my head back towards him as he said, "I want to see your eyes."

I was suddenly extremely nervous as he gently kissed me. I kept my eyes open while watching him open the condom. I couldn't keep my eyes open when he was opening the lube, because I was suddenly scared shitless. Wes kept leaving small kisses over my body before he was suddenly sliding inside.

Gasping, I opened my eyes while moving my hips around. It felt so different in this position, but it felt so good. I could feel him pulsing inside of me, making me groan. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I threw my head back as my back arched off the bed. Wes was then kissing me again, making me think just about him. I couldn't believe that I was actually sleeping with him, but I was so happy.

My nails dug into his back as he continued to slam into me. "Ah Wes, god," I groaned while digging my fingers into his hair and pulling him closer to me. It was no time that he was slowly pulling out so he could release, the same moment I did.

Falling down onto the bed, I breathed heavily as my eyes closed. I was trying to keep my eyes open, but that had worn me out so much I fell asleep.


When I had woken up, a smile spread across my lips as I turned around. My smile faded when I realized Wes had left, it looked as if he was never here at all. Slowly rolling out of bed, I groaned while holding my lower back.

After checking the time, I cursed before grabbing random clothes and putting them on. Grabbing my bag, I quickly made my way towards the middle of campus. Walking into my American Studies class, my cheeks blushed as I walked past Wes. He didn't even look up at me, maybe he didn't realize I was there.

When class was finally over, I basically ran over to him. Standing in front of his desk, I smiled while looking into those blue eyes. "Hi."

He finally looked up, but had a glazed look in his eyes. He didn't say anything as he got up and started to walk out of the room. I noticed Francine was reading a wedding magazine, as a girl with pink hair was talking to her.

"Wes, wait." I gently grabbed his arm but flinched when he instantly pushed me off of him. "What's wrong?"

He finally turned around and basically glared down at me. "Leave me alone Noah."

"I... did I... did I do something?" I asked while frowning. "I'm sorry that I fell asleep, you just really wore me out."

He seemed disgusted by my comment as he said, "Last night was a mistake."

"A mistake?" I asked as my voice cracked. "I... I don't understand? What happened? I mean you were the one that was waiting in my room. You slept with me Wes."

"It was a mistake Noah," Wes angrily said as he kept his voice low. "I shouldn't have done that with a cheap slut like you."

He instantly looked like he regretted saying that, but quickly changed his face. "You're calling me a slut?" I asked while tears were stinging in my eyes. "I'm not a slut!" I basically yelled. "I told you I've slept with two people. TWO! That's not twenty two. How dare you call me that?"

"We're not meant for each other. We should act like nothing ever happened between us."

With that he started to walk away, making me even angrier. Running after him, I pulled his arm and slapped him across the face. "I thought you were different. I was here for you Wes, you knew that! I've been nothing but nice to you."

"No, you've been nothing but annoying."

"Why are you being so mean?" I screamed as tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Because I lost my virginity to you last night. And you know what? I fell for you! You're the first person that has started to get close to me. I'm not cut out for this lifestyle! I shouldn't have gotten close to you, because then I wouldn't have fallen for you. So again, last night was a mistake. Let's go back to not knowing each other."

He gave me one last look before turning around and walking away. "Wes!"

When he didn't turn back around, I sunk down onto my knees and cried. I jumped when arms were wrapping around me, making me look up to see Francine. She held me in her arms as I cried, feeling like my heart had just been ripped out.

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