Uni Heartbreaker [Grelliam] P...

By kibasu

10.5K 256 160

Things were perfect for Grell. Like the rest of her kind, she attended the Reaping University. It may not be... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~

~Chapter 4~

834 30 36
By kibasu

A/N: So at this point I've pretty much rewrote the rest of the story. So the pronoun thing shouldn't be an issue. But as usual, let me know if I missed one. If you read the original story "Study Break", then you'll notice that there are vastly different details in this rewrite. Hope you enjoy regardless :)
As much as Ronald wished he held his tongue, there was no going back. After briefly agreeing to carry the conversation in a calm, civil manner, Grell listened to what Ronald had to say.

"Alright," Ronald brought his hands together, looking down on the ground as he gathered his thoughts. "Where do I begin?"

"Just get on with it already!" Grell stood with both hands on her hips, an intense gaze locked onto the blonde reaper.

Grell's impatient demeanor forced Ronald to stand up straight. Calmly yet with subtle nervousness, he confessed, "Grell, I cheated on you."

"Tell me something I don't know!" Grell threw her hands up in the air. "Honestly!"

"Well, I'm not just talking about last night," Ronald went on. "I've actually been cheating on you for the past few months."

"Months!? But it's only been five months since we started dating!"

Ronald hesitated. He spoke slowly, as if with each word he spoke, it was one word closer to Grell exploding. And he wasn't wrong. "Well, I just so happened to meet Alyssa about a month after we started dating. And...There are others too."

It took Grell every ounce of her strength to hold her tongue, refraining from spewing what she wanted to say. She and Ronald had agreed to have a calm discussion, but it just got harder the more Ronald went on. Even though she wanted to know the truth, she found herself wishing this conversation wasn't happening.

Grell slowly crossed her arms, holding them tightly as they shook with growing rage. She took a deep breath. "Oh. I see. Care to tell me who they are? How many were there?" She struggled to keep her voice steady.

"There was Rebecca and Charlotte. I... don't know the name of the third one."

"How could you POSSIBLY not know the name of the last one!?"

Ronald looked away, scratching his neck. "I drank too much that night when I saw her. I just remember what she looks like. I met her online."

Grell couldn't believe what she was hearing. She stood, as stiff as a board, as she fought to control herself. Up until last night, she thought of Ronald as the sweetest, loyal man she's ever met. Even though he was slightly younger than her, he charmed her in ways several men hadn't. But it was all a lie. She wished that they had just stayed friends. Better yet, if she had never met him.

With questions racing through her mind, Grell wanted to keep squeezing answers out of Ronald. But she had decided that she had heard enough.

But Ronald went on. "Look, I know what I've done was horrible. If it makes it any better, I've only seen that last one once. I've only seen Charlotte once too. Last night was perhaps my fourth time seeing Alyssa. Yes, I talk to all of them here and there, but starting today, I can get rid of them and focus on you." He looked at the redhead with pleading eyes. "I've always loved you more than the other women I've seen. So please, give me another chance and I'll fix this mess." He stepped forward and tried to reach for Grell's hand, but she had already turned around.

"No," she said calmly. "Go ahead and keep all of those other women. Goodbye, traiter." She began to walk away. Just when Ronald started trailing after her, Grell stopped.

"On second thought..." That was when she whirled around and in a split second, she struck the younger reaper in the face. She delivered enough force to send him flying several feet backward. With a grunt, Ronald landed on the grass. Blood began dripping down from his nostrils. Before he had the chance to process what had just happened, Grell lunged at him like a tiger attacking its prey. She grabbed him by the collar and looked at him with pure disgust. Her voice that now dripped with venom, was far from calm.

"You. Putrid. Womanizing. Pig!" She shouted as she began punching Ronald as hard as she could, aiming for his face. But after two punches, Ronald managed to raise his arms to shield himself. But it wasn't much less painful when the punches landed on his arms. In fact, he found himself almost impressed at the redhead's strength.

"GRELL!" Ronald shouted. "I thought we agreed to be rational about this!"

"That was BEFORE I learned your true colors!"

"You're still my priority, Grell!"

"Oh, like that makes it any better! I saw the way you behaved last night!" Grell was just about to throw another punch, only for Ronald to gather enough strength to shoved Grell off of him. Before she had the chance to grab him, he took off sprinting in another direction.

When Grell stood, she spotted a large rock on the ground. She picked it up and threw it at Ronald's back, causing him to yelp and stumble forward on his stomach. Grell grabbed the McDonald's bag from earlier. She had lost her appetite now. But even if she were starving to death, there was no way she would eat anything this traiter brought her. So, she marched right up to where Ronald was lying and dumped the contents of the bag right on him.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE, BRAT!" Grell yelled as she chased the younger reaper. Ronald was only able to get to the campus grounds close to the academy building when he was tackled to the ground again. Ronald was fast, but Grell was even faster.

When Ronald landed on his back, Grell seized that opportunity to wrap her hands around his neck. She used her thumbs to block his airways as she jerked his head back and forth.

By now, people have long noticed this intense scene going on in the middle of campus. They had either picked up their pace as they walked away, or they gathered in a crowd circling the duo. Within that crowd, some stood there with shock but couldn't seem to look away. Others were laughing and cheering, encouraging the fight to go on.

"Come on, beat his arse!"

"Best thing that has happened all day!"

"Come on! Fight back already!"

"I think he is turning blue!"

The excitement captured the attention of the campus security guards who immediately stepped in to break up the fight.

"Knock it off this instant!" One of them demanded as they both yanked Ronald and Grell away from each other. When they were officially separated, the same guard, who was restraining Grell, turned his attention to the crowd.

"Go on! Get out of here! Nothing to see here!"

With several grumbles, the crowd slowly broke off and each person went their own way.

The guards released Grell and Ronald. When it appeared that neither of them were going to engage in a fight again, they were questioned as to what happened and why they were found on campus grounds.

After a moment of silence, Grell looked at Ronald and said, "Well, aren't you going to explain? EXPLAIN how you're such a womanizer and that's why you got your arse beat?"

Ronald awkwardly shifted his gaze from Grell to the guards as he tried to come up with a response. "Just a big misunderstanding is all," he finally said, which earned him a sneer from the redhead. He didn't even need to look at her to know that she was staring into his soul.

After a long lecture and a verbal warning, the guards left. Not wanting to deal with this anymore, Grell took off as quickly as she could. She needed to be as far away as possible from Ronald. But even when she walked away, the rage never left. Pain exploded in her chest as she could feel her heart shattering into a million pieces. Furious tears welled up in her eyes.

As Grell sped away from campus, she brushed past everyone in her way without a care of being rude or not. She even crossed streets without bothering to look both ways, earning cursing and honking from drivers. But she paid no attention to them. Finally, she entered the building she was looking for. It was a restaurant with a bar in it. Once she was inside, she immediately took a seat on a bar stool and snatched the alcoholic menu. After everything that happened today, she needed a pick-me-up to wash away her worries, even if it was just for a short period of time.

"Only question is, what would be strong enough to deal with this heartache..." Grell sighed.

But suddenly, she heard a voice next to her that was too familiar.

"Don't you think it's a bit too early to be drinking?"

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