Trapped In Minecraft

By TheStoryTeller98

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Bailey, Callum, Lizzie, Joel, Oli, Yammy, Joey, and Daniel are all widely known Youtubers who are known fo... More

Chapter One: Let's Celebrate!
Chapter 2: MineCon Part 0
Chapter 2: MineCon Part 1
Chapter 2: MineCon Part 2
Chapter 2: MineCon Part 3
Easter Special: History of Love
Chapter 3: Welcome to the World of Minecraft
Chapter 4: Trapped in the Game!
Chapter 5: The Quest
Author's Note: Sorry
Chapter 6: Preparing for the Journey
Chapter 7: Real Nightmare
Authors Notes: Holy Hell Guy's
Chapter 8: Prepared to Fight
Contest Time!!!!
Chapter 9: Portal to Another World!
Chapter 10: The Queen
Im Sorry Guys!!!
Chapter 11: 5 Months Later
Authors Note: Super Duper Sorry
Chapter 12: The Challenge
Chapter 13: The Beginning of a War
Chapter 14: Fighting For Love
Side Chapter: Bouncy Castle Mayhem
Chapter 15: The Ex Boyfriend
Chapter 16: Gone to Evil
Story Update
Chapter 17: The Plan
Final Update!
Hey Guys!!!
Please Vote!!!
Update Time!!!
2nd Book is Here!!

Chapter 18: Breaking and Entering

703 13 27
By TheStoryTeller98

Hey guys Story-Teller here,

Sorry that I haven’t updated in a couple of weeks. This is clearly my fault but I have had some major writer's block and my brain was working on overload for the past 2 weeks with Christmas and New Years!! Speaking of that Merry Christmas and Happy New Years my readers and who is ready for the next chapter of Trapped in Minecraft!!!!

P.S. I am not very good at fight scenes so I apologize ahead of time!!

Enjoy the Chapter!!!

Song of the Chapter… I Will Not Bow By. Breaking Benjamin

The Story-Teller


Mattie’s POV.

We flew through the sky towards the location that Timmy had told us, I was leading the charge of the Stronghold. Oli and Callum were next to one another behind me as we saw the massive fortress in our sights. There were Skeletons in tall towers and on the walls with their bows trained on us as we approached. I saw the onslaught of arrows coming towards us everyone crowded around me and I created a wall of air surrounding us overhead, the arrows just bouncing off of us as we continued our mission towards the fortress. I saw the gate ahead and the barrage of zombie pigman surrounding the towers and fortress walls.

“We’ll take care of them” I heard Joel and Lizzie say as I looked down and saw them just crashing through the horde of monsters and destroying them.

“Alright call if you need help and come as soon as you can” I said as we continued to approach the gate ahead of us.

“Alright guys stand back” I grinned as I felt the surge of energy flow through my body, I twisted my arms and hands back and then pushed the wind forwards smashing it into the wall separating us from the inside. But nothing happened.

“Wait what?” I said through another strong gust of air at the wall trying to knock it over but it just bounced back. I looked at the rest of my team and yelled from some assistance.

“Guys we have a problem I can’t break the wall down” I said trying once more.

“Here let me try” Joel said running at the wall with his super suit on and trying to break it down with brute force but again nothing happened and he just smacked off the wall and bounced back.  

“I think there might be sheild or some sort of force that is surrounding the castle” Timmy said bringing up his screen and trying to break through it.

“Can you break it?” I asked him as I flew next to him.

“I think so but it might take some time cover me will you” he said as he began typing at super fast speeds.

“Alright everyone cover Timmy don’t let anything get to him” I said as another horde of monsters began to surround us.

“Lets kick some ass” Joey yelled as he ran into the monsters and began sweeping them left and right.

“Charge!!!” I yelled as the rest of us ran into the battle all while keeping the monsters from attacking Timmy.

Bailey’s POV.

“You have some very noble friends I see but they don’t already know that it's too late” Tyler grinned as he placed the last strong down on me on the table.

“You're sick you know that Tyler let me help you we can both leave this place and you can get some help” I pleaded with him.

“Bailey we both know that is not going to happen, if we leave here I will be captured and I will never see you again but if I trap us in her completely then we can be together forever” he grinned insanely.

“Please Tyler let me go you’re hurting me” I cried out as the straps tightened.

“It will only hurt for a little while then we will be free of any pain” he grinned.

“No you will never win, you can never take away my powers and never take away my memories” I screamed, my body began to glow bright blue as I felt a powerful spell beginning to take over, I felt myself being transported to another place. I closed my eyes because of the bright light, but then it suddenly went dark.

“Hello Bailey” I heard someone say.

“Who is there?” I called out into the darkness.

“It is I the Ender Dragon, the ruler of this place” it replied.

“But were in a video game how can you talk like this?”.

“We are in more than a video game and you know that”.

“But how?”.

“It doesn't matter what matters is getting back and saving your friends” he replied.

“But how? I'm trapped in Tyler's Lab” I sighed.

“Not anymore you are now free but now you must choose what you will do with this freedom”.

“How?” I asked.

“Either save yourself and your friends from the game and face him in the real world or destroy him now and risk never leaving” he told me.

“But how will I face him in the real world?” I ask the dragon.

“You will know is that your answer?” he asked.

“Yes please get us out of here save us” I pleaded quickly.

“As you wish good luck Bailey you will need it for the fight that is ahead of you in the real world we will speak again soon” he said as he began to fade.

“Thank You” I yelled out.  

Mattie’s POV.

I heard a scream and then suddenly there was an explosion of blue light and it soon enveloped us all, my body began to glow white and I felt power surge through me and I screamed and collapsed to the ground in a heap. I felt my eyes begin to close as my body shut down. Just as I was closing my eyes I saw Oli running towards me screaming something but I could not hear him as I shut my eyes and lost consciousness.

Oli’s POV. (OHH Something New)

“Mattie NOO” I yelled as I ran towards her with my arms out, she lost consciousness and I grabbed her before she hit the ground. She began to slightly fade, was that energy to much for her and it killed her? I began to cry and she was slowly fading away, what has happened? I can’t lose her I love her yes I love her it was never Bailey I was just jealous of Callum I love Mattie she is my best friend.

“I love you” I mumbled into her disappearing hair.

“I love you too” I heard her reply as she slightly opened her eyes before completely fading away.

“NOO Mattie come back” I cried as I slumped over and began to cry.

Callum’s POV. (Wow this is also new lol)

I ran through the rubble of the now destroyed fortress, I couldn't see anything until I saw an arm sticking out from under a pile of debris.

“Oh god Bailey” I yelled out as I ran towards her limp body, I began to unbury her and soon I held her in my arms. She was uncicious but had this blue aura around her, her eyes slowly began to open up as she looked up at me.

“Bailey oh thank god your okay” I grinned hugging her.

“Hey Cal where are we?” She asked.

“We're still in the game but is it over?” I asked her.

“We're leaving Cal we're getting out” she cried happily.

“Really after all this time!” He grinned.

“Mattie No Please Don't Leave Me” We heard Oli cry out.

“Wait where's Mattie?” She asked.

“Umm we aren't sure she just disappeared" I said sadly.

“Could she of just left the game?” she asked.

“There's a chance but we don't know wait Bailey what's happening to your hand?!?” I yelled out shocked.

“Wait what…. The hell” she yelled out as she looked down at her hand as it began to fade away as well as some other parts of her body.

“Callum just in case I don't get to..” she started.

“No stop we're going to see each other again I know it” I said looking down at her with tears in my eyes.

“No just in case Callum you have made me so happy and I just want to say that I Love You Callum Knight” she cried.

“And I Love You too Bailey Small” I said with tears streaming down my face.

“Bye Callum" she said as she leaned up to kiss me one last time and then disappeared completely. I just stared at my hands with tears streaming down my face, she was gone.   

**************************************************** The End

So how much do y'all hate me right now??? Just get it out in the comments I will understand completely. Now question of the chapter do you all want a sequel? I have some stuff in mind for another one but I want your guys responses before I even plan out some stuff and I might out another book out before that one.

Thanks for the Reads guy you are defiantly some of the best people on Wattpad!! I love you and I just want to give a special shout out to KingofFlordia for being here the entire time and giving me the inspiration for Mattie and also some key plot elements.

Well thanks for Reading guys and again thank you so very much for making this book such a success.

Signing out one last time,

The Story-Teller

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