The King 2 Hearts (Sequel to...

By silversecret18

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"You're going to need courage in order to give up everything. That's love." Yuri uses a pure outlook, that wo... More

Preview Into The Story
Chapter 1: Beautiful Stranger
Chapter 2: A Bitter Day
Chapter 3: Day by Day
Chapter 4: Ticket
Chapter 5: Addiction
Chapter 6: White: The Melody of The Curse
Chapter 7: Faith
Chapter 8: Pray (The Story I Didn't Know)
Chapter 10: Evening Sky

Chapter 9: It's War

460 19 3
By silversecret18

The King 2 Hearts

Chapter XXIX:

It's War

Title: The King 2 Hearts (Sequel to 'A Kiss To My Prince)

Summary: It's just another story, I fell in love with a foreigner. How can I make you understand me? Beautiful stranger, I've fallen into your big eyes, to the mysterious feeling, the language, I open my heart. People say that you're dangerous, mysterious. They don't try to see the you that I see. The stories in the deep silences. You came from a different image, a different world. The detachment of dreams and reality resemble you; you came as a colourless light from far away. No matter where that is, I'm ready, take me to the place where you are.

Pairing: Sebastian x OC x Ciel with Claude x OC x Alois!

"My name is Yuri Park. There was an incident and I woke up in 1887. Am I mad, in a coma, or back in time? Whatever's happened, it's like I've landed on a different planet. Now, maybe if I can work out the reason, I can get home."

This chapter contains: Episode 9 of Kuroshitsuji II

Hannah soon arrived, her wounds still healing but unusually in slow speed due to the fact the weapon was a Shinigami's. Her jasmine coloured eyes landed onto her fallen master on my lap. Momentarily, her eyes saddened greatly and one of her cheek deflated as if she was biting inside of her cheek from anger or from silent wail.

"Hannah." Claude motioned over, pointing at now dead Alois, "Take care of our master while I take Yuri—" Oh no, we were on first name basis were we...(!), "Back to the manor to get her cleaned."

Hannah looked at me with a discreet nod and carried Alois off to somewhere then I felt myself being lifted, looking up to see smirking (Which is a bad sign) Claude, "Now...lady, shall we head back to our manor?"

It would be good, Grell if you could have killed me now.

In seconds, we arrived in front of the door as he opened it and let me in.

"Now, lady..we should get rid of the blood stained dress although it compliments you dearly."

I was put into a welcoming, warm water that felt as if it were waiting for me the whole time while Claude used a clean cloth to wipe away any dry blood that managed to get stuck onto my form like a second skin. I buried my chin and mouth in awkward moments as the only source of sound was a trickling water from the tap.

"It wonders me.." He suddenly started, making me nervous everytime he opened his mouth now Alois wasn't here to distract him long enough to actually forget me, "How you did not shed a single drop of tears when I have killed Alois. The person you favoured."

"...Crying. Do you think crying with tears is really crying?" I didn't cry when Alois died..because I knew he will be more happy dead than alive, right?

He seemed to calmly soak himself with my answers, halting before going back to clean my legs which was propped onto his knees, knowing he will not get any answers. His hands suddenly halted, his eyes seemed to be glued onto my leg as eyes followed the direction of his interest and found a not small nor too large but very noticeable cut that was hidden behind the rusted blood of the wolf and it was still bleeding..I must have grazed it when I was running through the forest.

In instinct I quickly buried my legs under the water, looking up to see his reaction at my sudden retract of his interest. However his eyes were still glued to his hands and now that I noticed it was stained with blood. It didn't look dried nor rusted so I automatically knew it was my blood that must have flowed down to his hands.

His hand came up to his mouth, his tongue slipping out before licking the excess. His eyes slowly closed as if inhaling something heavenly Between the small gap of his lip, I saw the fangs was now more apparent. My thoughts proceed small list of plan of escapes using objects around me but it would be obvious who will win.

To my shock and surprise, he looked at me and smiled. Moving onto my arms he started to clean, taking his time. When he dressed me into a more comfortable red Empire dress, he lifted up my leg to fit my shoes. And like he did to Ciel in the anime, he kissed my feet before fitting the heel on. Unnerved look was evident in my face but he didn't care, he repeated the process onto my leg before leading downstairs where everyone was waiting.
The night soon deepened, turning the world into endless abyss. Not a star seemed to have come out to play as if knowing the ominous stir of deed that was about to happen down on Earth and even the moon seemed to hide itself behind the grey stratocumulus clouds.

Underneath the dark layer of clouds covering entire sky without any break, in a grand mansion that was lighted through, a voice rang.

"My dear and mysterious fellows of darkness," He announced, holding onto a familiar looking small, rectangular box as he opened it to reveal the content to us, "Here is" Buried deep inside a dry tea leaves was a ring he had taken from his master, "The soul of Alois Trancy."

The house was completely transformed from furnitures to wall papers into blue. Everything was blue. Midnight blue. The favourite colour of Ciel's.

"Can you guess what I am going to do with it?" He held out the rings to four demons.

The demon triplet try and guess it, showing their answers in the form of drawings on large paper and crayon: Thompson depicted of Claude(?) trying to eat the ring, "Miss."

Canterbury was still drawing what it looked like a just messy lines of circle.

Timber's one always made me laugh, it was a woman holding up her hand proudly while staring romantically at the ring that was put on her fourth finger. Even if it was those situation where a even a snort was not permitted I hid the laughter with coughs before becoming silent as the flashbacks of yesterday came.

"Wrong." Claude sighed, walking to Hannah and calling her name.

"Hannah." At the mention of the triplet's master, they dropped everything and focused their attention to her.

"The décor is different." She pointed out stoically.

"That is correct!" Before jumping onto table, twirling, "I changed the interior decorations from dark blue to midnight blue. Not everyone would notice this slight variation." He smugly observed the ring he obtained, "Their souls are essentially different, but they share a common element: the past that affects them. Hence why this will be useful."
In a small study darkly lighted by a lamp, Sebastian smirked as his eyes scanned the letter words for words, "I see so this is your response."
Mindlessly, Ciel found himself looking outside the window every night. As if he is expecting someone important to arrive, his eyes were glued onto the long, horizontal path that led to his manor. He felt he knew yet he did not, the empty feeling in his mind seemed to block his lung from breathing, and he felt uncomfortable in his own house.

He felt himself shifting from the same position he stood for the last half an hour at the sound of his door opening. It was Sebastian who was doing his daily check on him. The room was soon lit with candles Sebastian was carrying, noticing his master was still up at unusually late hour.

"Are you unable to sleep?" He inquired.

"Sebastian." Ciel acknowledge coldly, "No. I was just thinking that stabbing someone was harder than I expected." He half revealed.

"You would be surprised how thick our skin is...our body is made to stay alive, afterall."

Whoever had mentioned that to him, he strongly agreed. Ciel walked toward his cold bed reluctantly, to him it was rather unwelcoming.

"I thought he'd just die right away, but it's quite hard to kill someone ruthlessly and without reserve, as you do." At this, Sebastian smirked.

"I am honoured by your words."

He set his eye patch and his family crested ring near the table and lie down, keeping his left side empty as usual, a weird habit he often thought along with his butler, but he did not know that the butler knew the reason so.

"I have heard he is still alive thanks to his acquittance who had enough medical knowledge to keep him stable until a physician arrived." Ciel later added, founding her demanding personality rude and outspoken yet he didn't hate it. There was a pregnant pause and noticed his butler suddenly become silent.

Pulling the blanket over his head as he stared into a cold empty space he could not bring himself to rest on, "Tell me something. I can't sleep."

Sebastian walked forward, taking out a enveloped letter, "Well then, there is a message from Her Majesty the Queen."

".." At the sound of the Queen, all the tiredness and futile thoughts was lost and sat up with a surprised gasp.
Down the empty street of East End of London where everything dark not only lurked around the corner but unhesitantly waited for their prey to come to them. No, they were out in the street, not only waiting but even hunting them.

A small boy dashed through the street, letting out a frightened scream with a feared look on his face. He was desperately searching for help that didn't come, the only thing that seemed to be with him was his own chased shadow. Maybe one of the neighbour heard his plea for help but did not do anything so to help the pitiful child. They were too busy looking after themselves and busy living their sewer like life.

His head occasionally glanced back to his unknown pursuer that was seemed to cling onto the boy obsessively. On the full moon, he saw a shadow high in the air almost blocking the wavering moon with his dark intimidating form before letting out a final scream as his unlucky fate was met with the end.
"Recently, on the outskirts of London, a number of people have had their eyes gouged out by an unidentified individual." Sebastian reported, "The victims are all boys, all of different class."

Ciel narrowed his eyes in disgust, "How sickening." Before staring out of the carriage's window; his mind once again going back to that day.

"You don't understand anything. The demon at your side is deceiving you! We are the same!"

"Are you alright?"

Sebastian noted the startle look appearing on his face, "It's nothing." A suspicious glance lingered on the demon. Up on one of the several middle class building, a shadow awaited.
"I dunno!" The boy angrily slapped the wooden table as his mother sadly soothe his anger with sorrow, "Someone thrust their fingers into my eyes and everything went red and now I can't see anymore."

"Can you describe the culprit?" Ciel asked.

"It was some brat, probably the same age as me." The boy explained in detail, "He looked quite wealthy."

"Some brat?" Ciel wondered surprised at the fact someone young was capable of such things but then again.

"Damn that bastard!"

The spider that inhibited the corner crawled down the web.

After the interrogation, the pair exited the run down house, ignoring the two children that was playing with the carriage wheel or the unconscious drunk that looked no more than sixteen. How ridiculous, he thought, that those kind of things seemed rather nostalgic.


"Yes." The demon butler nodded understandingly.
The manor was lot more quiet. Alois' once loud voice was no where to be heard except an occasion echoes in my head, it was as if the only inhabitant in this large mansion was just me even if there was five more people here.

Maybe it was because they were demons that their presence seemed to be short lived and invisible like. I had many startling incident such as when Hannah came to change my sheets or when Claude suddenly came from behind and wrapped his arms around my shoulder while I was sitting in front of a mirror.

He was getting rather affectionate, I noticed, the occasional careless of my face, kissing my hair and feet, the more attentions he showered me with than usual or he ever did with Alois.

I squirmed while for the first time actually drinking a real tea as Claude knitted something with the webs.

A demon invest time and energy into gradually raising his soul. I must be respectful when stealing it. I will do so gradually, politely.

I didn't notice the sudden change in his movement, only to realise he had moved when he suddenly wrapped something around my hair. I realised it was a web veil, beautiful decorated it that it looked exactly like white lace contrasting with my auburn hair that was dyed before I came here. My roots are beginning to show..

"How beautiful you are, even for a human."

I couldn't help but blush at the straightforward admired words from the demon, I swear he was using his ability to seduce to make his voice more suave.

"I wish to feel that feeling I get when I pierce your soft skin."

"Y-You're not suppose to say that." I broke the 'romantic' atmosphere with my 21st Century tone of reminder.
"We have heard a few testimonies now." Ciel listened as he stared at the map again while resting on top of one of several wooden box containers.

"It seems the culprit is a young boy, likely from a Noble family." Sebastian summarised.

"Hm." Ciel snorted before looking up at his butler with a smirk, "They're mocking us."

"What do you mean?"

"Look." Ciel started to dot and connect all the lines together from the geographic of the crime scene, "If we connect the Phantomhive house to the Trancy residence, then link all the crime scenes, we get a cobweb." Certainly, drawn on the map was a web, "These incidents are all his doings."

"It might also be the butler acting on his own." Sebastian suggested.

"So he survived. I will admit he doesn't lack tenacity."

"Young master?"

Ciel's eyes narrowed dangerously, "I see now. He survived." A certain look flashed pass his face as he regarded the news of Alois' 'survival'.

He looked up to his awaiting butler, "A butler will always answer his master's questions sincerely, correct?"

"Yes indeed." Sebastian answered truthfully.

"Are you hiding anything from me about Alois?" Ciel suspiciously asked.

Sebastian's lip pursed and his eyes held the look of cover before he quickly dispersed it by replacing it with a 'friendly' smile, "No. I am hiding nothing about Lord Alois."

"Then, my—" Ciel's words were interrupted when a loud explosion came from his side. Sebastian quickly reacted to the danger and moved his master to a more safety distance away from the disturbance.

"The spider butler?"

"No. This is..." Sebastian trailed off, scanning the buildings for any intruders. Seeing none, he quickly landed down from the rooftop of a small shack and hid his master into one of a larger container.

"Young master, please stay here."

He took off his top hat, wrinkling his nose at the sudden foul odour hit him, "It stinks."

"Be patient for a while." Sebastian assured before closing the box, "Please do not leave this place, no matter what."

Ciel sighed irritatingly, giving his butler a quick look that silently told him to finish this quickly.

I see Sebastian realised as he ran through where his enemies were, First, they lure us with the Queen's orders, than they use those who will appear without fail when there is a strange occurrence involving a soul...however, His mind suddenly flashed to Yuri, ..You had so many chances to escape, Yuri...just what are you thinking?

He swiftly avoided the fallen laundries that was purposely dropped by the enemy, grabbed the rope and smoothly landed onto the roof before he quickly jumped into the air once more as Knox's death scythe came in contact with the materials, creating a big crate on the building.

"Death Gods!" Sebastian noted with hostility as Knox aimed toward him once again. The poor buildings once had another crates creating a big wind of dusts. The blond death God scanned the surroundings only to be attacked from behind as Sebastian aimed several knives toward him.

However, Sebastian wasn't aiming for Knox but his weapon, jamming the lawnmower in result. Ronald held up the now useless weapon, sighing before turning off the switch, "I don't need this. It's totally done for!"

"And so we meet for the first time." Sebastian greeted with a smirk.

"Ah, yes." Ronald shrugged before officially introducing himself with a style and the seemingly trademark for death, "I am another death God, Ronald Knox. Die!" There was an awkward silent between them before Knox sighed in embarrassing manner.

"Ah, I knew it. That's just lame." Scratching his head as he mumbled about, "My senior, Sutcliff, said I needed a catchphrase, so I asked a girl from General Affairs to invent one for me, but..."

"Do not worry." Sebastian assured, "You and your catchphrase will soon be gone." He took out another knives from his suit.

"I suppose you are here due to some strange happening involving souls? For example, you could not collect the soul of a certain Alois Trancy?"

"Exactly." Another voice drawled as Sebastian calmly turned and transported himself onto another roof separated from now a destroyed building by familiar looking death scythe.

"As I thought, you are involved in this incident, Sebastian Michaelis." It was William.

For a moment, there seemed as if the two was exchanging high voltage of electric shock toward each other through glares before Sebastian stopped the childish behaviour with a more reasonable 'smile'.

"I see it has been long time no see. I hope you have been well."

"I can't say the same thing to you." William retorted, adjusting his glasses over his nose bridge that irritatingly reminded Sebastian of Claude, "To let Yuri—" Sebastian's eyes narrowed suddenly at the familiarity of names, "Taken right under your nose. You must have gotten rather senile. We are here for Alois Trancy soul however, we also are here surrounding the circumstance of Yuri herself."

"You see, it came to us death Gods' attentions from the beginning that Yuri is from a different dimension. Her mind and soul do not belong here. Someone had open a paradox between our and her world causing an upsetting balance to both — unless she choose to stay however, would be a different story. The door between the two would be closed forever, solving our bothersome troubles but it's same for if she decide to leave. Either way, her choice would close the entrance. Her 'life' before coming here still lingers in her world while creating another in here, if she does chooses her existence in either of this world, then the other world that has been abandoned would be erased."

The demon's eyes went red at the news. Everything: every sounds, touch, memories he had shared with Yuri seemed to flash past his head as if re-analysing any missed important points.

William raised his brow, "So you were not familiar with such? How careless for a demon who confidently declared to taken in a human lover...lets another demon snatch her away from your clutches in the end." Suddenly he let out a sigh, massaging his temples, "Geez, that girl...she is a bothersome troublemaker."

"And you seemed to have been observing Yuri little more necessary than you needed to for a while." He spatted back.
This feeling again. Ciel thought as he remained quiet in the box, tightening his arms around his legs to bring it closer to his chest more and fell once more into deep thoughts.

It's like I have been locked up somewhere for a long time. I'm forgetting something but I cannot remember. I am sure Alois and Sebastian know about it. It's only me who can't remember.

Ciel suddenly felt another pang of ache in his temple, clutching his head in pain as his pupils dilated:

"I smelled a wild beast at the crime scene. This murder is definitely an abnormal madman. Are you prepared for that, Earl Phantomhive?"

What is this?

"We are the same!" Alois voice mocked as his laughter seemed to surround his head.

Stop fooling around! I'm not a vulgar like you!


"Please do not leave this place, no matter what." With that, Sebastian closed the lid to the suitcase containing soulless Ciel.

Are you joking?!

"Do not give me orders!" He violently broke the closed lid of the wooden box before jumping out running toward somewhere, startling the children who was playing near it.

"Children should play at home!" Ciel growled over his shoulder in annoyance.
"Please do what I have ordered you, Hannah." Claude sternly reminded as she nodded from the carriage. He offered his hand and helped me on to the carriage along with Hannah, smiling, "Have a good time, my lady." He kissed my hand before closing the coach's door and motioned the driver to go ahead.

"It's a wonder how you managed to have stolen such powerful individual's hearts so easily." Hannah suddenly spoke up gently.

"Rather than destiny, a destiny-like love, isn't it?" She asked, "The entire world is focusing on you. After this days, history will be written anew and the new protagonist will be you. Just as I hoped for ever since you were born."

This made me jerk my head in surprise toward Hannah, "You were...what spying on me ever since I was a baby?"

"I can't bring a random person in this world, can I? I was there where ever you were..even at the time you got lost in China. Who do you think brought you back to your parent?'

My mouth gaped open, now I think about it...I mean, I ran away from circus because I had claustrophobia AKA fear of clown and I was founded by this really nice British gentleman who brought me pistachio icecream-

"That was you?"

Hannah nodded.

"Why did you brought me here?" I finally asked.

The flower demoness turned her head to meet my gaze, "I told you didn't I? That I'll let you be the angel who makes the devil repent. On Earth, that desire is often called 'love.' In Hell, we feign that we recognize it as hunger."

No wonder those demons been always saying how 'hungry' they are for me. But even so, can't they say something other than hunger?!

Hannah must have read my mind by some mean because she giggled at the face I was making, "The desire to eat, sexual desire, the desire to sleep and the desire for honor. Of all the human desire, the most fierce is appetite. That applies to demons as well."

I nodded, agreeing. I did like my meat very much.

Bottom line, amor may vincit omnia, but you'll pay a high price.

"Ah...I never got the chance to ask you, what was your dream before I brought you here?"

I stared at her with a curiosity that mirrored her's, "My dream..?" Even though I was 16, I could never figure out my dreams. I had number of things but I guess something that was an acceptable answers fit for these kind of society was:


"That is a admirable thing. Saving other people's lives." She smiled, I was once again reminding how beautiful the female demon was.

"It was more of an ambition than a dream." I truthfully told, "I thought dreams is something you only have when you sleep. Life taught me that."

" humans have a very strange society here. You, who were honest and moral..they change it." Hannah revealed, looking outside the window, "They take all the positive things as negative. Don't dream on anything, be realistic, you can only survive then. Don't help others, be selfish, you can only succeed then. Don't treat someone sincerely, you will be betrayed. Stay silent about the truth, you will only survive then. Just like us demons, humans want to live a life just to survive?"

"They should find its value, just like mine. Because life isn't a survival game..." I answered to her satisfactory.

"Even after all this you wish to return?"

My eyes downcast onto my knees, suddenly finding the lace gloves pattern interesting, "I can't stay here."

"You know he will soon regain his memory." Hannah stated, "How can you stop the heart that flows? How can you stop the wind that's blowing? I know robbing Ciel of his memories is the same as robbing him of his life. His memories are erased but he is still the same person who fell in love with you in the beginning. Because that cannot be erased, nor changed. Although it was erased from his head, his heart remembers. But will you be able to forget all this? To say goodbye, your eyes have to forget his face, your ears have to forget his voice, your head have to forget his name, and your heart ...your heart has to forget your love for him."

"I believe.." I started confidently, "If you love and miss that person, then love can come again when you meet again. Just like playing hide and seek... no matter where it hides or even if you can't see it, it must be waiting at some place for me. Amid the countless chaos just like the sincere prayers of love, the people in love will surely meet again."
Where are you Sebastian? I'm coming too!

He could feel his leg wobble and started to get numb from sudden physical actions it was going through, often he would use the walls to support to rest for awhile before heading off toward to find his butler. He suddenly stopped when something flashed past him in the reflection of the window.

"Alois?" He looked back at the alley before turning his eyes to the wall as the back of 'Alois' climbed and jumped down to the opposite wall.

Ciel's eyes widened in surprise: it was definitely Alois.


Ciel glanced back to see a barrel falling down as Alois disappeared into the corner of the alley.

How long are you going to mock me?

"Wait!" Ciel chased him until Alois stopped in front of a wall; there was no way to escape.

"Stop there, Alois Tra-"

"We've found you, Alois Trancy!" Two man jumped off the carriage, running toward the same alley way he was in. Bothersome sound escaped Ciel's lip, frowning at their disturbance, "Getting in my way..."

Unknowingly, 'Alois' was halfway climbing the tall barricade.

"Are you from the Yard? Get him before he esca-" He let out a surprise gasp when the two roughly grabbed each of his arm; his top hat falling off the floor, forgotten.

"Do not resist, Alois Trancy!" A third man arrived, aiding the two.

A surprise look streaked on his face with unbelievable expression in his eyes at the referral of Alois Trancy's name, "Alois? Me? You are making a mistake! He is.." He motioned his head toward the wall, eyes widening when he was no where to be seen. Has he been...hallucinating?

"Take him away." A middle aged, blond man ordered to the two.

"Let go!" He pulled his arms in failed attempt to escape as he was dragged back to the carriage, "Just stop! What are you..."

Once again, his eyes widened as saucer when his eyes took in the three figure that stepped toward, it was a chief detective, Hannah and me who was partially hidden by Hannah, "You two're from the Trancy residence."

"Is it him, then?" The round man confirmed to Hannah.

"Yes. This is my master, Count Alois Trancy." She smoothly said, not an ounce of small gesture or micro expression of her deceptiveness was visible.


The older man frowned as he scrutinised Ciel with slight puzzled look, "He appears quite confused."

She looked away, feigning shame and guilt, "My master was continuously abused by his father, the late family head." A slight shock shifted into Ciel's face, "He eventually became mentally ill. He hates the symbol his father carved into his eye, and when he sees a boy similar to himself, he acts out his loathing by gouging out their eyes. He did the same to me." Hannah showed her bandaged left eye.

Ciel clicked his tongue at the nonsense she was claiming such absurdity, "What are you saying?!"

"His eyes are the proof." She mentioned, gently touching her eye as if it was still aching.

"Take off his eye patch!" The older man ordered.

"Stop!" He shook his head in attempt to slap away the man's hand before the material was pulled away revealing his contract filled eye,

"N-No! This is Sebastian's..."

Shock look fell upon the two man as they stared intensely and fearfully at the devil star sign while Hannah gently spoke, squeezing my hand from behind, "My master is victim as well, in the end. Please be magnanimous to him."

There was a short silent moment until the older man quickly regained his posture of authority, "Take him away!"

"Stop! Unhand me! Sebastian!"

I couldn't look as I walked pass with neutral expression I could make as naturally as possible. I knew if someone saw me, they'd notice the drooping upper eyelids, lost focus in the eyes and slightly pulled down of lip corners — a clear micro expression of sadness.

The older man bowed and greeted goodbye as were
"OK!" Knox cheered after his third pull of the string for his weapon finally worked. The grinding sounds were as fresh as morning dew. Ronald looked at the side as he notice the demon was busy fending off William, flicking his nose, "I'm going to cut him down then. No way am I working overtime?"

Two clashes of the metal met each other as quick as it separated as Ronald's fixed weapon came down to the ground, creating big wind of dust.

Sebastian let out a frustrated mutter, "Two death Gods are, indeed, overkill."

"Ronald Knox!" William scolded, "Are you trying to cut me with your death scythe, too?"

His shrugged his head, "Maybe I got a little carried away. Sorry. People my age tend to be mischievous."

"What a death God need is the ability to promptly and accurately judge a situation. Are your glasses for show?"

"In my world it is."

The trio's head snapped to the side where the voice originated. Each expression was different when they saw who it was. Sebastian's however, a devilish smirk appeared with a look of longing.

My smile slowly grew bigger, walking toward the three, "Did I changed a lot? Did you guys missed me?"

William grew tense while Ronald stared with interest, peering with 'hmm'.

"Although I am delighted at your presence here, I cannot help but wonder what you are doing here? Has Claude sent you here?" Sebastian asked with an usual smile.

"Are you jealous?" I faked a gasp.

"Oh, you're neck tie is crooked." I fixed his tie before fixing William's who seemed to fidget every time my finger moved to tie it, "I hope your job is going well, William! Make sure you remember to eat well and sleep well."

"And you must be Ronald Knox!" I greeted next, "I'm Yuri."

" must be the human William have been talking non-stop about! You're pretty famous in our world, you know!" He shook my hand.

"I must be." I so can imagine Grell rambling about 100 ways to kill me painfully to every passing death Gods.

I turned to Sebastian, "I have something to speak to you since I don't have much time left."

He nodded, wrapping his arm around my waist guiding me away from the two death Gods, "We can discuss your matter some where more...private perhaps?" He nodded to the two death Gods, "The battle was very entertaining. Let's hope we do not meet in the future."

"I could say the same." William retorted, tempted to stab the demon's back to make his life easier for the future.
We moved to a more secluded place that was similar to an alley way.

"...That's what it will happen." Sebastian's brow furrowed as he thoughtfully careless his chin in deep thinking at what I have explained. Hopefully, he won't know everything I just said was a script imprinted on my mind by Hannah who needed my help for a plan she had in her mind.

"I guess the game would be interesting; there's no fun without some twist. Although, Claude's plan regarding both master and you is very worrying..."

I felt little bit guilty, leaving the part where Ciel might or not become a demon and excluding what Claude has in stored for Ciel except the fact Ciel might come to hate him soon. I told him everything would work out fine but there was that glint in his eyes that held suspicion of my white lie.

If he did however, he did not further questioned it. Making sure I sometime avoided eye contact to feign my look of thinking and being honest. They say, lying makes people avoid eye contact but that's a myth. Most of the time, when people are lying they make more eye contact than usual; they need to see if they believed the lies.

He lifted my face up to his eyes by cupping the side of my face, "Such beauty...even for a human." I found it ironic how both Sebastian and Claude said the same thing but it was really puzzling how they find me beautiful. I mean seriously, not when someone says, 'Oh, you're so beautiful' and they are like, 'No~ I'm ugly' and they are like, 'OK. You're damn ugly; can't even take a compliment.' thing, I just find myself as just ordinary just like Hannah said.

Or was it my ordinary that made me beautiful?

I was taken away from my inner thought when something soft and warm touched my lip and realised it was Sebastian's. It was gentle before becoming more rough, his tongue licked my lip for an entrance which I gladly gave as he explored every inch of my mouth. He was a really an experience kisser for someone who only leant about French kiss few months ago.

Then, I felt pang of sting at the crook of my neck. I didn't know because he broke the contact of our lips so fast before biting my neck. I could hear my blood being sucked. I'd have fallen onto the floor if his arms were tightened against my waist, almost lifting me up to his chest like a doll.

"I cannot imagine having to live without you...such low I have fallen. The day when I turn you into a demon myself..I cannot wait—"

Loud crash was heard just above us with Sebastian reacting faster to the danger by pulling me to the opposite wall and using his body to shield any debris that fell on his back which turned crumbled and turned to dust as if his body was strong metal.

My head was instantly turned to the side to see a dark figure, I had to squint my eyes from the light to try and decipher who it was. It wasn't until the person's familiar voice spoke up with irritation.

"I let her out for a second..and the demon sniffs her out like a lowly dog."

Sebastian's eyes narrowed with promise of painful deaths at being compared to an animal he disliked greatly, "Will you please shut that dirty mouth? A demon like you to even compare her to anything is a sin worthy of a curse."

I saw Claude's eyes thinned threateningly, baring his now grown fangs before charging toward Sebastian's neck with knives. Sebastian quickly lifted me up before jumping to the front of the alley, landing smoothly.

He put me aside for my safety before getting out sets of knives from his jacket like Claude, holding it in between his fingers.

I pulled his arms back, "Sebastian, stop. It's OK, don't worry..I'll come back. Trust me." He hesitantly nodded with his pursed lip that displayed his clear frustration and displease.

"And you too, Claude. You two stop acting like some children." I said with finality, signalling the end of the discussion. Claude walked over with his hand stretched for me to take.

"Shall we?"

I wrapped my arm around his, "Let's stop fighting, hm? You two might get hurt." Claude gave a triumph smirk to Sebastian over my shoulder and as we were about to walk past him, his hand shot out to grab Claude's unoccupied arm.

"Engrave this in your ear — I will never leave you alone nor will I ever hand Yuri over to you."

"I, too. I will admit," He nozzle my hair affectionately with his nose, "I seemed to have developed an unusual attachment to this girl. From now on, it's war."

I nodded discreetly over my shoulder as Sebastian bowed and disappeared. I gasped when I was suddenly pinned to the wall, his arm glued down mine to the hard concrete leaving my other arm free while his rested just above my shoulder, his head tilted as if trying to look for something. His eyes landed onto my still bloody neck before resting onto my face.

"You've never revealed what you were really thinking, not even once. I feel like I've been living staring at a wall, I wonder what you human thinks about once in a while." Then he roughly took hold of bunch of my hair, pulling it down to reveal my neck.

"If I turn you into the demon right here and chain you next to me, will I get to see what you think about?"

I laughed, attempting to make a joke out at his half-hearted(?) confession, "Sure(!), seriously! I really don't know what you see in me; I don't hide anything, I tell everything I think." I told truthfully, I mean it was true anyway. Probably, my weakness. They say I'm wayy too open um but hey we are all girls, nothing to hide.

"In this world, there are girls who are prettier than me, kinder than me. You won't ever find a girl like that if it's just because I was the first human who interested you so get hold of yourself. There are many women but I'm not one of them so—"

Before I could completely finish the sentence that would summarise and justify the reason, his gloved hands grabbed my cheeks, forcing my whole body to depend on his while using the it as a leverage to lock our lips together.

My first reaction was, as usual, flapping of my hands as his lip moved aggressively against mine forming purple bruise I knew will be very noticeable a wound. My flapping hands must have annoyed him, who kept his eyes open staring at my shocked expression with joy and pleasure, he grabbed my wrist and kept them down.

Maybe my heart was wavering because for some reason I didn't pushed him away. Now, I know how those girls in the drama feels like-I'd often shout at the computer screen why they didn't push away from the bad guy but I think I can understand a little.

When our lips finally separated, leaving behind string of our mixed drool between us that kinda reminded me of spider web, he pulled my by his side. His arm securely wrapped around my waist.

"Now." He spoke with almost happy tone, "Shall we go visit Ciel Phantomhive?"
Although I have faced the same scenes many times before, it was 180 degree different when faced in real life as me and Claude watched from the platform above as the nurses dunked Ciel in large aquarium filled with pungent looking green liquid while snickering their mocking laughter as short breath coughs spit out the green liquid from Ciel's lip.

I saw an amused glint in Claude from the corner of my eyes, his hand tightening around mine painfully from sudden arousal of excitement that was evident in his devilish eyes. Other may not see it or not even knew about it but I could see it. The flash of expression that comes and disappear in less than a second; sometimes I would be more glad that my ability to see micro expression was zero but most of the time I was thankful. It had helped me greatly over the years.

"A person with asthma can die from that, Claude." I muttered out, directing his attention from the display to me. He must have spotted my worried tone because he ignored it and signalled the man in charge as he nodded and signalled the nurse as they dunked him again.

"Claude, stop being childish. Or you'll regret it." I managed to bite out, trying to pull my hand away from his devouring grip. I swallowed reflexively. His claws were suddenly long and sharp, digging into my skin very slightly. A pin prick of pain, and the metallic tang of blood was in the air, thickening with every second.

Claude turned, nodding to the man as he opened the door, strolled down the stairs and signalled the nurses to stop and drag him to the next room. The room was just two of us, quiet and tense thickening with suffocating silence. I would have pulled away from him to wipe it off, but his hand curled around the back of my neck to pull me forward. Firm in the possessive; he pulled me up against the window with my throat exposed.

"The day I will gladly drink your blood from your throat once soon as the souls I have groomed are in their perfect peak then with the finest souls mixed with the two's sorrow and hatred, I shall."

I knew he was speaking about Alois and Ciel. The fact their souls will be undeniably pursued after because their similar background roots and their already appealing souls, mixed would be as he quoted the finest souls.

Soon, the old man walked up with a delight smile, "Sir, your request has been-" Only to fall to the wooden ground with a loud thud as the golden knife stick out of his forehead. Soon the dark wood was stained with blood that flawed down from his head, creating a large puddles that seemed to become larger and larger.

I swallowed the urge to scream and quickly scrubbed away any blood that made onto my face roughly as if I was scrubbing something dirty and acidic.

He calmly walked down, and through the window I could see the nurses, whom have came back after dropping Ciel off at the next room and was taking the dangling chair that hung above the aquarium off the ropes sighed dreamily, admiring Claude as he examined the green liquid as he smirked and eyeing him with interest in hope one could catch his eyes and maybe they could become a lover to the handsome man or even a mistress of his.

Their lustful gaze did not last, although they did succeeded in having to attract his attention however, the interest they wanted to garnered for themselves from him was not something like this. Their eyes was soon filled with fear and determine to live as soon as the nearby nurse let out a shock yelp before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and limply collapsed with the same golden weapon sticking out her temple for everyone to see that wishing to attract the 'love' or 'lust' of the demon was not so good thing although they didn't know who they were trying to attract. Unlike me.

One by one, they would sink down to the ground with only voiceless screams emitting from their gaped mouths filled with horror and soon piles of bodies made a small hill. Their blood streamed down like a river would trail down the hill and supply the grass with its life spring only theirs' were bloods and supplied the Earth with its sinful content.

Then he glanced upward to me who had my ears blocked and my eyes clenched shut although in my human curiosity I sometime opened to peek. When there was silent and no more muffled screams, I opened my eyes to see his demonic eyes gazing at me unwavering while he licked some that spattered onto his gloves.

"Come." Was his word.

My feet began to move on my own, something I suspected he had something to do with it and realise that demons had ability of body manipulation. My feet rigidly yet somewhat calm and smoothly stepped down the stairs and into his chest. Then my arms came up to wrap around his muscular waist, burying my head deep into his suit. It was an odd and ironic sight of embracing couple among the dead bodies.

My body often twitched in fight for control and my brows furrowed in concentration to try and have my body back. In the end, he gave it back and led me to the next room where Ciel was shivering and trembling vulnerably, his clothes was still wet and clinging onto his form like a second skin as droplets of water trailed down the strand of his hair locks onto the floor. A rough, cotton blanket was carelessly thrown aside by the nurses and I quickly walked over to pick up before snuggling it around Ciel.

Claude enviously pulled me up and positioned me so I was hidden from Ciel and that the only thing I could see was Claude and his back.

His eyes looked everywhere but us, muttering, "I am Ciel...Phan..tomhive. The Queen's...The Queen's watchdog..." Claude grabbed a feather pen, scribbling things Ciel said down on the paper while the mutter of identity continued.

"I lost my mother and father."

"How did you lose them?" Claude questioned in a interrogation like tone.

"My house was burned down."

"Yes. The village where you were born and raised was burned down." Claude corrected, twisting Ciel's words and memories around.

"I was running down the corridor..."

"Yes. You were running on the outskirts of the village." I saw the trembling of Ciel's eyes, his memory now going into its defence mechanism and overwriting the complicating process of memories with the new. Because it was easy that way. And soon, his mind would devour his own identity and conceal it with someone else's, and soon the implant memories would play its own pictures in his mind.

Claude took Ciel's now dried hand, he would often flinch as the cold air hit his damp clothes, before slipping the familiar looking ring into his right index finger.

"You ran, and finally, you found..." Claude tapped his spectacle playfully.

"I found my mother and father, dead." Ciel linked the two and two together, forming a white lie.

"Yes. You found your little brother, dead."

"Little brother?" Ciel muttered puzzled as his eyes were glued onto the centre of the ring: red ruby in the shape of an eye. He saw his own reflection at the centre of that eye, holding him in that place as if trapping him that he lost all the will to escape. Like a sin tempting him with its wonderful, perfect world.

"You found him, and then what happened?"

"I was..." The light reflected and swirled around the ring, as if hypnotising him into everything the demon was whispering, "...By those filthy old men..."

"Yes. That filthy old man."

"I was abused." A horror and disgust marred his frightened look, in his mind was in place of Alois was Ciel as the fat, old man had his legs in his greasy hands devouring his feet.

"By Count Trancy."

A knowing gasp escaped his trembling lip, "Trancy..." It was obvious the name was very familiar on his lip. And his eyes lost all its will and its own control over his identity and mind.

Claude pulled his glass up and down playfully as the satisfied smirked reached, "Yes..." The tone was more of a snake hissing that slowly crept up to his prey, coil around it and bite its arteries before letting out a hiss of victory.

"Someone made a contract with Sebastian, and he set the fire." He continued, just like a spider biting its prey to confirm its prey's death.


"Yes." He assured, his back facing Ciel's back while his entire focus was on me. His gloved hand came up to clasp onto my mouth, preventing me from letting out even a slight squeak, "Sebastian made a contract with your little brother Luka and burned down the village."

"Luka? Village?" Muddled confusion escaped Ciel's blue lip.

"Yes." His forehead rested against mine, my breathing increasing slightly and warmed up his usual cold skin, "Sebastian Michaelis made a contract with Luka and killed your only relative."

The memories sweep across him like a wile forest fire in Ciel's head, "My family..." Images of village, the people, lifeless Luka, the burning mansion...and...Sebastian-

Yell of hatred echoed through the empty hall way of the psychiatric hospital, and something sinister headed toward the room where the sound omitted, bursting opening the door.

"Young master." Sebastian walked in, his eyes landing onto drenched Ciel before his eyes travelling toward Claude then me. There was a spark of sadistic glee of enjoyment in his eyes before quickly covering it with worries.

"Young master." His hands touched Ciel who slapped it away fervently as if something hot touched his skin, crawling away.

"Don't touch me!" Wrapping his arms around his shaking forms, "It was you who killed my parents, Sebastian Michaelis!"

"So you mixed up their memories." He calmly stood up, facing a satisfied looking Claude, "I admit, I did not expect you to ruin the flavour of his soul."

"So wet..." He looked back with disapproval, "Did you, perhaps, soak him in a liquid medicine to muddle his senses?"

"Am I suppose to answer, master?" Claude asked, clearly knowing what the answers will be.

He staggeringly stood up, straightening his back and composing his posture as a righteous Noble gentleman, "It is not necessary." Claude walked over, whispering something incomprehensible which Ciel answered with a harsh tone, "I know."

He shook away the bangs of wet hair that stuck onto his forehead, revealing his contract mark clearly directed toward Sebastian who despite the omniscient about what he was going to do from my warning couldn't let out but a small hiss that escaped his lip at his temporary loss.

"This is an order: vanish from my sight!"

Sebastian precociously stepped back at the command given, a hidden mask of anger and excitement in his eyes and lip.

"A butler should always obey his master's orders." Claude added in satisfactory retort.

Giving his master a final bow of departure but a hidden message of his defiance at the puppeteer that held Ciel with its string, quietly exited but not before giving me a final longing look and a nod.

Ciel/Alois staggered toward the floor, Claude quickly wrapping his arms around Ciel's shoulders supporting him up, "Master."

"I'm tired."


"I want to sleep."

Ciel's eyes landed on me, and with eyes widened he managed to stumble toward me. Then he pulled me into his grasp, burying his face deeply in my hair, breathing the scent in.


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