Secrets (Sequel to Danger In...

By TheMostInsane

28.4K 1.8K 825

((This is a sequel to my other book 'Danger In Love'. If you haven't read that please go read it now, thanks... More

The Call
(Authors Note)
Hello Again
On The Trail
Partners In Crime
Authors Notes
Alternate Ending 1
Alternate Ending 2

Face to Face

881 60 36
By TheMostInsane

"Jeez watch it with that thing!"

The voice of the man cries out turning around from the fridge which he dug through, his voice was monotone and all too familiar to Mark.


Mark questions lowering his gun. The man nods and looks at Mark from underneath his white mask.

"The one and only."

Cry responds, a smile clear in his voice before he turned around digging through Mark's fridge like he lived there, soon pulling out a can of soda.

"Jeez why don't you have any damn food..."

Cry whines like a child, making Mark roll his eyes. No wonder him and Jack were close, they were similar it seemed.

"So why are you in my house rummaging through my fridge?"

Mark questioned raising an eyebrow at the masked man who trudged into the living room, sprawling out across the couch with his soda. Mark releases a soft sigh and sits in one of the other chairs still watching the man.

Cry opens the soda and slips his mask up ever so slightly so just his mouth was visible, giving Mark barely enough of a view to get a slight picture of what he may look like.

"Well the cops are tracing you now, so I can't have you meet me at a warehouse. But it doesn't look suspicious if you're home."

Cry explains, shrugging as he did and sipping on his soda can. Mark rolls his eyes.

"That still gives you no right to go through my fridge..."

Mark mutters inaudiby before running a hand through his dyed hair before a realization hits him.

"How did you get my adress?"

Mark questions, he had never said anything about where he lived. Cry simply shrugs again.

"I have my ways."

He says simply, his exposed mouth curving into a sly grin. Mark shakes his head and leans back in his chair tiredly, forcing back a yawn as he did.

"Ok so you are here, why?"

Mark asks finally, his brown eyes examining the masked man who acted like he owned the place. Cry smiles, his smile slightly mischevious, but also happy.

"Because Jack wants to talk to you.... face to face... well sort of."

Cry responds sitting up on the couch and placing his can of soda to the side. Mark tilts his head curiously.

"What do you mean?"

Cry pulls out his phone and begins typing something in.

"Well you see, we figured out a way for you two to talk with face cam, without it being traced."

Cry explains his grin never fading. Soon enough the masked man hands the phone over to Mark, the phone ringing as it waits for the other end to pick up.

Soon Jack's face appears on the screen, making Mark's smile grow instantly.


Mark quietly breathes out, happy to finally see Jack's face again, to see he was ok.

"It's been too long Mark."

Jack responds softly. He sat in a dark room, making it impossible to tell where he was, his hair was a green mess, the green dye beginning to fade greatly, and he looked tired, worn.

"Way too long.... I've missed you."

Mark says quietly, a part of him expecting to burst into tears but forcing them back. Jack smiles sadly, his blue eyes seeming to take in every feature of Mark's face.

"I've missed you too Markimoo. I'm so sorry about all of this... I didn't want you to get dragged into this."

Jack apologizes, his voice breaking slightly as he speaks. Mark smiles comfortingly and shakes his head.

"Don't apologize... I'm just happy you're safe."

Mark replies softly, silently wishing he could jump through the screen and embrace the man. Jack releases a soft sigh and pushes a hand through his faded green hair.

"Of course I am, how are you?... They haven't hurt you in any way right?"

Jack asks softly, worry lacing his voice. Mark shakes his head and smiles.

"No i'm fine. I'm the one who should be worried you big doof."

Mark teases, making Jack laugh softly, his laugh making the red haired man's heart skip a beat.

"Sean... when can I see you again...?"

Mark finally asks, his voice softening as he does, his brown eyes boring into Jack's ocean blue ones.

"I... I don't know Mark... Hopefully soon..."

Jack says, his voice defeated as he truly didn't know when they'd be able to meet face to face.

"I really want to see you... but if I get caught... it's basically done for me."

Jack goes on to explain, his voice softening greatly, and his blue eyes saddened. Mark nods gently, forcing a small smile onto his lips.

"I know... Don't worry though, we'll get through this."

Mark tries to comfort the man. Jack nods and smiles slightly, his worn blue eyes showing loving towards the red haired man.

"I know we will...."

Jack says before releasing a soft sigh, sadness once again twinkling in his eyes.

"I have to go Mark... but we'll do this again, alright?"

Jack softly utters. Mark nods, his eyes roaming Jack's face, struggling to memorize every detail.

"Alright... get some sleep Sean... you look like shit."

Mark says with a small chuckle, trying to lighten the mood as much as possible. Jack laughs and sticks his tongue out at the man childishly.

"Whatever, you don't look too good yourself Marky."

Jack smiles before sighing again and looking at Mark seriously, a small smile twitching his lips.

"I love you Mark..."

"I love you too Sean."

And with that he hangs up, leaving Mark staring sadly at the now black screen, instantly missing the Irish man's voice.

"You two are really in love huh?"

Cry questions, making Mark jump slightly. He had forgotten the masked man was there, his mask still up revealing his mouth which was curved into a deep frown. Mark nods and shyly hands the phone back to the man.

"Yah... We are..."

Mark says with a soft smile, before his eyes go to the masked man again, who seemed to be lost in thoughts.


Mark begins making the masked man turn his head towards him.

"I asked you before and you just kind of shrugged it off... Have you been in love?"

Mark asks quietly, curious about the man. Every time Cry talked about anything relating to love he gained a sad undertone to his voice. Cry sucks in a breath, silently thinking to himself, as though he didn't know whether to say anything or not.


Cry says quietly, his voice breaking it's usual monotone and instead dripping with sadness. Mark watches him quietly, silently urging him to go on. Cry sighs and finally continues.

"It was with a guy who once worked with us... He was a great guy, we were very close... but he was killed..."

Cry continues, his voice breaking every once in awhile. Mark resists the urge to pull the man into an embrace and instead continues watching him pitifully.


Mark asked simply, not wanting to pry, but his curiostiy getting the best of him.

"He was shot, by some cop or something.... I found his body in some old building, shit ton of bullet holes....."

Cry answers quickly, his hands tightening to fists in his lap.

"I swore I would avenge him... I will find whoever killed him and make them feel the pain he felt.... Make them feel the pain I felt...."

Cry growls, his tone of voice sending shivers down Mark's spine. Mark watches the man, looking at his quivering lip, his clenched fists, and what looked to be a tear, falling from underneath the white mask he wore.

"What was his name...?"

Mark asks quietly, truly feeling bad for Cry, losing someone that horribly. But what the masked man said next made Mark's stomach churn and his face to pale.

"His name was Felix.... Felix Kjellberg..."

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