Hollows In Time (βœ”οΈ) | 'Hollo...

By __queenly__

2.4K 289 338

'I heard screams. They shattered my eardrums, I just didn't know that they would shatter my heart too. I spa... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
β™” CAST LIST β™”
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred: Part One
Chapter One-Hundred: Part Two
Chapter One-Hundred: Part Three

Chapter Twenty-Nine

20 2 12
By __queenly__

Wednesday? I think not.


H o l l o w s I n

My fingers shook, hitting against my thighs repeatedly. My lips trembled. I was getting hot. I became lightheaded.

Jameson noticed this. "Hey." He soothed, shifting so that he stood in front of me as I leaned against the wall. We were stood outside Kate's office—a place that I had been in many times before.

"You don't have to tell them what you don't want to. We just need information." He was gazing into my eyes. But I wasn't paying attention.

"You don't have to tell them what you don't want to."

And so I wouldn't.

The door cracked open, and my heart sped up. It was a Guardian. He nodded at Jameson before allowing us passage. Jameson gestured for me to enter first, but upon glancing at my face, he walked in first, fingers grasping onto my hand.

My hand twitched from the touch. A shiver ran down my spine, but I didn't know if the reaction was due to hatred or due to—nostalgia.

I didn't have time to figure it out as a person materialised in my line of vision. I emerged from where I hid behind Jameson, meeting the hard stare of someone who was not Kate.

I frowned. "You must be Sky." She addressed me. I nodded timidly, watching as a new face joined the unknown person. It was Kate.

"Hello, Sky," Her eyes were, for some reason, sad. "This is my mother." She gestured to the woman. I stared. "I'm being interviewed today as well." Kate told me. She looked nervous. How could she be nervous? Then I realised. She could get fired for this. I was left under her care. And I got hurt.

"Follow me." Kate's mother spun around, then stalked off towards the long table I had been sat at one too many times. There were a few people around, but hardly any. I was sat at one side, with Kate's mother on the other side. Kate was ordered to leave. She had already endured her half of the interview. Now it was my turn.

"Firstly, is Fahr staying?" The old woman cleared her throat after she croaked out the question, sitting down on her chair. I frowned. 'Fahr' sounded familiar.

"Only if Sky wants me to." It was Jameson's voice. Of course—Guardian Fahr. Jameson Fahr. I looked up. Jameson was gazing down at me, a hopeful expression on his face.

"He can stay." I turned away from him, glancing at my interviewer as she tried to neaten up her wad of papers. Then she picked up her pen, holding it in her right hand. Just like Kate had done the last time I had been here.

The woman reached over and pressed the 'record' button on the tape recorder. It beeped. I shivered. Jameson wasn't anywhere near me. But, for once, I felt that I needed his presence to know that I didn't have to do this alone. But you have done everything alone, Sky. When was he ever there when you were suffering? Answer—he wasn't.

"Interview of Miss Forest by Miss Wright at nine-oh-five on the fifteenth of September, two-thousand-and-seventeen." The details overflowed in my brain. But I noted one thing; Kate's mother wasn't married. Was it a Guardian law that you couldn't be married? I'd never heard of it. Then again, I don't know many older Guardians.

"Okay, Miss Forest," I blinked. "Are you fit for questioning?" She asked first. It reminded me of the interview I had with the police as soon as I had returned to my hometown. Oh, how long ago that was. Time, again, was punching holes into my back. Forward, it screeched, forward!

I nodded. "I am." Forward in time. I had lied in that police interview. Everything I told them had been a lie. But now, I was going to tell the truth. For the sake of myself and others. Remember, Sky, to fix yourself, you need to fix others.

"We're going to start from the day you got home." She began. "Did procedures follow as expected?" She asked.


"Was there anything out of the ordinary at all? Anything that could have been a sign to what would ensue next?"

"Not at all."

She moved on. "There were a few field Guardians in your area at the time," I nodded. "Do you recall seeing any of them? Please name them."

"I saw Kate–"

"Katherine Wright." The woman interrupted. I stuttered.

"Yes. And I saw Jameson Fahr." She didn't call me out on the topic, but rose an eyebrow.

"No one else?"

My palms grew sweaty. "There was this one Guardian, but I didn't know him, nor recognise him." I confessed. Miss Wright scribbled down notes, whilst Jameson shifted in his chair.

"And how did you come to meet this Guardian?"

"I was taking the back routes and he found me, told me I should get home, then ended up leaking Jameson's whereabouts." I explained. Miss Wright didn't note my informality on Jameson's name, which meant she was onto something.

"And that's when you found him at the Guardian bases." She said, more so to herself, but I agreed with her nonetheless.

"Describe the Guardian you saw." My interviewer ordered and I took a breath.

"Dark hair, light skin, looked like he was in his thirties." Miss Wright nodded as she made notes.

She looked up from her notes. "Were there any times, before your... abduction that you felt that were weird in any way?" I cringed at the word 'abduction'.

I bit my lip. "There were a few times when I felt uncomfortable. But I was probably just paranoid." 

"Tell me one that really stuck out to you." She ordered.

I looked down at my hands. "I had a therapist when I was back home. The receptionist said something weird one evening." I kept my response simple, scared of committing a verbal crime. Miss Wright hummed.

Then she glanced up at me. "Miss Forest, this next question won't be nice. Neither will the ones that follow. But it is vital that you answer—if you can." She told me. I held my breath and nodded.

"Explain to me the day that you were abducted."

I choked.
It was an involuntary response.

But Jameson shot off his chair, grabbing a jug of water off the side and pouring me a glass. He placed it in front of me and kneeled down beside my chair, putting a hand over mine, which lay in my lap. I thanked him quietly, before waving him off and taking a sip of my water.

I inhaled. Then exhaled. I could do this. I'd faced the worst of it, now all I had to do was retell it.

"It was March the twenty-ninth." I began, and my interviewer nodded encouragingly after jotting down the date.

"School had finished early. Around half two. No one knew why, though." Memories flashed through my brain.

"I'm sure it's nothing." Lexi jumped up onto a neighbours wall with flawless skill.

"It could be an apocalypse and you'd still call it nothing." I shook my head at her, picking at my nails with acrimonious anxiety.

That was the last time I had seen Alexi.

"I was walking home–"

"Were you with anybody?" Miss Wright interrupted.

I swallowed my pain. "My best friend, Alexi Abbot." Her hand twitched slightly, making the 'b' in Alexi's surname look jagged. But she nodded, not looking up to ask any further questions on the topic.

"And where was she at the time of your attack?"

I looked down to see my fingers twitching.
I remember it all so clearly.

"Wanna race to your house?" Lexi proposed, shimmying on the wall as she turned, then jumped off the end. I laughed at her acrobats and struggled to keep up as she sidestepped down the pavement.

"Sure, if you slow down!" I shouted after her. She abruptly stopped and laughed. As soon as I caught up to her, she shot off running.

Then I watched as the world fell apart before my eyes.







And now

Of course

It is time



The One Month Tally (before posting this):
#663 In Mystery/Thriller
504 Reads
30 Votes
15 Parts
(14 Chapters)

And now

The Two Month Tally (before posting this):
#663 In Mystery/Thriller (I've probably had a better rank but I can't remember it so here's last months one)
659 Reads
64 Votes
29 Parts
(28 Chapters)






-am I invited

Next update: Wed-nes-day-day
(I'm being serious this time I promise)

(a new era!):

Are we...

Are we missing something?

A past chapter, perhaps?

A past chapter... explaining the worst day of Sky's life, perhaps?

Thought things were getting a bit boring around here.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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