Lethal Love

By lovesapphirexx

349K 7.7K 1.6K

He's a murderer, I think. But I also think I'm falling. And I think I'm falling pretty fast and pretty hard t... More

0 ; Prologue
1 ; You Snooze, You Lose
2 ; Crash and Burn
3 ; A Pine Forest
4 ; My Neck is Off Limits
5 ; A Green Car
6 ; Defeat Overcomes Him
7 ; Almost Like Magic
8 ; Act Sober
9 ; The Devil
10 ; I Need It
11 ; They Keep Falling
12 ; Kitty Got Claws
13 ; I Don't Care
14 ; Too Intimate
15 ; Careful Doll-Face
16 ; Thanks Romeo
18 ; A Fraction of a Moment
19 ; Perfect Blanket
20 ; Golden Beam
21 ; I Just Know
22 ; It's a Promise
23 ; This is Flying
24 ; Three Words
25 ; Two Broken Hearts
26 ; Bitches Bite Back
27 ; Confess Your Love
28 ; Stars
New book!

17 ; Fallen Angels

10.1K 256 34
By lovesapphirexx

My legs are dangling off the chair, brushing the floor slightly. Jackson is sat next to me and the tension is almost choking me. We're sat outside the principals office, waiting to be slaughtered. I bite my nails every ten seconds before scolding myself for doing so. 

"What do you think will happen?"

Jackson doesn't even acknowledge my presence, staring at the faded yellow wall in front of us. I poke his shoulder but he doesn't even blink.

Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Po-

"What?" he snaps. His eyes are glaring into my own.

"What do you think will happen?" I ask again, smiling innocently.

"I don't know. Nor do I care." He turns to the wall again, tapping his foot on the floor.

I sigh. 

"Miss Benedetto, Mr Park."

Principal Clark is stood in the doorway, a stern expression on his face. I scramble out of my chair and make my way inside, looking at the floor in shame. I squirm in my seat and Jackson couldn't look more bored. 

"Mr Park, what a delight to see you again." His voice is dripping with sarcasm and he looks at Jackson with disdain. 

"Pleasure is all mine, Fred." Jackson has the audacity to then wink at the principal, giving him an innocent smile as well.

The principal seem unimpressed by his charms. His eyes narrow in on him like he's a prey. "It's principal Clark to you, boy." He turns to me and a smile stretches out on his face.

"Miss Benedetto. I hope life as a senior is treating you well."

"Yes. I love it." I showcase my brightest smile, hoping it will benefit us if at least one of us is nice.

"Might I ask what you're doing here with someone like Mr Park?"

"I'm right here." Jackson is glaring at him and I kick his leg under the chair, making him drop his glare.

"Yes. Well, let's get right to it. Who smashed the mirror?" He gives Jackson a pointed look and Jackson glares in return.

The room is dead silent as Mr Clark is staring us down.

"Fine. Jackson you're expelled."

I gape at him, not even bothering to hide my surprise. It was just a freaking mirror. 

"You can't do that." I say.

"I will not tolerate vandalism in my school. It's not the first time Mr Park has disturbed the peace and he has gotten plenty of warnings. Miss Benedetto, I suggest you keep away from Mr Park, seeing as he is a bad influence on you." Fred is looking at me from over the brim of his glasses. "I know you skipped school yesterday," he adds. I look down in shame. "I will let it slide, but only because I know you've been through a lot."

There it is again. The pity. I don't like people pitying me, but I'm not going to demand punishment either. But 'disturbed the peace'? Are you kidding me? 

Jackson is gripping the arm-rests of his chair tightly and I can see his jaw clenching as well. He is glaring at the principal and Mr Clark is giving him another one of his pointed looks, daring him to act irrational.

"I did it." The words are out before I can swallow them. Both heads turn to me.

"Adeline what are you doing?" Jackson seems irritated. 

"Stating the truth." I look the principal in the eyes. I swallow. "I smashed the mirror."

Mr Clark narrows his eyes and stare at me. His eyes move to Jacksons hand which is covered in small red wounds on each knuckle. I almost cringe at the transparency of my lie.

"Your actions are admirable Miss Benedetto. But I think we both know that's not true."

"Well it is. I did it. You can't expel Jackson." I swallow another lump in my throat and Mr Clark turns to me. From my peripheral vision I notice Jackson staring at me but I avoid meeting his eyes. 

"Is this true Mr Park?" 

I look at Jackson then. Jacksons' gears are shifting and he's trying to figure out what I'm doing. I don't even know what I'm doing myself. Why am I lying for him? 

"Yes." Jackson narrows his eyes at me as he says it, still unsure of the situation.

Mr Clark becomes silent for a while. Both Jackson and I turn to look at him. He studies us both before sighing.

"Fine. If this is how you want to play it, I'll play along. You have to pay for the broken mirror, Miss Benedetto. One month of after school detention for the both of you. Meet at the library everyday after school."

"Thank you principal Clark." I rush out the door as soon as it's settled and down the hall. I sense Jackson hot on my tail but I don't slow down.

His hand encircles my elbow, roughly pulling me back.

"Why did you do that?" 

I swallow and try to think of a reasonable explanation but when I don't come up with one I just shrug my shoulders. Jackson runs a hand through his hair and looks away for a brief moment.

"Well that was really stupid of you."

Anger bubbles inside me. Some gratitude would be nice. 

"Well without my stupidity you'd be expelled. So you're welcome."

I rip my hand from his grip and storm away. Like a lost puppy he follows me again. His hand grabs mine but this time it's a softer execution.

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm...I..."

My eyes roam over his face, studying him like he always does me. I almost get lost in the map of Jackson, wondering if it leads to a treasure. 

"I just need to know why."

"You don't deserve to get expelled..." It's a lame excuse and I know it. But I don't want to tell him that I feel guilty. I'm the reason he smashed the mirror. Well, kind of...

"I do. But thank you."

I cast my eyes down and let my hair cover my face. I feel a tingle when Jackson takes a step closer and brush it behind my ear. His fingers linger on the spot behind my earlobe and I feel myself burning up. I hope he can't tell how red and hot my ears have become. He licks his bottom lip, studying mine. Jacksons' green orbs are penetrating my exterior and I need it to stop.

I brush his hand away and take a step back before clearing my throat. "No problem. I'll see you in detention."

Then I storm away again, flustered beyond all reason.


The rough book covers glide under my finger, gathering a coat of dust just at the tip. Lifting my finger I blow on the grey ball and it spreads in the air and vanishes.

It's deadly quiet but I disturb the peace when a shriek escapes me.

"Hush!" Samantha says. She's the librarian. Her eyebrows are furrowed and her stiff curls are dangling right above her shoulders. Her attire is a cliche, with a pencil skirt and cardigan hanging lovely over her curves. She's about 30 years old and sometimes I wonder if she's actually happy being a librarian at some small town high school. Does she have a husband? Kids?

I give an apologetic look before turning to a laughing Jackson. My palm slaps his chest and he calms down.

"That was not funny. And where the hell have you been? You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago." My voice comes out as a harsh whisper.

He gives me a cocky smirk. "Missed me that much huh?"

"Oh yeah. I missed you so much it almost broke my heart." I give him a look of fake adoration, holding my palm against my rib cage while he glares back. 

He nods to the trolly I have behind me. "What're we supposed to do?"

"Just sort them out alphabetically." I turn and pick up a book. The book is heavy in my hand and I give it to Jackson who then scans the shelf before sliding it into it's slot.

This goes on for what seem like forever and when we're done it's almost dark out.

"You're coming with me."

My hands tug at my jacket when the wind picks up. The parking lot consists of Jacksons car and only three others. My eyes turn to his and I furrow my eyebrows.


"Because it's dark and you shouldn't walk back home," he says, his voice is monotone. "It's not safe."

I can't help the eye-roll that comes next. "Are you joking me? I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Yes you are." 

And with that he starts dragging me to his car. I try to rip myself free but it's to no vail. Jackson doesn't appreciate my childish kicks and slaps and goes as far as actually strapping my seat belt for me. I cross my arms and let out a groan.

"You know, you really need to stop man-handling me like I'm some sort of doll."

Jackson turns the key and the engine roars to life. "Well you need to start listening to me and stop acting like a child."

I stick my tongues out at him.

"Real mature."

I look out the window, taking in the scenery as we pass it.

"So, where are you taking me this time?"

"Dunno. Where do you want to go?" He glances at me briefly.

"I'm kind of hungry. But I don't know. You decide."

"Why do girls always do that?" His face is all scrunched up like he's debating something in his own head.

"Do what?"

"You know... Never saying what they really mean. Let the guy make the decisions."

"I don't always do that." I'm quick to defend.

"Yes you do. You go along with all that I say."

"Because you practically force me to!"

"Well... Yeah okay you're right on that one." He gives me a sheepish smile.

"But fine. I'm hungry. Take me to McDonalds."

"Yes sir."


When we get our food we sit down in a booth. I ordered a small cheeseburger with large fries and a McFlurry. Jackson went for a double cheese and bacon burger with large fries.

"Race to finish?" Jackson is holding his burger between his fingers and is giving me an almost excited smirk.

I think it over, study my food then his. 

"Nah. I like to actually taste the food."

His smirk dies down. "You're no fun."

"I know." I give him an exaggerated smile in return before we both dig in.

Jackson finishes in under ten minutes and I'm sat nibbling on my almost melted ice cream.

"Can I ask you something?" He's looking at me like I'm a puzzle to solve and I still don't know if I like it. I nod and he continues.

"What do you really think of me?"

I stop stirring my ice cream, caught off guard by his question. How do I answer?

"Eh... I don't know... I mean. I saw you kill a person. And then you blackmailed me. And then I saw you beating my brother to pulp. So..."

Jackson looks disappointed for a while and only nods, avoiding my eyes.

"But I don't think you're the devil."

My words make him look up with narrow eyes. "You don't?"

I shake my head. 

"I don't think you're the devil. I just think you have fallen angels inside you."



So, Jackson and Adeline will definitely see more of each other from now on ;)

Thank you for reading!

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