Rebels Of Homeworld

By Spottedfire-Windclan

16K 790 491

A telling of the war between Homeworld and the Crystal Gems. As well as the tale of the four Crystal Gems no... More

Meeting Tord & Matt
Meeting Tom & Edd
First Encounters
Not Worthless
Extraction Team
Futuristic Prediction
Pilot Training
Pink Sector Date
Accidental Strike
Any Hope Will Do
Tord And Rose
Spies Among Us
Events Are Moving Quickly

Unique and Beautiful

1K 56 22
By Spottedfire-Windclan

Tord was bored as he sat in the transport ship along with a bunch of other gems. He was sitting on a bench with Matt and Edd as they flew through space.

"I can't wait, what is the earth like?" asked Edd. "Oh it's pretty neat, there are some cool rocks, and the sky always looks a nice blue." said Matt.

At that, Edd frowned sighing. "I still wish Tom could have come along, he would have had so much fun with us." said Edd. "Ya, but Blue Diamond has no business on Earth, so there for he can't go." said Matt.

Tord listened to them talk and thought of his own chat with Matt. He decided he would bring something back for Tom, but the question is what. 'Is rocks all that's there, Tom wouldn't like that at all.' thought Tord.

He had to think of something, what could he get the Pearl so that he'd notice him more?! Some of the other teams were laughing loudly, shoving each other and cracking jokes. They've been to the planet loads of times, maybe there was something they knew.

"Hey, Crystal." said Tord. At that, a pure white gem turned and looked at him. "What is it?" she asked. "What's the Earth like?" asked Tord. "Well, it's pretty weird, there's a lot of water down there and lots of colorful organic stuff." said Crystal.

Tord frowned, she didn't help at all, but now he knew there was more than just rocks.

After a while, they soon arrived to the planet and went down to it. "This is it, though I am curious now, after all, I only really saw my own Kindergarten." admitted Matt. "Then this will REALLY be fun." beamed Edd.

The Topaz soldier rolled his eyes as the ships door opened. He walked off with his team for his eyes to widen. Everything really was colorful and so, so alive. He saw tall hard brown pillars with something soft and green on them, plus small green lines with colorful circles attached.

"Ya, I know a bit, that tall thing is a tree, and those things are flowers, they're 'plants' as I heard the Diamonds call them." said Matt. "This is so cool, now I really wish Tom was here to see." said Edd. Tord agreed, this place was amazing, so beautiful.

He shook his head and turned to his team. "Alright, we're here to collect gem pieces and poofed soldiers, let's get to work." said Tord. The two nodded and they went off to find some gem shards.

Tord found a few shattered pieces of a pink gem and collected them as he did, he saw Edd holding one, a hand to his chest. "So, this is where I came from, the remains of a fallen warrior." said Edd sadly. The Topaz soldier frowned a bit at that, Edd was a good gem, but even he would feel bad about being a replacement for a down soldier.

He shook his head and grabbed a whole gem to bubble it. The work was hard and slow, but it gave Tord a sense of pride, he was finally a team leader and his first mission was going well so far. He looked around but found no more gem shards or anything.

"That must be it then." said Tord. He handed his pieces over to a bin on the ships side as a Peridot who came along nodded. "Great, with all this we should get some more good results, you have sixty cycles before we leave." said Peridot.

He nodded and went over to his team, informing them of the time left. "Awesome, we have enough time to see my old Kindergarten, come on Edd, I'll show you." beamed Matt. "Okay, Tord, you coming?" asked Edd. "Nah, I'm gonna explore a bit." said Tord.

Edd nodded to walk but Matt smiled at him. "Looking for something to give to Tom?" he asked. "Shut up and go show Edd the hole you crawled out of." snapped Tord. The Amethyst laughed and ran to catch up with the Shard.

Tord sighed and started walking, he was indeed getting something for Tom. He looked around, making sure no other gems saw him, this would be embarrassing. A soldier getting a gift for a lowly Pearl, but then, Tom wasn't just some Pearl, he was unique.

One of a kind that stood out from the rest, nothing was like him.

As he walked, he found more 'flowers' and he saw a patch that looked like the symbol for Rose Quartz. "So what, these are 'roses' then?" wondered Tord. He saw they were red and a few were pink.

As he looked around, he saw another rose, but this one stood out. While there were red and pink, this one was BLUE. Tord's eyes were glued to it, this rose was different from the others, it was unique. 'Just like Tom.' thought Tord.

He smiled and bent down a bit, plucking it from the ground. He twirled it in his hand, touching the soft petals.

It was perfect! Tord bubbled it and absorbed it into his gem for safe keeping. (They can keep their weapons in there so I'll just say they can keep other stuff in there. :p)

With it safe, he carried on exploring. The time soon ended and Tord was back on the ship with Edd and Matt. "That kindergarten was so BIG, how many of you were there?" asked Edd. "I don't know, I wasn't paying attention." laughed Matt. The two laughed together as Tord rolled his eyes, looking out the window.

As he sat there, Matt leaned over as Edd talked to another gem. "So, find something to give to Tom?" asked Matt. "Shove off." said Tord. With that, he shoved Matt who fell out of his seat. he rubbed his head but then looked to Edd who looked sad.

"Hey, you okay?" asked Matt. "No, no one here likes me, they keep calling me a crap copy of a good gem soldier." whined Edd. Tord glared as he clenched his fist. Why were they so cruel to Edd, just because he was a Shard?

Not an excuse!

They soon arrived back to homeworld where the Peridot walked away with the carts of shards. Edd and Matt talked and decided to go to the arena for some training.

Tord watched them go to sigh and walk off. Now he needed to find Tom, hopefully he was walking around somewhere. The Topaz looked all around the corridors to finally smile.

Down the one to his left was the Blue Pearl, leaning against the wall with a holopad. Tord walked over, gaining the Pearl's attention. "Hey Tord, back from your first mission?" asked Tom. "Ya, wasn't too bad, the Earth is pretty interesting too." said Tord.

Tom nodded as he closed his holopad. "Good, I'll let Blue Diamond know your first mission was a success." said Tom. He went to leave but was stopped.

"Wait, I uh, I need to tell you something." said Tord. "Okay, what is it?" asked Tom. Tord was blushing a bit to turn away, summoning the blue rose. He took it out of the bubble and handed it over. "Uh here, this is for you from Earth, I didn't want you to feel too left out." said Tord.

Tom just stared at it, leaving Tord to hold it. This worried the Topaz, did the Pearl not like it? Tord looked to see Tom's eyes were wide in awe and interest, he loved it!

Tom finally took the flower, touching its petals. "Thanks, but, why did you get this for me?" asked Tom. "Well, you couldn't come with us so I figured I'd get you something." said Tord shyly. Tom smiled as he gazed at the rose.

"I like it, this was very nice of you." admitted Tom. "Ya, well, there was a whole bunch of roses, but that was the only blue one, beautiful and unique like you." said Tord.

He froze, slamming his mouth shut as his whole face heated up. Why did he say that, WHY DID HE JUST SAY THAT?! Tom looked at him, his own cheeks heating up. "Wait, y-you really think that?" asked Tom. "Of course I do, I mean, nothing, I just, uh, forget I said anything!" yelled Tord in embarrassment.

With that, the soldier ran off to hide down a different corridor. 'Why did I say that, dammit, he'll now think I'm a freaking weirdo, shit, shit, shit, what is wrong with me?!' thought Tord.

Tom was still standing there, holding the blue rose as he looked to where Tord disappeared. He smiled a bit to laugh before touching the rose's petals. "What a charming weirdo." said Tom.

With that, he turned and walked down the corridor to his room. He'll find a nice spot for this gift.

NOTE: Tord's first mission and it was a success. Good for him, and he also found a present for Tom. So adorable, but if only he thought things through before speaking he wouldn't keep embarrassing himself. Still, Tom seems charmed, what will happen next? Till the next update, bye~

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