Daisy (Camren)

By UnicornsDragons

18.4K 650 84


6. Final


3.5K 100 3
By UnicornsDragons

"Crap!" the girl curses to herself as she reaches down to fix her heel. She continues hoping down the sidewalk, not wanting to be late. The taxi let her down at the front gates of the upscale gated neighborhood. The tall tanned girl had to walk the rest of the way passed huge house's that look similar to mini mansions. If she wasn't so nervous and late, she'd stop to admire them.

She checks her phone for the hundredth time. Making sure she has the right address as she comes in front of a gate with the numbers 5 1 2. The young woman takes a deep breath, while running her hands over her blazer, soothing the fabric as if it were her nerves. A white button up underneath compliments the baby blue blazer, along with a black high waist-ed skirt. An outfit fit for an occasion such as this.

After pressing the button by the gate a small voice finally answers back. "Name?"

"Camila Cabello." she replies in to the box with a speaker.

The steal gate with a giant initial "B" slides open. The Latina walks up the path bordered with flowers, leading to the door. Her long brown hair flowing behind her. She steps back taking in the ginormous house. Her eye's go wide. "This is where I'll be staying. I'll actually be living here." she says to herself. Tucking the lose strands of hair behind her ear, she reaches for the doorbell.

A small girl comes out from behind the door greeting her. "Hi, how are you? Mr. Biggs will just be a minute. Come in. Come in." The young maid dressed in her uniform, takes her luggage motioning for Camila to enter. 

As she enters, the girl is in complete awe. The view before her can only be from a fairy tale storybook. A beautiful chandelier hangs above a huge white stair case that looks almost fit for royalty. The dark marble flooring shines so bright she can see herself looking back. Huge statues of falcons sit on each side of the stairs. The huge birds make Camila's stomach turn a little bit.

"Peregrine falcons." a deep voice comes from the side.

Camila turns to see a well groomed man standing in the doorway from the right. He has on a grey suit with shinny cuff links. The small girl looks back to the statues nodding. "They're lovely." she turns back with a soft smile. 

"They are aren't they? My mother named me after them so it seemed fitting. However if the representation of them doesn't help, I do live up to the name." The man smirks smugly adding an uncomfortable wink in the end.

The Latina nods forcing a smile. 

"Well don't be shy young lady. Follow me we have some things to go over before you start." he turns back into the hallway he emerged from.

She quickly follows, the knot in her stomach returning. The hallway is just as elegant. Classy art hangs on the walls. Multiple doors appear but they keep walking. They reach the last door right next to a huge window. Camila is captivated looking out to acres and acres of land. A pool to one side. A tennis court to the other. Flowers, flowers everywhere, she can imagine the maintenance it takes to up keep the entire yard.

"Ahem." The man clears his throat.

Camila pulls her attention back inside. "Uh.. I... Sorry. It's just really beautiful." 

The man nods, holding a hand out signaling for her to enter his office. As she does she's yet again in complete shock. Books line every inch of the walls. Only a lone desk and two chairs occupy the huge office. 

"Please take a seat." Mr. Biggs says taking his seat behind the oak desk.

"Thank you." Camila replies sitting as well.

"You seem to have fallen in love with the place already. I'll have Hernandez give you a proper tour once we've finished. I just want to go over risk and legal stuff." He slides papers over to Camila. "Your resume was beyond exceptional. I feel you'd fit the position really well. Now before we start do you have any questions?"

"When can I meet the little one?" she ask. The thought of this being some kind of scam has come to her mind many times in the last five minutes. 

"She is out on a play date right now. When she returns you'll be introduced. I can assure you Daisy is real." This time he turns around the picture frame on the desk. "If that's where your mind is going right now."

"Oh no... I.." Camila examines the picture of a little girl. "She is adorable!" she smiles at the picture. The little girl with sun kissed skin has long wavy brown hair. An angelic face that should be in a beauty pageant. Hazel eyes with deep green over powering the brown a bit. 

"She is. She's the light of my life. It pains me I haven't the time to care for her properly. It's been hard since her mother has past with working and all. But she'll never want for anything. Not a lot of seven year old's have it like she does." The salt and peppered hair man smiles down at the picture frame now in his hands.

"Like I said. I'm great with children. You won't have to worry." she replies when she sees the worry in the mans eyes.

"I believe you." he returns the smile. "Now let's get started."


After the legal jargon was discussed and Camila grew comfortable with Mr.Biggs, she walks the house with Hernandez, the maid who let her in. "...and this is the kitchen. I'll be in here most of time. Daisy will usually tell you when she's hungry but she's at that age where she's picky about what she eats." The young maid giggles. 

Camila runs her hand on the marble counter top. "This place is amazing. When will I stop being so star struck over it?" she jokes.

"Believe me, you'll get use to it. Just imagine having to clean it." Hernandez jokes back. 

"Aw don't worry..." Camila pauses trying to recall her name.

"Ally. You can call me Ally. Mr. Biggs is hell bent on using last names but I'm perfectly okay with it." The small girl smiles.

"Oh okay I wasn't sure. But yea like I was saying. I 'll clean up after myself, I promise." 

Ally nods her head in approval. "Girl I like you already!" They both laugh until a sudden small scream echos off the walls. "She's here!" the maids eye's go bright in excitement.

A little being comes running into the kitchen straight into Ally's arms. "Oh my gosh! I had soo much fun! Her mommy even said I can go over again soon!" The child coos throwing her little arms in the air.

"Aw yay! That's fantastic!" 

"Fantastic!" she mimics the maids word. 

Ally places the little girl on the floor. "Daisy, I want you to meet someone." Ally points over to where Camila stands by the island. 

Daisy looks shyly over. She pulls at the hem of her yellow and white polka dot dress. Then pulls her white cardigan tighter together. She rocks on the heels of her feet finally locking her hands together behind her back. The once loud and excited little girl, now completely quite and nervous.

The new nanny walks over to the little one. She crouches down to her height, taking her tiny waist in her hands. "Hey cutie, I'm Camila. I'm your new nanny." 

Little hazel eyes finally look up. Camila smiles as Daisy's glare softens.

"Daisy don't be shy." Ally encourages the small girl while rubbing her back. "She's normally not like this, she's probably just tired from playing all morning." She turns her attention back to the little girl. "A nap sounds nice right?"

"Heck yes!" A husky voice comes from the doorway followed by a yawn.

Camila's eyes the doorway and sees who the owner of that raspy voice is. A tall thin woman, who looks about her age, stand coolly leaning against the door frame. Green eyes stare back but she looks away quickly. Her long dark brown hair is pulled back loosely into a pony tail. Her attire consist of skin tight black jeans, a lose grey shirt and black laced boots. An outfit someone making a statement would wear.

Daisy wiggles away from the two girls running over to the one at the door.  She throws her arms up and the boot wearing girl scoops her up happily, swaying her back and forth.

"Who's this." She nods toward Camila.

Ally smiles, wrapping an arm around the Latina. "This is the new nanny, Camila." 

"Oh." The green eyed girl replies coldly. "I'm going to lay her down." She says turning, walking out of the kitchen.

Camila looks to Ally for answers to what just happened.

"Sorry, she'll warm up to you." The maid pats her shoulder walking to the hallway. 

Clearly she thought the questioning look was for Daisy but a shy child is understandable however Camila wanted to know who that girl was, why she was here and more importantly what was her deal. She just got here and already someone seems out for blood. "And I thought Mr. biggs was intimidating." The new nanny thinks to herself as she too finally leaves the kitchen.


The room Camila was given is directly across from Daisy's. Once she hears the familiar voice of the little girl, meaning she's awake from her nap, she emerges from her room. She walks across the hall and lingers in the door way.

Daisy's bedroom is fit for a princess. Rose pink walls with white hand carved trimming. A custom made bed designed to look like a castle sits against the middle wall. On the wall above the bed is a painted picture of daises. In the corner a white canopy drapes over small pink chairs and table. Book shelves lined against the walls makes the impression that it's a little reading nook. The opposite side of the room has toys only a little girl can dream of. An entire kitchen set, baby carriages, doll houses and barbies. 

The little one plays with the kitchen, pretending she's making a meal. Busy at work Daisy doesn't notice the lingering woman in the doorway.

"Excuse me." A voice pulls Camila's attention from the little girl. She only has enough time to step out of the way before the same girl from down stairs pushes her way through the doorway.

"Sorry." Camila softly replies. Confused she watches the exchange between Daisy, a small child and the girl with a rough voice to match her rough look. She has to admit it's a sight to see. Like a wolf playing nice to a small lap dog.

"Is my food ready yet baby girl?" Green eyes quickly look from the child to Camila then back to the little girl.

Daisy puts on small oven mitts then opens the oven. "Almost Lolo! Hold your horses!" 

The girl named Lolo laughs to herself at the little girls sassy tone. Even Camila sports a small smile at her words.

"Did you set the table?" Daisy ask turning to look her way. She notices the girl behind her quickly turning around again.

Camila watches as the "Lolo" girl walks over to Daisy. "What did I Dais?" she ask. 

"I know. I know." The little girl pouts. 

Lolo nods then grabs the play plastic plates and utensils. She puts them on the little pink table wiggling a finger for Camila to join her. The new nanny walks over.

Green eyes dart from the little one back to Camila. "This is our Sunday dinner. Play along." she whispers.

Camila nods and they both take a seat uncomfortably in the tiny chairs. Daisy walks over with pretend food placing it in the center of the table. She goes back retrieving the tea set. After everything is set she finally joins the older woman sitting between them.

Daisy bows her little head and the green eyed girl follows suit. Camila quickly bows her head too. "From the East bless this food. From the South with peace and love. From the West, Lord, touch our meal. From the North with magic from above. Amen." 

Camila's head shoots up. She's in complete mush over the little one's prayer. "That was really beautiful Daisy!" she coos to the small child.

However Daisy shy's away again. Ignoring the compliment she begins passing out pretend food. Both older girls thank the little one for the food before pretending to chow down.

"This is so good baby girl. You'll make a good chef one day." Lolo pokes the little girls nose. 

Daisy's nose crunches up. A little hand shoos the larger hand away before giggling.

"It is very tasty!" Camila joins in receiving a cold look from the green eyed girl.

A small voice finally speaks up "Thank you." Daisy rises from her chair to take a bow. Both girls laugh.

"Jauregui." Mr. Biggs voice rips through the duo's laughing. 

"Hey daddy!" Daisy runs over hugging her fathers waist. 

He reaches down plating a kiss on her small head. "Hey mija!"

The boot wearing girl had already made her way over to the older man as Daisy returns to the table.

"We're going to talk so you play with Camila okay?" Biggs once rough voice now calm for the child's sake.

Daisy throws a thumbs up, receiving a laugh from the both. Camila is taken back at the child's antics. "She is beyond her years." Is what the new nanny is quickly learning.

Once the father and green eyes leave the room, the little girl goes back into her shell. Camila tries to coax her out of it. "You want to be a chef when you grow up?" she ask scooting to the chair closer to the child.

The little girl nods placing her chin on her hands. "That's really cool. I love food, so you can practice cooking for me any time!" Camila continues.

"Really?" Daisy shoots up asking in almost disbelief. 

"Yes really!" The new nanny nods her head this time.

"What's your favorite food?"

"Hmm, I like anything. But spaghetti is the best!"

The little girls jaw drops. "Mines too!" 

"No way?! See we'll be great friends!"

"Friends?" Daisy looks at Camila side ways, confused.

"Yes friends!"

"But your my nanny. You just watch me."

"I can do that and be your friend too." Camila playfully nudges the little ones shoulder.

"Cool!.." Daisy does a bad job at hiding her excitement.

The new nanny smiles to her self. "This won't be so hard after all." 

Nanny and child continue talking food and pretending to eat it. Once the dishes are away they color on a huge piece of paper. Camila notices the walls with the door are covered in Daisy's colorful art. This master piece will soon join the others.

"Draw a dragon! Lolo draws really cool dragons." The tyke expresses handing Camila a darker crayon.

"I'll try but I'm a horrible drawer." she bites her bottom lip, not wanting to disappoint her after they've just built this wonderful closeness.

"Hey. Uh Biggs wants to talk to you." Lolo startles the drawing girl. Daisy giggles at the reaction.

Camila looks up to see the green eyed girl in front of her and then behind her stands a waiting boss. She rises from the small chair glad to stretch her muscles.

She exits the room and Mr. Biggs closes the door behind her. An uneasy feeling settles in her stomach again.

"How's it going?" he breaks the silence first.

"Really good. She's something special." Camila finds her self melting again over how cute the child is.

"She is. Well I just wanted to check on you. Jauregui and Hernandez will be around if you need anything." 

"Who exactly is Jauregui? Is she your girlfriend or..."

Mr. biggs erupts in laughter interrupting the confused girl. "God no. She's Daisy's body guard."

Camila's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Body guard?" She can't help but wonder why a small child would need a body guard.

"Yes. You see Camila. With my line of work, a lot of people would do anything to take me down. They've tried before and they'll try again. This is what I meant about risk. If and when it comes down to it, Daisy is first priority. Jauregui is her protection. Not yours." he runs his hand through his slicked back hair.

"Most nanny's don't like that. I'll understand if you back out right now."

"No. It's fine. I completely understand." she replies quickly, scared this can be the end for her. "Her safety is my concern too, sir."

"Very well then. I'll be in my office." Biggs states, adding his small wink in the end before walking away.

Camila stands frozen with her hand on the door knob to Daisy's room. Is this something she really wants to do. Jeopardize her life for a little girl she just met. Put up with a smug body guard all day too. As more questions fill her head one pops up and stands out from the others.

"But he works at a casino?" the nanny says to herself coaxing her head to the side.

A/N Hey ya'll hope you like this! Let me know!! Oh and I just wanted to thank you all for the love  on HUSTLE aaaaand that most of you had Archer right lol I'll just say she makes an appearance in this fic too! haha love ya'll -ej

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