Reversed Roles(Sasuke Love St...

By HaleighPenguin

43.3K 1.2K 544

What happens when you're on team 7 with Naruto and Sasuke instead of Sakura? What happens when Sasuke lets hi... More

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Story Song & Sequel


906 35 3
By HaleighPenguin


~ Sasuke's Point of View ~

Months. It had been months since she'd almost killed me, told me she was only using me for her personal gain, became a villain to the Leaf, and left for Orochimaru's hideout. That day, that day that I was knocked unconscious by (Y/n), that fateful day, Naruto came and dragged me all the way back to the village, demanding medical attention for me and everyone else who was on the team to rescue (Y/n).

Months had passed, and in those four or more months, I wasn't even counting anymore, I'd become a mess. This was worse than when Itachi had done what he did, and it felt wrong for me to feel this way, but I don't care. I don't care about anything anymore. I'd become cold, distant, a spitting image of (Y/n), and everyone else in the village recognized it immediately.

They all began to worry, afraid that I'd do the same thing she did, but what I am planning to do is so much worse. I was currently walking down the same old dirt road that held several of my best, and worst memories, heading to the training grounds where (Y/n) had kicked my ass in under a minute, when a flash of bright pink flooded my vision.

"Hey Sasuke, do you want to help me train today?" Sakura, the girl who had lost to (Y/n) in the genin exams came up to me and asked. It seemed like everything I look at, I can tie it back to her. Back to (Y/n).

"Pass." I say monotonously, just like (Y/n) used to say to Naruto and I all that time ago. I continued walking away from her, and she didn't follow.

"Oh, okay then. Well, I'll see you later!" She said, sounding sad at first, but piped up toward the end, then ran off in the opposite direction, back to the center of the town. I sighed heavily and kicked rocks as I continued to walk. On our team now, was another boy. They'd replaced her, and he was a spitting image of (Y/n).

The guy was pale, his eyes held no emotion, he was highly skilled and very dangerous, he was blank. Just like (Y/n). It infuriated me to no end. Naruto always reminded him that he'd never be like (Y/n), would never replace her, and that's when he insulted her.


"Why do you try so hard to work with us! You aren't (Y/n), and you never will be!" Naruto yelled after Sai had walked a bit faster to catch up with Naruto and I. Sai looked to him blankly, reminding me of something (Y/n) would do.

"I understand that I am not her. And I would never want to be. Who would want to be a traitorous piece of scum like her?" Sai says, a fake smile plastering itself on his face at the end of the sentence. My body froze, but Naruto and Sai took a couple more steps before stopping to look at me. My anger spiked, making my chakra flare dangerously. My hand started tingling as my teeth gritted, and my eyes flashing red.

"Sai, you shouldn't-" Our temporary sensei, Yamato, begins, but before he can finish his sentence. A chidori erupted from my fist and I charged, my sharingan transforming, causing my eye to throb in pain.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" I scream and hold my arm out, ready to ram it right through that bastard Sai's chest.

"Sasuke stop!" Naruto yelled and jumped out of the way, but I ignored him completely, but right before I could hit Sai, a large trunk of wood wrapped itself around my arm, stopping me completely.

End of flashback

I was sick and tired of these people, and now, for the second time in my life, I finally understood what (Y/n) felt like on a daily basis, and I wanted the same thing she wanted. To get out.

I wanted her. My mind, heart, and soul screamed at me for not going after her sooner, but what could I do? She'd already said I meant nothing to her, just like everyone else in this village. But, when did that stop me before?

In this very moment, my mind was made up.

I was leaving. Tonight.

But, how? There's so much I've got to do. I've got to find Orochimaru, but maybe not. Maybe I can get him to come to me. On several occasions I'd felt as though I'd been watched, and I always like to tell myself it was (Y/n) checking on me from afar, but I knew it wasn't true. It was most likely Orochimaru or Kabuto, after all it was me who they'd originally been after, not (Y/n). And that's when I got an idea.

I went to my lone house in the Uchiha compound and grabbed my back pack that I usually took on missions, but this time, I'd be leaving for as long as (Y/n) was gone. I filled the pack with some clothes and a small box of food before leaving my house and stealthily making my way out of the village and into the forest beyond. I took the path we'd chased those sound ninja those months back, and soon, the air went thick. He was near by.

"Orochimaru, show yourself!" I yell after I jumped to the ground in the middle of a clearing surrounded by trees. I activated my sharingan, and sure enough, a second later, he came slithering out from behind a tree.

"Well hello my dear Sasuke. How have you been, with, well you know?" He called in his sickly twisted voice, taking a couple of steps closer, but when I pulled a kunai out, he stopped.

"Where is she, is she alright?!?" I asked frantically as my eyes scanned the surrounding area, but I seen no other movement, other than a few nocturnal animals. Orochimaru chuckled and shook his head momentarily.

"She's just fine, that is if you're referring to my beloved (Y/n), currently, she's out on a mission, probably relentlessly killing some spies for me." Orochimaru purred. I sighed heavily in relief, but brought my gaurd back up for what I was about to do.

"I want you to take me with you." I said simply. Orochimaru's eyebrows raised in shock momentarily before he looked like he was thinking, then his attention turned back to me, a wicked smirk plastered on his feminine face.

"Are you sure about that, little Sasuke?" Orochimaru hisses while taking another daring step forward. I shakily exhaled before lowering my kunai.

"Yes. I want her. No matter the cost." I say with determination evident in my voice. His smirk grew in size and his eyes lit up.

"Oh boy, dearest (Y/n) is definitely going to be upset with me after this, but if it's what you want...." Orochimaru said, then trailed off. His neck quickly extended, his head flying in my direction, and before I could blink, his fangs were in my neck. Immediately, a burning, searing pain rang out through me like my body was on fire, and I couldn't move. I immediately felt awful, not for myself, but for (Y/n), her pain was twice as bad.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as I fell to the ground, just to watch Orochimaru walk off. He stopped momentarily and turned his head back to me, that same twisted smirk on his face, then turned around and continued to walk away. His back was the last thing I seen before my vision left completely, but I could still feel.

About an hour of me just laying on the ground, a familiar chakra came into range. The person then took my limp body from the ground and started moving at a rapid pace into an unknown direction.

I couldn't will my eyes open, so they stayed closed. After a short period of time, the person stopped running and began walking, but we were going downward, descending. Their footsteps echoed, meaning we were in a hallway, and all of the sudden, a beautiful smell filled my nose. The curse mark must heighten my senses, because I could literally smell her familiar scent that I'd always enjoyed. I heard voices echoing through the halls, but I can't decipher the words, but the closer I get, the clearer the voices.

"Wait a second dearest, your present just arrived, how splendid!" Orochimaru said happily, but his voice was still muffled. The person carrying me opened a door, and I was thrown onto a cold hard floor, then, I hear a familiar growl. I'd finally willed my eyes open, only to see her glaring at Orochimaru and Kabuto with rage filled eyes, her Daku flashing at them dangerously.


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