Reversed Roles(Sasuke Love St...

By HaleighPenguin

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What happens when you're on team 7 with Naruto and Sasuke instead of Sakura? What happens when Sasuke lets hi... More

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Story Song & Sequel


998 36 9
By HaleighPenguin


It was raining heavily. Everyone was mourning for Lord third, shedding their fair share of tears, all except for me. All I could do was stand still, Naruto and Sasuke on either side of me, while I thought about power. There was something inside of me, pulling me. Orochimaru had killed the Hokage, and I yearned for that power, whatever power he had. And I wanted it bad.

Soon, everyone began to leave, and now the only people left were Naruto, Sasuke and I. Just as I was about to turn and leave myself, that same burning, stinging pain rang out through my body. All of the oxygen left my lungs as I collapsed to my bare knees, and standing only a few feet away from the three of us was Orochimaru. When Sasuke seen that I'd fallen, he turned around with a start, which triggered Naruto. They soon caught sight of Orochimaru, who smirked their way, then stared at me intensely, causing my pain to increase dramatically.

"STOP IT!" I screamed in pain as he chuckles and continued to make it worse, pushing the curse mark farther across my body. I cry out and fall face forward into the mud, unable to do anything at all.

"You bastard!" Sasuke screams, then charges forward, kunai ready. Just as Sasuke was right in front of Orochimaru, he disappeared, smoke replacing the spot where he'd been just a second before. As soon as he left, the searing pain had subsided, leaving me panting and sore on the muddy ground. The sun now came out, the clouds gone, light replacing the ominous darkness.

"Come on (Y/n), let's go get you checked out." Naruto says as he pulls me off of the ground gently. Sasuke soon came walking back to where I sat, then helped Naruto help me up, one of them under either side of my arms, supporting my weight completely. They drag me to the hospital, insisting that I get checked, but Naruto had to leave, something about training, and once the nurse was done thirty minutes later, Sasuke and I go to leave, but instead, Asuma is dragging Kakashi into the hospital. My eyes widen at Kakashi's weak state and I stealthily follow them, unaware of the Uchiha that was following closely behind me.

"So, they both came for Naruto?" Someone asks from the hospital room. I listen harder, getting as close to the door as I can without being seen.

"Yes, it was them. Itachi and (Y/s/n). I knew Itachi had joined the Akatsuki, but I didn't know Daku did." Kakashi says flatly. My world stopped. My body froze. Rage swelled inside of me as I grit my teeth and stared at the floor, continuing to listen.

"So they fled right after the fight?" Another one asks Kakashi. This piqued my interest even more, they're not far if they just fled.

"Yes, I assume they went after Naruto, but Jiraya will protect him now." Kakashi says. I ball my fists and suck in a deep breath.

"Where did Naruto and Jiraya go?!?" I shout, demanding an answer as I walk into the room. The Senseis look at me wide eyed, my demon form pushing to the surface.

"Why were you listening?" Kakshi asks as he partly glares, and partly looks worried because of the form I'm in.

"Why didn't you come and fucking get me? I'm leaving to get her." I growl, then turn around to race out of the room.

"(Y/n), no!" Kakashi yells as he tries to get out of the bed, but Gai pushed him back down, preventing him from moving. As I get to the doorway, Sasuke walks in, blocking the exit.

"Sasuke?" Kakshi says. I glare at him as he looks at me with pleading eyes. I ignore him and start walking away, then pick up my pace, full speed. I dash out of the hospital, then out of the gates, going straight forward.

"I'm going after (Y/n)!" Sasuke calls as he jumps off after me, not too far behind. I start focusing my chakra, looking for Naruto's warm, friendly chakra. As soon as I feel it not too far ahead, I push harder, going faster. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I was off again, dodging through the large crowd, searching for bright yellow hair. I didn't feel (Y/s/n)'s or Itachi's chakra, which meant they were concealing it well.

Suddenly, as I was running through the streets, I felt Naruto's chakra spike, indicating anger or fear, most likely fear. I grit my teeth and push off in that direction, which leads me to a hotel. I storm in, but the owner calls out to me, stopping me.

"The boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, what room is he in?" I growl demonically, my demon form pushing harder to the surface the closer I get to her.

"3A." The man quivers and points to a hall. I race to it, taking a sharp left, following the numbers, then slide to the stop, seeing two figures in those iconic black cloaks.

"Do you feel that, (Y/s/n)?" Itachi asks, almost mockingly as his head turns to face (Y/s/n). She hums for a moment before looking back to him. Just before she speaks, Sasuke comes skidding down the hallway, freezing when he sees me in my fit of rage, and also because our siblings are just standing there, right in front of us.

"I feel mine if you feel yours, Itachi." (Y/s/n) says with the same tone. I grit my teeth and start focusing my chakra, getting ready for a big attack, my eyes flashing a bright blue color.

"Naruto, go back in your room and wait for Jiraya. Now." I growl at Naruto, who was now looking at me, fear evident in his eyes. He stands there, not moving a muscle.

"Such big words for a little weakling." Itachi says monotonously. I growl and go to retort, but Sasuke beats me to it.

"SHUT UP, SHE'S STRONGER THAN YOU'LL EVER BE!" Sasuke screams as he forms a chidori, sharingan blazing, and charges at Itachi. Itachi simply lifts his foot at the last second and kicks Sasuke with such a force that he slides all the way back to me and slams into the wall, cracking its foundation. I growl and turn around, checking Sasuke to see if he'd been severely injured, which he wasn't. I pull him back up and he shakily stands next to me.

"Looks like my darling little sister isn't the only weakling here, huh Itachi?" (Y/s/n) boasted, this pisses me off to no end. I send the vast majority of my chakra to my hands, creating a rasendori, while Sasuke makes another chidori.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" Sasuke and I scream in unison as we run at our sibling, both eyes and hands blazing. (Y/s/n) and Itachi share a look before touching fingers, then with the other hand, point a single finger at the both of us. Sasuke and I both gradually slow down, and we both fall to our knees right in front of them. A paralysis jutsu.

"Your demon is still much too weak. It's pathetic." (Y/s/n) says as she starts using my own kekki genkai against me.

"You think she's so strong, do you Sasuke? Well, you can watch her wither." Itachi says. I keep my eyes to the floor, but (Y/s/n) grabs my chin and jerks my head upwards, making my eyes meet hers. She pours a large amount of chakra into the jutsu and I scream.

"STOP! WHAT IS THIS?!?" I scream as my dead family resurrects and starts coming to me, but their eyes were still dead. They were still dead.

"(Y/n), (Y/n) breath! It isn't real!" I hear a familiar voice echo around me. It was Sasuke. I looked around, but all I could see was black. Suddenly, (Y/s/n) comes out from the shadows, dragging Sasuke by his hair with her katana to his throat.

"Sasuke?!? No, don't! He's all I've got!" I scream, but the next thing I know, my sister's place is filled by me. I was holding the sword to his throat, and I couldn't control my own body.

"What are you doing to her?!?" I hear Sasuke yell, but it was so faint, I wasn't sure if it was real or not.

"Why don't you have a look?" Itachi says, then the voices from the outside stop completely. Sasuke begs me not to kill him, but my arm won't obey me, and in the next second, Sasuke was dead on the floor, his throat slit and eyes wide. I then got control of my limbs and I dropped the sword, but as soon as I did, it all started over. My family came at me, blades swinging and eyes shining. And I had to fight them, I had to kill them. It went on like this for what felt like days, until something new happened. I was in the same hallway I was just fighting in, on my knees in front of (Y/s/n) and Itachi, Sasuke by my side gaping at me. Tears were streaming down my face.

"I will grind your bones into dust. I will bathe in your blood, and then dance on your grave, you too, Itachi. You will both die by my hands." I growl out, my voice cracking because of my tears. Sasuke looked absolutely mortified. He'd never seen me so torn up over anything.

"(Y/n), are you-" Sasuke begins, but (Y/s/n) starts chuckling, stopping Sasuke completely from speaking, more like asking.

"Ignorant baby sister, you're not strong enough, and you never will be, and you know why? It's because of that boy right there, you care for him. When you're on the path you want to be on, you must love no one, only you. Yourself. And that is why you will never, ever beat me." She growls with a sadistic smirk on her face.

"(Y/s/n), we need to go. The toad sage is coming." Itachi says suddenly. My eyes flicker to Naruto, who had been watching this entire time, completely frozen in place, most likely by the same paralysis jutsu Sasuke and I were in.

"Alright then, take care of lover boy here, and I've got her. I hope you've become a fighter." (Y/s/n) says before pointing her finger at me, and I went back into darkness, fighting and killing my family and Sasuke, over and over, making me void of any and all emotion for anything or anyone. This went on, in the jutsu for at least a month, but, I'd learned something new about my clans abilities. I'd learned a new move, and it was something.

"(Y/n), hey (Y/n), are you alright?" I hear a new, yet familiar voice ask. My eyes snap open and I shoot straight up, looking at the orange blob.

"Naruto?" I ask as I narrow my eyes to try and see him more clearly, but fail since I'd been under the darkness for at least a week in real time.

"Yeah, believe it! Sasuke is up too!" Naruto yells happily, but I quickly ball my fists and draw back, getting ready to punch like I've had to do thousands of times.

"How do I know this isn't the jutsu?" I growl and get ready to swing, but someone else speaks, causing me to switch my attack to them.

"Because I brought you out if it, that's how." A blond woman says with her arms crossed under her very large chest. I slowly lower my fists, but not my guard.

"(Y/n), this is our new Hoakge, granny Tsunade." Naruto beams as the woman looks completely fed up, completely irritated with him.

"Well, Ms. Daku, I'll leave you here with this idiot." Tsunade grumbles as her heels click against the floor rhythmically. Naruto babbles on about how Sasuke and I got here, and how Jiraya and Gai saved Sasuke and I from the likes of (Y/s/n) and Itachi. As soon as her name was mentioned, I snapped.

"Sasuke, fight me." I growl as I turn my head to him, but he looked completely dazed, like he was still in dream land. What a weakling.

"He hasn't really talked since he woke-" Naruto begins, but I cut him off by speaking over him.

"Then you fight me Naruto. Now, roof." I growl once more as I hop out of the bed. Sasuke's eyes went wide, and he seemed to snap out of his daze and followed Naruto and I to the roof quickly.

"Why exactly do you - hey what the hell!" Naruto starts to ask, but I quickly throw a punch his way, him just barely dodging it.

"I want to fight, not talk." I growl and kick him in the stomach, sending him in the air. I jump up, matching him in speed, then slam my foot down into his stomach, but he poofs away. The real Naruto jumps behind me, but I do a flip mid-air, my heel slamming into his chin.

"Alright, I've had it!" Naruto yells, then does a multi shadow clone jutsu. Perfect training. One by one, the clones disappear and I charge after Naruto. He quickly summons another clone and starts swirling chakra in his hand. The rasengan? I quickly stop pursuing him and slide back, getting ready for my new technique I learned while I was in the Daku.

I place one knee firmly on the ground, then start charging my arms. By the time I'd finished, Naruto was running at me. I smirked evilly, causing him to falter. Perfect.

"Rasendori Stream!" I yell as I throw my arms up in air. The rasengan and chidori merge, making one massive ball I between my palms. Sasuke gasps, wide red eyes scanning my movements. I shoot the beam at Naruto, who gets knocked over by Sasuke last second, completely wasting my attack. I growl in frustration as they both look at me wide eyed from the ground.

"Where in the hell did you learn that?!?" Sasuke screams, but I ignore him and jump off of the roof to go to my house, but something stops me, a powerful presence, more like four, approach me.

"Hello, Lady Daku." An eerie voice calls. I sigh and cross my arms under my chest, then turn around slowly, eyes blazing. Four sound ninja stood there, sizing me up.

"Lord Orochimaru has requested that we come and get you to-" A boy, a two headed one at that, begins, but I hold my hand up and speak over him.

"I don't give a damn what Orochimaru wants. I'm leaving tonight anyway, so you can go crawl back into your snake hole." I spit venomously. The group chuckles momentarily, infuriating me slightly.

"On the contrary, we were assigned to escort you safely. We'll be waiting for you tonight, I suppose." A girl with pink hair says. I glare at her before turning around.

"Whatever. I'm leaving to pack." I say and jump off to my house to collect some things, then onto the path of true darkness. After I'd finished, it was time to go. I'd raced forward, making my way to the gate, but Sasuke stopped me, well tried to. I knocked him out and went out into the forest, searching for the four I'd met earlier, and once I'd found them, the plan was set in motion.

"We've got to seal you in this box for a while." The double headed one states as he pops the lid of a large circular box. I eye it suspiciously before turning my narrowed gaze back to the boy.

"Why?" I ask as I cross my arms under my chest. He chuckles momentarily before copying my stance.

"In order for your curse mark to fully work, you've got to die, and we bring you back. This box does just that." He explains. I sigh heavily and start walking toward it.

"Whatever, just don't fuck it up." I growl, then hoisted myself over into the box. They closed the lid, then I heard them shout something, and the rest was dark.

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