Reversed Roles(Sasuke Love St...

By HaleighPenguin

41.1K 1.2K 537

What happens when you're on team 7 with Naruto and Sasuke instead of Sakura? What happens when Sasuke lets hi... More

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Story Song & Sequel


1.8K 55 36
By HaleighPenguin


~ (Y/n)'s Point of Veiw ~

After Sasuke finally leaves, I let out a strong breath that I didn't even realize I was holding. Strange. I continue to rub my temples and turn the lights off to my now clean downstairs, then head back up the stairs to go to bed. Maybe this stupid headache from unlocking my Daku will be gone by tomorrow.

The next morning I wake up just as the sun breaks the horizon. My headache was gone, so that's a plus. I change out of yesterday's dirty clothes and head straight for the academy. To be truthful, I was ready for a team and a new sensei. I was ready for missions, anything to help me gain strength and experience. I walk down the same dirt road, then walk down the same path to the academy. Only Iruka sensei was here at the moment. He offers me a small smile, and I nod in his direction to show that I had acknowledged his presence.

I go to the back corner of the classroom and watch as everyone else files in one by one and takes their regular seats. When Naruto enters the room, he scans it, and when he finds me, he sends me a bright smile that makes me want to vomit. I send him a glare hard enough to make him flinch, which he does, then hangs his head in shame before taking his seat. Surprisingly enough, Sasuke is the last one to enter the room, which worried my slightly, but I wiped those feeling clear from me before they could grow any further.

"Alright guys, today you are all going to be assigned to your permanent genin teams. These teams were selected by Lord Third and myself, so there is no changing teams. After you are assigned to your team, go to the corresponding room number and wait for your new sensei. Team 10: Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka, and Choji Akimichi. Team 8: Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga, and Kiba Inuzuka. Team 7: Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, and (Y/n) Daku. Now, go to your room and wait for your sensei there. They will give you further instructions." Iruka preaches. Some groans and sighs were heard from around the room, but as soon as Iruka called my team I was gone, leaving for room seven. The Hokage made the teams huh?

Team 10, a copy of the legendary InoShikaCho. Team 8, all trackers, who all have unique defenses. And team 7, the orphans. If that's the case, I've got a strong feeling as to who our sensei is. I walk into the room, and it's empty, whereas the other teams have already left with their senseis, that just proves my suspicions correct.

"Get comfortable. Our sensei won't be here for a while." I say as I pull two seats together and spread my legs over them. Naruto and Sasuke both look at me confused with raised brows.

"How do you know?" Sasuke asks and I roll my eyes. So many questions that I don't want to answer.

"Because I know who it is." I reply simply and turn my back to the both of them, facing the window.

"But Iruka sensei didn't tell us who it was." Naruto says. I can hear him scratching at his un-brushed blonde hair.

"He didn't have to, I just figured it out." I reply and they both go silent, for a short amount of time that is. Naruto starts humming and playing with things that he shouldn't have been touching, causing Sasuke to scold him, which Naruto didn't like, so they'd argue. I blocked it out as best as I could as we waited.

"Naruto, that won't work you idiot. He's a skilled ninja." I couldn't see what Naruto was doing, but it was obviously stupid. He's Naruto, of course it's stupid. I can hear footsteps coming up the hallway, so I turn around.

Just as Kakashi opens the door, an eraser tips on the frame. So that's what Naruto was doing. I race forward and catch the eraser before it can hit Kakashi, then spin around and chuck it at Naruto, hitting him right on the head. I cross my arms under my chest and glare at him as he curses silently while massaging the new bump on his head. Sasuke stares at me wide eyed, as well as Kakashi.

"Let me guess, he's the idiot." Kakashi said blankly. I nod my head once and Kakashi sighs while scratching at his gray, gravity defying hair.

"Let's go Kakashi sensei, these two idiots are restless." I say and push past him out into the hallway. His one visible eye widens slightly, but narrows right after.

"How did-" Kakashi begins, but I speak over him.

"Figured it out." I cut him off before he can finish, already knowing what he was going to ask.

"Alright then. To the roof, we have some introductions to make." He says and is gone in a flash. I sigh and walk up the three flights of stairs to the roof, Naruto and Sasuke following directly behind me.

"Alright. We're going to introduce ourselves. My name is Kakashi, I don't have any dreams really, and I've never really thought about the future. Alright you, idiot. Your turn." Kakashi speaks. I completely ignored everything they were saying until a warmth on my shoulder made me pay attention. I look down and see Sasuke's hand. I shrug it off quickly and take a step away from them all.

"My name is (Y/n) Daku. I hate everyone. I hate everything. And everything else is none of your business." I say monotonously as the three guys stare at me with wide eyes.

"Right. Okay, everyone go home and get a good night's sleep. We're going to have a survival test tomorrow, it will be vigorous and rough, so don't eat breakfast or you'll vomit." Kakashi explains. The bell test eh? I've heard of this one from friends of (Y/s/n), so I wasn't worried.

Kakashi then dismisses us and we all went our separate ways, or so I thought. As usual, the normal patter of Sasuke's feet rang out from behind me, but that wasn't all. There was someone running quickly towards us.

I quickly and discretely pulled a kunai from my pouch and spun around in a flash, not knowing who was there, and threw the kunai. It whizzed past Sasuke's cheek and scratched the person running up behind us. Sasuke's eyes go wide for a moment, as he thought I was trying to stab him, but an annoyingly familiar voice caused that thought to vanish, and for him to spin around, and for me to glare at the source.

"Whoa! That was amazing! You didn't even see me!" Naruto squeals as he stays frozen in place, blood dripping from his left cheek. I huff, completely annoyed as Sasuke turns around with wide eyes, amazed at me as well. I roll my eyes and shove my hands into my pockets before turning back around completely, leaving them both and my kunai behind.

"Hey! Hey (Y/n), wait up a second!" Naruto yells and runs past Sasuke, closer to me, which is right between us. I pause momentarily, my back still facing him, waiting for him to continue with his nonsensical speaking.

"Well, I was thinking that since we're on the same team and all, that we could hang out, maybe train with each other a little bit. You're so strong, you could teach-" Naruto begins rambling. I was in no mood to be around people any longer, so I cut him off.

"I'll pass." I say and continue the short trek to my house. I sigh heavily and close my eyes, but they snap back open when two hands grab the both of my upper arms and drag me quickly to the training grounds I had demolished not long ago. When we get there, Naruto and Sasuke released me, Naruto with a large, sheepish grin on his face as he scratched the back of his head, and Sasuke with a small smirk, pink tinting his pale cheeks.

"I should kill you for that." I growl and begin waking to a tree on the far side of the grounds, ultimately trying to seperate myself from the two idiots.

"You wouldn't kill me! I'm your friend!" Naruto screams and starts following me, as well as Sasuke. So much for isolation.

"Don't be so sure." I mumble to myself and sit down at the base of the tree. Naruto and Sasuke walk up, eye each other, then me, and cautiously sit next to me, making sure to keep at least a foot between themselves and me. I exhale heavily and close my eyes. Surprisingly, it remains silent for the entire time, before I speak.

"When you're both quiet, you two aren't nearly as annoying." I say as I let a small smirk spread onto my lips, then slowly open my eyes. To my right, Sasuke eyes me with wide eyes as Naruto beams brightly to my left.

"Does that mean I'm better than Sasuke?!?" Naruto exclaims happily in his screechy voice, causing my face to scrunch up in disgust. I sigh agitatedly and place my index fingers on my temples before replying, but Sasuke beats me to it.

"Shut up dweeb!" Sasuke yells while gritting his teeth and pointing an accusing finger at Naruto, his arm right in front of my face. I roll my eyes and shove his arm away.

"No. You're both equally annoying." I reply monotonously as I get up without another word and head to my house. This time, they don't follow me. I enter the dark kitchen and cook some dinner, eat, shower, then bed. Today was rather exhausting, with the teams, the kunai scare, and all of that social activity, and on top of that, I've got to fight a jounin.

~ The Next Morning ~

I awoke the next morning to the sun shining in my face. It was at least 7:30 AM, and we were supposed to be at training grounds 7 by 6:00 AM. However, I knew better. A couple of months back when I had nothing better to do, I'd study everything I could get my hands on. I'd studied all of the current chunin and jounin, which included Kakashi Hatake. I knew that he was never on time, and I knew he'd be giving this test.

I get out of bed slowly and stretch before going downstairs and eating a nice breakfast. I'd decided earlier that I wouldn't tell Naruto or Sasuke about the tricks to the test because I'd wanted them to be exhausted. They'd only be in the way, and besides, if I couldn't beat one simple jounin, how was I going to eliminate an ex-anbu, and now S-Ranked criminal of the Akatsuki? Exactly, I couldn't, so I have to fight in this alone.

After I eat and dress, I slowly make my way out of the house and walk to the assigned training ground, and what I find amuses me. Naruto was sitting at the base of a pole, completely asleep with droll dripping onto his orange pants, whereas Sasuke was no better. He was sitting on top of the pole Naruto was leaning on, legs crossed, and fists under his chin with his eyes closed. I quietly make my way to the other end of the grounds so I wouldn't wake them. I sat and waited until about 20 minutes later, Kakashi had arrived. It was 9:00 AM. Three hours late. Kakashi nodded toward me silently, I nodded back in recognition.

"Hey guys! I'm assuming you're all ready for the test!" Kakashi yells, causing the two sleeping idiots to jolt awake and look around frantically. A small smirk makes its way onto my face as they look at me confused, probably wondering when I'd gotten there.

"You two are late!" Naruto yells, turning red. I quickly drop my smirk and roll my eyes, then stand up and make my way closer to the group. Sasuke simply dusts himself off and stands quietly. Not a morning person, just like me.

"Today you three are taking what I call the bell test. The catch is, I only have two bells. Whoever doesn't get a bell by noon will fail. You may begin." Kakashi explains. Sasuke and I jump off into the trees to hide, but Naruto stays. I'm much too far away to hear what is being said, so I ignore them and begin thinking to myself, planning an attack. After I'd devised a fool proof plan, I looked back to the center of the field. When I look back to Naruto however, he's hanging from a tree, apparently I'd missed a lot. I sat and waited, when suddenly a kunai flew out from the other side of the forest.


What an idiot. Now Kakashi knows his location, and can find him easily, but Kakashi stays in place as I watch Sasuke find a new spot. Sasuke sits for a while before just running out for a frontal attack, but Kakashi appears behind him. Now's my chance.

Just as Kakashi puts Sasuke under the earth, I spring out of the brush and throw a punch at Kakashi, who dodges too late and I clip his shoulder. He gasps in surprise and jumps away quickly, but something doesn't feel right. After a few seconds I scoff to myself before taking out a kunai and pricking my finger. The colors of my vision start to change and Kakashi appears right before me with a shocked look on his face.

"It's useless Kakashi. I thought you were an elite jounin, you should know that genjutsu doesn't work on me." I say, the sarcasm practically dripping from my words.

"I never do research on children, it seems wrong." Kakashi said then jumped away quickly and I frowned. I sigh heavily and felt as though it would look good if I helped Naruto and Sasuke. I took the same kunai I'd just cut my finger with and sling it almost carelessly into the rope that was binding Naruto. He falls to the ground with an audible thud. I then make some clones and have them dig Sasuke up out of the ground and run off to track Kakashi. I found him once again, sitting and waiting, so I concealed my chakra as best as I could and waited because I knew Sasuke and Naruto would try and attack again. I've got to use them for my own surprise attacks, I've got to use them to become a chunin.

Just as I'd predicted earlier, Naruto's and Sasuke's chakras spread around Kakashi quickly. I formulate another plan and make two shadow clones, sending one behind Sasuke, and one behind Naruto. Naruto obviously attacks first, then Sasuke runs out. I allow one of the clones to come in frontal with Naruto and Sasuke, but have one sneak up behind him, and keep myself out for the moment. Kakashi takes Naruto out, then Sasuke, then my clone.

"You thought I'd be fooled by a shadow clone?" Kakashi yells out, letting me know that he didn't know of my true location. Perfect. My second shadow clone comes out from behind him attacking quickly. Just when he was about to hit my second clone, I shoved myself out of the earth right next to his feet and swipe the bells from his belt. His eyes widen as his gaze flickers from me to the clone. I dispel the jutsu with a smirk on my face, bells in hand.

"No, two clones actually." I say. Kakashi narrows his eyes at me as I turn and hand the wide eyed Sasuke and Naruto the two bells before dusting myself off slightly.

"But (Y/n), you got both of the bells yourself, you deserve them both." Naruto says almost breathlessly as he eyes the small metal bell. I scoff lightly at his words and turn away from the three and start walking back to the main area of the training ground.

"It's not about the bells. It was about teamwork, but I am obviously strong enough without you two, so I would say that it's safe to assume that you and Sasuke needed them more than I ever would." I explained as I cross my arms under my chest.

"Correct (Y/n). Alright. You all pass, and are dismissed. Rest up because we've got quite a few D missions to complete tomorrow." Kakashi says. I exhale lightly and walk away, heading back home, faster than usual to avoid Sasuke and Naruto. They were breaking my walls down, and they weren't even trying, which infuriated me to no end.

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