
By _Jazzabelle_

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I'm really bad at descriptions so just read the book. Its good I swear. More

The Original Sketch
Sorry, No Second Sketches
Guest Speaker
Leona's Past Part 1
Leona's Past Part 2
Friend's Reunited
Relationship Problems
Special Date and Paper Collecting
Stalker Watcher
No New Friends
Without a Trace
Searching For Her
Fur Lease Novel Dot
Christmas Trip
Who Is She
JK I Lied
Christina and Gabriella
Lyd and Mel
Are You Really Found?
Shading and Blending
Graduation Day
Life Goes On
Carter and Rae
Single Soul
Back Home
Just why tho? (Issa snitch)
To Escape or Not to Escape
What Matters In Life?

Baller Problems

36 3 0
By _Jazzabelle_

Leona's POV

"PULL UP ON YO BITCH TELL YO MAN IM SORRY. 100 ON MY WRIST JUMPIN OUT THE RARI. OOH SHE HIT THE SPLITS SHE KNOW HOW TO PARTY. WHEN IM WITH MY CLIQUE WE KNOW HOW TO PARTY." My phone alarm goes off and I turn over silencing it. I sit up and hear a groan. Chris was laying there with a frown on her face. "It's too damn early go back to sleep." She says putting the pillow over her face. I laugh and get out the bed and go into the bathroom. I take a shower and brush my teeth before going back into the room and putting on a t-shirt and some sweat pants. I look at the bed and Chris is still lying down in the bed face down with the pillow still over her head. I go over to her and slap her ass hard as I possibly could and she jumped like 10 feet in the air. "Owww whyyyyy?" she yelled covering her ass and I burst into a fit of laughter. "Oh so its funny huh?" she said getting up chasing us around the room. "No no its not." I say running from her down the steps and didn't see her behind me. I felt like a track star while walking up the stairs thinking she gave up until she popped from around the corner putting me over her shoulder. "Noo baby I'm sorry. Nooo." I say as she slams me onto the bed tickling me. "So shits funny huh?" she asks still tickling me. "No baby I'm sorry." I say trying to pry her hands off of me. "That's not my name try again." She says smirking grabbing my hands so I still can't move. "I'm sorry Chrissy baby." I say and she kisses my neck most likely leaving a mark there. "Wrong again mami." She says still kissing me. "I'm sorry Papi." I say and she gets up and looks at the time. "Oh shit, we gotta get the kids up. It's 6:00." She says running in the bathroom. I run down the stairs and go into Valentina's room. I walk over to her bed and shake her lightly. "Tia wake up. It's time for school." I say and she rubs her eyes. I walk out and see her go into her bathroom. I go and wake Tino up before going downstairs and making breakfast. I turn the baby monitor up so I'll know when the twins wake up.

I made pancakes and bacon and started making plates for Tia and Tino putting them on the island. As soon as I put their plates down I hear feet rumbling down the steps. "Stop running in my damn house before you break something." Chris says walking down the steps behind them. They walked into kitchen and sat down starting to eat. I hear the twins upstairs crying through the baby monitor and go upstairs to check on them. I walk into the room and see that its Aiden. I get the twins together and dressed and bring them downstairs and put them into their bouncers. In between me bringing down Aiden and Addi I heard giggling in the kitchen. I go back in the kitchen and there were two pancakes and two strips of bacon on a plate. I grab the plate and hurry up and eat my food so I can get the twins to school. "Tia and Tino go get your stuff so mommy can get yall to school." Chris says picking up their plates and they run upstairs. "AND STOP RUNNING IN MY HOUSE" she yells at them and I laugh putting my plate in the dishwasher and turning it on. "Hey can you help me with Addi and Aiden." I ask Chris and she nods getting up and puts Aiden in the carrier as I do the same with Addison. We put them in the car and she runs upstairs probably to get her gym bag. Valentina and Valentino come out the house and get in the car as Chris locks up the house. Once everyone was in the car Christina pulls out and heads to the pre-school. We get there and I start to get out of the car and Chris stops me getting out of the car and walks into the pre-school. I just brush it off and get on my phone.

Christina's POV

I stop Lee from getting out of the car because I needed to talk to Tia and Tino's teacher. I walk them into the building and walk them to their class. I walk into the room and sign them in before walking over to their teacher. "Ms. K!" they both exclaim and run over giving her a hug. "Hey T&T." she says hugging them back. She looks up and I wave at her. "Hey Mrs. Fernández how are you this morning?" she asked standing up. "Good but can I talk to you outside?" I ask and she nods. "Ok guys go put your stuff up and go sit on the carpet with everyone else. I'll be right back." She says bending down to their lever and they walk away after giving me a hug and walking away. We walk into the hallway and she cracks the door. "Ok so Leona's birthday is in a couple weeks and I'm going to take our family on a trip to California." I start and she nods. "So that means that they are going to be gone for the week that they go to Cali I'm assuming?" she asks. "Yes, so I just want to make sure that they are ok to go grade wise." I say and she shakes her head. "No, they are fine. They are both doing great in class. I can send them home with some worksheets that we will be working on that week so they won't be behind when they come back. Just tell me the Friday before you guys leave so that I can give them the worksheets." She says. "Ok I'll make sure that you know thank you." I say walking away. "No problem see you at 4." She says and I wave at her before going back outside. I get in the car and start it driving to the gym. "What took so long?" Lee asked being curious per usual. "Just had to talk to Ms. K about something. Nothing big." I say grabbing her hand and interlace our fingers.

I make it to the gym and I get out the car. "Ok, I should be done around 3 but I'll text you when we're done. Are you going to class today?" I ask and she nods. "Ok, hope class is ok tell my child I said hey." I say giving her a kiss and walking into the gym. "Bye babe." She yells out the window and drives off. I go to the locker room and change into my shorts and t-shirt. I was putting my things in my locker when someone walked in. "Wassup C," they said and I turned around. It was Rizzy one of my teammates. We played in college together and were really cool but didn't really talk out of practice. "Hey Rizzy nothing much." I say closing my locker. "What's going on in the world of Ms. Rizzy McGuire?" I say putting on my shoes. She laughs, "Nothing out of the normal. Not being trusted, trying to move forward and only getting pushed back further." "Kris still tripping? I told you to drop her ass. She playing you like an X-box and accusing you of cheating when we all know you are the most loyal person anyone has ever met. On top of that she's been fucking around on you everyone knows that. She is taking advantage of you for your money. Drop her ass." I say and she shakes her head. "I know but I don't want to be with anyone else. She's my everything and then some. Plus, you have no proof that she's cheated on me." She stands up after lacing her shoes. "Aight I have no proof. Bet you I do. Come on." We walk to the gym and there was Zay and a couple other girls on our team. "Hey Zay when we went to the mall a couple weeks ago who did we see all hugged up on some other bitch?" I said and everyone looked at Zay and she pulled out her phone. "Ummmm what's her face Krystal, Katana, nigga I don't remember her name but wasn't that Rizzy's girl?" she asked scrolling through her phone. I look at Rizzy and she looked defeated. We walk over to the bleachers and sit and she puts her face in her hands. "I'm sorry that you had to find out this way but it's better now than later. You'll find someone worthy of your time and heart sooner or later." I say rubbing her back. I hear my phone buzz and it was a picture of Kris and that girl we saw at the mall.

"See isn't this Kris?" I ask showing her the picture. She nods and gets up texting someone on her phone. "ZAYIN BRING THAT ASS HERE!" she yelled across the gym and she jogs over to where we were. "Was good?" she asked "Ok we gonna get this bitch back but I'm going to need some help from you two. No one plays the Riz and gets away with it. We about to fuck her up." She said and I raised my eyebrow because a bitch got a family to take care of so um jail isn't for me. "Of course, it will all be legal. I'm not that stupid man, but she about to regret fucking with me. We'll talk later" She said walking in the direction of the track and we all start to head in that direction. Practice is going to be interesting today.

Leona's POV

I pull into the parking space and look in the seats behind me. How I'm going to get them in there with all this shit for my class as well I don't know but we are going to make it happen. I get out the car and get Addi and Aiden. I walk into the center and walk to the front desk and see Monica sitting there on the phone. "Yes ma'am I'll put in your request right now...... No problem....Bye." she says hanging up the phone and looks up after writing something down. Her mouth drops to the ground. "Leona Fernández why does it look like you gave birth three weeks ago where did the baby fat go?" she asked as I put the carriers on the desk. She came around and gave me a hug. "Here girl watch your god children while I go get my stuff and set my class up." I say walking back to my car and get my stuff. I go into my classroom and turn on the lights to see it was just as I left it. It feels good to be back in my classroom even though I was only gone for like two weeks it felt like an eternity. I set up my class for today which took a good 20 minutes. This week we were going to do charcoal portraits. After getting everything done I go back out to the front desk to see almost all of the office staff surrounding the carriers. "Ok, ok, guys the twins must find their way to the classroom guys sorry. They'll be back later." I say grabbing the carriers and walking back to my classroom. I put them down and see that Addison was awake and looking around. I go into one of the storage closets and get their bouncers. I set them out and put them in their respective bouncer. I finally sit down and then was ambushed from the side.

"Mama omg your back. The lady who subbed for you was a pain in the ass. She made us make clay fruits the first week and then last week we did prints but they had to have all this shit in it and it was irritating. She didn't let anyone have any type of creative flow we were just told what to do. On top of all that she was trying to flirt with me and Rae but she was like 40 something like no I'm clearly 5 in a 17-year-old body who's also taken like hoe fuck outta here." She said hugging me. It was Carter one of my students. I laugh and she looked at me with a straight face. "I'm serious she was irritating. If she put her saggy ass tittes in my face one more time I would slap the wrinkles off of her face." She said and that made me laugh more. "Oh Carter the insults that run through your mind. Chris said hey and speaking of Rae where is she? Y'all are normally inseparable." I asked and her head dropped. I then realized what I asked. "Nigga the fuck are you here for. You out here and not in class if your siblings weren't in here I would drag yo ass all the way to Ridge. Matter of fact let me get the carriers we going up to Ridge." I said getting up and getting putting them in the carriers. "Mama come on I don't have to go today it's final's makeup day. I don't have to be there because I took all my finals. Rae had a doctor's appointment yesterday so she missed her last two finals. That's why she's not with me." She said and I was still putting my babies in their carrier. "I don't care go there and support your girlfriend while she takes her finals. Be the supportive girlfriend. Come on you got about 25 minutes until second period. Take Aiden." I say grabbing Addison and my purse walking out of the room and standing outside the door. I look at her as she stands there and rolls her eyes picking up Aiden. "Come on kid." I said closing the door and locking it.

We walk past Monica and I told her that if I'm not back before my class starts to tell them to wait and I'll just be a minute. We get in the car and I make sure my kids were ok before going pulling out of my spot and making my way to Ridge. "Sooooooo what colleges are we going to in the fall?" I ask focusing on the road. "Rae and I decided on staying here for a while until we find something better. I mean I want to teach art as a profession but Rae doesn't know what she wants to do as a career yet so I don't know what will happen after high school." She said and I understand. Not everyone knows what they want to do right after school so maybe some time to figure it out is best for her. "Yayy all my babies are going to be in the same state for a while longer." I said getting a little excited. "Ok, ok, chill. I want to stay here but I don't know if she wants to stay here. I think she does though." She said and we pull up to the school. "Aight hoe get out of my car and go be a cheerleader." I say and she laughs. "Ok mama, I'm going I'll tell Rae you said hi. Love you." She said getting out of the car. I know yall probably like how do you have a 17-year-old child. She's not my biological daughter I just say she is. Her parents disowned her after she came out. Still came to class every time we had class but I noticed that she was acting different. One day I pulled her to the side and she told me and Rae. Rae didn't have any room in her house so I let her stay with us until she found someone to stay with. She stayed with us for a year and helped me when I needed it with Tia and Tino when I needed it. She started calling me mom and then last year her and Rae made it official. Then they moved in together and ever since where one is the other isn't that far away. But, back to the community center I go almost time for class.

A/N: HEY HEY HEY YALL! Sorry it's coming so late but better late than never. Rizzy thoooo. Her girl cheatin on her but the Riz got something for that ass. Then Carter, the honorary Fernández and her girlfriend Rae. If you couldn't tell it's not Raeil Christina's ex. Her name is just Rae and she's a stud. They a s4s couple so if you not here for it don't read the book. BUT I'll see y'all next Saturday. -Stay Saucy

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