Coffee and Rings

By xcremedust

877 71 50

"They say once you are dead, you cannot return. But here I stand breathing, defying that statement." Every ce... More

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162 15 25
By xcremedust

I pushed my legs to move faster to escape those creatures which I am sure escaped from hell. I looked to my left to see my friends running beside me. The colours of the posters and walls on both the sides blurred a little due to the speed we were running. I know we can use our powers but unfortunately it is against the rules.

I can hear the barks of the dogs as I pumped my poor legs up and down. And yes, you heard me right.Dogs. The five protectors of the world were being chased by stray dogs.

Ashton, one of the protectors, thought that it would be funny to rile up a dog. Little did he know that it had friends which joined him in the chase.

There were five of us. John, the forty-three old, experienced one, Callie,the genius, Stella, the hot-headed, Ashton, the player/bad boy and last, there was me. Max,the group clown. Always looking forward to make a fool of myself to make others laugh.

I was pushed back to reality when I heard the faint honking of cars. I searched for the direction from which the sound was coming from. "Take the left," John shouted and we all followed his orders, turning left which led us to the side of a very busy road.

I looked back to see all the dogs gone. I let out a breath of relief.

"Thank god, they are gone. I was sure that I was going to lose my precious life. No thanks to Ashton" Stella snapped,her brown eyes flaming with intense anger.

Ashton was quick to go for his defense though,"Hey, it wasn't like I knew that the dog had friends all over the street. I just wanted to have some fun."

"And is being chased by dogs the defenition of fun for you?" Callie muttered. Ashton merely ignoring her, turned to John,"John, look. The girls are ganging up on me."

John looked up from his phone. "Does it look like I care?"

Ashton rolled his eyes. As he opened his mouth to say something to me, Callie started her hour long speech,"Must you always be so carefree? It could have gotten us killed......,"

And that was when I zoned out. Their bickering was normal. Ash doing something idiotic, Stella getting pissed off, Callie starting her long speech, John playing games in his phone and me simply looking at something,making commentaries to myself.

It has been this way since I woke up on that fateful day a year ago. Out of the five of us, I was only one who lost my memory. Ofcourse, I remembered my name, the languages  I knew, my age and all those basic stuff since it was all stored in my subconscious memory.

The six protectors get their powers once they died. Our bodies disappear and come to the 'Hall of Dead' where the other protectors will help you. No one in the world knew about us. Only us and it is going to stay that way.

Being the first protector, it was hard for John to learn everything by himself. He has faced many problems and got the scars to prove it. And so, he took an oath to help all the protectors so that they will not go through all those hardships. He was the one who helped me the most when I woke up to a mystery world not knowing anything about me and I am grateful for it.

Remember how I told you everyone except me remember their past? I too would have if it wasn't for The Blacks. The evil ones that we need to eliminate.

When I was dead and the powers within me were awakening, one of the Blacks erased my memories.He couldn't have if the transformation was fully done. Lucky for him, only half of it was done. And lucky for me only half of it wasn't done. So, I could get my memories back. Only something must trigger it.

Our powers depend on how we died. For example, John was a fireman and he died in a fire accident, saving people. So, he got the power of fire. Ashton died in a car wreck, he can break people's bones. Callie was abused by her father until she lost her life, she can bruise someone without even touching them. Stella starved to death and she can drain out others energy.

Me? I don't know what my powers are. The four of them remembered how they died making their full powers awaken.I don't know what caused my death and my full powers were not awakened. Sure, I covered all the basics. Abnormal speed, fast healing, quick reflexes and everything but just not my main power.

The only things I had with me when I woke up was my clothes and a necklace with a platinum ring as a dollar which read 'Together Forever' and nothing more. Not even my shoes.

So, the five of us have to search this entire world to find something that would trigger my memories. So far, so bad. There were very less things that did it. But, there was this pair of electric blue eyes that haunted me everywhere I went. They were the colour of the sky on a bright, sunny day. I couldn't put a face to it but I love it. I tried to remember if I knew anything but I always came up with a blank line. 

Each time a memory comes back to me, it feels like I knew it happend all along but just forgot it. You know, you suddenly forget a certain word and when someone says it to you, you are like'Yeah, that'. Well, that is what happens to me.

About the sixth protector? We had yet to find him/her.

We get our money from 'The Tree of Fruits'. But it only payed for our needs. Like food, clothes and shelter. If we wanted something more, then we had to work. Totally fun,right? Please take note of my sarcasm.

Here we are, in the middle of nowhere, searching for something that would trigger my memories. And it was that instance that I saw her.


Soooo,how do you like it?

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I love chocolates. Hope you love them too. -throws you a packet of chocolate-

                                                                                           -Stay Gorgeous

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