Copyright Statement

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COFFEE AND RINGS © 2014, jikku_m

All rights reserved

This book "Coffee and Rings,"including all chapters, epilouges, and associated is copyrighted and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright.Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.

The plot of the story, characters and situations are completely fictional. Any of the characters's ideas, prejudices and beliefs in no way reflect that of the author's[aka me]

I don't mean to offend anyone or anything in any shape or form through this story. If you are offended, I apologize in advance.


Please be notified that when the word 'Blacks' is mentioned in this story, it just means a group pf people who were manipulated to work under an evil man. I DON'T mean to be racist or rude. It acts as the last name of the bad people.

EXAMPLE: Vanishqe Black, Jacob Black.

Hello there beautiful/sexy,

                 So, this is my first story and I hope you LOVE

P.s:Smile for me, please :)

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