Coffee and Rings-6

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My stomach churned and my head spinned. My breathing was at a rapid pace as I stared ahead at the big house. It wasn't a mansion but it sure was large. I blew out air through my mouth and drew in a shaky breath. My lips tilted up as a smile but my fists were clenched by my sides and I was sure I was shaking the whole car with the movement of my legs moving up and down with excitement.

Kimberly pressed down on a button, "Eva, open the gates, please."

A loud screech from the machine made me wince and cover my ears. "Just a second!," a voice sounded just as the enormous and elegant black gates opened - the gold paint on their sides catching the sunlight and glittering - and revealed the house fully.

The car moved forwards towards the house, through the pathway with stones lining the sides. A blue colored butterfly fluttered by near my window and flew to the freshly mown, green, lush grass near the fountain on the far left side.

I breathed in again, a full blown grin on my face. It felt as if we were moving at a very slow rate though I knew we weren't. The car stopped again but now in front of the driveway. Kimberly got down from the car and I quickly followed suit.

She turned back, looking at Callie who has already steped out of the car and smiled. She then moved her attention to me.

"Welcome home."

My grin grew bigger as I walked cautiously behind Kimberly to the brown colored double doors. She might look innocent but with the job we have, we can't trust anyone fully. We shouldn't if we want to keep our head connected to our body. She showed us a photo, but it could very well be edited. Maybe she was forced into luring us in and The Blacks were hiding inside but I didn't care. If there was a chance that I was regaining my memories, then I was going to grasp it like a man in desert clinging to a glass of water.

My head grew lighter as I looked at the tall pilars on the both sides of the doors and suddenly I felt isolated from the world. My vision blurred until it looked like there were white patches in my surroundings. It looked like there was grey smoke lining my eyes and everything was unclear. I knew this feeling. It was what I felt just before I was opened to a memory. I was getting a memory back and we haven't even been here for half-an-hour.

I leaned my back on one of the pillars for support.

The boy ran after the girl as she laughed, skipping to the doors and hiding behind one of the pillars. Throwing her hands to her mouth to muffle her laughs, the girl peeked back but to her surprise there was no one.

Where was, Max?

They were playing tag and Max had to catch them all. Her brows furrowed in confusion and the joyful smile she had on her face vanished.

'I swear if he somehow manages to fall into the fountain again, I wasn't helping,' she thought to herself.

The last time they were here, he fell into the fountain and almost drowned. She didn't even want to think about how he did that. Kimberly, Eva and James were enjoying a barbeque far away from the fountain when they heard his screams. Thank the heavens, Kimberly knew how to swim and was right on time.That fool has to learn to swim!

'Maybe, he gave up and decided to chase Eva or James instead.'

Sighing with disappointment, she turned around, only to smack right into a chest. And there he was, standing with a smile on his face and amusement twinkling in his dark eyes. He lifted up his pointer finger and touched her nose.

"You are it," with that he ran away, his laugh ringing through the air. Kimberly shook her head and stood there for a few seconds. Then with a loud playful cry, she lunged after him.

Coffee and RingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant