Venatrix II

By queenrihbih

34.6K 776 283

"I love you, I really do Kendall," Brett tried to convince me, tears welling up in his eyes. "Why didn't you... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Hey guys
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Two

3.5K 78 25
By queenrihbih

"Are you ready for school?"

"No," I muttered, groggily getting out of bed, rubbing my eyes. I brushed the knots out of my hair with my fingers and yawned.

"So I was with Deaton today and the results came back," Scott walked over and sat on the edge of my bed.

"What did he say?" I brushed my hair back with a sigh. Scott looked at me sadly and I groaned once again. "He doesn't know does he?"

"No he doesn't." Scott sighed. "But he said I should be prepared for you to do something I've never seen in my life, that no one's seen."

"That's just great." I said sarcastically. "What did you find out from that weird beast man with weird things coming out of his hands though?"

"Well we found the talons of that werewolf guy. Deaton thinks that someone is changing the rules of the supernatural," Scott claimed.

"Talons? Changing the rules of the supernatural world? Who the hell can be bothered?" I asked, staring at him funny.

"We don't know and that's what brings us back to square one," He huffed, getting up. "Mum made you breakfast on the kitchen table and your dad also called, saying something about coming back for the month," He continued. I nodded with a smile.

Dad and I were never that close. He was the one who decided not to live with him anymore because he's always out hunting and he thought Scott should be there for me as he had a lot of respect for him.

I got up and preceded to wash myself and put on clothes. Being Lydia's best friend, it made me more weary of my style choices than usual, so for today I opted for a black skater skirt that when above my knee, a black bandeau that reached just above my belly button and a leather jacket.

I wore a strap underneath my skirt and hid my knives in there while wearing heeled boots. I walked down stairs and smiled as I saw a bulky blonde headed guy sitting down on the kitchen stool.

"Guessing that Scott's gone now and you're taking me to school?" I asked, going on my tippy toes to kiss his pink lips.

"Mhmm," was all his reply, as he placed his hands on my thighs. I sat on his lap and begun to eat. As I was doing this, Brett was feeling on my legs.

"You shouldn't do that," I remarked.

"Wh- ow! What the hell was that," Brett yelled, grabbing his finger.

"Duh, my daggers," I replied with a mouth full of pancakes.

"Why does it hurt so much?" He asked.

"Um because it's full of wolf's bane, Mountain Ash, mercury and I don't know what else but it hurts like a b*tch," I repeated once again, placing the last piece of pancake in my mouth and getting up.

"Speaking of daggers I found out what I am today," I announced, grabbing my bag and heading towards the door.

"And what might that be?" Brett stood beside me as I locked the door of the house.

"The 'I don't know'. Heard they're pretty fast," I replied, walking hand in hand towards his car. He opened the car door for me and shut it, quickly walking towards the other side as I slipped on my seat belt.

He started the car and begun driving down the road. "We'll find out one day." He told me.

"One day," I muttered.

"But did he explain why you were both Venatrix and another whatever it is?" He glanced at me.

"No," I muttered sadly. He grabbed my hand and rubbed my promise ring.

"Don't worry, we'll find out. Together," He said.

"Promise you won't leave me until we find out?" I held my pinky out. He looked at my pinky and laughed.

"God I love you"


It was already 1.54 seconds since I walked into this school and I already want to drop out. Everyone here is so happy to see each other and I just want to sleep if I'm quiet honest. And it also doesn't help if I have a guy like Stiles as a friend.

"So you ran a background check, and all you found was a speeding ticket?" I asked amused.

"Speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad eight years ago," Stiles replied.

"Which means what?" Malia rolled her eyes.

"Who speeds? People trying to get away from something," Stiles rambled on.

"Well, how many tickets do you have?" Malia asked.

"None," He lied.

"How many would you have if your dad didn't get you out of them?" I stopped and looked at him.

"Seventeen," He sighed.

"I don't know, Stiles. I mean, I see why you're worried. He's really hot.
He's got like great hair, perfect body. You should definitely feel threatened," Malia said like it was no big deal. I placed a hand on my mouth and stifled my laugh.

"Thank you. Because I do. Now more than ever," Stiles whined.

"You want me to torture him?" Malia innocently asked Stiles.

"No, I don't want you to torture him.
I'm pretty sure I can take him. I have a plan," Stiles replied in which I rolled my eyes at.

"There are steps to doing this right," He continued.

"What steps?" I asked popping a gum in my mouth.

"We get the story. Verify the facts.
Find the piece that doesn't fit and and catch him in the act. That's how you do it," Stiles smirked.

"Why are you so suspicious of this guy?" I asked with an eye roll.

"Because I remember Theo from fourth grade. Okay? That's not Theo," He finalised.

I nodded at him weirdly and begun to walk to my first class of the day, AP biology. I smiled at Lydia as she looked at my outfit approvingly. I took a seat between her and the Kitsune.

All the sudden three of us looked up puzzlingly as we saw Scott walk in and take a seat next to Kira.

Lydia and I looked at Kira, signalling to ask Scott if he was in the right class. She shook her head no but we both glared at her which ultimately led her to look at Scott.

"Scott? Are you in the right class?" She asked carefully.

"AP Biology," Scott replied.

"Do you know what AP stands for?" Lydia asked.

"Advanced Placement," He replied smoothly. I smirked, shaking my head at the Alpha's answer.

"Welcome to AP Biology. Let's see who's awake. Can somebody tell me what plasmids are?" The teacher interrupted us.

"Circular, self-replicating DNA molecules often used in cloning proteins," I replied quiet easily.

"Nicely stated, Kendall," She replied.

"Now, can you tell me what vitamin is absorbed in the stomach via parietal cell production of a glycoprotein?" She asked me.

"B-12," I replied with a smile. She smiled back and faced towards Scott.

"Mr. McCall, did you know the answer?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Um, no," He confessed.

"It's a common test question. What's your number one college pick?" She asked.


"Stop saying 'Um'," She cut him off.

"Sorry. UC Davis." I turned to look at him a raised my eyebrows smiling at him.

"Good choice. It's the best school on the West Coast for biological and physical sciences. You're in the right class if that's what you're hoping for.
Who else thinks they're in the right class?" She asked.

Nearly everyone raised their hand up and I scanned around the room until my eyes landed on a smiling green eyed man. Theo rose his other hand up and did a short wave. I pursed my lips and gave him a little short smile turning around, still not trusting him.

"Good," The teacher smiled and continued, "Then you should all be prepared for the test tomorrow." She announced as the whole class, except Lydia and I, groaned.

"Don't be so disappointed. This test is specifically to help you determine whether you should actually be in AP Biology. You have two weeks to drop. Tomorrow's test will just weed out the ones who shouldn't be here. And that could be any of you," She smiled as the bell rang.

I grabbed my books following Scott and the rest of the pack out until Scott and I were grabbed by a hyperactive kid.

"Hey! Guys. You're both coming with me. Come on," Stiles muttered grabbing us both.

"We've got a free period," I groaned.

"So do I. And so does Theo Raeken.
Let's go," He stated.


"I was skating in a neighbor's empty pool, trying to do a handplant. Nobody was home. I'm not that good of a skateboarder, but I guess I was feeling pretty determined because I completely lost track of time. I didn't even realize that it was night until the yard lights came on. Like I said, I wasn't very good. On my last try I went down and hit hard. Really hard. I was sitting there at the bottom of the pool and I realized something. I never heard the board come back down. It came at me fast. I barely had a chance to turn around before it bit me. Right here," Theo explained, looking at us with teary eyes. I mentally scoffed.

"It wasn't an accident. He wanted to turn you," Scott replied. I laughed and looked at Theo with amused eyes.

"Right. So why aren't you part of his pack then? Why didn't he come back for you?" I asked pretending to be interested.

"Because by the time of my first full moon, he was dead," He told me which resulted in another eye roll from me.

"How did you know that?" Stiles asked with raised brows.

"I met another one of his pack a couple weeks later. He told me the Alpha that bit me was killed by two of his own Betas. They were twins," He tried to convince as, glancing at me as he said twins.

"Aiden," I breathed out closing my eyes. I took another breath and walked towards the lockers, one feet away from them so I can still hear.

"Scott, listen to my pulse. I'm telling the truth," Theo pleaded.

"Right. Or you just know how to steady your heart rate while you're lying your ass off," I replied sarcastically, one hand on my hip and the other rubbing my forehead.

"Kendall, you out of all people would know the 'bad guys' you think are bad aren't really bad and plus why would I lie?" He asked with a shrug.

"Because maybe you're not who you say you are," Stiles replied, me nodding in agreement.

"In the fourth grade you had an inhaler, I had one too. I remember this day where I ended up in the nurse's office with an asthma attack. A bad one. I was waiting to be taken to the ER. You were waiting for the Principal.
You told me what would happen when you go to the ER for asthma. How they give you oxygen, an IV of prednisone.
You made it sound easy. Like everything would be okay. I've been by myself this whole time. Everybody knows that lone wolves, they don't make it on their own. I swear I'm that same kid from fourth grade.I was hoping you are too," He explained.

Theo glanced at me and smiled.

"I better not be late for class. You're not the only ones I need to make a good impression on," He winked at me.

Scott turned to Stiles and I with eyes of trust.

"No. Don't give me that look," Stiles groaned.

"We have to give people the benefit of the doubt sometimes," Scott sighed.

"Not this time. All right. I'm right.
There's something off about him. I can feel it," Stiles replied.

"Lydia's the psychic. Not you," Scott laughed.

"She's not psychic. She's a Banshee. Okay? There's a difference," Stiles replied frustrated.

The day went by fairly quickly. Maths was fairly a breeze and Physics was pretty match basic knowledge.

I have a fairly highly IQ, and many people say I can do great things with it. I can be home, trying to finding cure for cancer or the next element in the periodic table, but no instead I'm here with a beta and a boy who thinks he's an FBI agent in the middle of the night. (I wrote this before season 6 and I can't believe Stiles unintentionally proved me wrong)

"I told you he was up to something," Stiles whispered. I rolled my eyes at him and turned my head on the side looking at him with the 'are you serious' look.

"We just spent three hours watching this dude play video games in his bedroom," I shook my head at him while folding my arms up, looking at my phone to see a text from Brett.

Brett: Where are you?
Me: Out in the woods at night, the usual, you?

"He better be out here covering up a mass murder," Liam mumbled.

"Let's find out," Stiles shrugged, getting a closer look. "You still got his scent?"

Brett: Are you alone?! Who's with you?! Sh*t I'm coming to find you right now.
Me: Chill Bretton I'm with Stiles and Liam
Brett: Text me when you get back home in an hour or else I'm going on a search. AND THATS NOT MY NAME!
Me: Whatever you say Bretton.

"Don't need it," Liam replied. Suddenly Liam groaned and begun rubbing his forehead.

"What? What's wrong?" Stiles asked.

"I forgot, I was supposed to meet Mason at the school gym," He groaned.

"Okay, why didn't you just tell him? -"

"Tell him what?" Liam asked.

"Anything," I replied.

"I can't just tell him anything," Liam sighed.

"Why not?" I pursed my lips.

"Because I haven't I haven't told him everything," Liam looked down.

"Still? We said it was okay," I held his shoulders.

"Yeah, I know, but it's not that easy.
It's a lot to accept," Liam rubbed his eyes.

"He watched my dad blow up a Berserker with a land mine. I think the groundwork's been pretty thoroughly laid for acceptance. Scott, Kendall and I have been through this. Okay? More than once. It's always been better when they know," Stiles sighed out.

"But what if he freaks out? What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he tries to stab me with something silver? Or what-" Liam all the sudden stopped.

"Liam?" I laughed as I saw him come out of a hole.

"What the hell are you doing? There he is. Hurry up. Both of you stop screwing around. Come on," Stiles whispered-yelled, walking hurriedly to where he saw Theo walking off to.

"Try and get his scent," Stiles turned to Liam. Liam begun to sniff the air, scrunching his nose up. "Get anything?"

"Soap. It's nice. It smells good," Liam replied, me standing behind him trying to hold in my laugh.

"Is it strawberry? I got so-"

"Not his soap, his emotional state!
Chemosignal, remember?" Stiles questioned while glaring at me to shut up.

"Oh, yeah. Okay," He remembered, sniffing the air again. "He's sad."

"He's sad?" I asked in confusion.

"Well, not just sad. It's more like grief," Liam tilted his head.

"Grief? Oh my God! - Go! We have to go," Stiles exclaimed, my eyes widening as he grabbed my arm and begun dragging us.

"- What? Why?" I hissed at him, pulling my hand away from his grip.

"Go! Right now. Just go. That's the bridge where they found his sister," Stiles muttered angrily.

"What sister?" Liam asked.

"The one that got lost and died from exposure. He's leaving a flower for her," Stiles replied.

My eyes widened as I got told his sister died. Sh*t why do I always feel bad and have a soft spot for those who have a deceased sister?

"That doesn't sound evil," Liam told Stiles as we begun quickly walking out of the area.

"I know." Stiles muttered.

"What are you guys doing?" Theo asked, making us jump as he came out of nowhere and stood on a tree. Liam growled but I held him back.

"Whoa. Why do I get the feeling this kid's tougher than he looks?" Theo asked, smirking at me.

"Only when we let him off his leash," I replied harshly, then my eyes softened as I realised what had happened to his sister.

"Oh Kendall, ever since I've laid eyes on you I've always wanted to ask you one simple question," Theo smiled at me.

"And what might that be?" I replied with annoyance.

"Are you single?" He asked. My face turned red as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"No," I muttered, looking at my ring glowing blue.

"That's a shame, I find you rather beautiful and intriguing," Theo winked at me.

My ring flickered twice.

A/N- Oh my god, my other book reached 11K views! Thank you guys so much I didn't know that so many people loved Brett. I think after season 6's last episode, everyone just started loving Brett and that's why everyone started viewing (I don't even want to talk about what happened to Brett.)

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