The Hidden World of Norminah

By ManiMufasa

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A fanfic about the relationship between Fifth Harmony members, Normani Kordei and Dinah Jane. Unlike other f... More

Chapter 2: Twenty Seventeen
Chapter 3: A Place Called Home
Chapter 4: Dancing with Normani
Chapter 5: Dinah's Resistance
Chapter 6: Around the World and Back
Chapter 7: Champion
Chapter 8: Happy Birthday, Normani.
Chapter 9: Happy Birthday, Dinah Jane.
Chapter 10: Calm Before the Storm.
Chapter 11: Who Said I Was an Angel?
Chapter 12: Don't Say You Love Me.
Chapter 13: Midnight
Chapter 14: Dinah's Dream.

Chapter 1: The Loss of a Sister

8.3K 192 80
By ManiMufasa

The day has come for Camila Cabello's last show with Fifth Harmony. This day has been coming since late last year, but things didn't get really bad until the top of this year. Normani Kordei, Dinah Jane, Lauren Jauregui, and Ally Brooke have all signed their renewing contracts with the group's label. They were only waiting on Camila. As the months started to roll by, the girls began to realize that hope for Camila to sign the new contract was useless. She has been showing signs of her unhappiness within the group for some time. She began to distance herself from the group and her communication with them was strained. She stayed in separate hotels and took her own service car to events while the other girls would travel in fours. Camila would get anxiety attacks during events and performances with the girls. When she talked to the girls one-on-one, she would express her disinterest in the music they were promoting. Lauren tried to encourage her that they would have more creative control on their next album but Camila was unconvinced. The girls got the opportunity to write for their current album, but none of the songs the girls wrote made the final cut of the album which was extremely disappointing for all of them.

To try to mend the bond between all five girls, management would hold group meetings and therapy sessions. These turned out to be ineffective because Camila was reluctant to participate and claimed she felt attacked in the meetings. After months of trying to repair the sisterhood with Camila, the girls received a letter from Camila's lawyers informing them that Camila would not be renewing her contract as a member of Fifth Harmony. Most of the girls were shocked and devastated. Ally was relieved. She was tired of the stress Camila was having on the group as a whole. She was ready to move on without the baggage. Lauren was surprised that Camila was making such a bold move. Normani and Dinah were in denial. They felt she would come around. "Work from Home" was a summer anthem, and even in the fall season the song has been getting steady spins and remained a smash in the clubs. The girls couldn't understand why Camila would leave at such a peak of their career. They had an amazing year with their album, 7/27, being certified gold and earning two more platinum singles of their career—"All In My Head (Flex)" being platinum and "Work from Home" being multiplatinum. They won two VMAs and an AMA. They were finally being seen as real artists.

The girls are in Miami, Florida for their last show on the 2016 Jingle Ball tour. It's been a month since Fifth Harmony received news of Camila's exit, but it still did not seem real. Their show at tonight's Jingle Ball would be the last time they perform as a 5-piece girl group. There was tension backstage because no one knew what to say. Normani wanted so bad to speak with Camila but she knew it was a bad idea and would only make the tension in the air even thicker. The girls were all wearing red and white Panthers jerseys—a nod to the Florida hockey team. Oversized hockey jerseys and short spandex shorts with knee-high boots was becoming a staple look for the group. Although, Camila rocked a closer fitting, cropped-belly, jersey with her original white tour pants.

Normani sat in her makeup chair, playing around with her new hair. She traded the curly-hair look, that she's been rocking for most of the Jingle Ball tour, for something more straight with a defining side swoop. While looking in the mirror, she saw Dinah re-enter the dressing room with her long blonde hair crimped and parted down the center. Dinah made her way over to the couch to put her black knee-high boots on. Normani made her way over and sat next to Dinah.

"I need to talk to you," Normani said with an urgency in her voice.
"Okay?" Dinah said questionably as she zipped up her boots.
"No, like, outside."
"Why can't we talk right here?"
"Just step outside real quick."
"Dinah, please."
Dinah saw the worry in Normani's face and agreed. They stepped into the hallway, and Normani's voice dropped to a barely intelligible whisper.
"Can you talk to Camila? I hate this," said Normani.
"It's too late for that. I tried a million times," Dinah responded.
"But how could she do this? I don't want this happen."
"I don't either but she made up her mind."
"Just talk to her one last time. She can't stay for at least one more album? Everything we been through she's just gonna walk away from it?"
"She's not happy, Mani. We just have to let her go. We'll be fine."
"What about the fans? Doesn't she at least owe it to them?"
"Why don't you talk to her? I tried everything already."
"You know why I can't be the one. It will just make things worse."
"You just gotta let her go. I'm sorry." Dinah turns to go back into the dressing room but Normani grabs her by the elbow.
Dinah takes Normani's hands and looks into her eyes. "Mani, we have one last show together as five. Let's just enjoy the moment. Shake it off, and be here. We'll get through this. Okay?" Normani doesn't respond. "Okay?"

Normani nods her head, and Dinah gives her a quick hug. "Let's go back in there and get ready for a great show." Dinah takes Normani's hand and leads her back into the dressing room where Lauren and Ally are nearly ready for show time. They're in their Panthers jerseys and knee-high boots. Ally's blonde hair is also parted down the center, but is more straight at the top with dropped curls hanging at the bottom. Lauren's newly brown hair fell to perfect waves around her shoulder. Her subtle eye makeup and red lip made her green eyes glisten.
"You're on in 15 minutes, ladies," called a stage manager.
"Thank you," replied Lauren.
"Okay, ladies, quick prayer" said Ally.
"Where's Camila?" asked Normani.
"She's doing some quick interviews with Machine Gun Kelly. She'll meet you guys at the stage," said the stage manager as Lauren rolled her eyes.

Ally went into her prayer. "Dear God, thank you for your many blessings. We thank you for getting us this far. Thank you for bringing all these amazing people into our lives. We have gained sisters during this process. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to continue as committed members to this group, even though we faced many threats to our bond, we still remain strong. We don't take your blessing for granted, Lord, and we will continue to shine through you. We ask you to bless us on this stage tonight, Lord. The last big one as five and the start to a clearer, brighter future. Thank you, God. Amen."

"Amen," the room echoed.

"Okay, girls! Let's do it!" Ally shouted with optimism.
The girls made their way to the stage and there was still no sign of Camila.
"On in 5, ladies. Camila is on her way. Mics are coming," reassured the stage manager.
Ally had her mic in hand and was doing some quick vocal warm-ups by the stage entry. Lauren was doing breathing exercises, as Dinah was also getting into her zone. Normani walked up to Dinah as she was applying some final finger strokes to her blonde waves. Standing in front of Dinah, Normani tried to put on a brave face but her eyes said it all.
"You okay?" asked Dinah. Normani nodded and half-smiled but Dinah knew she wasn't being completely honest. "Aww, don't worry." Dinah took Normani into her arms and they stood there hugging for what seemed like hours. It was just what Normani needed.
"Lauren, here's your mic," said the stage manager. In that moment, Camila joined the girls by the stage. Her long black hair was twisted into two knot-buns at the top with side bangs on either side of her face, while the rest of her hair in the back fell down her shoulders. Dinah saw Camila approaching and clung onto Normani tighter so Normani wouldn't turn and see Camila just yet. Dinah stroked Normani's back tenderly as Normani let her head rest on Dinah's shoulder. The stage manager came back with 3 more mics in hand. "Camila, here's your mic." Normani came out of Dinah's lock and turned to see Camila.
"Hey girls. Ready?" said Camila as she walked toward the stage entrance.
"Ladies, your mics. You're on in 1 minute," reiterated the stage manager.
Normani took the mic from the stage manager but her eyes stayed lock on Camila. She wanted so bad to say something but the words wouldn't come.

Their intro from DJ Khaled started to play. They lined up by the stage entry. Normani took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and said a tiny prayer to herself. On cue, the girls walked out to an energetically screaming stadium. Normani was fully in character. None of her personal worries mattered. She was on stage now and in her element. After their first song, Dinah looked over to Normani to see how she was doing. When she saw Normani slaying as usual, she smiled and refocused on her own individual performance. "That's my girl, indeed," she said to herself.
The girls performed with Camila as if they didn't know this would be her last performance with them. Everyone was vibing off each other's' energy and interacting. At the end of their set, they held hands and took their final bow as five.
The girls exited the stage and Camila headed for her separate dressing room.
Normani ran after her. "Hey, can we talk?"
"I'm sorry but I really can't. I'm about to do a set with MGK. Sorry." And off Camila went, leaving Normani hurt and becoming infuriated. Normani made her way to the group's dressing room. Lauren and Ally were messing around with some of the stuff they got in their gift bags. Normani immediately started removing her makeup. She was ready to go before she did or said anything she would regret. She didn't want to embarrass herself or her girls. She took a quick shower and threw on some sweats while her mother gathered all their things.
"I'm ready when you are," said her mom, who the girls refer to as Mama Drea.
"I'm ready. I just need to put my sneakers on and say bye to the girls," Normani responded. She slipped on her Nikes and made her way over to Ally and Lauren. "This is it, girls. I'll see you in a few weeks."
"You're leaving already?" cried Ally.
"Yeah, I'm beat and have an early flight in the morning."
"Awwh, chicken!" cried Lauren.
Normani laughed and opened her arms. "Give me hugs." They all hugged as Mama Drea also came over to say goodbye to the girls.
"Where's Dinah?" asked Mama Drea.

"Yeah, where is Dinah?" Normani repeated.
"She's taking a shower in one of the other rooms. She couldn't wait for Normani to take a million years," replied Lauren.
"I didn't even take long," whined Normani.
"Yeah, surprisingly," joked Ally.
"Haha, whatever," Normani responded.
"I guess I'll see her in a few weeks," said Mama Drea. "Give me hugs." They hugged Mama Drea and said their goodbyes. Normani and her mom headed for the exit of the venue.
"I'll meet you at the car, mom."
"You're gonna go find Dinah?"
"Yeah, I can't just leave without seeing her."
"Okay. Don't be too long."
"I won't."
Normani turned off to go find Dinah. She saw the stage manager that has been assisting them all day. "Hey, have you seen Dinah?"
"She's in the shower at the end of the hall."
"Thanks." Normani made her way down the hall, and nervously entered the showers. "Dinah?" she shouted.
"Mani?" called back Dinah.

Normani turned a corner and grinned when she saw Dinah's blonde head peeking from behind the shower doors.

"What are you doing in here, crazy?" Dinah laughed.
"You couldn't wait for me? You had to find another shower?"
"Mani, you take so damn long."
"I didn't even take long today!"
"Are you feeling better?"
"I'll be okay."
"It's gonna be fine. I promise."
"I know."

Dinah smiled and took Normani's hand. Normani looked down at their locked hands and smiled while slowly stroking her thumbs along Dinah's fingers.

"I'm leaving. I wanted to see you first," Normani finally said.
"What?!" Dinah opened the glass shower doors completely, revealing her full naked body. Normani didn't flinch. She kept looking straight into Dinah's eyes and stroking her hand. "Why are you leaving so quick?"
"I'm tired and have a flight in the morning. I need sleep."
"You're going home, already?"
"Yeah. I need to be with my family."
"I get that, but you could've waited a day. Sheesh."
"I know, I know. But I'm gonna miss you."
"I'm gonna miss you, too," Normani lightly squeezed Dinah's hand. "I have to go. My mom is waiting in the car. I just wanted to say my good bye."
"Call me in the morning before you get on the plane."
"I'm serious. You always say you're gonna call then you don't."
"I will. I promise."
Dinah pouted. Normani ran her fingers under Dinah's chin before she gripped it and pulled her face closer. Normani placed a long, deep kiss on Dinah's forehead.
"I'll call you in the morning. Finish your shower," said Normani. She turned to exit.
"Mani!" Dinah called. Normani turned back towards Dinah. "I love you."
"I love you more, baby girl," Normani said. Then she left.
Coming up the hallway, Normani saw Camila.
"Hey, can we talk now?" Normani asked.
"There's really nothing to talk about," Camila said, while twisting the cap back onto her water bottle.
"Are you serious? After 4 and a half years, there's nothing to talk about?"
Camila rolled her eyes. "Haven't I said everything? How many other ways do I need to say it? It's time for me to move on, period."
"What about the group?" Normani's voice started to rise.
"Let's not do this here."
"Then where? When?!"
Camila signaled to a nearby closet. They entered it.
"Look," Camila started, "I know this is a lot and change is scary, but I'm not happy here anymore."
"Why? What's not to be happy about? This is the biggest year we've had! We are the biggest girl group in the world, and you wanna walk away from that?"
"I have hits on my own. I'll be okay."
"I'm asking you to think about the group! Not you. As a group, we've come so far. We still have so much to do. We're headliners. People are finally taking us seriously. We're becoming household names and people outside of our immediate fan-base are rooting for us! We're only on our second album! Don't you think we should at least do one more before we venture off to solo careers?"
"I was down for another album, but you guys didn't want to wait."
"You wanted us to sit on our hands at the peak of our career while you did your own thing. How is that fair? How could you even ask us to do that? Especially since you know we have families to support."
"Oh please, that wasn't even the issue."
"It was! It is! You can't expect us to take a damn break when we just had our biggest hit! You can't expect us to sit and do nothing while you go test your solo career and use us as cushions if you flop and fall on your face."
"Wow. Thanks for the encouragement. Nice to know my sister believes in me."
"You know I'm not praying for your downfall."
"Do I know? You guys never support anything I do! It's always just jealousy!"
"Yeah! And then you wonder why I'm not happy and I wanna leave. Because I can never do anything outside of the group without getting shit for it. So I might as well leave! And maybe now that I'm gone, you'll get to sing more and you and your fans won't be so damn mad all the time."
"You know what? Fuck you, Camila! You know damn well that was never an issue to me."
"I'm done talking. You're wasting my time." Camila turns to leave.
"Have a good life!"
"Yeah, you too."
Camila left Normani in her rage. Normani took a few deep breaths to calm herself down then made her way outside to her mom.
"What happened?" asked Mama Drea.
"Huh?" asked Normani.
"What happened to not being long?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I ran into Camila."
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." Normani rested her head on her mother's shoulder as they pulled off.

In the middle of the night, Normani's phone was ringing off the hook. She was trying to sleep but the constant ringing was irritating. Just as she was about to answer, Mama Drea entered her room.

"Wake up, baby. Pick up the phone."

"What's going on?" Normani rubbed her eyes.

"Pick up the phone."

Normani did as her mom told her. "Hello?"

It was the girls' manager.

He started, "Hey, Normani. I'm sorry to bother you so late but I have the other girls on the line..."

"Hey, Manz," said Dinah.

"Hey, Mani Bear," said Ally.

"Hey, Mani," said Lauren.

"Hi, girls," Normani responded.

Their manager continued, "and I have to discuss Camila's departure with you all."


"We have to get in front of this before Camila and her camp try to control the narrative. I've drafted up a statement on you girls' behalf, based on what we have discussed already. We knew this day was coming, so I just drafted this statement using your voices and wishes. I'll read it to you all now:

After 4 and a half years of being together, we have been informed via her representatives that Camila has decided to leave Fifth Harmony. We wish her well.

You Harmonizers have been there with us since the beginning, you've supported us, you've rejoiced and cried with us, you've grown with us, and with your love and support, we will continue on. That being said, we are excited to announce that we will be moving forward with the four of us — Ally Brooke, Normani Kordei, Dinah Jane and Lauren Jauregui for our fans. We are four strong, committed women who will continue with Fifth Harmony as well as our solo endeavors.

We are excited for our future, and we can't wait for what the new year brings.

Harmonizers, we are in this together. We love you with all of our hearts.


Ally, Normani, Dinah, and Lauren."

"Sounds good," they all say.

"That's actually perfect," said Lauren.

"Good. I'll post it to the group's account," said their manager.

"Is that all?" asked Ally.

"Let's give it a few moments in case we get a response," replied their manager.

"I want sleep," groaned Lauren.

"Uh oh," said Ally.

"What?" asked Dinah.

"Camila just responded," Ally replied.

"What did she say?" asked Normani.

"I'll read it," said Ally.

"Oh my God, I see it. It's long as shit," said Lauren.

Ally read, "When I turned 15, I had the blessing of being put into a group with four very talented girls. We were 5 strangers that weren't even aware of each other's existence that were given a shot at one dream together. It's been almost 5 years and the most important chapter of my life thus far. I am so proud of everything we've achieved together as a group and will always be proud of being a part of it.

I was shocked to read the statement the Fifth Harmony account posted without my knowing. The girls were aware of my feelings through the long, much needed conversations about the future that we had during tour. Saying that they were just informed through my representatives that I was "leaving the group" is simply not true. Just like the other girls said in their statement about their plans, I had also planned to continue with my own solo endeavors in the new year but I did not intend to end things with Fifth Harmony this way. As sad as it is to see this chapter ending this way, I will continue to root them all on as individuals and as a group, I wish nothing but the best for them, all the success in the world and true happiness.

Just as I said to them during those conversations, and just like I try to encourage you guys, I just want to lead by example when I say to each of you guys to be courageous in the pursuit of what makes your heart pound and what makes you come alive with purpose. Our happiness is our own responsibility. We only have one life and we never know how much time we really have. WE don't carry money, trophies, social media followers, fame, or success with us. We carry the memories that made us feel alive and the moments that made us fall in love with life. New chapters are scary, but conforming to what's safe and looking back with regret is even scarier.

Next year I will be working on my own music and giving you a big chunk of my heart. To our amazing fans, I will always be so thankful for the opportunities being this group has given to me. I am even more thankful for the times that we've gone to get frozen yogurt together and talk about music, for the times we've locked eyes during a lyric, for the hugs that put pieces back together in both of us, for more love than I can put into words, and for showing me the way to myself. You took 5 ordinary girls and made their dreams come true – and together, us and you guys, we've written an amazing story – of girls from all different cultures, backgrounds, colors, shapes, languages, music tastes, all going for one dream – a dream I will never forget. The memories we've made together will last a lifetime. Now I gotta walk the walk. I have always encouraged you to be fearless, to live your life in the name of love and to do what makes you happy.... As scary as it is to take the leap, I am excited and full of joy because I know that no matter what happens, I am following my heart. I hope to see you on my journey.

Love only,


"Is she fucking serious right now?" questioned Lauren.

"Give me a minute to write a response," said their manager.

"I'm really not trying to go back and forth with her," said Lauren.

"This will be the last statement of the night. I'll make sure to make that clear in the letter. Hold on girls," said their manager.

"I can't believe this is really happening. What the fuck?" said Lauren.

"I know," replied Dinah. "What happened to the sisterhood?"

"I don't know why you guys are shocked," said Ally.

"This break is just what we need right now. But I already see some responses and the fans are being really supportive. We'll be fine," said Normani.

"That's my girl," said Dinah.

Silence fell over the phone. The girls were quiet for some time.

"Okay, girls, here's the final statement," said their manager.

"Before you start, I wrote something, too," said Dinah.

"Let's hear it," he said.

Dinah started:

"To our Harmonizers - We know you are hurt and confused, we are too. We know you want answers. And you deserve them, as you are just as much a part of this group as the four of us are. The last thing we want to do is engage in a battle of we said, she said, but we've let our story play out in press and on social media for too long. So, to our Harmonizers, who we care so deeply about, we want you to hear everything from us, unedited, not manipulated, just us, to you."

Their manager added, "Over the past several months we have consistently made every effort to sit down and discuss the future of Fifth Harmony with Camila. We have spent past year and a half (since her initial solo endeavor) trying to communicate to her and her team all of the reasons why we felt Fifth Harmony deserved at least one more album of her time. We called for group meetings which she refused, we asked LA Reid and the label to step in and try to set meetings, which again she refused. We even went as far as group counseling which she did not show up to. So no, after months of rejection from her and her team, these supposed lengthy conversations in fact never happened, although we pleaded. We have tried with exhausted efforts and hearts to keep this group alive as the five of us, and we want it to be very clear that unfortunately those efforts were not mutual.

In mid-November, we were informed via her representatives that Camila was leaving the group. At that time, we were informed that December 18th would be her final performance with Fifth Harmony.

Lauren added, "We were truly hurt. We've been together for almost five years, been through ups and downs... While this isn't the way any of us would have wanted this chapter in our lives to have ended, we had to begin to formulate a plan and constructive path for Fifth Harmony to move forward, beyond Camila. We truly support anyone's decision to do what makes them happy and to that end we do wish Camila all the best, although saddened by the way she and her team handled the situation."

Normani continued, "To watch Camila walk away from this special world we've built with you is tough, but we will move forward together. We are excited to continue to put positivity into the world and light into people's lives. The four of us recognize that we would be NOTHING without Fifth Harmony and we will continue to honor that. We thank you Harmonizers for allowing us to do so. Every day you love and support us, you've carried us in times you didn't even know. We thank you.

Ally added the final touches, "Now that we've said our peace, we are done engaging in this back and forth. We know our truth, we know the hard work we've put in and how we've tried time and time again to make this work for the five of us. We also know the love and devotion we will continue to put into this group all with the support of you, the loyal Harmonizers. We wish only good things for all. Onward and upward.


Ally, Dinah, Lauren and Normani."

Along with the group account, each girl also posted the statement on their personal accounts. They said good night and got off the phone. 

"I'm so proud of you girls. 2017 will be bigger and better. Trust God," said Mama Drea.

"Thanks, mom," replied Normani.

"Get some sleep, baby. Good night."

"Good night."

All the girls spent some time online reading the strong out pour of love and support from industry friends and fans alike. This positivity and support for the group allowed them to sleep peacefully.

The next morning Normani woke up to the sweet smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. She stretched herself out in her bed and tossed a few times before reaching for her phone. She looked at the screen and saw a text from Dinah. It was a picture of Normani on stage with a caption that read: You never seize to amaze me. Slayyyyy bish! She smiled and made a mental note to Facetime Dinah in a little while. She brushed her teeth, washed her face, and went to meet her mom in the kitchen.
"Good morning, mom."
"Good morning, baby."
"That smells really good."
"Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, ma'am. I really needed that sleep"
"I know you did. That's why I left you alone."

Mama Drea smiled.

"Do you need help?" Normani asked.
"No, no. It will be ready in a minute. You just go relax."
"I'll just start packing then."
"Everything is already packed. You just need to gather your small things and we're set."
"You're the best, mom."
"Oh, I know." They laugh.
"I'm just gonna go on the couch and call Dinah."
"Alright." Mama Drea smiled.

Normani Facetimed Dinah and it rang for a while. Just when she was starting to think Dinah wouldn't pick up, she answered.
"Maniiii!" screamed Dinah with excitement.
Normani laughed, "Hi, baby girl! Good morning!"
"Good morning! I see you're feeling better."
"Yeah, some good ole sleep did that." They laugh. "I saw your text! Thank you!"
"Please. You slay, all day. Are you still in your PJs, girl?"
"Yeah, I just woke up."
"What time is your flight?"
"Uhhh..." Normani looked to her mother for the answer.
"In a couple hours," said Mama Drea.
"In a couple hours," Normani repeated. "Where are you?" Normani noticed the loudness and commotion in Dinah's background.
"I'm shopping. Getting ready for my trip."
"When are you leaving?"
"In a few days. I just need some last minute things."
"Cool, I'll let you get back to it because you're yelling over the noise."
"Sorry, Manz."
Normani giggled, "It's not a problem. I'm about to eat, anyway."
"Oh, well have a safe flight, Manz!"
"Thanks, baby girl, I just wanted to say thank you for the text and call you as promised."
"You're welcome. Thanks for calling. Enjoy your vacay, Manz. Love you!"
"Love you more! Enjoy your vacay, too. See you next month."
"Breakfast is ready, Mani." Her mom said.
"Thanks, mom." Normani went back to the kitchen table.
"You guys are adorable." Normani grinned at her mom as she stuffed some bacon in her mouth.
"Eat up. We have a long flight ahead."
As Normani started to eat her pancakes, Dinah's naked body from the previous night flashed into her head. She giggled to herself and added syrup to her breakfast.

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