Death can't have her

Von KuraChan-ya

686K 31.4K 9.1K

A wanderer, a student, a marine, a traveler, and now, a pirate. These are the titles Shiki had once owned. Sh... Mehr

The marine life
Good pirates
It's a bear
Special Friends and older
Sabaody Archipelago
Her Freedom, Her Parfait
End of Sabaody Archipelago
The War begins
The Finishing Blow
So long Marine life
We all love Bepo
Perverts, Names and Bounties
Damn you Law
Lovely girls
Medical examination are tiring
Cooking with Shiki
To be friendly or not to be
The truth is unacceptable!
Manly Man!
Meeting Shiki's friend
An underhanded trick
Flirtation is disgusting
Another brownie point lost
Training with Shiki
Punishments are getting underrated these days
Back then
Shoot me
The process of reflect and repent
Marines Vs Pirates
An unexpected meeting
The Kids are here
Hot mess
Forgive, forget, who knows
Helping is good or is it bad?
Throwing and spitting
Teamwork leads to the infirmary
Mutiny and the magical coat
The search
The rescue
The final performance
The start of good moods
The end of Law's Birthday day
Just because
Let the race begin
Obstacle race
That handkerchief moment
Too early
Trying out new weapons
Done trying
Mini barbecue
Valentine mess
Bloody cafe
Guard down
Killing spree
Some revelations finally revealed
Sleeping makes you avoid looking like a tanuki
We need a party
Begin the preparations
What goes on during preparations
Shiki's presents
Finally awake
A new haircut
The biggest crime
The end of the line
The End?
News about the Death
Christmas Special

The brilliance of a pan

4.5K 248 157
Von KuraChan-ya

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or anything related to it except for my OC and unrelated plots in this. I also do not own any pictures.


With the battle commence, Law reduced the size of his 'Room' to accommodate his battle with the Vice Admiral, sparks flying as blades clashed against one another.

Being pushed back, the Vice Admiral leaned back, dodging just an inch from the edge of the nodachi, clicking his tongue at the close call before pushing forward with his sword. Sukanku repeatedly swung at Law, clangs of metal sounding with each hit.

"Why don't you save yourself the trouble and just quietly come with us?" the vice admiral mocked as both blades pushed against each other.

Law smirked with sweat forming on his cheek, "Now where would the fun be in that?" he mocked back, irritating the vice admiral. His sword arm shook as well as his opponent, both evening matched.

Sukanku growled before raising a brow when the Surgeon of Death lifted a finger upwards on his free hand.



Sukanku widened his eyes behind his shades before quickly leaping away as a stone thorn shot out from the sand, nearly impaling him.

Law let out an irritated smirk as he conjured up more stones thorns with a flick of a finger, trying to impale the man which only helped to create a distance between them.

While he was grateful that he wasn't facing an Admiral, facing a Vice Admiral can be quite a pain as well. 

And speaking of Vice Admiral, Law gave a quick glance over at the once vice admiral only to sweatdrop when he saw that the woman was using a frying pan as her weapon.

He didn't know whether to laugh or not before he was quickly snapped out of it when Sukanku charged at him with a battle cry, their swords once again clashing against one another.


Reika had pushed the chopped marines into the sea with a sweep of her large indigo wings that cried out at the sudden gust of wind.

Those who stood their ground quickly ran into action, breaking into formation and disperse to arrest the Heart Pirates while their Vice Admiral took on against the Pirate Captain.

As a large group of marines charged towards Shiki and her group, Ren began to panic.

"W-What should we do?!" Ren fretted, not used to facing so many opponents at once, "Could we even handle all of them? Hey Leo, can you fight without your gun?"

Leo stood up from the ground, stretching out his legs, "Well, while my forte is with the firearms, I think I capable with hand to hand combat..." he said, eyeing the swords in the marine's hands.

"Shiki?!" Ren turned to her, asking her.

Shiki pushed herself up, patting the sand off her lower body. As she did, she noticed the extra pans that Ren had brought, sitting near the mini open fire.

Raising a brow at her look, Ren took a step forward, just as Shiki took a hold of one of his frying pans, "Shiki, what are you planning? Those are my good pans." he warily asked, sweat dripping down his cheek to his chin.

Weighing the pan in her hand, Shiki flipped it the air before catching it by the handle, "I'm going to borrow this." was all she said as she jogged towards the very close marines that took the opportunity to surround her in numbers while the others continued on to Leo and the others.

"W-Wait! Not the pan! Shiki!" Ren cried, reaching out his arm out to no avail.

The chef inwardly cried. Those were his good ones.

As the one that led the group to surround Shiki, he let out an amused smile when he saw what she had in her hand, "Oooh~ Watch out," he snickered, trying not to laugh like the others, "she has a pan." he pointed out sarcastically.

Everyone laughed, clutching their sharp and pointy swords.

Shiki stood firm, waiting for them to charge at her with their snickering faces.

As they all ran towards her with their swords ready to be swung, Shiki pounced at them, swiftly dodging the blades, she tightened her grip on the handle and violently bashed the back of the pan to the side of a marines head, immediately knocking him unconscious. She instantly spun around, slamming three blades to the ground with yelps from their holders. Before the three marines could quickly grab their shoulders from the ground, Shiki gripped the handle of the pan with both hands and swung it, like a bat, at the one closets to her which collided to the others and sent them flying into another set of marines behind them.

The marines they had surrounded her were all stunned into silence while Shiki stared at the fry pan with such admiration, eyes beaming at her now new found weapon.

"WATCH OUT, SHE HAS A PAN!" the same marine from before, cried out urgently, warning everyone with shocked, scared eyes, "EVERYONE, BE CAREFUL!"

"YES, SIR!" their tone now serious as they stared frightened at the violent display of a fry pan.


Bepo leaped back before quickly spinning with a roundhouse kick, "Hiya!" sending four marines flying and growling at the closets marines to him, his paws ready to strike.

Two marines took a step back, clicking their tongue.

"I can't believe this! What is up with this bear?!"

"And why is there a cat on its head?!"

They complained, staring at the bear in a kung fu pose only to stare dumbfounded at what the bear did.  

"I'm sorry." Bepo said with his head down in a very depressing manner, a gloomy aura hanging over his head.  

"He just spoke!"

Bepo further went into depressed until bored-looking Captain pawed at his head, snapping him out of his depressed state.

"Oh, right. Hiya!" Bepo cried, delivering several kicks at them, knocking them out.


With the others, Jambarl had swatted the marines away like flies, knocking them off their feet while Penguin and Shachi supported the giant as they took care of the marines with guns, making sure they wouldn't be able to shoot.

"How many are there?!" Shachi complained, ducking under a rifle and twisting his body to deliver a swift kick.

"They just keep on coming." Penguin muttered with a frown, taking down the growing marines.

As more charged at them, the two mechanics prepared themselves, only to watch them get swept by a strong gust of wind.

"Reika-chan!" both Penguin and Shachi shouted in surprise, a grin on their faces.

The zoan user ignored them and swooped down, landing on a marine's shoulder's with her talons before ripping some flesh on and throwing the body onto another.

With her back open, marines quickly went for the attack, only to be knocked out as Ren and Leo elbowed their necks.

Ren looking gloomy as he did.

"Oi, Ren!" Leo called out, knocking another marine out, "Shiki will get you a new one if she damages it." he reassured, only to receive a solemn sigh.


"Shigan Oren!" Sukanku cried, pointing his finger in the gun shape and relentlessly shooting fast invisible bullets at Law from the sky.

"Shambles!" Law quickly swapped places, sand transporting in his place, only to dodge when the Vice Admiral changed the trajectory of his attacks.

Law swiftly moved out of the way, avoiding each strike.

Sukanku growled, recognizing the use of observation haki.

Kneeling from a safe distance, Law panted, the use of his devil fruit abilities was wearing him down.

Just as Sukanku was about to shoot another invisible bullet, Law quickly reacted.

"Takt!" he summoned with an upward lift of a finger, slicing at the base and with a swipe of a finger, sent the stone thorn flying at the Vice Admiral.

"Shi-!" Sukanku cursed, quickly moving out of the way but unfortunately he wasn't fast enough when Law sent a few more stones at him, crushing into his sides.

With the Vice Admiral off balance, Law took this opportunity to slice the air, only managing to chop the Vice Admiral's right leg off. He stared in disappointment, breathing deeply as his "Room" began flickering.

"Trafalgar Law!!!" Sukanku-chujo raged when he saw his leg chopped from his body after being crushed. With one leg, he sped towards the pirate captain, using 'shigan' to attack as he closed in.

Releasing his 'Room', Law quickly leapt out of the way as bursts of sand shot up, having reached the limits on using his abilities, Law began feeling fatigued as his knees nearly gave out.

Unfortunately, that gave Sukanku-chujo a chance.

"You're wide open!" Sukanku shouted, charging towards a glaring Law, his blade pointed straight at, only for it to be blocked just a foot away.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" he seethed under his breath as he saw his reflection on the silver surface, "Shiki!" he roared.

"Not only do we need to train you in haki, we need to train your devil fruit abilities if it tires you out, Law." Shiki pointed out, pushing Sukanku back.

A frown on the pirate captain's face as he muttered, "Shut up." under his breath. He already knew that.

"Just keep him busy!" he ordered through gritted teeth, "Room!" he forced out, the blue transparent film big enough to trap the three.

"Okay." Shiki complied, swinging her fry pan as well as dodging his attacks.

Sukanku growled loudly, "How dare you mock me, bring out your weapon! I want a real fight!" he demanded, putting more force in his swings, his attention now focus solely on the ex vice admiral.

While Shiki kept Sukanku busy by simply slapping his blade with the fry pan, Law transported behind the man and thrust his palm through his heart.


A heart encased in a glass-like cubed shot out from Sukanku's chest, leaving a cubed shape hole in his heart.


Catching the heart in her hand, Shiki jumped back as Law released his 'Room'.

"What have you done?! Return it! Return my heart to me-ugghh!" he coughed out blood once Shiki squeezed his heart.

"Now no need to panic." Law walked over to Shiki, holding his hand out for the heart, "If you let us go quietly, I'll return your heart to you." a sadistic grin settled on his face.

"Tch! Like hell I would! Any minute now, the men that I sent out in the forest will walk out of that forest with your men all beaten up!" he shouted.

Law narrowed his eyes and only squeezed his heart.


As Law tortured the man, Shiki looked behind her when she sensed someone coming, "Law." catching his attention. 

 Stopping for a moment, Law turned to look towards the forest as shadowing figures came closer towards the light.

As they watched, a group of men in white boiler suits came out.

"What happened to my men?!" demanded Sukanku.

Kyle let out a huff, adjusting the bags of fruits over his shoulder, "We took care of them." he pointed out obviously, puffing out his chest.

Law let out a smirk, turning to the fallen Vice Admiral, "Well there you have it I think we should take our leave now." he turned his back on him, issuing an order to his crew, "Lets go men!"

"Aye, Captain!"


With the battle won, the Heart Pirates and Reika was safely resting in the submarine's gallery, enjoying their now late night snack, eating the kebabs that were made before the battle.

Reika was fixing up a separate snack in the kitchen for Shiki with Leo showing her where everything was in the kitchen.

Law leaned back against the wall near the exit with crossed arms, a kebab loosely held in his hand as he watched his crew enjoying themselves.

He then looked across the room where his eyes trailing to the black haired woman, he pushed off his spot and settled next to her on her wall near the kitchen, her only reaction was her looking at him before looking away, "Are you seriously going to have that as your weapon." he questioned, eyeing the fry pan in her hand.

Flipping the pan and once again weighing it in her hand, Shiki tilted her head to the side, "I like it." she simply said, however an incoming force headed towards her with a confronting face.

Law leaned back and watched the scene unfold.

Ren stood in front of Shiki, a determined look on his face and a bottle of red wine in his hand, "Shiki, you can't use my pan as your weapon." he scolded, trying his hardest not to look away.

She blinked, "Why not? It's practical, I can use it as a weapon and cook with it." she stated but her eyes strayed to the bottle in his hand.

"Think about your image!" he tried, hands raised.

Only to be shot down with a straight faced Shiki, "What image?"

He sweatdropped but waved it off, "I'll buy you a pan!" he cried.

"I like this one."

"Okay." he breathed in, calming himself, this plan has to work, "This." he held out the bottle, "For my pan." 

She stared at the bottle with unblinking eyes, reading the label. This was one of the good ones.

"Shiki." he whined, looking closed to tears. Wondering why was it taking so long, maybe his plan wasn't working.

Sighing in defeat, Shiki exchanged the pan for the bottle, watching as Ren hugged the pan like it was his child, turning it this way and that for any scratches or dents, when he found none, he happily skipped into the kitchen.

Leaning back against the wall, Shiki sulked. She was back to looking for a weapon again. At least she got a drink out of it.

Law chuckled at her expanse, taking a bite at his kebab.


Shigan Oren: Finger Gun, a Rokushiki techniques used by the CP9

I'm really not that good with fight scenes, sorry about that. \(--n--)/


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