Back For You

By Joe_Hartfanfiction

345K 8.9K 431

I met you and you changed my life. Then you went away and neither of us knew what would happen or if we'd eve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (Epilogue)

Chapter 6

13K 334 31
By Joe_Hartfanfiction

Next day

I slowly open my eyes and look over at the clock that's at the side of my bed. 10:37am. I groan before turning round.

“Morning beautiful,” Joe smiles, looking at me.

I smile at him before he pulls me close.

“I…” I start before the front door opens downstairs and slams closed.

I sit up quickly, holding the sheet to my chest.

“Chelsea!” Laura shouts.

“Shit!” I quickly get out the bed and start to get ready. “Joe, don’t just lay there, get ready!”

“Why?” He asks, slowly sitting up.

“Because you aren’t suppose to be here and I said I would never sleep with you ever again!” I shout through gritted teeth, pulling on a pair of jeans.

He stands up and pulls his boxers back on. “Why would you say that?”

“Joe, not now!” I snap after putting a top on.

“Chelsea!” Laura shouts again.

“I’m coming!” I shout back. “Just be ready for me coming back up.”

I open the bedroom door and walk out. I walk down the stairs and into the living room.

“What?” I ask Laura.

“I’m glad you got back in one piece. I, one the other hand, almost got raped.” She exaggerates, looking over at me.

“Are you sure? Don’t you think you’re over-reacting?”

“I’m not kidding, Chelsea! The guys came onto me and not in a good way,” she defends.

“Sorry, but I don’t think you’re telling me the truth.” I scowl before turning round and walking away.

“I am though!” She shouts after me.

“Well why should I believe you if you never believed me about seeing Joe? …Exactly!” I retaliate, walking back up the stairs.

I walk back into my bedroom and close the door over.

“Joe…” I start before I feel his arms circle my waist.

“That didn’t sound too good."

“It wasn’t,” I agree, turning to face him.

“So, how am I suppose to get home?” He asks.

“If you’re good at climbing out windows, you can do that.” I laugh.

“No, I prefer the front door.” He smiles. I hear the front door open and slam shut again. “Looks like it’s front door.”

I shake my head before he lets me go. I open the bedroom door again and we walk down the stairs.

“What are you going to tell your girlfriend?” I ask him as I open the front door.

“I slept over at a mates house. She’ll believe that…hopefully.” He sighes, moving to stand outside the door.

“We can’t do this-” I start.

“Chelsea, I can’t help it! I need you and I know you need me too,” he butts in, taking my free hand in his.

I look over his shoulder as a car pulls up and quickly pull my hand back.

“Looks like your car’s here for you,” I whisper before closing the front door over.

I lean against the door and a smile creeps on my face.


Joe’s POV

I get out the car and walk into my house. I close front door over and take my shoes off before starting to walk up the stairs.

“What time do you call this?” Kim's unhappy voice says suddenly.

I stop walking and turn on the step I'm on to look down at her. “Before you start, I stayed at a mates house.”

“That would be kinda hard considering most of your friends stay in Shropshire,” she points out.

“I was out with the guys from the team so I stayed with one of them,” I respond, getting a little pissed off.

“Okay,” she nods before turning round and walking away.

I take a deep breath before turning back round and walking up the rest of the stairs. That was close.


I have a shower and get changed into some fresh clothes before going back down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen and my eyes fall to Kim’s sister and her son.

“You're a lazy sod,” Rachel says to me.

I close the fridge door over and look at her. “How am I a lazy sod?”

“Just getting out of bed at this time…lazy.”

“If you must know, I was out last night and just got in not that long ago from my mates. Not that it’s any of your business,” I tell her.

“Joe, stop acting like…” Kim starts.

“I’m going out,” I mutter, walking out the room.

“Joe!” Kim shouts coming after me.

“What?” I ask, putting my trainers on.

“You need to take me to go and get a new dress for Chris’s wedding next week.”

“You have money, go and buy one.” I pick my car keys up and walk out the house.

I know I shouldn’t be that mean to her but all I can think about is Chelsea.

Normal POV

I sit on the couch, casually flicking through the TV channels to see what was on but so far, there was nothing. I turn it over to SSN to see what was making the headlines in the sporting world. Nothing new. I hear the front door open and a few seconds later, Laura was standing behind me. I turn and look at her.

“I know this isn’t working, so I called Robert and said I wanted to go back to America.” She explains.

“What? All this after this morning?”

“I know this isn’t going to work and I’m feeling homesick. I’ll not last over here.”

“Are you leaving?"

“It’s for the best. You clearly belong here, I don’t and I never will.” She says softly before turning round and walking out.

I turn back round in shock. She was going to leave all because I didn’t believe her this morning.

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