prince ✩ gyuhao

By zen4atta

36.8K 2.8K 2.1K

in which the prince of a royal family accidentally spills soup onto the prince of high school. More

「壹;chicken soup」
「貳;prince of high school」
「叁;belly piercing」
「陸;missions and lollipops」
「柒;what does daddy mean?」
「捌;kisses on the cheek」

「玖;the student council」

2.6K 225 115
By zen4atta

"So I heard you're a prostitute who's getting money off Jeonghan." Mingyu mused while we were in Chinese class. I was busy doing Hansol's homework while he did mine, the usual. But somehow Mingyu had to interrupt. "No wonder you got stuff I don't."

"Where'd you get that idea from?"

"Students are saying that he gave you an envelope full of money and he whispered saying how great you were doing at your job." God I hate these students. I whacked him with my mechanical pencil and he winced in pain, rubbing his skin where I had hit him. "What was that for?" He whined and the teacher shot him a dirty look for making a noise.

Right before I could write anything else the speaker was turned on for an announcement, "Seo Minghao to the student council's room. The queen- I mean the student president would like to see you. I repeat, Seo Minghao to the student council room."

I groaned as I got up from my seat and packed up my things. I swapped Hansol's book for mine and I bid goodbye to my teacher, with half the class staring and whispering about me. I heard that loud, annoying friend of Mingyu; Soonyoung speak up, "There he goes being a whore to the queen again." That caused a lot of people to snicker at his comment. I just rolled my eyes and tried to ignore them.

It wasn't like didn't care what people think. But it was because I've never been bullied like that when I was just in the same room. Back at home the only gossiping people did about me was how they always complained how I never exposed myself to my own country that I would rule soon. And those were only gossips I hear when I sneak out to the city when no guards were taking care of me, so I never really minded.

But the fact that people in the school falsely assume I do something vulgar when they didn't even knew me hurt me a lot. But I'll be the King soon, and the future King must stay strong at all times.

Lost in my thoughts, I finally reached the student council room. I was expecting for Seungcheol to be guarding the front but he wasn't. Instead when I opened the door to open he was standing right next to Jeonghan, who was interested in a teddy bear that was sitting on his lap.

For a moment he looked different than usual; he wasn't like some scary, ice queen I saw everyday but instead he looked so warm and gentle. And in public he treated the Vice President like a guard dog, but when Jeonghan looked Seungcheol I saw nothing but love in his eyes. And that made me warm as well.

But all of that ended when they noticed my presence and Jeonghan soon tossed the stuffed animal to Seungcheol who caught it with a dull face. The president proceeded to get up and poured me and himself some tea. I took a sniff to guess which tea he was serving me this time; Green tea. Disgusting.

"So," he took a sip from his cup, "As I said before in the library, great job."

I arched an eyebrow and he simply smiled like he was plotting something evil. He probably is. "I thought it would take a while for him to start getting interested in you. But he actually lied to you to sleep with you, how cute."

I glared at him, "What do you want now?" I asked in an annoyed tone. I wasn't in the mood for talking, especially to Jeonghan the so called queen of this damn school.

"Well I'm getting awfully bored watching you guys not do anything. I'm impatient and I just want him out of my sight." He explained, "So I convinced my father, the director, to organise a Valentine's dance."

I would've dramatically spat out my tea, but frankly all I've been doing is fake sipping noises while making it look like I was drinking the bitter tea. Valentine. Another word I didn't know. I would've asked but I didn't want to make a fool out of myself, especially towards Jeonghan. Who knows, maybe I'll end up watching another explicit video.

"You don't know what Valentine's Day is, don't you?"

I almost jumped and looked to my left where the unfamiliar and seductive voice came from. There sitting in the seats was a female with a face full of make up and a mole sitting near her mouth. Her hair was a short bob that were curled. I couldn't help but notice her thick thighs, probably both of my legs would fit at least one of hers. She lets out a laugh, it wasn't loud or obnoxious. But like those girls trying to seduce men for money in movies, only she didn't even try. It was as if it was her natural voice.

"I'm sorry for scaring you." She smiles. It was weird really, judging by her looks and her voice she sounded like she was more deadly than Jeonghan himself. But she seemed so nice and bubbly. "I'm Ahn Hyejin."

I let out an awkward, short chuckle. Flashing her a small (and fake) smile, "Hi I'm-"

"Prince Xu Minghao of Jiaheng." She interrupted and my eyes widened. "I'm surprised only the student council know about you, we give the students unlimited internet yet they still never bothered to search up who the new kid is."

I only nodded, still creeped out knowing more than three people know about my identity. I guess she could tell I was a bit uncomfortable, "I'm the student council representative of year twelve." She informed. I guess she's telling me this so I wouldn't feel I comfortable knowing that she probably knew everything about me. "I'm also the one in charge of doing Jeonghan's dirty work."

"Hey!" Jeonghan threw a small stuffed animal at Hyejin, who swiftly caught it and stuck out her tongue.

I looked at the girl and then to Jeonghan, and then back at her. "Wouldn't the president be the representative of year twelve?" I asked, curious about the schooling system.

She nodded, "Well yeah usually." Hyejin replied, "I used to be the VP but some little shit, cough, Jeonghan, cough, took over the president role but I stayed in the council since I'm the only one who actually does the jobs around here." the female glared at her classmate who gave her a wink before looking back at me.

"Why are you three the only ones here?" I continued asking.

"Seniors can ditch class if they want to," Jeonghan answered for me, "As long as we're doing educational stuff they're fine with us missing class. We're stuck in this room so they think we're doing good things for students but really all we do is chat around and take naps."

"That's only you, Jeonghan." Hyejin deadpanned, "While you bully Cheol and the other members around, I actually do my work. Plus the dirty work you're lazy to do yourself." Jeonghan only grinned.

Soon after Hyejin exposed most of the shit Jeonghan did the bell rang and I was about to get up and leave the damn room but the evil president told me to stay. "I want you to stay here so I can introduce you to the rest of the council members." I rolled my eyes and slouched back on the chair I was sitting on.

The door burst open and a male student rushed in with papers flying everywhere, "I'm-sorry-I'm-late-I-had-singing-and-dance-practice-and-had-to-change." He said he one breath and looked around the empty room. "Oh- I'm the first one here."

"Jungkook, well done." Jeonghan praised, "You're finally on time for once."

"That's Jungkook, he's the same age as you," Hyejin said as the boy that I now know as Jungkook took a seat next to her, he looked at me and waved.

"Hi, I'm the year ten SRC." He flashed a heartwarming smile and I returned. He looked like a kind male compared to everyone in the room, his voice was soft and soothing like he could make people go to sleep just by singing a short melody. What confused me was the fake stretchers he had on his ears and why he needed it. He was fairly tall, maybe the same height as me. "And you are?"

Hyejin rolled her eyes, "That's the prince, you dumbass."

The latter blushed at her, "O-oh, right. S-sorry."

"Yeah, he can't talk to girls." Jeonghan snickered and Jungkook frowned in return.

The door opens again and this time a female studen that looked younger than Jungkook walked in. "Lisa, you're late." Hyejin stated and he faked a grin. "That's the year nine SRC, she's from Thailand." she said to me and I nodded. Stop nodding and start saying things you dumbass.

"Hello Prince Minghao," she did a small bow, "I'm Lalisa, call me Lisa. I'm the Year nine Representative."

I nodded and smiled. Jeonghan looked at his watch and rolled his eyes, "He's late."

I arched an eyebrow, "Who?"

"The year eleven rep'." Lisa answered.

As Jungkook took out a pillow and placed it on his table to lie his head down and Lalisa to whip out her phone to text her friends Jeonghan's phone started ringing. Well I thought it was Seungcheol's but I guessed he keeps his boyfriend's things.

"Hello? Oh hello father!" I squinted my eyes at him, Jeonghan's voice suddenly turned so sweet and soft that I almost couldn't recognise it. But soon his fake smile turned into a real smirk but he pretended to gasp, "Oh no, how unfortunate!"

Jeonghan hung up and gave the phone back to the Vice President. "Your little boyfriend got into a fight." He smirked while looking directly at me.

fuckin hell

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