Trust: A Worthless Shield (Bl...

By Alexmercer156

104K 1K 401

A small time gang tries to be with the big bad dogs. But what happened when that all goes down and they get... More

A Group Of Misfits
I Scratch Your Back As You Stab Mine
A Family Reunion... Sorta
Meeting New People
One Gone, One Tried
Forced Into Battle
Royalty Made To Be Downgraded
Fathers Aren't Best When Angry
Get To Know Your Workplace
Why Not Work Together?
New Metal Member
Kitty See, Kitty Do
Was It Worth It?
Robots Have Feelings Too
Fist Vs. Claws
Power Comes To All
Let The Past Stay Back
A Job Well Done
Welcome Back
A Night To Let All Worries Go Away
Who Let The Cat Out The Building?
A Sour Note For A Cat
Into The Open Sea
Cause More Trouble Than Before
Red Head To Red Hood
Coming Back Home
Let's Get To Working
Madness Takes Off
Crying Over Spilled Ashes
Fight Encyclopedia
Training Day
Found What You're Looking For?
Fire Vs. Ice
Beat You To The Cut
To A Hero To A Zero
Can't Get Raided Twice, Right?
A Change Of Heart For... Reasons?
Don't Be A Problem, Make It Worse
At Least You Tried
The Real Truth
Why Do We Die?
Part Of A Bigger Enemy
Final Misson
Trust: A Precious Shield
Epilogue: Reconciliation
*NON-CANNON* Spooks To Life

Public Enemy Number One

2K 20 6
By Alexmercer156

Y/N's P.O.V

I started to feel like I was waking back up from my long conscience. Cold shivers went across my body as this place felt like a meat locker. I opened my eyes to see someone walking back and forth in front of me. I made a groaning noise as the figure came towards me and crouched down to my size. Only to give a punch to my face. I felt as if I was bruised there, and whoever hit it, added more damage to it. 

"Why did you do that?! You dunce!" Her voice sounded as if she had been crying. I coughed a bit before looking at it and seeing the white-haired girl. "Ruby's going to be devastated when she hears this!" She shouted as I looked at my ankle and saw it was wrapped up. I just laid there as she came towards me again with tears. "Why...." She said under her voice as she sat down on her bed. Why did you do it?" She questioned. I just chuckled before looking towards her way. 

"He.... He should be dead..." I responded. "I put a bullet in his skull..." The girl in white stopped me before I got any further.  "Why didn't you follow orders," The girl said while still crying. "You shouldn't just do dumb and careless stuff! He could be here still with us two." She said towards me and I felt bad. His death was in my doing. I shouldn't done that. I stood up and rubbed my head. The girl just groaned while looking down at the ground, tears falling from her cheek and onto the dirty floor. 

We heard a door that got our attention as we looked at it and saw the big guy that threw me walk inside and came down the stairs to get to us as he sighed. "You caused more trouble than you could have." He said towards me as I growled and made a fist. "You.... You jackass!" I shouted at him as I tried to grab him through the bars. I flipped my hand and thought that I had my weapons, but they were off me. I became surprised. This was the first time I've had them off in a while. I looked at my knuckles and saw the prints that they made. I groaned and just slid on the bars. "Damn it... Is Qrow dead?" I asked while looking up at him. He sighed and sat in a seat, rubbing his head. "That guy... he's not doing alright. He hasn't had much care, but with the way he's looking and the deepness of the cut that Ratcher made, It might be not to long until he sees the light." 

Weiss's cries just become louder as I was shocked. He could die for the dumb thing I wanted to do. "Why.... Why couldn't I use my semblance? I could've saved him if I used it!" I shouted at him as he raised his wrist up to show a glowing bracelet. I became confused of what it was. There's no way some little thing like that could make anyone semblance come to them. 

"This is why. Our boss, don't ask how, but made this place so no one except for the ones who have their bracelet on, can only use their semblance." He explained before I sat down on my rear and just sighed. I just hope Blake and Winter are okay. I'm going to have a person die. Because of my doing.

When it got silent, someone opened the door, as it sounded like two people. They came down the stairs together as I looked up and saw it was Felix, accompanied by some girl. I stood up and growled. "You...." I hissed through the bars as I had my claws come out.  "I wanna fight you so badly.... I want you to die..." Felix laughed a bit before the big guy sighed and went over to open the bars. I went on all fours and jumped in front of him, hissing as I felt my hairs go up. Felix backed up and raised his fist up. 

"How many times does it take for a cat to understand that not everything is so easy in life?" 

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