Sky Media One-Shots

De TheJP20

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Just a bunch of one-shots of the sky media crew. One-shot requests are accepted. Mais

Undead part 1
Undead part 2
"Little" help
Undead part 3
Classmates part 1
Undead part 4
Classmates part 2
The Request part 1
Undead part 5
Classmates part 3
The Request part 2
Classmates part 4
The Request part 3
Classmates part 5
Tagged... how fun...
The Request part 4
Classmates part 6
Classmates part 7
Skin deep
The Exchange Student


73 2 0
De TheJP20

Preston X Adam

You guess the AU 😏

(Adam's POV)

The road ahead of me was clear of any cars. The night sky made everything dark and hard to see. Thankfully my car's headlights lit the way ahead of me. Late day at the offices meant a late night drive home. I heard my phone buzz from a text. There was nobody in front of me so I took a quick glance down to see what it said.

'Alesa: I'll bring Mason to you at the end of the weekend if your okay with that or do you want him when we planed it?'

I put my phone down and looked back up at the road. There was a split second where I saw something right in front of me. My first instinct was brake then swerve to get out of its way. As the figure came closer and closer my window of time to avoid it grew smaller. I braked at the last second but still hit it sending it a few feet in front of me.

"Shit! Shit shit shit shit shit!"

I put my car in park and got out. I ran to whatever I hit. It was too dark to tell completely, but whatever I hit had four legs, a tail, and it was roughly the size of a normal dog. I began to frantically look around for anything to help me or at least give me an idea of what to do. I was in the middle of nowhere, just outside of the town, surrounded by nothing but trees.

"Fuuuuck. What do I do? What do I do?"

I heard a whimper come from in front of me. I looked down and saw the animal I hit was still alive, but in an immense amount of pain. I crouched down and scooped up the creature in my arms. This animal was big, about as big like a fully grown golden retriever and probably as heavy as one too. I slowly made my way to my car and put the injured animal in my car. I got into the drivers seat and sped home to figure out what to do with the poor thing.

The entire ride was filled with soft whimpers of pain. With every whimper, guilt and sorrow grew more and more inside of me. I knew I shouldn't have been on my phone while driving what was I thinking! I pulled into my driveway and put the car in park. I stepped out and went for the animal. I scooped it into my arms once more and carried it into my front room. Thankfully I still had an old dog bed and placed the animal there. I turned a light on to make whatever the animal was more distinguishable. Once the lights flickered on I knew exactly what I hit.

A wolf.

I knelt down next to it and looked for any serious injuries I may have caused it. I saw nothing out of the ordinary except for the way the wolf had its front left leg. I touched it very lightly and the poor wolf whimpered loudly out of pain. I let go immediately and went to find some bandages that would be suitable for animals. Once I found the bandage wrap I went back to the wolf and started to wrap it's front left leg where I assumed it was hurting. After I finished I backed up and looked at the wolf. It laid on the dog bed in pain presumably still, eyes closed, and steady breathing which meant everything is okay for now. I walked to my kitchen and opened a cabinet, reaching for any bottle of alcohol preferably the stronger kinds. I grabbed a bottle and went to my room to forget tonight.

(The next morning)

I crawled out of bed and made my way to my shower. I had given myself a pounding headache from drinking last night and I hoped a shower would make it go away. After the shower, which made the headache a little better, I went to check on the wolf to see if it was able to stand up and go back to the woods. I turned the corner from the hallway that lead to the front room and kitchen. I flicked the light switch up and when the lights went on I saw the dog bed was empty.

"Hey. Lookin' for me?"

I turned and saw a man laying on one of the couches. He had light brown colored hair and beard. He was a big guy almost like me and he had what I would guess is a mixed accent from southern cowboy type and modern city person. I looked at his left arm, which I was hoping had nothing wrong with it, but he had a makeshift sling on it.

(The night before)
(Preston's POV)

I looked as the car's headlights grew closer and closer. I was frozen from fear and didn't know what to do. Next thing I know I'm hit by the car and sent about ten feet away. Immense amounts of pain were shooting through my ribs and front left leg. The man who was driving the car got out and after a while picked me up and placed me in his car. The entire ride I kept whimpering from the pain. The car stopped and the guy picked me up and brought me into his house. He set me down on a dog bed and began to treat my injury on my front left leg. After he finished he left with a bottle of whiskey. I looked at the wrapping he did on my front left leg. It still hurt which I'm guessing I could fix it as a human. I tore a small bit of the wrapping with my canine teeth (literally) and tried to unwind it. Once I got most of it unwinded I turned back into my human form. I grabbed the wrapping and tried to make a sling so my left arm wouldn't hurt as much. After I successfully made the sling I laid down on one of his couches and tried to sleep through the pain.

(The morning)

I woke up to the guy who brought me here bumbling around in his room, bumping into everything. He turned the light on and was looking at the dog bed.

"Hey. Lookin' for me?"

The guy turned and stared at me.

"Who are you? And how did you get in here?" The guy asked.

"The name's Preston and you were the one who brought me in here. I'd like to thank you for taking care of me, but if it weren't for you I wouldn't need to be taken care of." I said joking about the last part.

"Oh. Well, look I'm sorry I hit you with my car... wait a minute... how the fuck are you a human now!?"

"I'm a hybrid. Part wolf, part human. I can change whenever I'd like."


"Well I just focus and then-"

"No, not how you change. I meant how are you a hybrid?"

"Oh! Government experiment. I was pretty young when they made me a hybrid. They did some weird science stuff with the blood of a wolf and injected it into my bloodstream."


"Yeah I think it was to save me from death or bring me back from death. I dunno, but I escaped the facility I was tested in and ran off. They still haven't found me if they are still looking."

"That's..... Insane."

"Yeah, it was. Oh and thanks for picking me up off the road after what happened. If you didn't grab me someone would have probably ran me over, killing me. What's your name by the way?"

"Oh sorry. My name is Adam."

(Adam's POV)

I stared at the hybrid on my couch. I began having questions race through my mind, but I kept them all in.

"How's your arm?" I asked.

"Still hurts, but a lot less when I made this sling out of the wrap you used. I appreciate you trying to take care of me. I'd guess that any other person would have just left me there to die."

"I couldn't just leave an injured animal that couldn't fend for itself on the road, especially if I was the one who injured it. Sorry again by the way."

"Stop apologizing, I already forgave you. Besides, I find you very interesting, because ever since you found out I was a hybrid and gotten to know me a little more your heart has been beating so fast."

"How are you-"

"Able to hear that? I have very good hearing and smell. And you are giving off an intoxicating scent right now."

"Well.. I did drink a lot last night."

"Not alcohol. Something more. Something that seems to be resonating from you and you only because I've never smelled anything or anyone like it."

"Oh... thank you?"

Preston got off the couch and walked up to me. He came right up to me and started to circle around until he reached the back of my neck. He brought his nose on my neck and began sniffing which made me a bit flustered and weak to the knees.

"Its not coming from here." Preston whispered.

He kept going around me until he got right in front of me. He stopped and brought his head closer the back of my jawline. He began sniffing which sent me over the top, it felt difficult to stand up straight, my breathing felt shaky, and my heart was racing so fast. Preston must have knew I'd go crazy so he was holding me upright so I wouldn't fall over.

"Here it is." Preston said.

Preston began licking the spot he found which made me start moaning.

"Mm~ Preston... you can't. Mm~ we barely know each other."

"But it sounds like you want this. You seem to be enjoying every second of this."

"Fuck it." I said under my breath.

I grabbed Preston's head and brought it away from my neck and up to my face. I stared into is brown eyes and then closed the gap between us. There was no need to ask for an entrance his mouth was already open waiting for it. Our tongues fought for dominance as we kept kissing. Moans coming from us both. I started to lead us to the couch and we fell back on the couch. I landed on my back and Preston on top of me.

"Ow! Fuck!" Preston exclaimed.

"What's wrong!?"

"My arm. Maybe should have remembered it's still messed up."

"Haha... yeah... sorry again."

"I told you stop apologizing. Let's take things slow. Let them happen naturally." Preston said.

"Yeah. That'd be nice."

I know I asked you all who you ship Preston with and no one commented except for one who didn't know who to ship exactly. So I hit up my good pal SkyDoesMe who is possibly my go-to for shippings cause we had the same shipping of Skyzan so I deem him as amazing. He let me know that he ships Preston with Adam now ever since the Max & Adam disagreement. So I'd like to thank him for this idea and you all should check out his books as well. Also if you want this to be a short series let me know otherwise this will be the only chapter of it.

Also I'd say this is a hybrids AU

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