Accidental love

By nochillmad

125K 3.9K 1.8K

Some times love is accidental literally More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chappter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34 part 2
Chapter 34 part two and a half
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
39 part two
Chaper 40
40 fuckin5
The end
Youve been blessed‼️
And it begins, sequel out now

Chapter 29

2.5K 68 76
By nochillmad

Zendinah or Caminah?

Ps I want this chapter blown tf up with comments🤷🏿‍♀️🙃

I took so much out of this it's still too long.

Normani gripped my arm so Fucking hard I dropped my phone.

"Ow" I said trying to pry her fingers off.

"We need too talk like right now" she said snatching me up off the couch.

I grabbed my phone before she started dragging me up the stairs too my room.

"What?" I asked sitting down on the bed.

"It's her" was the first thing too leave her lips.

"Who?" I asked laying back on the bed.

She paused staring at the floor,

"my first love"she whispered with a voice creak.

I sat up with widened eyes, "the one who cheated and took your virginity"I asked.

She nodded still staring down at the floor, I stood up pulling her on top of me.

"I haven't seen her since I left and, I don't-" she Broke down into tears putting her face into my neck.

"It's okay baby" I said rubbing her back.

"All these old feelings and memories are coming back that I want too forget" she Said sniffling.

"Maybe you'd feel better if you just talk too her, get some closure" I suggested.

"No Lauren she used too have me rapped around her finger"

"She used too, that was four years ago, your a bigger and better person I'm sure"

"Your the strongest person I know, don't let her being around break you" I added.

"Your beautiful princess, and I hate seeing you cry so much" I said wiping her tear.

"I mean I hate it more than school" I clarified brushing a strand of hair from her face.

She chuckled nuzzling her head into my neck, "you must really hate seeing me cry" she said through her laughter.

"I do, but I love seeing you smile" I replied intertwine our fingers together

"No, I have the ugliest smile not too mention my laugh" she said sniffling.

"This might be cheesy but your smile lights up my day" I said honestly causing her too start laughing.

I chuckled, "what it's true" I said kissing her cheek several times.

"Your so lame" she said sitting up on top of me.

"You love it tho" I replied wiping the tear from her.

"could you stop complimenting me so we can make out?" She asked sitting up.

"Deal" I replied crashing our lips together.

I started giggling uncontrollably for no reason.

"Babe stop" she said pushing our lips together trying too stop my laughing.

"I can't" I said laughing even harder.

"Oh my god" she said chuckling along with me.

I pushed our lips together only for me too start laughing again uncontrollably.

"Lauren Michelle!" she said getting annoyed with a smile still on her face.

"I'm sorry, your just so funny...looking" I added wheezing for air I was laughing so hard.

She squinted her eyes at me, "don't get me started white girl" she said sitting up on me.

"Don't come for me witcho big forehead, that shit look like the Great Wall" I said laughing harder.

"Listen Easter bunny, don't come for me" she said causing me too stop laughing and purse my lips up.

"Really just gonna hit my insecurities like that?" I asked in a non serious way.

"I'm just kidding babe" she said continuing too layer kisses on my side profile.

I pouted childishly folding my arms and turning my back on her.

Immediately she left kisses all over my adorably, she knows daddy loves her kisses.

She just laid her head on my chest for a sec wrapping her arms around me.

"I love spending time with you, especially over the last couple weeks we haven't been around each other a lot" she said intertwining my fingers with her own.

"I know baby" I said leaning down and kissing her forehead.

"When we get back too Cali I'll set up something really nice for us" I said caressing her back.

"Really?" She asked looking up at me.

"Yea baby just for us" I said kissing her nose.

A smile spread across her lips, she's so gorgeous.

"So can you like sit on my face now?" I through in smoothly.

"No, I don't want too have sex in your parents house it's disrespectful" she said shyly.

"I don't wanna have sex with you I wanna fuck you" I clarified.

"Oh my god no Lauren" she said slapping my stomach lightly.

"Please?" I said swiftly sliding between her legs.

"No, not here" she said caressing my face.

"Pretty please, I just want you too ride my face" I said kissing her neck.

"I know baby I will but not here" she said running her fingers through her hair.

Wining I lifted her shirt kissing up and down her abdomen.

"Please princess?" I asked running my tongue down her belly button.

"LoLo stop" she half way whined half way moaned.

"No, I don't want to get started then back out" she said closing her legs.

I groaned crawling back up too her, "fine but I get too nap on these tiddies" I said laying my head on her big breasteses.

She giggled stroking my hair, I started fake snoring loudly letting all my body weight fall on her.

"Lauren your heavy" she laughed trying too adjust me.

I snored louder "so big and round, nice and plump" I talked in my sleep.

"LoLo!" She whined trying too push me off.

I groaned adjusting my weight on her.

"I miss my baby, you guys stole him from me" I said nuzzling more I to her chest.

"Isaac and him are attached on a spiritual level, just inseparable, he's so angry when he can't take him too school" she said rubbing my back.

"I'm angry I can't take him too school too" I said truthfully.

She chuckled wrapping her arms around my neck and serenading me with kisses.

"Babe" I whined taking them all.

She giggled before putting a final one on my forehead.

Groaning I stretched out like a star fish on top her.

"Why are you so tired?" She asked playing in my hair again.

"School sports modeling gigs keeping you happy all the time" I replied closing my eyes.

"That last one must be so exhausting" she joked caressing my face.

"You have no idea" I said yawning.

She chuckled pushing her lips on mine, "I highly appreciate all you do for me" she said putting her arms back around me.

"I highly appreciate you" I said leaning up and kissing her.

"You want a massage?" She asked messing with my eyelashes.

"Yesss" I replied lifting up allowing her too get up.

She chuckled climbing up onto my back and massaging at my shoulders.

I groaned in pleasure laying my head on the pillow.

"Damn your tense" she stated pressing harder into my higher back.

"I know, I really need my back creaked" I replied grunting.

She pushed down of the center of my back before giving it a hard shove causing it too make a loud creaking sound and me too groan out.

"That was amazing" I said laying my head Back on the pillow.

She chuckled continuing too work miracles down my back, she got really hanzy when she reached the lower part of my back.

"I love this Cuban Booty" she said before smacking the hell outta my ass.

I cried out in pain covering my ass, "you little shit" I said as she laughed her ass off, that shit hurt more than the chancleta.

I pulled down my sweat pants and boxers revealing a big red hand print on my ass.

She laughed harder falling back on the bed, "your ass is so white" she said through her laughter.

I groaned annoyed pulling my pants back up and laying my head down on the pillow.

"Sorry Lolo" she said sitting up and kissing me on the cheek. I turned my head the other way rolling my eyes only for her too kiss my other cheek gently.

I heard suspicious amounts of giggling form behind me as she continued too massage my back.

Her hands got excited around my ass massaging into it, "don't try it" i yawned turning my head.

She continued too rub my bottom in small circles, it was very pleasing but I didn't want it.

"You don't listen do you?" I asked raising my head.

"Nope" she replied smiling.

I just laid my head back down letting her do it, it wouldn't kill me.

It really does help you fall asleep,

"Mama" I head before the door opened.

"Hum?" She replied moving her hands back up too my back.

"Can I go on the trampoline with Chris?" He asked excitedly.

"Yes but be careful" I don't think he heard anything after yes because he sprinted down the hallway back down stairs.

"Lauren you guys have a trampoline?" She asked excitedly.

"A tree house, jungle gym,swing set and zip line too " I replied nonchalantly.

"Can we go?" She asked excitedly jumping up and down on me.

"Don't you think we're a little old for that?" I asked.

"Your just saying that cuz you won't everyone out of the house so we can fuck" she said annoyedly.

"This maybe true but I'm pretty sure we're too old for that" I said opening my eyes.

She groaned falling next too me, "my girlfriend miss treats me so bad" she whined childishly.

"Sucks for you" I replied closing my eyes.

"It sure does, even though I've always wanted too make out in a tree house...and other stuff" she murmured before kissing behind my ear.

I raised my head catching on, "other stuff?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

She nodded dragging her finger down my back.

I jumped up grabbing my slides and the key too the tree house from
My dresser fast pacing walking hand in hand with her too the back yard.

When I opened the sliding door her face light up at the sight before her, God she's so adorable.

"Omg you had the best child hood" she exclaimed excitedly looking around.

"Yeah it was pretty great" I said honestly walking toward the stairs of the tree house, too the left was Chris and issac on the trampoline and Taylor too the right on the swing, my attention was caught by a voice.

"Hi?" A blonde curly haired girl asked holding her hand out for me too shake.

Mani gripped my arm again roughly, damn this girl is fine as hell my baby got good taste.

"I'm jilly Chris's girlfriend" she said when I shook her hand.

"Right, I'm Lauren his oldest sister" I replied with a smile.

"It's so nice too finally meet you I've heard so much you" her eyes were so beautiful and green now I know what mani means when she talks about my eyes.

I smiled politely. "This is my girl friend-" she cut me off with her jaw dropped.

"Normani" her voice came out with a slight creak as she swallowed loudly.

"Hi jilly" mani replied shyly, gripping my arm even tighter.

"Look at you, your... gorgeous" she murmured scanning my girlfriends body up and down as if I weren't standing there.

"Thank you" she squeaked quietly shifting slightly behind me.

I unnoticeably tried too peel her fingers off one by one.

"I-, how you been?" She asked crossing her legs.

"Amazing, Lauren takes such good care of me"mani replied giving her intractable smart Alec tone.

"I can see, you guys have a son" jilly said politely.

I smiled, "it's not very hard too build with someone if you can stay fully devoted too them" I added snarkily.

"Babe" Chris called drowning the tension out from my last statement.

"It was nice meeting you, we should sit down and talk soon" she said putting her hand on Mani's shoulder before walking over too Chris.

Mani grabbed my hand walking up the stairs too my tree house.

She leaned over and kissed me passionately with a smile.

"Devoted too them baby your shady" she said chuckling.

"Thats what her dumbass gets hurting my princess" I replied unlocking the door and pushing it open.

I smiled remembering all the best memories I had in here, most of them were with girls and I'm sure you can figure out the rest.

Mani looked around astonished as I opened the cabinet pulling out the pump for my air mattress.

"I'm glad I have my LoLo too protect me" she said wrapping her arms around my neck.

Starting the pump I smiled kissing her, "I'm glad I have my bun-buns too keep me out of trouble" I said wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Id be so bored if my lolo never did dumb shit" she replied kissing my cheek.

"I know I'm the life of the party" I said turning the projector on and disconnecting the pump and turning it off.

"How do you have power up here?" Mani asked sitting down on the mattress.

"Solar panels on the roof" I pointed looking through all the old movies.

"Man your parents really went all out for you guys" she said laying back.

"Something like that" I yawned grabbing the air tight bag with the big comforter and pillows in it.

"Look at this, luxury" she pointed too the sheet I through over the mattress.

"There used too be a real bed but Chris didn't want too get up and go too the bathroom" I explained plopping the pillows down, then the comforter.

She chuckled "must be nice having a brother" she murmured getting under the covers.

I put bad boys two in, "not as much as you think" I responded with a slight chuckle.

"I was a only child" she said with slight discomfort in her voice.

Sliding between her legs I laid my head on her stomach before she pulled the cover over us.

"So...what do you really know about your parents" I asked as she started rubbing my back.

"I knew there names but I don't care enough too rennet them, that's it really" she replied stroking my hair longingly.

"So they just gave you up when you were born and never talked too you again?" I asked holding her hand comfortingly.

"Yeah, I guess, I was never adopted so o ended up in a group home then from there I worked my ass off too get too where I am today"

I smiled leaning up and kissing her gently, "I'm proud of you" I said looking her in the eyes.

A smile spread on her lips, "thank you baby" she said embracing me.

"I guess I could say your my prize for working so hard?!" She said chuckling.

"That was corny" I replied with the same chuckle.

"You like my corniness" mani said playing in my hair.

"I do" I answered kissing her again, as the movie drowned out most outside noise.

"Id do it all over again too have you at the end of the day" she said kissing my forehead.

"That was cornier" I smiled blushing slightly.

She giggled,"I can't be proud of what I have?" She asked.

"Shut up dork" I smiled uncontrollably.

"Hey, I'll be dorky too my girlfriend if I want, leave me alone" she giggled slapping my back lightly.

"If you had a chance would you meet them?" I through in quickly.

"I- i don't know"..."I don't wanna talk about that, I wanna make out" she said pulling me by my chin up too her lips.

"I think I can fit a make out session in my schedule" I joke pushing our lips together again.

"Me too, I don't think all my other girlfriends would mind!" Mani said kissing me agin.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "other girlfriends?" I asked skeptical.

"Don't worry baby, out of all of them I like you the most" she said pulling our lips back together.

"Well then I guess I'm doing something right" I said smiling into our kiss causing her too do the same.

"You doing everything just right" she replied crashing our lips together.

Normani pov

Walking out of the bathroom fresh out the shower, I ran Isaac bath water putting him inside before walking into Lauren's room and sitting in her bed.

She emerged from her closet setting eyes on me.

"Damn look at you over there looking like a snack" she licked her lips strutting over too me.

A smirk grew on my face, "you look a little hungry" I replied bitting my lip.

"Starving" she said pushing her lips on mine, I groaned in her mouth putting my hands on the sides of her face.

Her lips traveled from my lips too my cleavage in .3 seconds.

"Lauren no don't get me started" I said pulling her lips back up too mine.

She groaned defeatedly slumping on top of me, "can I just look?" She asked peeking under my towel.

"Why would you want too do that too your self?" I asked stroking her hair.

"I just need a little something I'm having a relapse" she said opening my towel slightly.

I sighed letting her get her little gropes in.

"Your so gorgeous" Lauren said kissing between my Breasts and down my stomach.

"No you are" I replied blushing.

She groaned helplessly closing the towel and looking away"must resist the urge" she grunted out in a painful way.

I giggled,

"you keep up this good behavior and you'll get a reward" I replied bringing our lips together.

"I'll be on my best behavior" she chimed with a smile pushing our lips together again.

I chuckled grabbing the lotion applying it too my legs as Lauren watched creepily across the room.

"You can look but you can't touch baby" I reminded teasingly.

She whimpered with a pouty face, before throwing a mini tantrum and stomping back into the closet.

I chuckled shaking my head jokingly, when I put my underwear on I grabbed Isaac from the bath towel drying his hair and letting him get himself dressed.

Pulling the tight fitting black dress out I slide it up my body walking into the closet for Lauren too zip it up.

She looked up from her shoes too me, "oh my lord" she said drinking me in.

"First off, damn, second-" she spun me around looking at my ass before popping it lightly, "god damn" she exclaimed.

She took a deep breath exhaling from her mouth, "composure" she said taking another deep breath.

I giggled rolling my eyes playfully at her dramatic ass, "shut up and zip me" i said.

"Baby,your trying too hard, take this master piece off and put on pants and tee shirt" Lauren calmly said scanning my body.

"I just wanna impress your parents" I said wrapping my Arms around her neck.

" I understand that, Were wealthy not rich, we don't sit around and eat dinner in tuxedos and dresses" Lauren laughed resting her hands in my waist.

"LoLo" I'm nervous" I said putting my head on her chest.

"I know baby it'll be fine I promise" she said kissing my forehead.

Giving her a hard squeeze I let go kissing her gently.

"Now go" she added tapping me on the ass again.

I pouted walking back out and grabbing skinny jeans and a shirt.

"Lauren what if she doesn't like me?" I asked slipping the dress off then walking back in the closet.

"She will get over it Mani relax" Lauren said pushing me back out the door.

I groaned walking back and grabbing My jeans and sweater from my suit case.

Lauren ran up behind me and slapped my ass before sitting down on the bed

Isaac did not like that at all,

"No" he pointed at her assertively before rapping his body around my leg protectively.

"Yeah Lauren have some respect" I mocked pointing my finger assertively.

"If it's in my vision I'm grabbing it" She said nonchalantly slapping my ass again.

"No!" He said again pushing her arm back.

"This is the way you treat me after I shared my puppy with you, my baby?" Lauren asked over dramatically.

Isaacs expression lighten up "can you share your mommy with me?" She said wrapping her arms my waist.

"Mine" Isaac replied pulling me away again.

I shrugged "sorry babe I already got a man in my life" I said picking him up and kissing his cheek.

Lauren dramatically gasped poring with her bottom lip.

She's so cute i thought setting Isaac down and kissing her on the lips.

"Your so cute" I said kissing her again.

She grabbed me pulling me on top of her while sticking her tongue out at Isaac.

"Stop" I chuckled kissing her again, before trying too get up, he growled at her aggressively furrowing his eye brows.

"Come get her Isaac" I said getting up,

He charged at her jumping on top of her and hitting her.

She cried out turning into a ball, "were supposed too be friends" she said fake crying.

When he was caught of guarded she scooped him up body slamming him on the bed before tickling him making him squirm and giggle uncontrollably.

I smiled at them slipping into my grey body suit and tied a plaid shirt tied around my waist.

"I got to pee" he yelled squirming from under Lauren and into the bathroom.

Lauren laughed looking up at me, she scanned my body with her jaw slacked,

"Damnnnnnn!" She said dramatically walking around me too get the full view.

"I don't think I can keep up this good behavior" she murmured In my ear pressing her body against mine.

"How about after dinner we'll go down too the guest room and your claim your reward" I said turning around so we were face too face.

She pulled her lip between her teeth, "I don't think I'll last that long" Lauren whispered snaking her arms around my waist.

"It'll be worth it" I replied pushing our lips together for a gentle yet soul snatching kiss.

Bitting her lip as I pulled away causing her too moan and grip my ass roughly.

"This is no fair" she whined defeatedly.

I chuckled pecking her lips again, after a toilet flush and rattling of cabinets then the sink turning on Isaac emerged from the bathroom Immediately growling at Lauren's hand placement.

She lifted her hands and backed away slowly too her suit case.

He walked up and hugged my leg briefly before returning too putting his clothes on.

"Why the hell are you making him wear a sweater it's almost 80 degrees out side" Lauren said taking his sweater off and his white button up under it.

"here" she said sliding a black shirt over his head fixing his belt on him.

"Oooo look at you Isaac" she said smiling and pinching his cheeks causing him too giggle adorably.

"Your milkStache is gonna bring all the girls too the yard" Lauren said cuffing his pants.

I laughed walking into the bathroom and fixed my hair adding light make up and lipstick before returning back too the room where Lauren was fully dressed and Isaac was playing on his phone.

I still have no idea where her got it from but it's not on so I don't care, all he does is play games on it any ways.

"You ready" she asked sitting up, she looks so gay and I love it so much, she had on dark green joggers a white crew neck and very bright rainbow socks.

I nodded exhaling a nervous shaky breathe,

"you'll be fine, you look beautiful" she assured me adding a kiss on the lips.

Holding my hand as we walked down stairs, luckily her parents were both still in the kitchen and it was just Taylor in the living room in the same sweats she had on before.

I took a seat next too Lauren practically on top of her as Isaac sat on the other side of me eyes still glued too the screen.

Lauren put her arm around me kissing my forehead comfortingly.

Taylor fake coughed "whipped" she said u see her breath.

Lauren chucked the remote at her leg causing it too make a loud slapping sound and her too cry out.

I slapped her leg with a scolding look, "she started it" Lauren said in her defense.

"She used too do this all the time, and she thinks cause she's semi famous she can do what she wants, I could model and make the pro leagues if I wanted too" Taylor snapped back sarcastically.

"You forgot special guest on Conan Obrein jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon and the news" Lauren said back childishly sticking her tongue out at her.

"You don't special guest on the news dumb ass" Taylor said rolling her eyes.

"You wanna catch a remote too the face?" Lauren asked threateningly.

"Stop, leave her alone Lauren" I said intertwining her fingers.

"Pendeja" Lauren mumbled under her breath, I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"Porque?" Taylor quickly snapped back with an attitude.

"Stop" I said before she could even say anything else. 

She grumbled clenching her jaw, Chris walked down the stairs with his hand around jilly, I can't lie she looked amazing but had on more night attire.

Lauren's eyes stayed glued too her body the entire time as she walked and saag down on the next couch, Chris just had on a  adidas jumpsuit.

I snatched Lauren's head over too mine,

"fix your fucking face" I whispered irritatedly.

"Sorry baby" she said pushing our lips together.

I rolled my eyes crossing my legs irritatedly, this whole fucking thing is irritating too me, what the hell are the chances of her and I ending up dating brother and sister, I should have never when out with a bi girl in the first fucking place.

I can't believe Lauren would just act all star struck over her in the first place, on top of that right in front of me, stupid sexy ass bitch.

"Come on princess" Lauren said getting up and grabbing my hand, and pulling me up.

Bitch my body is going through it, my heart is beating so fucking fast I can't breathe I got heart burn my stomach is in knots.

"Just relax" she said before picking Isaac up and carrying him, grabbing my hand she lead me into the kitchen, holy fuck I feel like I'm about too pass out.

"Mami" Lauren said causing her too turn around and Mike too look up from the table at us.

"Me Laurenza" her mother said throwing her arm around Lauren, I could tell she wasn't expecting this by the confused face she wore.

"Who's this?" She asked referring too Isaac.

"This is Isaac Kordei , and this is Normani  Kordei my girlfriend" she said grabbing my hand again.

Her face was unreadable as her eyes shifted between the the three of us.

"Lauren she's..." her mouth fell at a loss of words. You could hear my heart beat back in California.

"Stunning" her mother uttered out.

That took Lauren me and her dad by surprise,

"It's nice too meet you mrs Jauregui" I said smiling polity.

Her mother looks so ran down, she looks sick and he dad looks healthy.

"It's great too meet you as well unfortunately I haven't heard much of you" she said, oh my god she's so proper.

Turning back too her pot and stiring it "so miss Kordei what do you do for a living?" She asked in a non enthusiastic tone.

"I'm a rn at North bay medical center" I said exhaling in relief.

She looked up at me with impressed stamped every where on her face,

"How old are you?" She asked with a raised eye brow.

"I'm 24" I said  confidently.

"How did you manage too get a doctorate degree raise a child and study too become a rn in 5 years?" She asked almost as if she didn't believe me.

"I completed high school in two and a half years with a 5.0 then started college at 17 and completed with my doctorate in 2014, I just adopted Isaac last year" I assured her less confidently.

"You adopted him?, he's not yours?" She asked in astonishment.

"No mam Ive never been involved with a man" I said with a nervous smile.

"Your parents must be proud work and a child that's not easy"

"I imagine they would have been" I replied grabbing Lauren's hand.

"Excuse me?" She said confused.

"I was given up for adopten as a infant, I've never meet my parents" I murmured looking down at the floor then back too her.

"So you had a foster family?" She asked with no ounce of regret on her voice.

"No mam I grew up in a group home until I was legally emancipated at 16"

She hummed continuing cooking, of my fucking good it smells so good.

"Which college did you attend?" Her mother asked me the millionth question.

"Cal" I said politely.

"UC Berkeley?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

I nodded politely as my eyes shifted between her and mike.

"Now that's impressive" Mike chimed in with a smile.

"Very impressive" her mom added with a smile.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" Mike asks in a non friendly voice, this big mother fucka towers over me I'm terrified.

"I love her very much and would like too marry her some day" I said swallowing the lump in my throat.

Lauren rested her hand on my lower back comfortingly,  the both of them shared a unreadable look silently.

"I like the sound of that" mike broke the uncomfortable silence with a smile the both of them shared.

"You know we're very proud of our daughter" her mom said continuing too cook.

"So am I" I added smiling over at her, she had this look awestruck plastered in her face.

"I always Imagined Lauren marrying the man of her dreams, but since it will be a woman I'm delighted it such a fine woman as your self" her mom said with a smile, I smiled so big my jaw almost fell off.

"Okay were gonna go before she passes out" Lauren said pulling me toward the door.

"Normani!" Her mother called before I could leave the room.

I turned as my stomach turned knots again, "you call me Clara honey" Clara said with a reassuring smile.

"Okay" I said before Lauren pulled me out the kitchen into the living room. 

I couldn't wipe the smile from my face, "that when was better than I expected" Lauren said with a smile.

I took deep breaths trying too calm down I did it they like me, I'm in home free.

"I thought she was gonna eat you alive but she just grilled you" Lauren said causing me too cover her mouth.

"Shut up and kiss me" I muttered  crashing our lips together.

"First off I will cut you don't tell me too shut up and-" she crashed our lips together again roughly, I smiled when Isaac pushed Lauren's head away from mine.

"Were supposed too be sharing" Lauren whined.

"Mine" he said hugging my tightly.

"Your so territorial, you have too share with Lauren" I said wiping his face as he scowled angrily at Lauren.

"Not mommy" he said putting arms around me again.

She put her bottom lip out she's so adorable,

"how about she'll be your mommy and my girlfriend?" Lauren asked negotiating.

He giggled adorably, "you touch the booty" he smiled cockily.

"This is my son" Lauren laughed, I scoffed walking past them into the room everyone else was in.

Lauren made sure too pop me on the ass before I got too far, flipping her off I sat down on the couch, she won't be happy till I start doing it too her.

"I love you baby" I said when she sat down next too me,

"I love me too" she awed sarcastically setting Isaac down next too us.

I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.

"Don't roll your eyes at me!" She said snatching my face back over too hers.

Oh my god I'm Fucking dripping, yesss daddy put me in my place, she just snatched my soul I wanna go do nasty things her. Fuck yes papi tell me what do wet wet wet wet wet.

"Fuck I felt that In my soul" Taylor chimed in mercifully.

"Yes Daddy" I said lowly before kissing her gently.

"You hella cute but I'll still dock you" Lauren said looking down at my lips again.

"You won't do shit witcho sweet ass" I said pecking her gently.

"I'll still beat your ass" she replied leaning in causing me too smile.

"Keep talking shit, I'll give you another black eye" I threatened bitting my lip.

"Is that's a threat?" She asked raising her eye brows.

"No" I said quickly swallowing the lump in my throat, her eyes, Fuck my girl is so fine.

"Don't show out here baby, I promise I can show out just as bad in the bedroom" she said seductively.

Fuck I can feel the heart beat in my clit having a stroke,

"behave your self" I resounded shakily.

She chuckled, "I'm not...yet"

Oh my god I just wanna sit on her face, I won't make it back too Cali before giving it up.

Her hand slips down too my thy caressing it teasingly.

I glare at her before putting my hand in hers and kissing it. That's how you turn teasing into romance quickly.

After dinner, I had the giggles because of Lauren's dumb ass, it was excellent by the way I've never had enchiladas that good.

Isaac loved it her at more than I did, I guess he's really missing his cultures food, her parents seem too like how well mannered and smart he is.

The whole dinner her mom was making digs at jilly that were fucking hilarious, Clara said jilly was a wench low key causing Lauren too chock on her drink and me too turn my head and laugh.

The only one who thought it wasn't funny was jilly, even Chris was laughing and Taylor really didn't give a fuck and would laugh out loud.

She also made constant compliments too me about how Chris should find some one as smart and hard working but she also added not some hussy who entertains people for Instagram likes.

I was trying so hard not laugh but Lauren kept chocking and laughing under her breath at her mom, I don't understand why she had such a misunderstanding with her mother she's really nice and sweet.

When she made the comment about how jilly was absolutely gorgeous and is already half naked all over the Internet and wouldn't be surprised if she saw her in porn Taylor lost it spitting her juice out on herself.

Her dad chimed in scolding his wife, she defended her self bye saying she was only joking and that jilly wouldn't last 5 minuets in the porn Industry.

Lauren squealed putting her head down, now I know we're Lauren gets her since if humor from, cause her mom is hilarious.

It all got serious when Clara asked Taylor when she gets too meet her boyfriend.

"Boy friend?" Her father brother and Lauren chimed in raising there eye brows.

"I didn't tell you you could have a boyfriend" Lauren said in disbelief.

Taylor groaned, "in 15 I can have one if I want" she said irritatedly.

Chris chuckled, "you Remember what we did too your last so called boyfriend?" He asked laughing.

Causing both Lauren and her father too laugh.

"Yes he couldn't even swim" Taylor replied.

"That's too bad he shouldn't have been such a little puto" he father said.

"He's coming tomorrow for thanks giving" she said annoyed.

"Sure hope he can swim" Lauren said.

"I hope he can take a hit" Chris added.

"I hope he can withstand shotgun shells" her father said.

"Oh my god dad no, we were lucky the safety was on last time" Taylor said.

"No he was lucky the safety was on". Chris says continuing too eat, Isaac hung back for desert with Chris and Taylor.

Oh my god there all crazy I thought following Lauren up stairs.

It feels so early here but it's already 9:30, "I told you you had nothing too be worried about" Lauren said opening her door and walking inside.

"Babeee" I whined falling back onto her bed.

"Hum?" She asked grabbing a pair of basketball shorts.

"My tummy hurts" I whined rubbing my stomach.

"That's the most I've ever seen you eat" she chuckled sliding her shorts on.

"It was so good I couldn't stop myself" I said burping quietly.

"That's real Spanish cooking, you'll eat your self too death without knowing it" she replied coming too lay next too me.

I groaned the thought of food made my stomach grumble unsettlingly.

She put her hand on my stomach rubbing it gently soothingly.

"I don't have enough energy too take off this body suite" I said yawning.

"I can help you with that" she said eagerly planting a kiss on my inner neck.

She unzipped it kissing down my body I moaned causing my stomach too gurgle.

I groaned In pain rubbing my stomach.

"You want some 7-up?" She asked kissing my neck again.

"I don't wanna put another thing in my mouth for the next 24hours" I replied whining.

"Nothing?" She whining.

I smirked looking over at her,

"what did you have in mine" I asked claiming on top of her.

"A few things" she said smiling.

I chuckled kissing along her waist line as she squirmed.

"I wouldn't mind a little bit of you in my mouth" I smirked sliding her shorts down a little.

Her lip entered between her teeth looking down at me.

I gaged A little causing her too push me away, "hell no, I don't need any misunderstanding with the food in your stomach and my crotch.

I hiccuped before groaning and falling back wards on the bed that hurt.

"Come on baby let's go too sleep" she said pulling me up in the bed with her.

All I could do was groan, the sad part about it is I would do it all over again.

She care fully slid the body suit off me, she's such a good girlfriend.

"I'm gonna get you some 7 up okay?" She said tucking me in her bed.

I nodded miserably laying my head on the pillow.

"Aw, baby you'll feel better in a little while" she said before kissing my forehead.

She walked out all I could do was smile, I'm so lucky, I love her so much.

My eyes opened when I heard bevy foot steps approaching the bed.

"You can thank me later" Chris whispered dropping a book in front of me.

He left shutting the door behind him, I looked at it confused until instantly a smile spread across my face, it's my baby LoLo in her baby LoLo years.

"Oh my god" I squealed excitedly sitting up.

She so Fucking cute I was taking pictures and sending them too Dinah, what the fuck happened why isn't she this cute anymore?

"Why are you giggling?" She asked walking back into the room with my sprite.

"Your so fucking cute" I awed looking up at her.

"Well I know that but why are you giggling?" Lauren said coming and sitting down next too me on the bed.

She picked up the book before putting her face in her hands,

"You saw the bathtub one?" She asked embarrassed.

I nodded giggling, she so fucking cute I can't stop smiling, Dinah's texting me back about how cute she is, her flight left in the afternoon so she went back too wherever she's from and Zen strayed in Cali since that's were her parents live.

"LoLo" I said smiling uncontrollably pulling her down in bed with me.

"You were sooooo cute!" I said kissing her cheeks continuously.

"Mani she whined trying too dodge the kisses.

"Take my loving" I said kissing her roughly grabbing her face so she couldn't move.

She groaned pushing me away, I smacked my lips glaring harshly at her and rolling my eyes.

"What did I tell you about rolling your eyes?" She asked grabbing my face.

"Move" I groaned slapping her hand
away roughly.

She grabbed me pinning my hands above my head, fuck daddy yesssss.

"I don't give a fuck about your little attitude, you know run this shit so roll your eyes at me again see if I don't fuck you up" she said with a clenched jaw.

All I could do was now nod only if she knew how wet I am right now.

I pulled my lip between my teeth looking up at her.

"Give daddy a kiss" she said shoving her tongue in my making my groan out.

Escaping her grip I pulled her closer, my hands roamed down too her ass omg she's actually letting me touch her ass I'm so juiced.

Massaging into it as she moaned slipping under the covers with me.

Our actions were ceased when Isaac called for me causing me too push Lauren off too the side.

She groaned annoyed falling next too me.

"Mama" he asked again walking over too me.

"Yes Isaac" I said lifting my head.

"Grampa mike told me too put on my pajamas" he said standing at the foot of the bed.

I smiled, grandpa mike, "there over there" I said pointing on top of the suitcase.

He grabbed the set before walking into the bathroom. I took a sip of 7 up before chocking on how strong it was.

Turning I laid my head on Lauren's chest rubbing my tummy.

She put her arm around me before leaning down and kissing my head.

"I'm sorry baby I know you've been waiting a while now" I said nuzzling my head into her side.

"It's okay babe" she replied understandingly.
Lauren threw her plate away storming outside of the kitchen, Clara called for her and mike but she never turned around just kept walking.

I got up following behind her, I don't think I've ever seen her this upset, under these circumstances I would be just as up set.

It all started at about 6pm when more of her family arrived, she wasn't very happy about a bunch of kids running around plus adults just plain pissing her off telling her she's straight.

We stayed off in her room occasionally making out when we weren't interrupted when we weren't Interrupted by her little perv cousins peeping at me.

Eventually dinner time rolled around and all her family was down in loving room yelling in Spanish and cussing laughing drinking.

Her mom decided that during dinner would be the best time too make a announcement.

The gist of it is, Clara is the sick one and mike is healthy.

Lauren was beyond pissed just fucking infuriated, not only did her mom lie but her dad lied too, and Chris and Taylor didn't even know about it, apparently it was too get Lauren back home for thanks giving.

"Baby calm down" I said walking in her room behind her. She threw her phone at the wall before gripping her hair angrily.

"Telling me too calm down wouldn't be smart right about now" she raised her voice.

"I know your upset but you need too compose yourself" I said wrapping my arms her.

"No I don't want too have too compose my self, I shouldn't fucking have too" she yelled pushing me off of her.

"Just keep your cool" I replied trying too contain her.

"Don't Fucking tell me what too do,you don't know shit about my family, matter fact just get out I want too be alone" she said turning her back too me.

"What?" I said in disbelief.

"I said go, just leave me alone" she pushed me out the room before slamming the door.

I was on the bring of tears I've never seen her act like this, how can she just shut me out like this.

"Hey, you okay?" A familiar voice asked from behind me.

I turned seeing jilly standing there, she pulled me into a hug when I broke down sobbing.

(Lauren's pov)

Two hours later

I've had some time too cool off and ultimately I feel like shit, I can't believe I just put her out like that, she was just trying too help me and I pushed her away.

Sitting up I walked over picking up my shattered iPhone 7 she just bought me, I sighed sitting it down on the table some how it still works even though the screen is fucked.

I frustratedly ran my fingers through my hair getting my shit together before going too find my baby.

Opening the door I looked around, the house was dead silent. No kids running around no people yelling just silent.

I took a peek in Taylor's room seeing she was curled in a ball with Isaac next too her, both dead asleep snoring and all.

Walking right passed my parents room I looked over in the balcony living room kinda area seeing Chris asleep on the couch with his arms folded, what the hell its only 9

I paused when I heard mani laughing, it sounded like it was coming from Chris's room and I know Mani's laugh any where.

I stood by Chris's door listening in,

"You remember all good memories and fun times we had?" Jilly asked, she was slurring a lot I think she's drunk.

"I mean I love her but she shuts me out" Normani slurred horribly, there both Fucking drunk.

"You know I never shut you out" jilly adds, I looked through the space between the door when the bed kept creaking.

Jilly scooted closer as Mani continued drinking wine out of a glass.

"Yeah but there's a lot of things you never did" Mani snapped back damn the shade.

"I know and I'm sorry" jilly says scooting closer again, why does she keep doing that.

"Sorry's just a word" Mani slurred.

"So let me make it up too you" before I know it jillys lips are on my girlfriends, I can't stop looking she better push her off she has too.

Mani pushes Jilly off and I sigh in relief, she's drunk she's drunk I keep repeating in my head.

Please just get up and leave, instead Mani stared at her for a second before leaning in and kissing her.

I swallowed the lump in my throats looking away as the image of the girl I want too marry kissing another girl burned into my head.

My heart just fell apart, I think I heard it drop on the ground, tears weld up in my eyes, as I turned back walking into my room.

I grabbed my shoes sliding them on my feet as tears dropped of my face, I sniffled wiping my eyes.

I don't know I don't even know what I'm feeling, I just can't breathe. I grabbed my wallet and a hoodie before walking as fast as possible down the stairs.

Snatching Chris's keys off the table I opened the garage wiping more tears form my eyes.

I just needed too get away, it hurts so bad. Speeding down the street I pulled into the corner store quickly buying a case of beer and getting out of there, it best I don't have any hard alcohol.

I wiped more tears pulling off again, I didn't know what I was doing or where in going but I just didn't want too be there.

Breaking down I sobbed moving my hair from my face.

Pulling over on a random street I turned the car off laying my head back against the seat, I hate crying, I hate relationships they never last, I hate love all that bull shit, it's not real.

I looked around seeing where I was, breaking down even harder when I realized I'm at a grave yard, the same one victoria is buried at.

Grabbing my beer I opened the door, I remember exactly where she is.

Opening the beer i downed half of it making my way around too her grave.

The tears pored out when I laid eyes on her headstone again.

"Hey beautiful" I said sitting down leaning against the head stone.

"I miss you so much"

Pulling the necklace form under my shirt I drank more beer.

"I wish I could see you again"

"I wish I just told you I loved you"

"I wish I never meet her or Lucy"

"I just wish we were together" I sniffled wiping my eyes.

Laying down I my back I stared at the sky just opening another beer.

I closed my eyes because the stares reminded me of the Twinkie in Mani's eyes.

Just think her name makes my heart hurt, this is the second time, the Second time she kissed someone who wasn't me.

Before I knew it I feel under sleeping soundly.

I was awoken by water on my face, I groaned opening my eyes seeing that I was still laying on her grave.

Groaning I sat up causing a bunch of beer cans too fall off my chest, I moved before the sprinklers could get me again, wincing at the sun beating down on me.

Standing up I looked around seeing the maintenance people working. Stretching out I looked back down at her grave. Kissing the tip of my fingers I touched the top of her head stone.

"Rest easy baby girl" I whispered cleaning up after my self.

And heading back too Chris's car, I looked down at my watch, 8:45. Yawning I opened the door, I really didn't want too see Normani but I guess it's only for a few hours until I can just be away from everyone for awhile. Our flight leaves at 10:00 plus a three hour flight that I'll just sleep on so I don't have too see her face.

I rolled my eyes pulling into the driveway, I shouldn't have come back, there very few people I trust and my parents just made the bottom of the list right before too Normani.

After putting the keys back I walked straight up stairs too my room.

There she was sound asleep in my bed unbothered.

I rolled my eyes again, grabbing my suitcase and putting on the bed. I guess the vibrations from the suitcase woke her because she sat up.

"Where the he'll have you been?" She said sleepily, the cover slipped down revealing her half naked upper half.

I clench my jaw ignoring her,

"so your just gonna ignore me now?" She said standing up and walking over too me.

Omg her fucking body, it's distracting me so bad.

"Pack your shit our flight leaves at 10" I said putting my stuff back In the suit case.

"Were not gonna talk about yesterday?" She says stepping in front of me. I clenched my jaw, which part the one where you got drunk or the one where you you cheated?

I wanted too confront her so bad but I just kept my mouth shut and pushed her out of the way.

"What ever" she said grabbing her suitcase and lifting it up on the couch. I looked at her for a second, is she not gonna tell me?, she doesn't know I know.


I grabbed the suit case off the bed before putting my broke ass phone in my pocket and my wallet, we still haven't spoken, im wondering how long she's gonna wait too tell me because that's what's really pissing me off.

Pulling my hoodie on I cracked my knuckles angrily. Quickly ordering a uber too the airport I tried as nicely as possible too help Isaac tie his shoes but I'm angry so I came off alone more forcefully then  I meant. 

I said goodbye too Chris and Taylor not uttering a damn breathe too my parents.

Normani gave my parents long meaningful hugs causing me too roll my eyes and take our bags too the car. I quickly finished a beer before we got into the uber not gonna lie I'm a little tipsy but I'm okay too drive.

The ride there was silent as Isaac sat between us leaning on me.

We went through security in a breeze making before immediately Boarding, Isaac sat in the middle of us, as soon as I sat down I put my head down not wanting too be bothered.
The plane was landing awaking me from me sleep at the constant shaking. I sat u looking around, Normani looked very scared and uneasy.

I wanted too reach over and hold her hand but I'm so fucking angry at her, how could she just act all normal like she didn't do what she did.

After making it out of baggage claim we walked silently too my car. So many thought running through my head I can't even function properly.

I got into my car staring straight a head, the main thing going through my head is why, just why too everything.

"Look I know your mad-" I cut off her off turning the radio up.

"Why are you being so fucking childish?" She asked turning the radio back off.

"I don't want too fucking talk!, is it that hard too see?" I snapped harshly.

"It's not my Fucking fault they lied too you, so stop taking it out on me" she said with a voice creak.

By this time I was already in front of her house, I ignored her grabbing her bag out the trunk and walking them too the door.

As soon as I saw they were inside I turned too leave, she quickly pulled me back shutting and locking the door.

"Come here baby" she said pulling me into her embrace.

"Get off me" I said pushing her off as I felt tears welding up in my eyes.

"Babe stop shutting me out" she replied trying too pull our bodies together.

"No!" I raised my voice sitting down on the couch and putting my face in my hands.

"Why are you so upset with me?" She said getting down in her knees in front of me.

"Why?" I said sniffling.

"Why what?" She asked putting her hands on my knees comfortingly.

I let the tears flow down my cheeks looking up at her.

"Yesterday, I saw you guys" I said sniffling.

"Who?" She asked wiping my tears.

"You and her, I saw you kiss her back, why would you kiss her back?" I asked as my lip quivered.

"Lauren I-" she stumbled staring at the floor.

"You said you love me, why would you do this?"

"I was drunk baby I'm sorry" she said as tears left her eyes.

"Sorry is just a word Normani" I said standing up and pacing.

She stayed where she was crying into her hands.

"You said you love me, I trusted you, I sacrificed time and energy for you, I stepped outside of my comfort zone for you"

"I do love you, I just, I made a mistake"

"No you made the same mistake twice..."

I ran my fingers though my hair frustratedly wiping more tears.

"I don't think I can do this anymore" I said breaking down.

"What" she said looking up, I could see the pain in her eyes.

"I-..." pausing too collect my self.

"No please" she said jumping up and wrapping her arms around me.

"Normani your not making this any easier" I said trying too pry her off me. I'm so weak when it comes too her.

"No baby please I love you with all my heart, please don't do this too me you mean so much too me.

I sniffled looking up at ceiling, "I'm sorry" I said breaking free of her grip.

"Lauren I'm sorry, she has this power over me it'll never happen again" at this point I could barely understand what she was saying she was sobbing so hard.

"that's what you said last time" I replied turning my back too her so I didn't have too her cry.

"I know and I'm sorry just please don't do this" she said clinging too me again.

"Normani please" I said trying too pry her off me.

"Please, I was alone all my life then  she came along, then we broke up and I was alone for 4 more years until you came along, I finally feel safe please don't take that away" she literally begging me not too break up with her.

"What the hell do you want me too do?" I said sitting down on the couch.

"Baby I'm sorry, please just give me another chance" she sat down next too me wrapping her arms around me.

"Fuck Normani, I wish I never met you, I can't get you out of my head, I'm addicted too you, your my ecstasy" I said pacing back and forth.

"I just, I just...  I rushed into a relation ship so quickly, and I need a break okay, I just need time" I said brushing my hair with my fingers.

She sat in the same spot sobbing uncontrollably, I stared at the ground I can't stand seeing her like this but I just need too take care of myself for once.

"I'm sorry but I just can't deal with this right now, I wanna take a break from relationships from my parents, I need too get my shit together for school and my career" I said sadly.

"So you just want a break your not breaking up with me?" She said looking up at me.

I signed and nodded putting my face in hands.

"Thank you thank you thank you" she said wrapping her body around me again.

"A non exclusive break" I added lowly.

"What?" She said looking up at me.

"Maybe it's best I'm free to what I want" I said clenching my jaw hesitantly.

"Okay I guess" she said disappointedly sniffling.

She grabbed my face wiping my tears, her gorgeous eyes looking up in mine.

"I love you so much from the bottom of my heart, please be careful" she said meaningfully.

She pushed our lips together kissing me gently smoothly caressing the side of my face.

Our foreheads touched for a second looking into each other's eyes before I turned away too leave.

"Bye Lauren" she said causing me too pause foot steps as another tear fell down my face.

"Good bye Mani" I said before walking too the door and opening it.

I paused again feeling her eyes on me, don't turn around I kept repeating in my head.

Taking a deep breath I continued walking even though the sound of her sobs were pulling me back like a magnet.

Shutting the door behind me, the sound of it sounded so cold and dead but I managed too keep walking with my head down.

I was thrown off when a voice filled my ears making me look up before running into her.

"Hey watch it" Dinah joked until I   looked up at her.

"What's wrong?" She asked comfortingly.

I didn't say anything looking from her eyes too her lips.

Not thinking I leaned in

-----------------------------------------😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 TIME FOR DIN DIN FUCKERS.

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