Tutorials and Stolen Kisses

By stormynightes

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✯ Highest Rank: #284 [05.02.17] ✯ Davian Grey West is football captain and everything else that sums up a bad... More

One: Trouble also known as Davian West
Two: French encounters
Three: Tapatio and heavy
Four: Confusing Grey
Five: ❝Talk Dirty To Me❞
Six: ❝I'm really a good girl, and it's not for show❞
Seven: Bruised Emotions
Eight: Blackout and Explosive Reveals
Nine: Sandalwood and Leather
Ten: Progressing West
Eleven: The scandalous catch
Twelve: In His Hold
Thirteen: ❝You Have My Home Address❞
Fourteen: Witchcraft
Fifteen: Honey-blonde Chaos
Sixteen: ❝...your breath smells like a wet flip-flop❞
Eighteen: Nostalgic reminisce
Nineteen: Torn
Twenty: Trouble aka Davian

Seventeen: Nut job

3.4K 165 14
By stormynightes

Davian chased her and how she ran to avoid him. Wasn't he tired?  Because he didn't stop if anything, he got even more fueled to catch her which Jess didn't understand. He had taken the joke too personal than he should have.

He was running for her like a dying man would for his breath of life—okay that was a far outstretched comparison but it felt like it—and it was weird.

She wasn't tired although her aides were hurting but running like this to her gave her freedom, gave her peace and the racing of her heart, the panting felt like a release from her previous bonds. Why had she even stopped running in the first place? It was the most thrilling feeling ever.

She had to get back to it. She was also starting to get tired of this chase. Davian for once hadn't even come close enough to to grab her hoodie. So much for him being a football captain. He couldn't run fast enough to to save himself—or was he stalling? She looked back and saw he actually was just jogging and—watching her. Huh?

She skidded to a halt just as he did a few steps behind her. "What?—"

"The actual fück Davian, I didn't raise you to be this loud. Why in Jesus name are you making so much godforsaken noise." the voice had come from a stranger, one Jess hadn't seen before it ever heard the voice of. She was really curious.

The strange outburst had come from a woman who looked so much like the female version of Davian but worse—she was unkempt, had makeup stain running down her face and was dressed in the slut-tiest halter neck dress that there is. Jess didn't even know what to say but she was trying to understand.

Is this Davian's mother?

She turned back to Davian to maybe get some answers. He was angry and Jess didn't know whether it was at her or this other strange woman.

"I—" Jess started to say because she felt the need to say something, what, she didn't know.

"What do you think you're doing out?" Davian cut her off, his blue eyes iced as he pinned it down on her, admonishment in his gaze. What did she do?

Jess didn't know the question wasn't for her. "We were just—"

"Fùck you! What else did you want me to do? I had a rough night and I got in quite late. I was trying to sleep until you brought your little bïtch here and started to make so much noise. Damn, was that what I taught you? You're a man if anything, you should shut the fücking crackers up of the nut job of your whôre if she's making so much unnecessary noise."

Jess hates cussing or cuss words. When said, they always felt like running the tip of a sharp metal down her spine. She hated cuss words and more reason why she didn't like Davian (because HATE is such a strong word to use on a human), he caused lie a sailor in a gutter spewing vile words. It was disgusting. And this woman in one sentence had said how many vile words?

"Shut the fùck up Lorelei, and get back into the house." Jess had never heard that kind of tone come put of Davian. It was low, he wasn't shouting like the other woman was doing but the threat held in his voice, like the low growl a dog emitted before charging for you. It was deadly and she noticed because she was going back into the house where she came from.

"Whatever, just get your bïtch to quiet up," Lorelei said guffawing before she entered the house and shut the door behind her. Jess stood watching the door and wondering what just happened. Jess was really curious. Who was she and why had Davian talked to hearing that way and why was she dressed like a...

"Davian, wh—oof—" he had jumped on top of her, pinning her to the ground by a hard body and maybe it was due to the football he took part in, he just had a thing for dropping people and pinning them to the ground—he had so much unneeded strength. And did he forget the part where she was a girl and wasn't exactly as strong as the muscles he was packing?

"Got you," he whispered slowly in her ear before biting it. With tide eyes, Jess used her elbow and jabbed him hard in his chest as he got off her while she could scramble up to a standing position.

"W-what was that?" she stuttered holding on to her right ear that he had bitten. Why did he do it?

He was still on the floor, his leather jacket brushing the cobblestone ground while he placed his hand on his face cradling his face. Jess hated to admit it but he looked like a fashion icon right there on the floor with his Instagram and Tumblr worthy face.

"What?" he answered cheekily. For a moment, she was blindsided by his smile. Not a smirk, but an actual cheeky smile that brought out the dimples he had. That was when Jess realised what he was trying to do, divert her from the topic of the woman she had never seen before, but it was fine. She didn't also want to talk about it.

"Come on, get up from the floor. Let's go in and start with tutorials."

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