𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞...

By starlightdove

11.9K 544 662

"𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘱𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦... 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘴𝘰... More

01 | Confessions of a Runaway
02 | Uncovering a Truth
03 | Seal the Deal
04 | Eyes of Fire
05 | Introductions and Bad Choices
06 | Tasting Rejection
07 | A Heart to Heart
08 | Main Ingredient
09 | Still a Mystery
10 | Snakes and Fish
11 | The Good Samaritan
12 | Twittering Musician
13 | Introductions: Second Attempt
14 | Ender's Dance
15 | Following Anna
16 | The Raven and The Robin
18 | Investigations
19 | Meet My Fist
20 | Lawbreaker
21 | A Hidden Purpose
22 | Temporary Home
23 | Unexpected Rival
24 | The Devil's Fruit
25 | I'm Too Old For This
26 | Off To The Races
27 | Broken Memories

17 | Epiphanies

283 18 6
By starlightdove

          I didn't feel like attending dinner after the weird encounter with my past bully, sauntering down random hallways with no real destination.

It was then that Connie bumped into me.

"Is spending time with Mishal really that headache inducing to you?"

"Whaddya' mean?" I gave the unicorn an odd look as we headed further down the long corridor.

Violet eyes narrowed as I recalled the memory of Adam, understanding suddenly dawning on his face. "You weren't with the phoenix."

"No, I wasn't." I sighed as we non-verbally changed the topic.

Connie seemed uncharacteristically bothered. "He bullied you before."

"Yessir, dunked my head in the bathtub and almost drowned me once."

"What did the bastard want?" A harsh frown was present.

"Just warnings not to dabble with Ender and his apparent following of devoted Dark followers who're covering up his sins."

Connie's face soured, an emotion that was tired more than anything. "Novalie, just know that the drama surrounding different sections is nothing compared to the other secrets lurking in this castle."

"Sure," I shrugged halfheartedly. "Then it's a good thing that Faisal made us connect via contract."

A returning glower was the only response, although he also shook his head as if trying to banish my thoughts. It was a nifty trait, having access inside your contract's mind—I imagined the annoyance as well.

"Nova!" A bright shout spoke from the distance. "Oh, Connie as well!"

The unicorn ignored the sweet voice and sent me a heated glare. "Since you've started it, all your friends refer to me with that atrociously butchered version of my namesake."

"Constantine doesn't have the same flow as Connie though." I teased, then turned away to face the approaching twins. "Hey, have you seen Riley around?"

"No, I'm guessing that she's using her break to sleep somewhere." Gabriel provided from his sister's left. "Let's just hope she wakes up in time for class."

Morwen fidgeted. "I'll check on her, you guys go ahead!"

Before any of us could remark, she headed back towards the opposite direction. The two boys on either side of me shrugged it off, while I briefly wondered what Morwen and Riley were really up to.

Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.

Connie gave me an unimpressed look at my immaturity.

Gabriel noticed our averted attention. "My sister is tutoring Riley, since she keeps missing classroom work."

I was about to respond, before Connie rudely interrupted. "Can we go eat already?"

Gabriel turned with a scowl. "Nothing is stopping you from heading to the dining hall, your majesty."

"Novalie and I were in mid-conversation."

"Well, we're her friends now too—learn to share."

"You can have her." The unicorn scrunched up his nose.

I gave them both a whack on the arm, tired of their ridiculousness.

"Let's just all head to lunch," I said in exasperation. "You two can bicker all you want once I have food in front of me for company."

The second year merely clenched a sharp jaw, identical eyes to that of his sibling's brewing in the direction of Connie, who was sauntering away.

I examined Gabriel and wondered why he wasn't as popular. Not to say that looks were everything, though for popularity, it was vainly important. In a way, the kelpie was very much like the unicorn, who would have also been very well-liked if he didn't act like such a diva all the damn time. Maybe that was why; they simply didn't want the attention.

He noticed me observing him and let out a prodding look.

"I'm just thinking." I gave one last glance before giving a quirked smile, silently thinking that his undercut hairstyle suited his austere personality. "You're very good looking."

Gabriel choked on his spit as I bluntly stated my opinion.

"Really, I never noticed before." I laughed, not ashamed for my honesty. "Obviously I've realized it the first time we bumped into each other."


"It's like... you suddenly morphed all of a sudden."

"You really shouldn't be staring at me for too long." He composed himself from my earlier compliment.

"Why so?"

A velvety voice responded. "It's dangerous."

"I don't believe you," I responded in a haze.

The irises were mixing into a golden hue, and I could almost see another person standing in front of me.

'Novalie, you have to stop getting ensnared by people's spirits.'

The trance suddenly shattered, it was then that I noticed Gabriel hastily walking away. I was about to shout an apology for whatever just happened, but Connie grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, forcing our eyes to look directly at each other.

"Good, it didn't take full effect."

I tried getting rid of the foggy feeling. "What was that?"

Connie ignored the question as he mumbled to himself.

"Connie," I snapped. "What the hell did Gabriel just do?"

The unicorn gave an annoyed expression. "We know what spirit he has, why don't you go brilliantly deduct it yourself?"

"I—I don't know..." I eloquently stated.

"Exactly," he hissed. "You need to stop befriending such dangerous people before getting yourself killed. What just occurred was basically Gabriel doing nothing and his spirit doing everything subconsciously."

"I've spent time with him in the past, so what did I do differently this time?" I frowned. "Gabriel almost seemed to be transforming into another person."

"Only you were experiencing the occurrence. Kelpie spirits don't actually change form, it's those who gaze upon them for too long that are lured in. Their physical traits begin to change inside the victim's head according to what they find most entrancing, may it be a man or woman's features—sometimes no defining gender is established, and it's just a visage."

I kept silent and recalled the way I stared at Gabriel a little too hard.

"The kelpie legend was said to be a shape-shifting water horse that would trap travelers on their back and drown its victims in a river."

I blanched.

"You're wondering why you haven't seen this happening with any other. Gabriel purposely decides not to physically get close with anyone, in fear that there would be less of a chance for the trance to break."

"What would happen if the trance didn't break?" I asked with a bitter taste in my mouth.

"If the trance was put into full effect, then it would trigger the kelpie's inner instinct." Connie gave a look that held no pity, only factual indifference. "The bearer would then have the irrational urge to kill the victim."

"I'm pretty sure it would be done by dragging and drowning," I croaked as a chill washed over me. "Good thing we weren't near a bathroom or something, he could have plugged the sink and dunk my head in."

"This academy is never to be taken lightly, Novalie." Connie didn't appear amused at the lame humour attempt, but he slowly lessened his strict look after realizing how spooked I was, memories of my past with water resurfacing.

"Faisal didn't mention any of this before I attended." We were about to open the dining hall, until Connie held me back with a hand. "I wouldn't have agreed if I knew that Adam fucking Xanthus was here!"

"That lowlife can warn you against Mishal—I don't care." His grip tightened. "I will warn you against Nifeen."

"Is his spirit that bad?"

"He's bad." The unicorn shook his head. "With a beast even worst."

I was about to respond as he diligently opened the doors without another word, forcing me to close my mouth and silently follow as students milled around us. Thoughts were circling around a certain headmaster the whole time we gathered food, wondering just who he really was.

A stranger that had eyes I've seen before entered my mind, a smoky grey that smothered those who gazed at them. Perhaps Faisal was suspicious, knowing everything about my past and revealing things that I would have never disclosed to another.

It was unsettling, and Connie had to lead me by the elbow as I zoned out.

No snarky remark came from him, since he could understand how much reflecting I was doing behind closed doors. A slight flicker of emotion entered him as a familiar voice called our names.


Lyric sauntered up to us with a smile, my own mouth automatically returning the gesture without a second thought.

"I was just getting second helpings!" The nightingale beamed. "Why don't you guys join me over at my table?"

Connie was about to blurt something rude, so my next words slipped out. "Sure!"

I got both a glare and grin as a response, from two varying faces.

"Awesome! I've been trying to snatch you all week. Your presence actually makes meal conversation interesting for once; it's usually Ender and Benedict's discussions that lead the dialogue." Lyric blathered on, not really waiting for an answer from either of us. "I don't want to spend my whole lunch discussing philosophy and morbid topics that go right over my head."

Lyric probably just wanted two extra people that would listen to him talk.

Well, one, since Connie looks like he's having war flashbacks by the way his pupils stared off into space with a void expression.

"Nova!" Leon warmly waved as we approached. "We weren't sure if you were actually going to head over."

"Lyric is very convincing." I sighed, still bogged down by my musings of Adam, Faisal, and the elusive headmaster.

Connie's sleeve was being held in a death grip, as I was making sure he didn't try to run off. He gave Leon a less than friendly glance, his expression only worsening as all other occupants at the table gave him curious looks bordering on cautious.

Zelda finished chewing her sandwich. "You're that Connie fellow, aren't you?"

"Constantine," he sharply corrected.

Ender and Benedict appeared to have stopped their heated discussion, just as Lyric predicted they would be doing, and analyzed the white-haired newcomer with a critical air surrounding them. Zelda and Fable both seemed indifferent, although it was Leon who was giving the most peculiar frown, as if trying to figure out where he came from.

"Sit down." The phoenix finally stated, then turned to a certain blond standing. "Lyric, extra seats are needed."

"A simple 'please' for once would sound like heaven's choir coming from your mouth." The Light Representative huffed dramatically, then quickly went to retrieve two chairs, ushering Connie and I to take a seat and make ourselves comfortable.

Amber eyes sharply observed our actions, a small quirk of his mouth implying that he was finding it amusing to order around the nightingale.

Ender then turned to Benedict, saying something under his breath as he motioned towards us. The basilisk's red irises were eerily prominent on his striking face, and I was still getting used to the older student forgoing in wearing sunglasses. He surveyed the dining hall with a sense of confidence, as if the serpent knew things.


The gaze would only waver as someone made eye contact, then they would drop in humble unease.

I don't know why, but that display of humility seemed false.

Benedict turned his attention to me all of a sudden, and crimson filled my vision. I stopped breathing for a second, still thinking about how another before him almost tried to kill me earlier in the hallway.

Gabriel would have ended things with water, and I didn't want to find out how the affects of how Benedict's spirit would destroy me.

God, I was becoming paranoid.

"Nova, you weren't in the library with us." Fable interrupted our exchange so abruptly that I flinched. "Did you get lost?"

'It wouldn't be the first time you were backtracked by something.' Connie scoffed. 'Also, stop fretting with people's murderous spirits—I'm here for a reason, idiot.'

"I saw a bug and followed it." My elbow swiftly dug into Connie's stomach, ignoring his pained grunt.

Benedict smiled slightly. "That seems to be a recurring event with you."

"Yeah, it seems to happen more often than not."

The unicorn gave a less than pleased look; yet slight humour filled him as he heard Benedict's words, knowing full well that he was the one who coined my insect excuse.

"You're ridiculous," Ender added.

I gave him a dirty look. "Shouldn't you have waited for me—we're partners for the project, remember?"

"I finished the work by myself." He shrugged his wide shoulders, leisurely taking a stab at his chicken salad and bringing in a forkful, chewing slowly without care.

"How, you need me to answer the questions!" I shook my head in disbelief. "It's supposed to be us trying to figure out more about spirits, not you pulling things out of your ass."

"One of the questions involved a personal weakness or insecurity." Ender wiped his mouth with a napkin and placed it down without looking up. "Was, and I quote: 'when my hair resembles road kill' an acceptable answer?"

Lyric spat out his grape juice and turned away from his discussion with Zelda. "Ender, Professor Delarosa is marking our work!"

"I know." The male in question gave a blasé quirk of his lips. "I just made sure to finish it, now Novalie won't be marked with a zero for participation."

I closed a gaping expression and gritted my teeth. "What else did you put in my blanks?"

Even if Ender burned our questionnaire sheet, I knew that he had a reputation of keeping up his high academic scoring.

Of course the swot got a new one and finished it all by himself.

He smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Yes, I would." I wanted to yank his tie and bash that egotistical head into the table.

"Then tell me where you were," Ender demanded. "Not your sorry excuse of a lie."

"I was relaxing in the classroom," I replied.

Which wasn't a fib, but my so called relaxation only lasted a few minutes, until Adam decided to ruin it.

"Was anyone else there?"

"Who knows?" My feet tapped underneath the table. "I was too busy relaxing."

Ender scowled.

"I was wondering why my grape juice was so hard to suck, there's a hole in the straw."

Two phoenixes turned their attention to the lilting voice, the blond in question only giving us an innocent look in return, straw placed delicately between his pink lips. We continued to stare a moment longer, until turning our heads away and ignoring each other diligently.

I glanced to my left as Connie made an amused noise. "What?"

"Mishal's rather nosy, isn't he?" This was said under his breath, and I smothered a laugh.

"Nosy and unbearable," I reached for a sliced pear on Leon's plate, ignoring his protest and taking a large bite.

"Just say you were meeting up with that Adam guy." Connie loudly spoke without a care.

The fruit in my throat got stuck for a second, and I coughed loudly as a means to get it down.

Lyric lightly gave my back a slap and passed me some water—he addressed Connie while doing so. "Adam...?"

Leon looked thoughtful for a brief moment. "Why does that name sound familiar?"

"Adam Xanthus," Ender spat out. "Why would you be talking to the likes of him?"

"It really isn't any of your business." I crossed tense arms, ignoring the way my blazer somewhat restricted the action.

I truly did hate wearing these blasted uniforms.

"When it comes to that particular student, it's always my business." He clenched his jaw and gave a hard look. "His name has been reported to Lyric many times, a large portion of the Light section have complaints."

The representative in question was biting a straw between his teeth, deep in thought. "He wanted to have my title, but I won the popularity vote."

"He's reckless." Ender shook his head. "I think there's something wrong with his head ever since he got involved with those Brook twins."

"Morwen and Gabriel, what do they have to do with him?" This made me ponder, unsure by the common knowledge of students knowing their spirits. Perhaps that's why Morwen didn't really care about showing her powers on my first day here, since everyone already knew.

"Just Morwen," Lyric stated. "Xanthus was obsessed with the girl, her twin had none of it and basically forbade him from going near her."

"With good reason," Zelda spoke up. "Her brother would have probably ended up killing him; since I'm pretty sure he was secretly abusive."

"She ruined his reputation afterwards, exposed the jerk." Lyric ruffled his hair. "The twins never get open hate however, because the student populace pretends that they don't even exist—better to basically ignore them, than to risk interaction and be hunted."

My mouth subconsciously turned downwards at this sudden onslaught of negativity being thrown at the two siblings. Gabriel's spirit held danger, though it was somewhat hypocritical, coming from people like them.

"I tolerate the Brooks," Connie uncharacteristically stated his opinion. "Novalie likes them, and I don't think any of you have a right to scorn. Besides, it's the person's fault for getting ensnared, a lack of awareness needs to be punished."

"Sure," Leon stated roughly. "But to have death as the final punishment, don't you think that's rather extreme?"

"Death is the final punishment for all of us." The unicorn grinned with no actual emotion, an agelessness wafting over him like an hourglass being turned over once more, never ending and always in a state of unrest. "Some Soul Spirits don't get that privilege, so be grateful."

I gave Connie a worried glance as he stared off into space, a menacing expression slowly creeping.

He had harsh beliefs, even harsher words... because he was so very old. I couldn't even comprehend what he's been through, the violence and bereavement of living for so long.

I respected Constantine, the man who didn't age, and nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Gabriel is considered dangerous." My gaze hardened as I thought of the twins' situation once more. "Aren't we all to some degree?"

Ender let out a sarcastic chuckle, a pleasing noise if not for the ridicule underlining it. "You two freshmans don't even know what's happened in the past year."

"Exactly." I leaned over. "So what if the warnings about you actually hold weight?"

The succinite in his eyes began to golden in hue, similar to when sunrays shined directly onto them. We weren't near any sunlight, so Ender's pupils were glowing from the inside. My words seemed to strike a chord inside of him, the topic of both Adam and the twins finally allowing anger to boil over.


This was the second time he demanded that.

I was about to strongly argue, until Connie brought me up with him.

The Neutral student casually rested his arm around my shoulders, mockingly tilting his head in thought. "I was wondering when his highness was going to dismiss us, seems it was sooner than later—many thanks, Ender."

The unicorn lightly pushed my back and herded me away from the dining hall. Doors closed behind us, and Connie let out a slight laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"Students in this academy have gotten so soft. Back in the day, no one was getting scared because of a chance they could be killed, it actually encouraged competitiveness to arise between the sections."

"Connie, maybe that was just you," I hissed. "Most people don't want to perish while completing their education."

He gave a derisive look. "You saw what just happened; they don't trust any other spirit that's not part of their little group, all working as a unit. There's a reason why those kids stick closely together... they're hiding something."

"They're trying to protect someone." I stated, deep in thought. "The mole that Faisal warned us about."

"You're still caught up with that?" Connie shook his head and began to walk off, my own steps automatically following him.

"You know why I have to find them," I glowered. "Aren't you even slightly curious?"

"Novalie, there are very little things in this academy that interest me, least of all a few students that will die before my time in a blink of an eye."

The bell signaling the end of lunch rang.

I moved closer to Connie as students began filling the halls. "We know that Ender is a phoenix, he's going to live longer than the normal lifespan."

"If he doesn't cave in to his instincts," Connie responded with no remorse.

Those harsh words stung.

Even if I disliked Ender's attitude, I was saddened by the sinister thoughts running through his head. It will be an act that was unavoidable, creeping into my mind one day, any day, and consuming me as well.

"The lycan will live slightly longer than the average human as well, but she isn't immortal," Connie mused.

"Lyric?" I thought of the cheerful blond, a feeling inside stating that the only suspicious thing about him was his act of pretending to be an airhead, when in actuality he expertly manipulated those around him.

The unicorn agreed with my analysis, though shook his head nonetheless. "I'm almost positive that it's the basilisk who fits our list criteria, I also don't think the snake is as young as he proclaims."

"Benedict?" I mused while dodging a few fourth years running down the hall and racing to their classes.

"A serpent with a silver tongue," Connie grunted, glaring at a Neutral student who accidentally stomped onto his shoe. "I'm almost certain that he's deceiving us all with his little sunglasses act. You saw how the snake suddenly didn't wear them one day. The strict control he has over his deadly vision—that would have otherwise taken him decades, if not centuries, to master. I think he was just getting annoyed with wearing them all the time."

"What about the story of Lyric's murdered bird?"

He shrugged. "Maybe Hollows just got annoyed with the animal."

"That's a terrible assumption," I frowned.

"A terrible assumption would be disregarding how dangerous the basilisk's spirit really is; down to the core, he is uncanny."

"If Benedict really is an experienced immortal and not a newly developing one, why do you think he's attending NIFEEN of all places?" A disbelieved sound escaped, the trickling of fear erupting just slightly. "He has nothing to learn here."

"Nothing to learn, but something to gain, there's a difference—I think he's here for Nifeen."

"The headmaster is basically a myth," I scoffed.

Connie pinched his nose bridge. "Novalie, I told you myself that I've spoken to him."

"Alright," I said testily. "Until I meet him myself, there won't be any belief in his presence."

"Let's just head to our next class, I'm bored of this discussion."

My mouth opened in incredulity as he dismissed me, frazzled by the fact that Benedict could be lying to everyone this whole entire time. I also questioned Faisal's judgement in sending me here, under a mysterious tuition that I've never known about.

I'm helping him protect the academy from threat... right?

I wasn't so sure anymore.

Nor was I sure of Ender and his ragtag group keeping such an ominous secret in their midst. It was my luck having the same spirit as one of them; our interests strengthening as more problems seemed to arise around us.

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