By Kyril_Racette

245 35 21

Cato, Asher, Raina, Chara, and Dawson. Kyril has invited each of them to a mansion in the woods, surrounded b... More

Explaining Stuff
Chapter 1
Chappie 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5 (dun, dun, dun)

Chapppie 4

39 6 8
By Kyril_Racette

Zander's P.O.V

All the girls squeak while I stand there and listen. I hear footsteps coming from my left but think nothing of it. The footsteps get louder and louder until it suddenly stops.

Out of nowhere a girl screams. The lights turn on and I notice someone missing. I think her name was Cato...or something, I don't know I'm really forgetful.

"Oh my gosh. Where's Cato?" Asher asks, looking around frantically.

I look around until I spot a trail of red spots leading down a dark hallway. Asher follows my gaze and instantly takes a sharp breath in.

I walk over to it and lean down so I could get a closer look at it. Asher copies my actions, and gasps when he figures out what it is.

"Blood" I say.

"Do you think it's Cato's blood?" Dawson asks. My head shoots up to look at her. She has a scared look plastered on her face. Chara notices and gives her a side hug.

Asher stands up, "I think so" he sighs.

I stand up as well and give him a sad smile. He shrugs and walks away.

Chara's P.O.V

I watch as Asher walks away leaving all of us alone.

I turn to Dawson and speak, "I can't believe she's gone, it just happened so fast"

She only nods, clearly unable to talk, and looks over my shoulder. Her eyes widen and she starts to shake a little bit. "Chara, I just saw something move over there." She points behind me with a scared look. I look and see something move in the dim hallway.

I nudge Raina, who was talking to Kota. She looks at me but I point to the hallway. "Raina, something moved over there."

She looks at Dawson, but Dawson only nods. I start to walk over to it, but a hand grabs my shoulder.

I turn around to see Zander. "What are you doing?" he asks.

"Something moved. So I'm going to check it out" I reply, shrugging his hand off of my shoulder.

I start to walk again but he grabs my wrist. "You can't go alone. No, let me rephrase that, you can't go at all."

I glare at him. "Since when are you the boss of me?" I spit.

"Since you decided to go alone in a dark hallway because you thought you saw something move" he answers.

I take a deep breath to try and calm myself down. Guess what? It didn't work.

"You know what? I don't care what you say. Your not my father so don't try anything." I stomp down the hallway but I'm instantly thrown over someone's shoulder. Zander. What is his problem?

"LET ME GO. WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT MY SAFTEY?" I yell as I hit him on the back with my fists. Everyone watches everything unfold, even Asher, who is silently laughing. What is wrong with him?

"ASHER, I WOULDN'T LAUGH IF I WAS YOU" I threaten. He instantly stops laughing and puts his hands up in surrender. How can someone laugh at a time like this? It's life, or death. And I'd like to choose life please.

I huff and put my head in my hands. Don't ask me how I did it, I just did.

Asher's shoulder starts to get really uncomfortable, so I think of a plan. Here goes nothing.

"Zander, it think I'm going to throw up." As soon as those words leave my mouth, he sets me down on the ground and moves back. I put my hand over my mouth and run past him. Sucker. I turn around to see him looking at me confused, but then he realizes what I'm doing. He instantly starts running after me. I let out a small squeak and run down the hallway.

I look around until my eyes land on a door. I run inside and lock it, hoping Zander didn't see me. I cross my fingers and wait for him to go away. Footsteps come closer to the door, the handles shakes, and then the footsteps leave.

Thank goodness.

I put my hand over the lock and try to unlock it, but it doesn't unlock. What? I try again, but it still doesn't work. No! I start to bang on the door, hoping someone would hear.

When no one comes, I huff and bang my head on door. A sudden noise behind me makes me turn around quickly and press my back to the door.

"W-who's there?" I stutter. Something moves in the corner of my eye, which makes my heart beat faster.

This is it. The day I die. Goodbye cruel world. I hope you miss my stupidity.

A can falls to the ground. I turn around and start to hit the door again.

"Hello? Can someone hear me?" I cry out as I start to shake. Something rubs against my leg and then meows. Wait, meows?

I look down to see a brown kitten. Oh my gosh It's so cute.

I pick him up and look at him closely. "Aww, why are you so cute?" I coo while scratching the back of his ear. He purrs and nudges my hand.

At least I won't die alone. Wait, maybe he's the one who I saw moving in the hallway, and he somehow got stuck in the room with me. Yeah, let's go with that.

The door suddenly opens and I fall face first on the ground without hurting the kitten. How did that work? The world shall never know.

"Oh my gosh, Chara, I'm so sorry" Zander exclaims. I put my hand, signaling him to shut up.

Standing up, I hold the kitten to my chest and glare at Zander. I walk past him and go to Dawson. When Dawson sees the kitten, she instantly tries to take him out of my grasp.

"No!" I hold him closer to me and glare at her.

She pouts while crossing her hands over her chest.

"You shall not touch Bob." I smile at the name I gave him. It fits him.

"Bob?" She questions.

"Bob!" I reply.

"Why Bob?" Man, does she ask a lot of questions.

"Do you know the movie 'Minions'" I ask. She nods.

"Well my favorite minion is Bob because he is so cute. And this kitten is also cute. So poof, his name is Bob." I smile at her and pet Bob's head.

She nods and looks at me weirdly. Eh, whatever.

Feeling Like someone's watching me, I turn around to see Zander looking at me. He instantly turns away when he sees I caught him.


A loud bang upstairs catches all of our attentions. Bob gets scared and runs out of my arms. I watch in horror as he runs up the stairs and into a room.

Bob, nooooooo!


Nothing really interesting happened in this chapter. But Goldendoodlegamer11 will probably make the next chapter more interesting.

Chapter written by Kyril_Racette.

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