Fighting -Judith Grimes

By Hateful_Days

3.1K 52 37

If you think the end of the world was bad then your wrong loosing people in that world by getting bit trying... More

chapter 2: CHANGES
chapter 3: OUR NEW HOME
chapter 4: NEW BEGINNING (part 1)
Chapter 5: IM NOT A KID
Chapter 7 : THE RUN
chapter 11:growing up
Chapter 11:Goodbye
Chapter 12: its okay
Chapter 13: IT ENDED BAD
Thank you❤️❤️
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Coming to an end
The ending
Thank you!!!
New book


66 0 0
By Hateful_Days

Author's note: the pic up there👆tho 😂😂

~Times skip by a month~

Judith POV

Being 14 still sucks I  don't get to go outside the walls or get to go on runs....I think I'm going insane.
A lot has happened since last month. My dad killed Pete because he kill reg (diannas husband). Lucas stop talking to me. Carl has been really quite. Sam won't even come out of his house.Enid always keep running off. Then that leaves ron. Let just say I'm not gonna tell anybody I pulled out a gun on a 16 year old.

Somebody snapped my out of my thoughts. Lily.
"Oh hey."
Lily is about the only one that talks to me and she acts like Lucas but still talks to me.
"I snuck out of the house again..sorry I was bored."

I know she is eight but I talk to her like I'm talking to a fucking 15 year old.
"Look there a lot of stuff(and on right now."

"Yeah yeah what ever I'm old enough to know what going on...someone told me if I know nothing of what going on I'm going to get killed"

"Who told you that?" because it true I wasn't gonna say that though.
I heared her giggle and smile a little.
"A very wise man with a crossbow."

I giggle as she made that about Daryl. Daryl and Lily has gotten close but Daryl is almost always keeping an eye on her. He does that with me and Carl but he is like that because of Beth. I saw Lily out of the corner of my eye. She was staring at me like she knew what I was thinking.
"Judith...can I ask you something?"


"If you don't want to tell me that's okay...but..uh..what happened to your mom?"

Being an eight year old she knows when something is wrong.

(I'm gonna have to change how Lori died because Judith would be older than she is now so let just say Lori was really sick and got bit)

"Well..Maggie's dad hershal me Carl Beth my mom and Maggie were helping him outside. My dad, Daryl, Carol, Glenn and T-dog were out there too..." I stopped for a minute remembering my mom and Beth and hershal and t-dog we lost so many people.."then sirens went off and walkers came out of nowhere and they we're coming after us. So we all kinda split up..I-I tried to go with Beth but Carl told me to come with him so he could keep me safe..." I smiled because he always wanted to be the hero he never wanted to be the bad guy.." Me, Carl, Maggie, and my mom were in this room and we were gonna leave but my mom was telling us to just stay here but Carl and Maggie wanted to go find the rest of the group...that's when mom just fell in the floor and started breathing fast and coughing up blood. Maggie got her to s-stop.I Started crying and Carl was trying not to cry but the tears were already coming down his face. My mom told us that we were going to beat this world. She told Carl to take care of me and she told me to take care of hi-him. She told Maggie to watch out for us. Maggie was telling my mom that she was going to be okay..but that's when I noticed blood coming from her arm she got bit so we knew s-she wasn't gonna make it. She told us that she loved us and she loved My dad and that is the last thing she said....Carl.. He didn't want her to turn so he told us that we weren't going to leave her like that s-so Maggie was going to shoot her but Carl wanted to. I told him no but he told us to and Maggie went to the door and heard the gun shot..." I stopped I looked up and saw Lily staring at me she hugged me.

"I thought you would cry if you talked about her."
She said

"I Don't cry anymore..I can't."

"That a lie." I turned around and Lucas standing there.


"Lily lets go now."

Lily got up and ran into my dad

"Woah you Okay?"

Lily shook her head and left with Lucas.
He looked at me and came up the stairs.
"Where's carl?"

"I don't know...I think he's with Glenn."

"Well we are going to Have a meeting."


"Are you coming?"

Dad has been letting me and carl come to the meetings because he knows what we are doing.

"I..uh.think I'm going to skip this meeting dad."

My dad looked a little relieved when I said that.

"Okay..I'll see you later."
He kissed the top of my head and went inside.

I'm bored...guess I better do something. I got up and started walking down the street. That's when I noticed someone throwing knives at that ground.

"What the hell." I said to myself. I turned the corner and saw ron and enid.
"You have to choose."

"Does it matter."

"Yes!! He's a monster."

I guess you could call this eavesdropping but does it look like I give a shit.

"Ron we have all done things that we are not proud of!" enid yelled

"Don't ever talk to me like that." ron said turning around to face her.
He is such a asshole.
"Your not my boyfriend so fuck off."
That's when he snapped.
He slapped her across her face hard enough to leave a mark.I felt my gun in my holster so I thought why the hell not. I came up around the corner and aimed at him.
"You better be lucky I haven't shot you yet."

He turned around to look at me and he chuckled a little.
"You think I'm scared if you."ron said

I cocked my gun and aimed it right at his head.
"Yep." I said popping the 'p'. Enid started walking towards me with her hand in her face and that's when she ran away....again.
"I'm not scared of no Damn kid."


"Let me tell you something Ron don't ever call me a kid I know what I'm doing unlike you!"

I yell at him

"I've heard how Carl killed your mom how you killed those people at that place called terminus...BUT you are the monster you should be living with the dead."
"We killed them because they were bad and insane people Ron!!"

"You are insane and a bad person Judith!!"
That's when Carl flying out of nowhere with Enid following behind him.
"Carl stop!"
Enid yelled but he wasn't paying attention because of all the punches he was throwing
I yell. I see Maggie a couple of feet away and run towards her.
"Judith he-"

"I need your help like now."
We run to where my brother is and see ron on the ground holding his face. Well....looks like we are going to have a big mother fucking problem.
"Enid help me get Ron to the infirmary." Maggie said. "And Carl go home." Maggie said. Enid stared at Carl for a minute. Then she helped Maggie with Ron. I looked up and saw Carl holding his hand because of all the Damn punches.

"What the hell is wrong with you Carl...I had this under control."

He look pissed at me.

"It didn't seem like you had it under control." he spat

"I could have handled it myself." I spat back.

"I can't believe you right now..I just kinda saved your ass."

I looked at him.

"You saved me...well your wrong he wasn't going to do anything Carl!! I had my gun toward him...your not always the hero Carl and I know damn well I don't need you to protect me anymore!"
I stomped off leaving Carl alone.
I don't get him sometimes.
While I was walking I ran into Glenn and heath.
"Where are you guys going?"

"There's a lot of us going on a run."

"Yeah my dad told me about that..did you guys already have the meeting?"

"Yeah we are all leaving now."
He pointed towards the gates and I turned and saw a group of people gather around to go on that run. "Where ate y'all going."

"Your dad and Morgan found a big herd and we are going to take care of it"

I nodded showing him I understood.
"Are you coming with us."

"No..not this time."
Glenn looked a little relieved. He smiled and gave me a side hug.

"Its time for us to go be safe."

He pets my head and starts walking towards the gate.

"Glennnnnn...I'm not a little kid anymore."

He turns around with a smile on his face.

"Bye kiddo!" he shouts back
I smile and walk back towards my house. I got to the house up to my room and Lucas was there.

"Well your not creepy at all." I said.he smiled a little.

"'m sorry I haven't talked to you since what happened with Pete and your dad."

He frowned and I sat on the bed next to him.

"It wasn't your fault."

"I know I just feel really bad...I was supposed to be there for you."

I smiled and pulled him into a hug. He hesitated a little but then wrapped his arms around me.
We pull away and his hand rested in my waist.
"I really needed that." I said
"Me too."
We sat in silence for a minute until I looked up at him. He was looking down. Then he lifted his head up. I never noticed how green his eyes are. I know I haven't been a good person all my life I mean hell I've killed people since I was ten and I know he has to just by looking at him he's has done things that he isn't proud of either. He gets me. I kept looking at him and I just couldn't take it anymore. I pushed my lip on his and he kissed back.I was surprised he did but I'm glad he did. We pulled away and just stared at each other. I smiled a little.
"So..we good." I said
His laugh was low but he answered.
We laugh a bit and he got up and went to the door.
"I have to go find Lily."
He said.
"Okay see y-"


My eyes widen when u heard the sound. I looked at Lucas and we both sprinted down stairs and outside.
When we get out there I see people running around like there goi g to die. At first I thought it was walkers but I was wrong it was people with 'W' on their forehead.



Hey guys here's a chapter I know it short but what the hell I updated. BUT LUCAS AND JUDITH KISSED 😍😍😍😍 what's going to happen now with the wolves attacking them? One more thing
ARE YOU GUYS READY FOR TONIGHTS EPISODE BC I FUCKING AM😝😝😝😝 tonight or tomorrow comment your thoughts on the show I want to here from you guys.

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