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Authors note: I decided to do two chapters since I've  been busy and haven't wrote any chapters lately. ENJOY😝

Carl POV
I was walking down the side walk in Alexandria trying to find judith.
"Hey Carl."
I looked up and saw Lucas sitting on the steps of the house- I mean my house. I walked up and stood in front of him.

" you know where judith is...she was supposed to meet me here."

"When did she tell you that."

"A hour ago." he looked down and scratched the back of his head.

"I don't know I've been looking for her too..if you guys were going to meet here and go somewhere else where were you going?"

He wouldn't make eye contact with me. I was getting worried.
"Lucas look at me."
He wouldn't even look at me.

"Damn it Lucas where. sister."
He gave out a long sigh and looked at me.
"She was going to go on the run with Glenn and Tara so I wanted to come so she said to meet her here but she never came."

Fuck. How is dad gonna react to this. She might get hurt or even worse she could die out there. She is in so much trouble when she gets back and since dad is on a run with michonne, I'm the one getting to punish her. She better be happy It me and not dad.
"I'm sorry Carl I know I should have stop her instead of telling her I wanted to go with her."
I stared at him.
"Yeah you should have." I snapped at him. I walked pass him and opened the door and went up to my room. I Sat on my bed and put my head in my hands. Why is judith so difficult to handle. She understands what is out there why can't She just listen and stay safe.I got snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone enter the house
"Lucas" I whispered to myself
"Rick you here."
I heard him coming up the stairs.
I raised my head and saw Maggie leaning on the door frame.
"Hey..thought you were lucas."

"Where's  your dad."

"On a run with michonne."
She walked over to me and sat on the end of my bed.

"Is something wrong?"

"Why are girl so confusing."
She giggled and smiled.
"Is this about that Enid girl that you met."

"No its judith she kinda left."

"What do you mean left?"

"She went on the run with Glenn."
She stopped smiling and looked a little mad.
"Carl why didn't you stop her."

"I just found out."
She nodded her head.
"She never listens. It's hard to even keep up with her."
She giggles and starts smiling

"Carl do you have any idea who she remind me of."

"My dad, Daryl I don't know."

She moves some of of my hair out my eyes and smiles.
"You she reminds me of you."
I see Maggie smile out of the corner of my eye.
I looked at her and smiled lightly
"Back on the farm do you remember that you wanted a gun but your mom told you no so you stole daryl's"


"Mom..I want a gun to protect the camp."

My mom turned around to look at me.
" Carl you know I don't want you even holding one of those things."

" But I want to protect people mom."
She bends down to my height and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Carl I know you do but not...yet okay."
I shake my head and my mom walks off.

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