chapter 2: CHANGES

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AUTHORS note: Hey guys here's another chapter. PLEASE READ ALL OF IT. Leave good comment please. ENJOY THE CHAPTER😝

Judith POV

We were all sitting on the stepps at the person that rules this place. Dianna is her name if you didn't get that. My dad was in the house talking to her. Then this thought came to my head 'What if these people turn out like terminus or the governer'.
I started to get nervous so my grip tightened on my gun and knife. I guess I wasn't hiding it well because I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around and meet with a Brown pair of eyes.

"Uh yeah Maggie what's up."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah why?"
She giggles at what I said and I sent her a confused looked.

"For one you almost pulled your gun out." she said pointing to my gun which was in my hand.
I quickly put it back in my holster.

"I'm just-"

" too."
I looked back at her and she was nervous I can tell. I got snapped out my thought when I heard my name being called. I turned around to see my dad standing with a women with light brownish-orange hair about in her 60's I guess that was dianna. My dad said my name again.
"Judith she wants to talk to you since your the youngest."

I felt a pair of eyes on me and saw Carl looking at me.
"I would love if you would talk to me." dianna spoke to me.

Without even thinking my mouth did all the talking. Me and my mouth.
I stuttered a little.

We walked in her house and went inside this little room that had a chair, a couch, and a video camera.


I turned around to look at dianna


"Please take a seat."she tells me, so I sit in the chair front of the couch.

"Do you care if I record you?"

"What..why?" I snapped

"Because when all this is over it might mean something."

"Yeah whatever go ahead."
She pressed record and asked me some question

Carl POV
I was waiting outside with the rest of my group waiting for Judith to get done. Hopefully this place is safe I want to stop running from all the bad shit.
My mind flash back to the girl I saw in the burned down house outside the gates. I wonder if she lives here?

Judith POV
"So Judith I want to know what realationship you have with those people you came in with."

"Those people are my family."
She smiled at the words I said. She spoke

"Family huh, I see you are close with the young boy ,carl. You guys must be close friends."

"No he's my brother."
She nodded and just stared at me. Well I guess it my turn to ask questions.
"Why did you build this place."

"I built it for people to survive, that why your here to survive."

Sitting here on my ass is not surviving, fighting for your life and family now that's surviving if you ask me.

"I talk to your dad rick I've seen what he like, what about your mother were is she?"

I tensed at the question
"Dead." I said

"Oh I'm so did it happen?"

"My brother had to shoot her."
She looked terrified after I said those words. I rolled my eyes.
"Are we done I would like to leave." I said getting aggravated.

"One more thing before I let you go."
I looked up at her and she looked dead straight in my eyes.
"If you are going to stay there are going to be changes understand."
There was an uncomfortable silence until she broke it.
"You may leave now tell the one named Maggie to come see me."
I got up and went out the door. When I shut the door behind me Carl got up from his spot turned around and stared at me.

My dad looked up at me then looked at everyone.

"We are staying but there are going to be some changes."


Hey guys hoped u enjoyed that chapter I know it sucks and is really short but it s like 2:00 so give me break okay. I'm glad I put Carl's POV so u could see what was going on with him but I promise I will make it longer next time. If u have any ideas for the next chapter leave a comment or if you want me to do another story say something I will give credit to the one who gave me the idea ......THANKS FOR READING😝😝💗💗

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