Return of the wolf ....only i...

By smile024

1.8M 18.7K 1.7K

Marli Deschanel was a normal sixteen year old before her friends rejected her and she fled to boarding school... More

Return of the wolf .... only i'm not alone
Return of the wolf .... only i'm not alone part 2
return of the wolf ....only i'm not alone part3
Return of the wolf....only i'm not alone part 4
Return of the wolf....only i'm not alone part5
Return of the wolf....only i'm not alone part6
Return of the wolf.... only i'm not alonepart7
Return of the wolf....only i'm not alonepart8
Return of the wolf....only i'm not alonepart9
Return of the wolf....only i'm not alonepart10
Return of the wolf...only i'm not alonepart11
Return of thr wolf....only i'm not alonepart12
Return of the wolf....only i'm not alonepart13
Return of the wolf....only i'm not alonepart14
Return of the wolf ....only i'm not alonepart15
Return of the wolf ....only i'm not alonepart16
Return of the wolf ..only i'm not alone part17
Return of the wolf...only i'm not alonepart18
Return of the wolf....only i'm not alonepart19
Return of the wolf....only i'm not alonepart20
Return of the wolf....only i'm not alonepart21
Return of the wolf ....only i'm not alonepart22
Return of the wolf....onlt i'm not alonepart23
Return of the wolf....only i'm not alonepart24
Return of the wolf...only i'm not alonepart25
Return of the wolf...only i'm not alonepart26
Return of the wolf....only i'm not alonepart28
Return of the wolf....only i'm not alonepart29

Return of the wolf....only i'm not alonepart27

33.3K 371 38
By smile024

Copyright – All Rights Reserved

Chapter 27



I grinned, “ My Uncle gave me special powers. And I got a tattoo.” I said deadpan.

Kelly chuckled, “ Yeah sure, nice try. I think I win.” She looked down at her work as the teacher turned toward our table suspiciously, before looking away.

“Next you’ll be saying you let Trey Dawson strip you down to your white cotton like he soooo wanted to on Friday.” She said with a glint in her eyes.

I felt myself blush and wrote the date on the top of my book.

About that….” I whispered.


Kelly turned to me, her brown curls swinging “ OH MY GOD! When did this happen…?!” she hissed , her eyes wide with shock and happiness , her jaw practically hitting the flaw.

She looked soooo funny.

The teacher turned to us, “ Is there something interesting you would like to add to our classroom discussion Kelly?” he asked, his voice coming out deadpan and totally serious.

Kelly tore her eyes away form my smirking face to look at our teacher, “ Uh… no , just had a tourettes outburst , I guess.” She said with a saccharine sweet smile.

The teacher shook his head, grumbling under his breath before he continued.

I put my elbows on my desk, not bothering to write anything more than my date on the page.

My back hurt, my limbs felt like lead and I could feel a headache brewing in my temples. Should I add that the new sense of electric power that seemed to hum through my veins was making me seriously light headed?

It didn’t take Kelly more than ten minutes to pinch my arm, waking me from my daydream as she slipped a note in front of me

You and Trey Dawson?


Ps : we need to talk after class and I need details. Kel :D

I grinned down at the piece of paper.

Trey definitely was a score.

I nodded and replied by leisurely drawing a big smiley face with cartoon crazy eyes.

The next half an hour of the lesson passed with me drifting in and out of daydreams… thinking about what I would tell Kel… thinking of how to cut out all the wolfy –I have- a mate-whom- I – am –forbidden-from –seeing- and – am –now- Alpha- of –the –second-biggest-pack- in –America from the story.

I was thinking for going for the classic, we met at the party, talked in his parents barbeque and suddenly realised that we couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves, tale.

Everything else could be vague.

I stared out of the window, allowing myself to get lost in the humming in my body, the waves of energy that seemed to course under the surface, making my wolf feel oddly powerful… I had the slight itching urge to shift but I knew my back would probably hurt like hell. 

Was this part of being an Alpha?

I guess will have to ask Trey…  wherever he is…

When the bell ended I picked up my stuff slowly, carefully putting my bag on my shoulder, my headache had started calming down and now my back just felt like crap.

I glanced over at Marli and Rachel to see them both deep in conversation together as they packed up their bags. For some reason I could feel this weird humming energy off the both of them , like their aura had shifted since I last saw them.

Hmmm strange… maybe it’s a wolf thing?

Then I felt Kelly link her arm in mine as she began to pulll me out of the class room, through the door and out into the hall, weaving us through the students with the highpowered march of someone who wanted gossip.

As I was marched through the hallway we paused for a second for as a group of talking freshman girls blocked our way, I heard Kell lean forward and tell them to move as I glanced to my right and saw Trey across the hallway, separated by the moving stream of students. He was standing with Blake and another guy from the IT group I didn’t know and he turned away from his conversation to lean back against the lockers and smile back at me lazily, his green eyes catching mine with an intensity that made my toes curl.

I felt my whole face light up with a smile.

I felt like it was just us. The apocalypse could have been happening in the corridor and I probably wouldn’t have noticed.

“Hello” Trey mouthed over the sea of students.

“Hello” I mouthed back.

Then our bubble was burst as Kell charged forward and pulled me into the girls’ toilets on my left, the door swinging shut with finality behind her.

I just wanted to be smiling at Trey again.

Kell crouched down and looked under the toilet flooor space “ All clear. Now you need to tell me how the heck you hooked up with Trey Dawson!” Kell told me, standing with her hands on her hips and a mischievous smirk plastered on her face, her eyes wide with awe.

I sighed and walked over to the sinks and perched on the side of the rim as Kel scrutinised me. A big smile stretched out onto my face when I thought about him, his green eyes, his lips, the way his hands felt in mine – warm, strong and protective.

That hot fizzle when we touched.

“ We were at Marli’s parent’s house and I guess we both just sort of collided” I told her, thinking of our hot make out sessions in his room, then later against the kitchen fridge before Jen’s mum annoyingly walked in on us.

“ Collided? Oh My GAAAWWDDD!!!! Are you telling me that you and him got hot and heavy?”  Kell asked her mouth open like she was trying to catch flies. I felt myself blush slightly as I thought about how we had made out in his bedroom a few nights ago and Kelll must have seen something on my face as she jumped up and down whooping and clapping,  “ Yaaaaahhhhhhoooooo!!! Aaaaahhhaaa!!!! I knew it! He was practically eye shagging you the other day and he was staring at you at luch I I knew when you first arrived! Jez , Marli he’s the freaking sex god of the school” she stopped jumping and gasped “ and I sooo need details- how big is his”- she started but I cut her off , blushing furiously at the last sentence she nearly finished.

My inner wolf silently growled at the thought of giving away any anything too intimate about our mate.

“ Kel! No! No we haven’t … were sort of thinking of doing the secret relationship thing for a while..” I told her, thinking it would be better if she didn’t mention anything unless one of our parents or another pack member asked her if we were together. “ Turns out that my uncle doesn’t like the Dawson’s or something so there’s a bit of a rift and we figured we should keep it quiet until it’s definite…” I said vaguely. Hoping she would buy it.

Because telling her Trey Dawson was the guy I think is the ‘only one for me, until death do us part’, might be a little bit intense. Not to mention it would probably sound a bit odd.

Kell smiled, leaning back against a sink next to me and crossing her arms,  “ so let me get this straight? You’re having a super scandalous secret relationship with the hottest, most lickable guy in this school?”

I nodded, feeling a smile slide onto my face as she fanned her face, “ Jesus, I want to trade lives.”

I frowned, “ Hmm. It’s secret because my family and his are at each others throats. You don’t want to swap” I told her.

Kell smirked, “ Well, if I got to do half of the things to Trey Dawson’s body that I’m sure you’ve done, the family would just be an after thought.”

The bell for the end of break sounded and Kell sighed, looping her arm through mine as we walked out of the toilets and into the hallway that was filled with kids walking to lessons down the long corridor.

 Do we have history next?” I asked and Kell nodded, “ Yeah , a double period with that boring drone Mr Jennings. I swear he is like a hundred and ten” I grinned in agreement, silently scanning the hallway for Trey’s face.

I thought of the teacher with his knitted sweaters, bushy grey eyebrows and monotone voice. “ And counting” I quipped as we got to our classroom

When we filed into the class most of the students were already seated , in what I noticed was not in friendship groups and I remembered that when I had Mr Jennings for a cover teacher for a few weeks when our teacher was on sick leave , he annoyingly had made us sit in a pre- arranged seating plan.

Kell rolled her eyes at me and walked down to plop herself on a seat in the middle of the class next to a girl with very bleach blonde hair and way too much makeup on. She looked like Barbie, even in the florescent tight fitting polyester type of clothes that the dolls wear. I felt a little sorry for Kell.

Obviously I had to wait for my seating plan.

“ Mrs Deschanel?” Mr Jennings asked looking at me form under his bushy eyebrows.

I nodded.

“ The only free seat is at the back, on the right hand side next to Kaylie.” He told me.

I walked down the isle to the back of the class, to where a girl with long straight black hair and cat like blue eyes was sitting looking supremely bored as she sat checking her perfectly French manicured nails.

What struck me about her first was that she was beautiful I that kind of high maintenance expensively polished way that some girls are.

The second was that I realised she was a wolf.

It was like I could feel that she had a different type of energy filed surrounding her, one that seemed to buzz rather than stay still like humans.

I smiled and was rewarded with a dismissive once over where she obviously found that she thought I looked beneath her, continuing to check her nails as I slid into the seat next to her.

Complete Bitch.

I took out my pen and paper, writing the date on the side.

Mr Jennings rambled on about American History for an hour , his voice remaining monotone throughout. Kaylie, the girl next to me didn’t speak to me at all, she simply picked her nails the whole hour while I did work.

“ So class, I now want you to discuss and write down six different factors that caused the North to win the civil war and explain how in pairs with the student next to you.”

I turned in my seat to face Kaylie , who watched me from the corner of her big cat like eyes , one  groomed eyebrow arched  and her mouth in a slight pout.

“ So I  guess I’ll write down the list, so should we start with how  the North had more troops? Or how the manufacturing industry in Northern America meant that they could produce more weapons and war supplies?” I asked.

“Sure, whatever” Kaylie drawled.

Oookay, well then lets start with the soldiers factor. I think it was pretty important”

Kaylie narrowed her eyes,  “ Because you know everything don’t you?” she hissed, flashing with her wolf for a moment. I knew she was trying to intimidate me, which was so not funny. It meant that she wasn’t controlling her wolf, and that could be and that could be dangerous. I wasn’t in the shape or the mood to start a fight.

“ What is your problem?” I asked quietly so none in the classroom full of talking students could hear us, my voice cold, clenching my pen to stop from my eyes from switching.

You.” she whispered as she leant forward in her seat, putting her face close to mine in a blatant attempted show of dominance. “ You’re my problem, you don’t belong here.”

What the heck is her problem? Seriously? This was like a bad, slightly supernatural version of mean girls. Except she had black hair and I don’t look like Lindsay Lohan.

I made myself straighten, not moving away or flinching from where her face was close to mine. I was an Alpha. From what it seems, you don’t mess with Alphas. 

I narrowed my eyes, letting my wolf vision take over my eyes.

“ You do not want to mess with me. Back off” I whispered but it came out as a low snarl.

Kaylie must have heard something in my voice because I saw her recoil for a fraction of a second, her body shifting like her wolf was uncomfortable and her eyes flickered back to their blue human form for a spilt second. Then as quick as turning on a switch they were back to wolf again.

Yep, she as definitely intimidated by me, or at least her wolf was.

“ I’ll back off if you stay away from Trey.” She hissed.

 I felt my eyebrow raise and a mocking laugh slip from between my lips and Kaylie snarled, her eyes flashing in warning.

My wolf seemed to surge with anger within me in repsonse, making my body feel like it was attached to a low level electric current. It was oddly exhilarating.

 Suddenly Kaylie didn’t look intimidating at all.

“ So your one of Trey’s pathetic little Exes, right?” I whispered and Kaylie looked like she wanted to deck me.

Not as much as I wanted to deck her.

“ We're an item and”- she started; her face contorted into a growl that I think she thought was threatening. I t would have been funny if she wasn't pissing me off so much. 

I cut her off, “ No. Well, obviously your not anymore.” I told her, my quiet voice ringing with authority.

She flinched again and I sae her wolf waver under my unmoving gaze.

Her cheeks went red and I herd one of her bones crack in her back.

Shit. That meant she was close to shifting.

She silently growled, her voice coming out in a gravely hissing tone, with her words rushed,“ You can’t just come here and think your going to get our Alpha. You’re not Pack. You never will be. Trey is mine, I am the Betas daughter, you don’t even factor into it. The council would never allow it.” she ended with a gloating smirk.

Smug bitch. I felt my wolf growl at her words.

I couldn’t believe she had the audacity to call Trey hers!

I wanted to rip her throat out for even whispering those words. Like she thought he was her mate.

“Look, Bitch. Trey is Mine. Now, I’m going to give you one more chance to move your disgusting, skank face out of mine or I’m going to show you what it feels like to mess with an Alpha” I snarled, keeping my voice low and cold; I didn’t sound like myself, I sounded powerful and completely bad ass.

Kaylie growled, so low none else could se it and I could feel her body humming with the need to shift. She was loosing control. I knew I shouldn’t push her further.

I should have backed off.  But my wolf just wouldn’t let me back down.

She was claiming rights to my mate and that just pissed both my wolf and I off.

But stupid Kaylie made one more mistake, in speaking again.

“ All I see a powerless alpha with no pack. Not nearly good enough for Trey.”

Then before I knew it, Kaylie’s pretty little face had connected with my fist and she was lying on the classroom floor, knocked out cold with three claws like slash marks on her face.

And I did not regret it one bit.


Copyright – All Rights Reserved to Smile024

Hope you guys liked it ! Told you there would be drama!

But what is Trey going to do when he finds out she punched one of his pack?

Ps :  Don’t try this on your schools mean girls. vioence is never the answer ;D lol

Smile024 :D

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