The Dark Windows

By nandostagram_1d

6.6K 305 94

Ally has been best friends with Charlie all her life. The only problem with Charlie is her obnoxious friend L... More

The Dark Windows
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Another Author's note

Chapter 39

92 9 1
By nandostagram_1d

Louis's POV:

"Don't tell me that you're gonna be the good cop on this one!" I yelled at Paul in the car. Roger was in some sort of trance, and the secretary sat petrified in the back of the car. She was scared of me, and what I had done to Roger. She was probably scared that Paul was doing nothing too punish me.

I, on the other hand, was pissed. This kid, this fucking kid, is most likely the kidnapper. He has Ally, he lies to everyone. He leads a separate life. I still had my fists clenched.

"I can play whatever kind of cop I want too play Louis. I'm going to be in the room with him, not you. So you will have no way to hurt anyone else!"

"I'm sorry! You know I can't control my fists. Or my mind. Or my feelings towards Ally. I've been so good for so long."

"I know you have."

"And yet you're still mad."

"Of course I'm going to be mad at someone who beat someone else up!"

"Paul?" I was confused. Completely confused.

"I'm not just going to let this one slide Louis. Not this time. You beat someone up, you accused him. You could get sent too jail, and I warn you of that all the time."

"I'm sorry."

"No sorry shit, Louis. I'm on your side, remember that. You're a wonderful kid, you just need to calm your temper. Steady yourself. I am so proud of you for staying so calm, but this, what just happened? I need more than a sorry."

"I'm really sorry Paul. It was all bubbled up, and it needed to be let out. I guess now was the time, I couldn't control it." He sighed.

"I know you couldn't." I didn't respond. It felt awkward now, just sitting there. They could hear everything back there.

It was silent the whole way there, and I kept trying to unclench my fists. It wouldn't work, it wasn't possible. My anger was too large to control at this point.

As we entered the parking lot and parked, I got out, still angry. Paul latched Rob around his shoulder. I walked in first, followed by the secretary, then Paul and Roger. Roger was aware of everything now, he just couldn't walk.

I waited for Paul too move. "I'm going to go in the room with Roger. You know where to go, yes?"

"" He sighed, along with an eye roll.

"Ask Miranda, she will guide you. Bring her too." Paul pointed to the secretary, who neither of us learned the name of. Paul walked away with Roger, this time not helping him walk. I looked around. Who the hell is Miranda?

"I think that's her." The secretary said, pointing to a desk. The words 'Miranda Gobald' were written on her desk.

"Erm, thanks." I walked over to Miranda, and she automatically smiled at me.

"How can I help you?"

"Hi. We're here with Paul, he told us to ask you where some room is. It's one of those ones where we don't go in, and we can see in but they can't see out." She nodded.

"Louis, right?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"You're one of the favorite cases he's ever worked with, he claims. Let me take you too the room." Wow. Paul said that? It feels like everyone knows me around here, somehow. Miranda started walking, and we both started following her. My fists kept clenching no matter how hard I tried to control it.

She stopped us in front of a room, huge glass on the wall. There was a single table in the room. Paul was sitting on one side, Roger on the other. Roger's hands were in handcuffs- literally exactly like you'd see in the movies.

Miranda explained how she was required to stay and make sure we don't do anything rogue or bad. She doesn't exactly know that it didn't matter if she's here or not, I could still get in. Either way, she had to stay.

Miranda pushed some button, and the sound turned on. I leaned on the edge of where the glass was, intensely staring into the room. It was quiet for a bit, and Roger was nervously shaking. Finally, Paul prepared to speak.

"Roger. Do you know why you're here?" Roger looked around the room.

"Fucking speak!" I yelled.

"He can't hear you, Louis." Miranda said. It was worth a fucking try.

"I think so, but I'm really not sure." You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"You know the case of Allison Smith?"


"The 'boss' sent a text to Louis. It was sent from the school, your school. It was sent at 11:56 am. You were in the office at that time. Louis pre assumed that it was you, and he beat you up." Roger's mouth fell open. "I'm sorry about Louis by the way."

"I don't care about Louis beating me up, he's known to do that lately. But I swear to God! I didn't do that I would never even think to do-"

"Roger! Calm down. I'm not saying you did. You need to explain what you did while you were in there. And how you've known Allison."

"Well, Allison and I are in the same grade. I have never really spoke with her much, but we paired up once for a soccer thing. And that's about it. I went in to call my mom, since my phone was dead. I sat in the chair, and called her from the school phone. Then, I talked to her and spoke with the secretary. I swear!" Paul sighed.

"Are you sure Roger?"

"I swear! I would never hurt Allison."

"Louis!" Oh shit that's me. "Send in the secretary." I looked at her, and she was shaking.

"He's nice, unfortunately. Go ahead in." Miranda led her to the door, and they disappeared. I put my hands in my pockets. The door opened too the room, and the lady walked in. She sat in a chair next to Roger. God dammit, now I was shaking.

"You know why you're here, yes?"

"Yeah." She said. Roger was nervously looking around the room. They both looked scared, but I was scared as hell. It has to be him, who else could it fucking be?!

"Explain to me everything that happened from when Roger walked in." She played with her fingers, but only I could see. She puckered her lips, obviously afraid.

"Well, he walked in, asking if he could make a call. He called his mom, and said he was going to leave. He was just asking for her to pick him up an hour later because he had a meeting. I asked him how too work something on my computer. He helped, it just had to do with the printer."

"But..that's it?! That's all that happened?!"

"Yes." They both said at the same time. This is a fucking outrage, this is impossible! It has to be him! It has to be her! There was literally no one else who it could've been! I clenched my fists, and ran to where Miranda went.

I found the door, and flew it open. Roger and the secretary's eyes went wide staring at me. Paul looked pissed off, but hell I didn't give a fuck.

"Louis! Get the hell out of here!" Paul shouted.

"This makes no fucking sense! It has too be you Roger! It's not like there were a lot of people in there! God dammit just admit it! Admit you fucking have her!"

"Louis, you can leave now."

"Louis, I swear it wasn't me! I would never hurt the person who actually took the time to notice I was there! I sure as heck wouldn't have her now, if I knew how much you cared about this- and that you'd beat me up. I swear to god it wasn't me Louis!"

"This is a piece of shit! It had to be you! There is no other solution to this issue!"

"Louis, go home right now."

"No Paul! I came here too fucking find out who it is! We have all the facts! We have the proof! I'm staying!"

"Louis, fucking leave now! You're making this stressful, more stressful than it needs to be! You're making them nervous, they're afraid to talk! No one even wants to go near you. You beat the shit out of Roger! I'm surprised he isn't dead!" He was yelling at me.

"Paul I-"

"Don't go defending yourself. Okay?! I get it, I understand that you're defending yourself! I get that you're mad, who wouldn't be under these circumstances?! But you can't deal with it like this! Remember you're not the only one feeling this way. I'm fighting this whole battle with you Louis! I understand how hard you're working! Now goddammit, if you want to learn more information and find out who it is, you have to leave!" I had never heard him yell so loud. He was so serious.

"I'll just come back, you know!"

"Yes, tomorrow after school. When I have more information. If I find out anything important, I will contact you. Now have Miranda drive you home." I slammed my fists down on the table.

"Miranda will not be driving me home! I'm staying fucking right here!" Paul stood up from his chair, this time his fists clenched.

"Get the fuck out now Louis! Get the hell out!" He yelled in my face. He pushed me back, enough so I was out of the door. He slammed the door shut, and locked it.

"Fucking shit!" I yelled. I kicked the wall, and ran my hands through my hair. This is some piece of shit. It's him! I could be with Ally tonight! She could be safe in my arms!

I stormed to the front of the police station, and Miranda was at her desk.

"Hi Louis. What do you ne-"

"Drive me, please. Don't fucking ask me to repeat myself, or I will repeat my fist meeting your face." She immediately stood up, but she didn't seem intimidated. She must've dealt with so much worse.

She grabbed the keys off the desk, and started walking. I followed her out, and I felt hot. My face was steaming, and my blood was boiling- literally.

I got into a car with Miranda, and she started it up. She pulled out of the parking lot, and got onto the road. "Where too?"

"Can you go to um...can you just drive around a bit?" She nodded.

"Of course." She started driving, to I don't even know where. I finally had time to think. It's Roger! It has to be Roger. I mean, there is literally no other possible person. Right?

Yeah. There's no one. It wasn't the secretary. I could tell. And no other teacher or student came in. So it fucking is him! I could get Ally! I could, I could hold her tight and kiss her. I could keep her safe, and warm. She would love me, we would be together. But of course, Paul has to disagree!

The car was so silent, and I don't even know where we were going. "Aren't you going to...ask if I'm okay?" I asked her.

"Did you want me to?"

"No. Not really." She nodded.

"Then I won't. That pisses me off when people do that." I nodded.

"Right! Thank you for being one of the only human beings who understands my feelings." She laughed.

"So, not to be a bitch or anything, but do you know where you want me to drop you off?" I thought for a second. Dammit, it's 10:30 in the morning. Everyone's in school...except for one person. What the hell is their address?!

"67 pine road, I believe. Do you know where that is?" She nodded. She started driving, and I was glad she was driving me. No yelling from Paul, no 'are you okay' from my mum, and no annoying guidance counselor a or principals.

Miranda drove, and turned onto Pine road. "Which side is it on?"

"The right." She drove slowly, and l looked on the right. "This blue one."

"Alright." She stopped in front of the house and let me out.

"Thanks for driving me, and not asking if I'm okay." We both laughed. She said goodbye and drove away. I sighed, and walked up to the house. The one familiar car was in the driveway, and I walked up to the door.

I rang the doorbell, and I couldn't hear anything on the other side. Suddenly footsteps came, and the door opened. I was revealed to Harry in only his boxers, the tattoos all over his body showing.

"What's up?" He said. I shoved my hands in my pockets.

"Can I just...can I come in. I really need to talk." He nodded.

"Of course, come in."

Hello! Who's excited for the last chapter of the book? Who's sad? :( aw I'm gonna miss this book a lot. I can't even tell you how much I picture this and the sequel as a movie. Haha imagine that? Alright readers, vote and comment <3

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