Chapter 14

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Ally's POV:

It was Tuesday, and Louis had not let me out of his sight. Not once. On Saturday night I went to Charlie's house. Louis came to visit to make sure I was ok. We were fine. Charlie's parents were home and it was a sleepover anyways.

I haven't told Charlie about Louis. I know she kept a secret from me and all, but this one was a bit different. Finding out that both of your friends like each other, that would just make everything completely awkward between the three of us.

On Sunday afternoon I had soccer practice at the field, and then I went to Louis's house afterwards. I slept at his house Sunday night, and last night. I really can't express how nice Louis's mom has been. She makes us breakfast and offers to make my bed- even though I kindly tell her it's fine.

Even during lunch, Louis escorts me around, as if I'm a child. During science he watches my every move. And he tries to walk me from classroom to classroom, which is almost impossible. Even when I'm with Charlie, he continues to protect me.

When we get in the car, he puts on my favorite songs, and sings them to me. It surprised me what a good voice Louis actually has. It's higher than most, but it has this uniqueness to it that makes it extra special.


Now I'm sitting in my last period of the day. History. I'm listening to the teacher lecture us about the Civil War and segregation. I tap my pencil, just as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Boys soccer and girls soccer have practice together today.

My phone sends me from Louis. Hopefully Louis won't get in the way of my soccer. Though it might be hard, I can't help but stare at him when he plays. His hair flops up and down, and when he scores a goal he always throws his hands up in the air.

Alright cool. Meet me at my locker?

I await his response, as I stare at my phone. Within just seconds he responds.

Of course! So what are you even doing in class?

I'm just-

I'm stopped when I see a shadow appear on my desk. I look up to see my teacher standing in front of my desk. I blink, and lock the screen of my phone.

"Care to explain Ms. Smith?" She cooly asks me. I look down at my hands. Thanks Louis. "That's what I thought. I'll take that. You can have it back in 30 minutes when class is over." She grabbed the phone right out of my hand and placed it on her desk.

Her heels clicked loudly and she had this smug look on her face. Great. Now I have to sit here for 30 more minutes staring into space while I pretend to pay attention.

30 minutes pass by and the teacher finally dismisses us. "Now don't forget your quiz tomorrow! Mark it in your calendars." I roll my eyes, and pick up my backpack.

I walk over to her desk, where she gives me a sly smile. "Now, don't text again. Got it Ms. Smith? I know history probably isn't your favorite subject, but you can at least try to enjoy yourself." Not likely. She hands me my phone, and I walk out.

I walk quickly to my locker, where Louis is already waiting for my arrival. "Why didn't you answer my text?"

"The teacher caught me and took my phone." He laughed.

"Smooth move Ally." I rolled my eyes, and put some books in my locker. When I closed it, Louis was tapping his foot. "Ready?" I nodded.

We walked to the locker rooms, Louis walking closely right beside me. We arrived at the girls locker room. "I have to go in Louis."

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