Chapter 1

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I grabbed my wet soccer ball off the ground, and walked away from the field that I had been practicing on. I twirled it in my hands, my converse hitting the gravel below me. The sun was shining right down on my eyes, causing my eyes to squint.

It was pretty cold outside, being in the middle of Fall. Our huge Soccer game was coming up in 2 weeks, and I really needed to practice. The field was about 10 minutes walking distance from my house, so it was convenient and easy to practice there.

I was half way home, when I heard the sound of tires rolling behind me. I darted my head around, and saw a black van. I shrugged it off continuing to walk. It kept to driving, slowly behind me. The black van had dark windows and looked menacing and evil, and it should've passed me by now.

My heart beat started to speed up, and my hands were getting sweaty as I held the soccer ball. My eyes darted around me; this van was obviously following me. My eyes searched the neighborhood, until I found a house that looked familiar. It was on the corner of two streets, yep it was definitely it.

Louis's house.

I ran across the street to the pale blue house on the corner of the street, slamming my fists on the door. Within seconds, Louis appeared at the door, his hair all messy. He must've been sleeping.

"Allison? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Don't question, just please let me in." He moved to the side, allowing me to come in. When he closed the door, and I grabbed his arm into his kitchen.

"What the fuck?"

"Listen Louis, there was this van outside and it was following me I swear. I noticed your house, and I needed to come in. You know I wouldn't have if it wasn't urgent."

"I'm sure it was just a regular van." He said softly. "But if you're that fricken concerned, you can stay here and chill for a bit."

Louis and I weren't friends. If anything, we hated each other- or at least I hated him. We had to see each other all the time, though. In fact, I hate to say it, but I've known him for awhile. My best friend Charlie (short for Charlotte) has been my best friend since kindergarten. We did everything together, and we still do. Then in second grade, Louis came. Louis's mom and Charlie's mom became best friends, which made Charlie and Louis best friends.

She some how takes interest in that ass, which is why I know where his house is because I've been to it a lot. I always see Louis, but we aren't considered friends in my book. He always interrupts Charlie and I when we talk, and he is always hanging around with her. I'm forced to see him, all the time. He's so obnoxious.

Although that's true, he's very good looking. He's pretty tall and he's got these dazzling blue eyes that go with his fluffy brown hair. He has tattoos along one whole arm, and his smile is amazing. It sure as hell doesn't match his personality.

He made some tea for himself, his gray sweatpants rubbing against the floor, and then sat down at the table.

"Is your mom home?" I asked softly.

"No, and you don't have to whisper."

"So it's just you and I here, no girls?"

"For fucks sake, why would there be a girl?" He stated. If there was anything about Louis, he slept with everyone. I can't name off the top of my head how many, but it was definitely a lot for someone who's only a Junior.

"Oh ya know, its not like you do it with every girl you make eye contact with." He laughed.

"I haven't fucked Charlie."

"Doesn't count, and don't say that word." He laughed, taking a sip of his tea.

"I haven't fuc- done it with you." I laughed sarcastically.

"I sure as hell don't count either."

"Oh so friends don't count?" I gawked.

"I'm not your friend." He acted playfully hurt by my words. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ally, we always hang out. We're friends."

"Don't call me Ally. And we're forced to hang out. If it weren't for Charlie, I wouldn't even talk to you." How could Louis not see the truth that we weren't friends. We were just two people forced to be around each other because of one person. "Back to the point, you've done it with a lot of girls."

"Okay, so I want a blow-job every once in a while?" His disgusting comment made me cringe, which made him laugh. "You're alright Allison." He playfully punched my arm.

"Shut up. If it weren't for that van, I wouldn't even be here."

"Holy shit, stop talking about the van." His face got serious, and I couldn't tell why. His eyes lost their dazzle, and he just drank some more tea. "What's our science homework?"

"It amazes me how you're in AP Science, you don't even know your homework, and yet you have a higher average than me."

"Runs in the family." He smiled a huge Louis Tomlinson smile.

"Speaking of family, where are your sisters?" Louis had 4 younger sisters. 2 of them (Felicité and Lottie) attended boarding schools in London, and his younger twin sisters (Phoebe and Daisy) lived with him and his mom. Louis live in England, until 3rd grade when he came here. He has a thick Doncaster accent, a town in which I had never heard of before I met Louis.

"Daisy and Phoebe are at their friends house. Speaking of which, I have to pick them up soon." The only nice side I had ever seen Louis in was with his sisters. He never cursed around them, and he was such a wonderful older brother. Charlie had always said he had a soft spot for children. "I can drive you home."

"I'll walk."

"Don't walk Allison." Louis could get so much more frustrating than this, but I could tell he had just woken up.

"I can walk if I want."

"Don't. That van could still be there." Dammit that van. Louis was right, I was nervous.

"Thought you said it was fake."

"For fucks sake I'm tired." I grabbed my soccer ball, and waited for Louis to move. "Sick soccer ball."

"Thanks." The only thing Louis and I had in common was soccer. We both played, and we were both really good.

Louis led me out to the car, and we both got in. He set his iPhone next to him. It was on revealing his lock screen. "Louis, why are you me and Charlie your lock screen?"

"Like I said, we're all friends. Plus I love that picture." It was in 4th grade, when we were all in the same class. It was Halloween and we all dressed up, then took a goofy picture.

"I look disgusting." Louis was now driving, and the van was nowhere to be seen.

"You don't look bad. You look like a hell of a princess. You and Charlie. Look how blonde your hair was, it got a bit darker. And your eyes were so gray. It reminds me of the old days, how much we've changed."

"So deep."

"That's what she said." He smirked adding a cocky smile to the end of it. What an idiot.

"Gross." He pulled into my driveway, next to the garage. I only lived with my dad, and he wasn't home. I walked out of the car with my ball, and slammed the door.

"Do I get a thank you?" He said after rolling the window down. I shook my head. "When's your next game?"

"Two days. They're an awful team. We start tournaments in 2 weeks though."

"I'll get Charlie to come to one with me."

"Don't." He laughed.

"See ya later Ally." With that emphasis on Ally, he rolled up his window and waited for me to walk into my house. I watched the window as he pulled out driving away.

What an interesting afternoon.

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