Chapter 12

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Ally's POV:

"So here's some of Lottie's clothes. I hope they're ok."

"Of course they are." I said to her. What was Louis doing down there? Making tea. I hope he knew what kind of tea I liked.

"Are you ok? Do you want to talk about the van?"

"Not really. I just want...I want to forget that whole scenario." I was going to say the whole night. But I didn't.

"Alright honey. I just want to make sure you were safe during that whole thing."

"That? Yes I definitely was. Louis pulled me and he made sure I was ok. He called the police, cursed them out, and almost cursed out my dad."

"It was the thought that counts." Of course. He was just being protective. He didn't mean anything bad by it. Why was I defending him? Louis's mom obviously knew him better than I did. She knew that's what he did. She knew he liked me. We're back to that again. "What's bugging you love?" She startled me. Was it obvious?

"It's...nothing." I sighed. It was much much more than nothing. I just wasn't sure if I wanted to tell Louis's mom what the nothing was.

"You can tell me anything."

"It's...Louis." My mind must've decide that it wanted to tell her what was on my mind after all.

"What about him?" She looked so intrigued, yet sad. As if she was picturing that he had hurt me in some way.

"Well...he told me how he liked me. Before the van. And he said all these incredibly nice things, and he had feelings for me. And...I told him I didn't like him." She relaxed her shoulders a bit, and she just had her mouth in a straight line.

"Well, Ally it's not your fault that you don't have feelings for him. Though he is in love with you." No. That's not what I mean. I know he's in love with me. And that's not at all what I was trying to say.

"That's the problem...I shouldn't have said I didn't have feelings for him."

"I know. Sometimes we shouldn't say what's in our head."

"No it's not that. It's because..." I rushed, then stopped myself. Was I really going to do this? "I think I do have feelings for him." She looked so startled, and so was I. Shit. Where was it going to go from here. She put her hands on the bed, and didn't take her eyes off of me.

"Really?" She had a huge smile on her face.

"Yeah..." Now I just felt nervous.

"Have you always." Really? Now I had to explain everything.

"That's the problem. He's always been there, always helping me, I just...never realized it. And, I always have liked him as a friend. I really, I do think I like him." She was smiling so big, I couldn't help but smile. Really, her smile was contagious. And it felt good to finally admit this to myself.

"You don't know how happy I am. I just want to make sure these feelings are real."

"Yes. These past few weeks, I've been starting to notice him more. And I just...I was the one in denial." The sound of a cup hitting the wall was made outside the room. Louis's mom stood up.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah...I just bumped the cup." Louis. I frantically pulled down my dress. Finally Louis and his mom walked into the room. He had one cup in his hand.

"I'm going to clean a bit downstairs. Holler if you need anything." Louis's mom said. She walked out of the room, leaving Louis and I alone.

"'s your cup." He quickly handed me the cup. I took a sip. Exactly how I liked it.


"No problem." He had his hands in his pockets again. He looked down at his feet, moving them up and down.

"I really need to talk to you." We both said at the same time. I couldn't help but let out a giggle. This always happened.

"You go ahead." I said to him. He sat down next to me, still looking at his shoes. He ran his hand through his hair. I always liked when he did that.

"Oh..." He coughed. Stalling. I didn't care what he had to say honestly. I just wanted to hear him speak. "Well, I didn't bump the cup. No wait! I did. It just wasn't by the stairs when I did it."


"Shit. I didn't mean it like that! I did bang the cup. I just...I...I heard what you said. I was there when you said it. Don't hate me! I didn't mean to eavesdrop. Really." He was rushing his words, and he was so petrified he could barely look at me. I was the one scared.

"I don't hate you. I don't hate you at all." That's all I could get out. He didn't know what to say. Well neither did I. " heard it all?"

"Yeah." He kept clicking his heels on the ground.

"Oh." He looked into my eyes. "Guess MY secret's out now huh?" I mocked his words earlier, as that was what he said to me out on the rock. He laughed.

"I just really love you Ally you know that?" He laughed. He stopped himself. "Shit did I just say that out loud?" I laughed. I nodded my head, and he bit his bottom lip.

"Yeah." I let out. He ran his hand through his hair, and looked into my eyes. Oh my god.

"So what do you wanna do about...ya know." He looked into my eyes. I felt a wave of heat rush through my veins when he did so. His hair was all messy now since he kept running his hand through it. I took a sip of my tea, as I stared back into his light blue eyes that continued to dazzle. "Ally?" I heard. I must've zoned out.

"Oh..." His mouth had a slight smile on it. "Well...I really...I don't know honestly Louis."

"You don't like me do you. It's ok if you don't Allison."

"No no!" I quickly rushed. "I...why'd you call me Allison?"

"Sorry. It slipped."

"Oh." He nodded slightly. Oh right, how I liked him."I do like you Louis. And I don't mean as a friend...I do mean more." He smiled into his hand again, and smiled up at me.

"I'm sorry." He said. I smiled at him. His smiled was contagious just like his mom's, he rarely ever did smile. It always made me smile back.

"Don't apologize."

" like me, but you don't know?"

"I just...I really don't want to rush anything." He nodded.

"I understand completely Ally. I don't want you to make the wrong decision, and I certainly don't want to jeopardize our friendship. It means too much to me." I knew that. I didn't want to date him, and it would end in a complete mess. I've been reading too many romance novels.

"I appreciate that Louis." Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around him. I felt his eyebrows raise out of surprise. He didn't hug back. I pulled out. "I'm sorry." He shook his head, and pulled me in for a hug.

"Stop apologizing. In no circumstance would I ever want to not hug you." He hugged me tighter, and I couldn't help but hug back. He rubbed my back, and he tried to pull out, but I held on. I finally let go of him, and he smiled.

"I'm really glad we were able to talk to each other about this."

"Me too." He licked his lips, and placed his forearms on his thighs. "It's almost 12 Ally. I'll let you be. You deserve a goodnight sleep. Goodnight love, holler if you need anything."

He stood up, and gave me a teeth-less smile before he closed the door behind him. I stared down at my hands that had just been wrapped around Louis.

I know I really shouldn't have, but I was looking forward to waking up in the morning to see Louis's smiling face.

Hello guys. So guess who got WWA tickets?! YEPP!!! I'm so so so happy! So I'm gonna update today! One now, and one later! Love you guys! Keep voting and commenting.

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