
By Piper5

484K 19.5K 6.9K

AU- Teen Wolf They left me here... In this supernatural realm. The sorcerous's domain. I'm his slave, he trap... More

Human Pet
Fraying Tension
Infecting My Thoughts
You Just Can't Stiles!
Keep Up
Wagering My Freedom On A Feeling
The Caves End and Beginning
The Unknown World
The Wolf Disease
Defile His Name...
My Human
You Won't Say No
Days: The Start
Weeks: Physical
Months: Emotional
Six Months: The Mind
The Grand Master
Soon, You Shall Be Too
Walking The Lonely Path
A Sorcerer's Glow
Madam Rucia
Eyes To The Soul
The Training Master
This Was Going To Be Fun
Good Work Mieczyslaw
My Father, Remember?
Dark Encounter
Hi, Dad...
Simple Words Unanswered
A Now Normal Day
There's Nothing Wrong With Being Hungry
Strength and Healing
Full Circle
Unfaithful Curiousity
Flirtatios Powerful Infomatiom
Prisons And Life Draining Magic
Questioning Motives
Her Speciality
Slipperly Snake
Visions of a Golden Future
Word of Warnings
Dangerous Forsight
Even After Death
The Fire's Breath and One Simple Rule
Plots and Scared Rabbits
Mouth Of Hell
The Murder Mystry
The Pair of Eyes
Its Okay
Golden Fury and Strength
Nothing Inside
Unlikely Help
The Memory of Screams
Like Hell
Breathing With Clarity And The Smile of Fates Road
Death Is Now Me
The Silver Soul
Breaking The Pack Bond...
Empty Inside
Cry For Help
At First Sight
I Am Home and Power Transition
Room Of Haunted Memories
Then I'll Bury Them
Sickening Realm
Keeping Up and Reunited
Found Again
Lies and Plots
Temper Control and Sick Sensation
Follow Me
What I Hide
Thrice Deception, Twice...
Suceeding Plan and The Triumpthant Smile
Welcome Back
The Gallows Is Waiting My Friend
Count Down
The Vanishing Body Act...
The True and Final Deception
The Dark Road That Crumbled With Time

Kiss From A Poisonous Red Rose

3.7K 175 154
By Piper5

Stiles practically sprinted to the Mistress's room. He wondered if there was a ruin for speed, there probably was. He wished he had that ruin now. It would help a lot.

He slowed down once he reached her room. Their many previous conversations swimming past his mind. Would she believe him?

Stiles knocked on the door, waiting for her reply.

"My Lady?" He called out formally.

At first there was no answer and Stiles began to worry the other sorcerous had been wrong about her where abouts.

But then the door slowly slid open, for some reason Stiles gut clenched inside him, he wasn't sure why.

He stepped inside.

Roseleta was sitting on her bed, for some reason her expression seemed strange, almost closed and she seemed stiff.

Stiles was about to ask her if she was okay but he had more important matters to deal with first.

"My lady, I-I need to tell you something! It's urgent, I know you no reason to trust me or believe me but please hear me out?!"

Stiles swore he saw shock and surprise flash across Roseleta's face before she smiled slowly.

"Of course, what do you need to tell me?"

Stiles took a deep breath, eager to get it out of his chest.


He told her, he told her everything. Her expression stayed the same throughout, it was hard to read her.

"And I think she was the rebellion that the Lord was talking about. I think she was going to use whoever was in the mirror to try and kill or over through the Lord of Mind" Stiles finished, breathing hard afterwards.

That had been difficult to get of his chest.

Roseleta then asked slowly "She's dead? You killed her?"

Stiles eyes widened.

"You believe me?"

"Of course, Mieczyslaw"

She stood up, her voice turning soft and velvety.

She made her way towards him and reached out, cupping his face.

"I'll always believe you" She said smiling.

Something started to ring in Stiles head.

Alarm bells.

Something wasn't...

Quite right about that smile.

Stiles gulped, eyes widening.

"Roseleta, I don't-" He said shakily.

She ignored him, leaning closer, her hand tightening slightly, almost like she was grabbing his jaw instead of cupping it.

"After all" She said sweetly "I know you are telling the truth"

Was this a ability Elites had he didn't know about?

But her tone of voice was all wrong, the way she was looking at him was wrong.

"You don't-" Stiles said shakily.

"But I do" Roseleta said more firmly.

Stiles tried to move away but her hand was to tight around his chin.

She smiled sadly at him but it was more pitying than sad "Oh, Mieczyslaw, you should know that for her to try and pull something like this of, she wouldn't be working alone"

Stiles couldn't think, he tried to push her away but she in turn took her hand away from grasping his chin and grabbed his wrists with both hands, too fast for him to make contact with her.

She then pulled him closer towards her. Their faces so close together.

"And didn't anyone tell you, that it's a bad idea to look powerful sorcerous in the eyes? Especially if you don't know them, they could...learn all sorts of things about you" She said her voice sweet and as honey but as dangerous as a knife.

"You-you helped her, you helped Fritz" Stiles said, panic rising in his chest.

"I helped her take the mirror. The child's death on the other hand was all Fritz idea. Despite what you may think of me right now Mieczyslaw, I don't kill children"

"I don't understand" Stiles said shakily.

Roseleta smirked, her smile twisting cruelly.

"You killed her before she could tell you, didn't you? Not even giving her a chance to explain? Now I am not sure which one of us is the one in the wrong here"

Stiles gritted his teeth as he hissed, anger over taking his panic "So explain"

The Lords Mistress giggled "Oh, this will be good! Listen closely Mieczyslaw"

She leaned closer to his ear, her voice lower than before.

Stiles held back a shudder, her lips way to close to his face for him to feel comfortable.

Not that any of this was at all comfortable.

"Fritz didn't want to over through the Lord, I did. All she wanted was to get her father back! Of course it didn't help that her father tried to kill this whole District at one point. Though She just wanted him back and would kill to do it. I only helped her because I knew once he was out he would try and destroy this District once more, even if if didn't work it would still at least get our devine Lord in trouble"

Stiles body trembled, he didn't know if it was from fear or anger.

"You-you did all of this just to get back at him?! Just to spite him?!"

She shrugged "I would have preferred to kill him but I guess getting his title and power taken away works too"

They didn't say anything for a while, Stiles breathing hard still but now for entirely different reason.

"So, you told me all this? I guess like Fritz you're going to try and kill me" He said, his body tensing.

His magic surged through his body protectively. His eyes encased in a golden glow.

"Kill you? No, don't be so obvious. That Would hardly help out my plans now would it? And like I said before, I don't kill children"

"Then what-" Stiles tried to say but before he could she said, giving him a flirty wink "But I have to say I have been known to be a bit of a cougar"

Before Stiles could react two things happened at once.

The door swung open, a stressed looking Lord of Mind, stepping through.

And just before the door opened Roseleta kissed him. She kissed Stiles on the lips, right in front of the Lord of Mind then shoved him away, hard.

"What do you think you are doing?!" She suddenly snapped at Stiles.

Roseleta turned to the Lord of Mind, who was steadily growing red in front of them.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't realise until it was to late. He just-just kissed me!"

She turned to Stiles, her eyes wide with horror.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to give you the wrong idea!"

He couldn't form words at first, his brain working slower than normal, trying to understand what had just happened.

"No, that's not true!" He finally shouted but he knew, even without properly looking at the Lord, he would get no help here.

"Guards!" The Lord of Mind shouted.

Suddenly Stiles was on his knees, a green circle energy crossing his wrists and forcing them behind his back. Like hand cuffs and blocking him from using his magic.

It reminded him of what had happened to him and the pack when he'd first got here.

The two sorcerous who were from the Mind Core, who had been blocking the door to the court room where there, they had blocked his magic with the green energy like hand cuffs.

"Lock him up! And let me never see his face again!" The Lord of Mind, snarled furiously.

I will answer the comments for my last chapter later on x I am going home, from Uni, giving my mum a late Mother's Day gift, she doesn't know I'll be home ;) Can't wait for attack on Titan, anime that's coming out today :) Hope you all have a fantastic day!

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