By nutjob

628 1 4

Ava Finn her life is normal and perfect loved by all her friends with her obnoxious brother her life is compl... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter 2 (Picture of Aiden)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Picture of Stephanie)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Picture of Terry)
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 [Prom]
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 11

13 0 0
By nutjob

Hey guys… got the brand new chapter for you and in this chapter there would be a lot of switch between the POV’s of the main two characters Ava and Aiden so don’t get confused…and enjoy :)


After hearing what Aiden said I felt as if somebody had stabbed me in the heart ….I was shocked surprised angry and confused about how it happened…my very own best friend is my crush’s dream girl (that’s the word he used) I mean he is taking her to the prom I mean why how when I needed to know …I needed to find all my answers….

“Oh…seriously?? Wow that-t’s just great I’m so happy for you guys” I forced the words from my mouth waiting for Stephanie to come out from the trial room...

“Yea I know she’s great I wonder why we haven’t met before”

“Well it’s never too late …so how did you guys meet I mean in school obviously but when did the parks fly?”

“Oh…since last week while we were playing basketball we chatted and it made me realized she’s the one”


As he was about to answer Stephanie came out looking stunning in her Long Turquoise colored slim gown….I need to have a little chat with her…

“So, how do I look?” Stephanie asked both me and Aiden turning round showing off her dress..

“Why you look great Darling “Aiden said and gave her a Hug

As he said Darling …it made me extremely pissed but the thing which was surprising was the look on Stephanie’s face when he said “Darling” it was like she didn’t expect it she said something over Aiden’s ears …and with his reply she had a forced smile in her face …I really didn’t wanna know what he or she said to him

“So Aves how do I look?

“You look perfect Stephanie…but I guess we were here for MY dress for the Prom but I guess today I have had enough so I’ll buy my dress tomorrow with Stefan …and I’ll take off now then Aiden here would drop you home” I said in an angry tone

“With Stefan??? Yea but…Aiden would drop me why?” She said as if she didn’t know anything and she turned to Aiden he rolled his eyes and she knew she had to play along

“Yea I’m sure as he’s here you won’t need me to drop you “

“NO, I can go with you Ava he doesn’t need to drop me “

“Oh no he does….he definitely is dying to spend some time with you” I replied seeing Aiden’s pleading expression form Stephanie’s back

“Ok if you say so…but we’ll go on a shopping tomorrow again Arite?”

“No that’s not really required now I can g with Stefan as I can see a guy’s choice is much better than a girls and I wouldn’t wanna disturb you two tomorrow as well so go have your time and I’ll go home and have mine” saying this I stormed out of the store ignoring Stephanie’s answer to me


 “What did you say to her? She seemed more angry than I’ve ever seen her” “I just said what was true”

“I told her what is true”

“You said what? I told you not this early we had everything planned”

“Oh no no… not that I told her we are going to the prom together”

“WHAT---- You What?”

“What why are you getting angry we had to tell her some day or the other”

“You are such a D*** …do you even know what have you done I was planning on telling her after some more days or before the prom why did you tell her this early we got her settled after so many days and you just ruined it and now she must hate me for doing what I did have to clear things up with her thanks to you I just lost my best friend”

“Jesus, Steph just chill nothing wrong is going to happen I know what I did and trust me you are going to thank me for it in the future”

“I dunno know about future…but I sure know what am I going to do with you now”

“Really? Bring it on babe”

“Don’t you babe me you *** give me your car keys”


“Car keys”

“What you in a mood for a doing something in the car together “

“No….I’m planning on doing something else …anyways can you please pay for my dress Boyfriend”

“Sure thing girlfriend”

“I’ll wait for you in the car”

After I had paid for Stephanie’s 100$ Dress I suddenly heard my cars engine starting…realizing who did this I Stormed out of the store…to stop her from leaving me without any transportation at almost 9pm at night…

‘Hey wait up “I was running after the car

‘No…got that impatience from you my love Chao”

“You *****” I decided to call her immediately

“A very smart thing to do out there Steph how am I supposed to go home right now”

“Oh really see …how it feels that was very rash of you to make such a decision out there too telling Ava about us was a big mistake and now I need to go and do some damage control”

“No you wouldn’t go to her house”

“Oh yes I would”

“Steph Steph listen to me “But that was of no use she disconnected the call

I had to reach Ava’s home before Stephanie tells her the entire truth I just can’t let that happen at least not this early I worked darn hard for this day to get what I want and I won’t let her spoil this…I luckily found a taxi and within 20 minutes I was infront of Ava’s home but I guess I was too late as my car was already parked infront of Ava’s house…………….


As I came back home I couldn’t stop the tears coming from my eyes….thought I had promised myself I won’t cry over Aiden anymore but I wouldn’t have gotten so much hurt if the girl was someone else but seeing my best friend with the guy I have loved for years is tough how could she betray me if she would have told me once she even likes him then I would have been fine with it but why didn’t she tell me that’s what hurts the most….I needed to talk to someone about this Stefan yes I guess he would understand me now…… as I was about to dial Stefan’s number I heard the bell ring.

“Stephanie, what are you doing here?” I asked her opening the door

‘Oh  I thought we could have a slumber party tonight like old days”

“Oh I dunno…maybe” Before I could finish Aiden came and hugged Stephanie from the back

“Love…why do you always leave me behind”

“Aiden???” Stephanie said in a surprised and strangely in an angry tone

“Why Stephanie since when do we allow guys in a slumber party I guess you are busy we can talk in school tomorrow if you’re free goodnight then” I slammed the door in her face….


“Why didn’t you let me tell her? Stephanie was shouting pulling my collar

“Steph don’t shout I know what am I doing I just need you to play along with me …”

“Well do you mind sharing the plan cause I just became my best friend’s enemy no.1 thanks to you AGAIN…I mean do you hate I so don’t wanna go to the prom with you’

“What no please don’t break my heart my love”

“What what are you doing?” Stephanie said almost being squeezed by the hug I told her

“Just play along Steph ….look up”

“You’re mad…”

“Yes for you of course c’mon let me drive you home and that was very mean of you to take away my car”

“C’mon don’t I have right over your things” She replied pulling my cheeks and smiling at me

“Tonight was a big night what do you say we spent it together”

“You are one horrible person Aiden”

“Yea I know”


Well that was just the icing in the cake for me….why does it hurt so much and I only wanted Aiden don’t I deserve to get him even,  am I  that bad of a person…Stephanie even didn’t love him since I do I have loved for all my life and she gets him…but now I won’t turn in those bitches taking revenge…I’m not like that I’m happy she got whom she wanted but at least I can get an explanation from her about why she did so with me….I learnt something today no matter how much we want something we don’t always get it and we should be with someone who loves her it’s not always necessary to be with someone you want maybe fate has made someone else for me….But I know I am deceiving someone who is a really nice person I guess I should tell him the truth before he starts hating me

I dialed George’s number

“Hey Beautiful…” George answered

“Hey George I wanted to say and ask something to you, you busy?”

“Never busy for you Ava please carry on”

“Great …so today why did you ask me whether I like you or not?”

“Oh that no please don’t take that seriously I just asked curiosity”

“You even understood it didn’t you?”

“Understand what’

“C’mon George”

“Yea I did …you love someone else don’t you?”

“Oh George I never wanted to hurt you”

“Yea I know that Ava so are you with that person”

“Wish I was that lucky”

“Hmm I guess we are on the same page then huh!!”

“Guess so…”

“You know Ava I understood it a long time back…but id dint want to accept it or want you to accept it and go away from me I wanted you too bad but then I realized I shouldn’t keep something which isn’t mine”

“You’re right you are perfectly right in your shoes…I just wanted to talk to you about this so we still can be friends right?”

“Yea of course never letting you go away as my friend”

“Well that’s good to know”

“So are we still going to the prom together? It’s totally fine if you don’t want you in understand”

‘No no…cant friends go on a prom together sure we will”

“Cool then see you at school tomorrow”


Well that was a relief for me to finally get out of this thing…but now I had an even bigger problem Prom Queen I’m sure I’m gonna lose very badly but what else can I do I have to run for it at least that would keep my mind distracted for a while and I needed to talk to Stephanie about this matter……..

So guys that’s the end of chapter 11 hope you guys are liking the twists and turns of the story and very soon I’m going to start my new story “NOTHING LASTS FORVER” PLEASE PLASE READ THAT ONE TOO…till then FAN VOTE AND COMMENT for this story if you like it :)


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