Accidental love

By nochillmad

125K 3.9K 1.8K

Some times love is accidental literally More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chappter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 34 part 2
Chapter 34 part two and a half
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
39 part two
Chaper 40
40 fuckin5
The end
Youve been blessed‼️
And it begins, sequel out now

Chapter 28

2.1K 71 41
By nochillmad

(Time skip one week later, yes again)

(Normani pov)
"Babe" I heard after hearing my door open.

"Yeah" I replied pulling my suitcase off the bed.

"You ready?" Lauren asked walking in and sitting on the bed.

"Yeah, but did you like tell your parents I was coming" I asked walking into my bathroom and checking myself in the mirror.

"My dad knows and my mom, well she'll get over it" she replied laying back on my bed.

"Lauren, I'm nervous what if they don't like me?" I asked sitting next too her too put on my shoes.

"I'll just get a new girlfriend" she said smugly.

I gave her a evil eye sliding my roshies on.

"I'm just kidding babe you'll be fine" she added grabbing my hand.

"But what if I'm not?" I asked laying my head on her chest.

"You will, my brothers bringing his girlfriend too, maybe you'll bond and become bffs" she said putting her arm around me.

"You have a brother?" I asked looking up at her.

She nodded checking the time on her phone.

"I figured you were a only child" I said easing my eyebrows.

"Why because I come from a wealthy family?" She scoffed chuckling.

"Yeah, plus your really boujee" I said putting my leg between hers.

"I am not, I was just spoon feed all my life" she replied yawning.

"No, your boujee as fuck but your cute so I'll except it" I said leaning upward and pushing or lips together.

"I'm glad you are because I get too brag about how my baby bought me a brand new 2016 Mercedes benz 2016 cls 63 for our anniversary" I said smiling so hard my jaw hurt instantly.

"You had too go stunt on your coworkers let them know your baby got you" she said licking her lips.

"I went around the parking lot 3 times just incase they didn't see that it was Normani Kordei in the 2016 off white cls 63 the first two times" I said sticking my tongue out.

"Well I couldn't have my princess taking the bus, your too pretty for that" she said pulling my on top of her.

"Awe baby, your prettier" I said connecting our lips.

"No you are, especially this beautiful chocolate skin" she replied placing her hands on my waist.

I smiled kissing her again, "hey stop trying too distract me what if your parents don't like me, or Isaac?" I asked her raising my eyebrows.

"It doesn't matter, I like you guys, and I refuse too let my girlfriend and step son alone on thanks giving" she said intertwining our fingers.

I love it when she calls Isaac hers, it's so cute the way they bond without noticing.

"My mom and dad didn't want me, that's just the way it is, you don't have too invite us because you feel sorry for me" I said snaking my arm around her.

"I feel bad for you but I wanted too ask you any ways" she replied shyly.

"Oh so you used my sad excuse of a family too force me meet your family?" I asked jokingly.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "I'm not forcing you, you don't have too go if you don't want too" she said with those big green emeralds staring into my soul.

"I want too, I'm just really nervous and i want too make a good impression plus I'm not a big fans of planes" I said messing with the string on her hoodie.

"You'll be asleep the hole ride don't be nervous" she said before Pushing our lips together again.

"I know but like what if the plane catches on fire and we all die in a fiery blaze?" I said putting my head on her chest again.

"Then we a die in a fiery blaze" she replied shrugging her shoulders.

"But then I can't brag about how loud you were moaning when I was deep up in it" I said imitating Lauren moans loudly.

"Oh my fucking god shut up" she said covering my mouth shyly.

I laughed starting too kiss her neck, "for someone so against it you sure were wet" I said kissing her spot.

She pulled her lip between her teeth, "you have that effect on me" she whispered showing more of her neck.

"I could tell by the way you kept oozing out more and more every time I kissed your clit, or how loud you would get when I'd suck on it" i whispered in her ear sucking on her neck.

She stumbled with her words moaning at my touch, "you were so sensitive down there, you came so quicks and so many times, and you tasted so good on my tongue I couldn't stop" I said grinding our body's together.

"Mmmm" she moaned out putting her hands on my ass.

"I wanna taste you again baby, I want too make your legs tremble again, I want too hear you yell my name again" I said kissing down her collarbone.

She blew out a deep breathe swiftly switching our positions.

"I know what your doing" she said squinting her eyes at me.

"What?" I asked playing dumb.

"Your trying too turn me on but won't fuck me" she replied sliding between my legs.

I smirked trying too hide it even though she caught me.

"You little ass hole" she said kissing me gently.

I giggled,"I'm sorry it's just too fun seeing you hot and ready" I said moving the hair from her face.

She groaned standing up, "let's go before I end up fucking you and we miss out flight" she said grabbing my hands and pulling me up.

"Maybe that would take some of the nausea off" I said pulling her back on top of me.

"Nice try but we gotta check our backs" she replied standing and grabbing mine and Isaacs only suitcase.

Something rolled off my dresser onto the floor causing her too bend down and pick it up.

She busted into laughter looking at it, "your a actual creep" she said showing me it.

I gasped jumping up and grabbing it from her rolling it back up, "I just-" I stumbled with my wording trying too explain why exactly I had a blown up picture of her in one of her photo shoots, I don't know she just so hot so I got it

"Can I just ask what the developer said when you gave him the picture?" She asked laughing her ass off.

"He wouldn't look me in the eye" I said sarong down at the floor with embarrassed stamped on my forehead.

She started laughing again pulling me into a embrace.

"Your a real creep but your my creep" she said unable too stop her laughter.

"Your so hot I just needed too hang you on my wall so I could see you without any effort" I explained nervously.

"Yea sure" she chuckled grabbing our back and walking out of my room.

I groaned walking into Isaacs room.

He laid in the floor snoring, he was attempting too put his socks on but I guess he got too tired.

Lightly I shook him causing his eyes too open,

"Come on bub, were leaving" I said pulling him up too his feet.

He groaned loosing his balance and falling back onto his bottom.

He sat confused for a second rubbing his eyes.

"I tried too stay up" he said still looking around confused.

"I know you did bud, come on we're leaving" I said sliding his converse on and grabbing his jacket.

He yawned again barely able too keep his balance.

"Shes here?" He asked pulling his jacket on.

I nodded leading him down stairs, "hey mijo" Lauren said bending down too his height and scooping her up in her arms.

Isaac is her baby and she knows it, she pampered his face with kisses lifting him up in her arms.

He laid her head on her shoulder falling right back asleep, his big ass knows he's spoiled taking advantage of my girlfriend like that, I'm only jealous because I wish it were me.

Carrying him and the car seat too the car she set him in it shutting the door behind her.

Z emerged from Dinah's room with a smile plastered a cross her face followed by Dinah with the same smile.

Lauren did not look happy, I don't understand what the fuck she has against Dinah and Zendaya but she really hates seeing them together.

"If I gotta tell you again I'm gonna swing on you on, on life you about too have too see me" Lauren said pulling her pants up, I furrowed my eyebrows not knowing what the hell she just said even means.

"What's your fucking issue, you have a whole girlfriend stop being so fucking stingy" she said pulling her pants up as well, oh my fucking god It's too early too have them fight over dumb shit.

"Okay relax" Dinah said stepping In front of Zendaya.

"No, I told her over and over again too stop trying too get at you but nah she wants too keep doing that shit" Lauren said now getting in Zendaya face, she needs too sit her short ass down somewhere.

"Bruh you can't have both make up your fucking mind" She said stepping too Lauren.

I grabbed Lauren pulling her back by her shirt, "baby calm down" I said sliding in front of her wrapping my arms around her.

"We had a conversation about this, she's off limits no questions asked, I see you won't be happy until I drag you by your throat just like Camila" Lauren said trying too get passed me.

"Chill" Dinah said grabbing Zens face.

"Lauren is just really protective over me do too unforeseen circumstances, it's nothing against you okay!" She said wrapping her hands around Zendaya.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "nah obviously it's something between you guys if it's "unforeseen circumstances" Zen said sitting down on the stairs.

"You know damn well I have a girl, don't even say some dumb shit like that" Lauren said still trying too get passed me.

I don't think I've seen her this mad, she's so hot.

"Get the fuck out, your always making something about you" she shouted standing up again.

"Shut the fuck up all you do is whine and bitch" Lauren yelled back managing too her past me.

Fortunately Dinah was right there too stop her from making any contact.

"Do something, your all big and bad when she's here but not about shit when its just us" Zendaya yelled trying too get past Dinah.

"Okay time too go, bye Dinah" I said pushing Lauren out the door.

"Catch me outside how bout that?" Lauren asked still trying too escape the corner I put her in.

"Bye" Zen said with immense pettiness in her voice.

"Bye mani Love you" Dinah said trying too push Zendaya In the living room.

"Love you too" I said back opening the door.

"Alright then punk ass bitch"Lauren said before angrily walking out the door.

"Baby, chill it's okay" I said wrapping my arms around her.

She clenched her jaw angrily putting her hands on her hand.

Scoffing she chuckled, "I'm not about shit?", "I'm from fucking Miami" she said gritting her teeth.

"I know babe, calm down" I said looking up at her.

"I can't, I feel like hitting something" she said a little harsher than my licking but acceptable.

"No, I will not have you fuck up you hand again, go smoke" I said holding her tighter.

"Okay" she replied licking her lips frustratedly, then she ran her fingers through her hair, fuck, I can't she's so hot my clitoris can't take it.

Grabbing her face I pulled out lips together gently before releasing.

I smiled opening my eyes, oh my god I love her so much, she's so perfect.

She tried too hide her smile but quickly failed putting her head down on my shoulder.

I giggled placing small kisses on her neck, she wrapped her arms around my waist sliding her hands down too my bottom, she just can't get enough of the fat ass, I don't blame her if I were her I would do the same thing.

What exactly happened with Dinah and Camila?" I asked putting my head on her chest.

"That's something you'd have too ask Dinah, I'm in no authority too tell you" she replied putting her Chin on the top of my head.

I groaned walking over and getting into the car while she smoked.

On the way there Lauren was too live listening too her music that was blasting by the way, not too mention every other word in the song was the N word.

When we got too the air port we checked our bags in before going through security, the lady was taking extra long too pat Lauren down even though she didn't beep when she walked through the machine, she just wanted too feel on my girlfriend.

Isaac went next, he didn't like being in there alone at all, every time we tried too get him in he'd run out, so they ended up using the wand on him, which he insisted Lauren hold him while they did it.

Then I went through clear as day and we headed too the restaurants because I asked Lauren too buy me some hot wings.

She's such a good girlfriend too me, but I wish my son would quit acting like a bitch and let her show me some attention.

She bought me some wings and herself some bacon fries, Issac was being grumpy and wouldn't eat.

"Give me some" I said reaching over and taking some off her plate.

She mugged the fuck out of me causing me too giggle.

"I asked did want some when I ordered them you said no" she said snatching her plate away after I grabbed a lot.

I giggled again moaning at the taste.

"You know I'm high as shit but want too take my food, can't even say thank you entitled brat" she said continuing too chew her food.

I gasped, high Lauren just went from so nice and adorable to mean and grumpy.

"I'm a brat because I didn't say thank you?" I asked grappling her hi-c and taking a sip.

"Actually you never say thank you" she said taking her drink back.

"Thank you daddy"

"I love you" I said leaning in and kissing her cheek.

"Yea I know you do" she replied arrogantly.

"Ass hole" I said smacking her arm.

She chuckled leaning in and kissing my cheek and intertwining our fingers.

"Your welcome bun-buns" she said kissing my hand.

I instantly blushed at her nickname putting my head in her neck attempting too cover my smile.

We finished eating, I ate my food and a lot of hers but she knows I'm a fat ass.

"Now boarding flight 1154 too southwest international airport" Lauren stood up grabbing Isaacs half concise body out of the chair while I grabbed the trash off the table.

We were the first one too bored the plane due too Lauren getting us first class tickets, when I stepped onto the plane my jaw dropped seeing how nice the plane was.

As soon as Lauren sat Isaac down on the seat he started snoring laying his head on the arm rest.

Lauren at on the end and I sat in the middle, when Lauren sat down after putting the carry on in the over head space I grabbed her hand feeling my stomach turn knots, I haven't been on a plane in about 7 years for a reason.

"Babe its fine, the plane is not gonna go up into a fire blaze we'll be there a couple hours, just go too sleep" she said laying her seat back slightly.

I fastened Isaacs seat belt pulling it tight then fastened mine before tasking a deep breathe.

The pilots voice came on but I couldn't hear anything over how hard I was breathing or how tightly I was gripping the arm rest, we hit the run way and started going like a thousand miles per hour and my ears started too pop.

I shut my eyes trying too stay calm but it was working that well.

Lauren put her hand in mine and all my problems flustered away as we gradually lifted off the ground.

She lifted the arm rest pulling me into her lap, she put her arm around me pulling my head down on her chest, kissing my head. I took another deep breath closing my eyes, oh my fucking God she smells so good.

"Are you ever gonna tell me what it means?" I asked running my fingers over the tattoo she got for our anniversary.

"Nope you gonna have too figure it out" she said kissing my forehead again.

Her tattoo read IX・XXXI・MMXVI with a heart at the end, but I truly couldn't figure out what a bunch of numbers meant.

-fl international airport-
"Babe wake up" Lauren said tapping my leg.

"Hum?" I said raising my head looking around.

There was a line through the aisles of people exiting the plane.

I yawned putting my feet on the ground attempting too stand, my legs were a little wobbly.

"My tummy hurts" I said rubbing it.

"I'll get you some 7-up" she said standing and stretching.

She looked so tired dark circles around her eyes with heavy bags underneath.

"Baby did you sleep?"

She shook her head no yawning again.

"I couldn't when my girlfriend is in my arms tossing and turning the whole flight" she said gently grabbing the carry on.

"Sorry LoLo, my tummy was hurting" I said grabbing Isaacs unconscious body from his seat.

"It's okay" she said putting her arm around me.

Once we were off the plane we headed down too baggage claim from there Lauren called us a uber, its 5:30 in the morning and is almost 70 degrees out side I won't survive.

When we piled into the uber my nerves kicked in, I'm so glad it 5 in the morning and I have too meet her family till later.

The car stopped in front of this big ass house, Lauren opened the door grabbing our bags while I grabbed Isaac from the middle seat.

She pulled out her phone as we walked the long ass drive way.

"Come open the door" she said tiredly before hanging up.

She played with her hair for a second before I heard locks clicking on the other side, my heart started pounding out my chest when the door swung open reviling a tall well built man with facial hair.

I automatically assumed  that was her brother because of his young he looked, and oh my fucking god he's so fine he had nothing but basket ball shorts on, and he had long hair up in a man bun.

He yawned grabbing the bags from Lauren's hands and walking back up stairs not greeting either of us.

I took a look around, this house is fucking big, Lauren locked the door behind us grabbing Isaac from me as I struggled too hold his heavy ass.

She nudged her head towards the stairs before walking up them, I followed behind her looking around, I feel like we're going sight seeing.

She passed by three rooms with the door shut before reaching one and opening the door.

I immediately smiled seeing how much of a guy Lauren is, trophies on the wall jerseys handling up, posters of swim suit models not too mention how big her room is, she has a whole couch in her room.

She set Isaac down of the couch removing his jacket then put his head up on a pillow and stripped his shoes setting them on the floor she pulled a small plush throw over him.

I sat down on her big ass bed taking my shoes and hoodie off,

Lauren striped until she had nothing but a loose fitting tank top on and boxers.

"Can I have a pair?" I asked removing my toga pants.

She nodded going into her drawer and throwing me a pair of hill figures.

I slide them on then climbing under her covers, she joined me after putting her hair up.

She pulled me close spooning me from behind and kissing my ear.

"I love you" I said intertwining our fingers.

"I love the way you don't talk when I'm trying too sleep" she said snuggling her head into my neck more.

I giggled uncontrollably causing her too do the same.

"Stop laughing" she said through her own laughter.

"I can't" I said laughing even harder.

She put her hand over my mouth shushing me, I mover her hand from my mouth too my boob.

"Ayeee" she said honking them excitedly, I started giggling again shutting my eyes.

I was woken up by Lauren's voice yelling what irritatedly.

"Dad wants too see you and your friend" her brother said from the door.

She groaned pulling me closer.

"I'm coming" she replied snuggling her face into her neck.

I felt my heat speed up again.

"Relax baby you'll be fine" she said sitting up and grabbing her pants.

I sat up as well taking her boxers off and putting my pants on.

"Cover these up" I said touching her neck where I put hickeys.

"You want me too cover up hickeys you gave me?" She asked chuckling.

"Yes i don't want your parents seeing them" I said putting my hoodie back on.

She scoffed, "I should put on a crop top so they could see these" she replied lifting up her shirt showing all the hickeys from her belly button too her waist line.

"Maybe you shouldn't be so hot all the time" I shrugged fixing my hair.

"Come on" she replied grabbing my hand leading me down stairs, my heart picked up quickly the more corners we turned.

She lead me into this big ass living room where her brother sat and another girl on the opposite side of the room, I caught a glimpse of who I asume was her father in the kitchen.

"God damn" her brother and the girl both said when looking at me.

"Keep your little perverted eyes too your selfs Lauren said pulling me down on the couch next her.

Her brother immediately stood up walking up too me and shaking my hand.

"I'm Chris Lauren's sexist brother- I mean Lauren's younger brother" he said kissing my hand. I giggled blushing.

Lauren smacked his hand away putting her arm around me.

He slide next too me sitting on my other side,

"I'm sorry I didn't catch your name" he smiled licking his lips.

"Your about too catch these hands if you don't back up" Lauren said pushing him back.

"I'm Normani" I said giggling.

"That's a beautiful name, it fits you, your a beautiful girl" he said reaching out too touch my face.

Lauren slapped his hand away before he could reach it.

"Get lost, she licks girls" she said grabbing my hand.

"In that case" the girl stood up pushing Chris off the couch and sliding next too me.

"Im Taylor the prettiest sister- I mean the youngest sister" oh my god they all spit game the same way, but Taylor's game is on a hole other level.

She grabbed my hand kissing it as well, "you should drop Lauren and get you a me, I'll treat you right, Lauren she's a hoe" Taylor said causing Lauren too gasp.

"I need chocolate in my life, she's got all types of diabetes" she referred too Lauren.

"How old are you?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows, she might be taller but she looked Offaly young.

"I'm 17and a half but that don't even matter you can catch this case"

Lauren scoffed, "first of all your 15 going on 21, and she's older than both of you" she said pulling me closer too her.

"So take your young asses some where else" she said pushing Lauren off the couch as well.

"Your just mad she was feeling me" Taylor said going back and sitting on the other couch

This family is a mess how did they both just try and get at me in front there sister who's my girl friend.

"I told you, you wouldn't have anything too worry about" Lauren said in my ear before kissing behind it.

I could hear her dads foot steps growing closer and closer too us.

When he peered around the corner my heart was skipping beat by beat.

"Mi Lauren come here mija" he said opening his arms with a big smile

"Papa", Lauren jumped up running into his arms excitedly.

"Oh this is her?" He asked pointing too me.

Lauren nodded proudly, "wow she's..." he stopped looking me up and down, I swear my heart beat was pumping so hard out of my chest.

"She's gorgeous" he said pulling me into a warm welcoming hug.

I smiled hugging him back, damn I need too drop Lauren and get with big daddy jauregui.

"Welcome too the family mija" he said bear hugging me.

My nerves flooded away, I really hope Lauren's mom isn't as bad as she says she is.

"Thank you mr Jauregui" I said smiling.

"Please call me mike" he replied grabbing his keys.

"Where's my grandson?" He asked Lauren.

"He's still asleep" Lauren replied

"I'll have too meet him when I come back" he said slipping on his dad flip flops, I thought it was a myth but it's true dads really wear socks and Sandals.

And just like that he was out the door, Chris jumped up running too the window making sure he was gone.

"Dad left the keys too his rolls Royce" he said running too get them.

Lauren and Taylor's both sat up on the edge of there seat.

"Where'd he go?" Lauren asked excitedly.

"Too winco" Chris said excitedly.

"Where's mom?" She asked happily.

"Work" Chris answerd

"Joy ride?" Lauren asked excitedly.

"Fuck yeah" he said running toward the stairs, Lauren grabbed my hand leading me up stairs quickly.

"Your about too steal your dads car?" I asked following behind her.

"No where gonna borrow his car without his knowledge" Lauren said sliding her shoes on.

"You coming?" She asked tossing me my shoes.

Isaac stirred turning over and looking at us.

"Hey bud you wanna go for a ride?" Lauren asked putting a hat on.

He nodded pulling the cover off and standing up, I shook my head sliding my shoes on this is a dumb idea but why not?

We headed back down stairs with Isaac, we all went through the garage door, there are so many fucking cars out her its ridiculous.

Lauren hopped in the driver seat of the black rolls Royce, while Taylor and Chris piled at in the back, I saca sat between them, he seemed too take a licking too both of them already seeing how much giggling was coming from back there.

Quickly Lauren peeled off down the long drive way putting up on full blast , it seems like every time she listens too him she does crazy shit.

We were flying down the street, the back seat was lit, all three of them new the whole song while Isaac just went with the floor bobbing his head.

"Yo let's get slurpy's" Taylor suggested.

Quickly she swerved into the seven eleven dodging and weaving through cars.

Pulling into the front parking spots everyone jumped out, Chris put Isaac up around his shoulders walking inside too the slurpy machine.

I grabbed a bag of chips and a slurpy while the rest of them loaded up on candy and sweets for them selves, Isaac was so happy that Lauren let him get what ever he wanted.

"Babe" I said not looking up from my slurpy.

"I'll be your babe" Taylor said turning around, oh shit I thought she was Lauren.

I bursted out into laughter "I'm ten years older than you" I said taking a sip of my slurpy.

"It's all good I like a woman with experience" she said stepping closer too me.

"So you and Lauren are both lesbians?" I asked siping on my slurpy.

"I never said that" she smirked

I furrowed my eyebrows, "so your bi?" I asked taking another sip of my slurpy.

"No labels I fuck who I want" she said oh so smoothly causing me too choke on my slurpy.

"Stop chocking my girlfriend and go away" Lauren said patting my back Taylor winked at me before walking away.

I continued too have my violent coughing fit with laughter.

We paid quickly leaving not spending any extra time with there dads car gone,

"Dad just texted me he left his wallet at home" Chris said panicking.

"Shit" Lauren said stepping on the gas, a truck swerved in front of her causing her too slam on the breaks.

"What the fuck!" She said angrily.

They honked continuously swerving like a drunk person, Lauren swerved around passing him.

"Fucking dumb ass" Chris said rolling down the window and throwing his slurpy at the truck.

"Oh shit" Lauren laughed pushing the gas again.

As we got pulled into the garage Lauren's dad was pulling In the drive way, I never seen some one push a grave door closer so many times in a second, everybody ran out of the car In the house. Lauren just put the keys back when the front door opened, she leaped from across the room onto the couch next too me.

We all acted so causal as if we each of us were just breathing hard from sitting there.

He grabbed his wallet looking around at all of us then furrowing his eye brows before turning and leaving again.

Every body let out a deep breath in excitement, he must not have seen Isaac between us.

"Babe" I heard causing me too look up,

"Where'd you guys go?" The girl asked walking over too Chris.

"Too the store" he replied leaning down and kissing lips, I couldn't see her face but she sounded so familiar.

When she turned around my heart sank, I gripped Lauren's arm roughly as every emotion rushed through me body, it was her, what are the odds.

Jilly, my first love.


Next time on fucking with your emotions...

Taylor the mf pimp, Chris is a player, jilly ain't shit, Mani's a dumb ass, Lauren's moms a phony.

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