The Real Ghostbusters

By Copercurlz

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Thought the adventurers with the Ghostbusters was over? Wrong! Join them once again in this book filled with... More

1: Present
2: Venkman's Ghost Repellers?
3: Cold Cash and Hot Water
4: A Date
5: Louis' New Look
6: Back to Normal
8: The Trip
9: The Snow Queen?
10: Demon Inside
11: Fail
12: Cry Uncle
13: Where Oh Where Has My Little Nat Gone?
14: The Ghostmaster
15: Getting Hitched?
16: Look Homeward, Ray
17: Ellen or Grance
18: Hope This Works
19: Moaning Stones, Dragons, and Books
20: The Boogieman Cometh
21: The Boogieman is Back!
22: Lick is Back
23: Interview
24: Cupid
25: Love is in the Air
26: The Sky
27: Ligen is Back?
28: Where Are They?
29: I Love You
30: Hero
31: Egon!
32: What Happened?
33: The Nightmare
34: Mrs. Spengler
35: Ruby Wells
36: The Ghost of Wells Manor
37: Souls
38: Wanna Play Dollie?
39: Princess Bubblegum-pow
40: About Time!
41: I'm Sorry
42: The Big Guy
43: Egon's Gone Bye-Bye!
44: Ellis Spengler
45: Natalie?
46: The Truth
47: I Don't Know Anymore
48: Don't Think Like That
49: It Wasn't Real
50: Home Sweet Home
51: That's Not True
52: Can't Help But Wonder...
53: Natalie Grey
54: A Wish Came True
55: Well...
56: Getting Back On My Feet
57: Earthquake
58: Natalie's Boyfriend?
59: Stop it!
60: Ceremony
61: The Blue Gel
62: Last Words

7: Happy Birthday Natalie and Egon!

514 12 8
By Copercurlz

I felt someone shack my bed. Please be Peter so I can hit him, I thought. I opened one of my eyes to see it was Ray, and I groaned. 

"Yes Ray?" I asked him. 

"We have to show you something." 


"Just come on! Egon, get up!" Ray told him tapping him on the shoulder. He looked up and placed his glasses on his face and looked up at Ray. 

"Yes Ray?" Egon asked while I placed my glasses on and walked out of the room. Egon followed with Ray, but the room was dark. I sighed and turned on the lights thinking Slimer must have turned them off since I remember them being on. I was greeted to Peter, Winston, Janine, Louis, and Slimer jumping out smiling at me. 

"Happy birthday!" they cried, has did Ray. Egon blinked at it then he smiled, has did I. I shock my head at them. 

"This is sweet," I said looking at the steamers and the sign that said Happy birthday Spengler twins. It was sweet of them to do this, even when I didn't really like to celebrate my birthday. Slimer floated over to me and gave me a huge, slimey kiss. I glared at him has he did it to Egon also. I wiped the slime off of my mouth and looked at the others. 

"I hope you like it Nat," Winston told me pushing a cake forward. Peter held Slimer back has Ray light the candles and both Egon and I blew them out. 

"Did you make a wish?" Janine asked Egon hugging his arm. He looked at her fixing his glasses. 

"I did," he answered and I acted like I was surprised. 

"You did?" I asked and he nodded. "Well the world has finally gotten to Egon!" 

"So what did you wish for?" Ray asked him and he smiled. 

"If I say it out loud, then the wish will not come true," Egon told him and I smiled. I figured he wished for nothing but was just leading everyone on. If he really did make a wish it was more than likely to stay safe, him and his friends. I know that is what I wished for. Too much has happened this past year for me to wish for anything else. I took Ego's free arm and I smiled at the others. 

"So who wants cake?" I asked leading Egon and Janine over to the table. I cut it into pieces and gave the first to Egon, the second to Slimer, and then so on. I was the last to get cake, but I didn't mind. I took a bit and tasted the nice, warm flavor in my mouth. It might be a surprise, but Egon and I have always liked the same type of cake. Even we have some similarities, shocking has it may seem. I knew that we were enough a like to get along. 

"Oh, Natalie, I have a present for you," Peter said walking towards me. I looked at him and he shoved my face into the cake. I was not ready for that, and he started to laugh at me. "You look wonderful Nat!" he laughed and I wiped icing off my glasses. I smashed the cake I just got off of me into his face, and I started to laugh. 

"I knew you couldn't go out without your makeup," I told him smiling sweetly. He smiled back and licked the area around his lips. I rolled my eyes and enjoyed the little party we were having. It was amazing. 

So what is the little chapter for you may ask? My birthday! So since it is my birthday, I thought to give them a party, and then I was thinking, that would be short! So what am I going to do with the space I have left? I'm going to write about how I got into the Ghostbusters in the first place. You don't have to read this, but if you do, great! If you end now, bye, and let me know what you think of this short chapter! See a message my friend sent me! Bye Stars. 

Now for those who really care and are going to keep reading. Well, I wasn't a big fan of the Ghostbusters when I was little. I was more into other things like X-men and the Avengers (Marvel fan). So I didn't know much about the Ghostbusters for a long time, but then my dad got me a new game for the new Xbox he bought. It being the only game I have not beaten yet, I started to play the game. It, of course, was Ghostbusters. I did like the movie, but I wasn't a big fan of it. So after I finished the game and everything, it left me wanting more. So, it being 2013, I looked the movie up online. After I finished that movie, I went back to where I was looking up the movie. I saw, just out of the corner of my eye, a title. It had a cartoon version of the Ghostbusters, and I saw it was the Real Ghostbusters. Not knowing if it was real or not, I looked it up, and it really was. I wanted to watch some of it, not sure if I would like it or not. The first episode I ever watched of the Real Ghostbusters was Egon's Ghost. It left me happy, so I watched many, many, many more. Then I saw one for the fifth season, and not have watching Ghostbusters 2 and knowing Louis Tully, I didn't like it much. I felt the guy was, meh. The episode was Three Man and an Egon. 

So I refused to watch the fifth season, but then I watched the movie. When they said Louis, I realized he was part of the movies, so I decide to give the rest of the seasons a chance. I like them a lot. Some of them weren't the best, but hey, I loved it! So here are a few questions I will answer about my favorite episodes and stuff: 

Favorite: Slimer, Is That You? 

Least: Jainine's Genie 

Funniest: Buster the Ghost

Favorite quote: "Sometimes I think the universe just waits for me to get cocky." -Egon (I'm sensing a pattern with Egon...)  

Favorite season: Second  

Favorite Ray episode: Bustman's Holiday 

Peter's: Venkman's Ghost Repellers 

Winstion's: Moaning Stones 

Egon's: Cry Uncle 

Janine: Janine Melnitz, Ghostbuster! 

Slimer: (Yes he had one) Slimer Come Home 

Louis: Busters in Toyland 

So there you have it. I don't know why you would read all of that, but hey, who am I to judge. So I hope you all have a wonderful day, I'm going to go eat my cake now! Haha, peace out my Stars! 

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