62: Last Words

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I was asleep in my bed when I felt a strong pain in my side. I opened them quickly, looking at my hands. I was pretty old bow, having white hair instead of my blonde color. I still had it in a pony tail though. My blue eyes were in my wrinkling skin. I was ninety eight years old. 

I looked over to Egon who was the same age. I hope that should have been easy to guess since we are twins. He looked like me, but male. Again, hope that is clear. 

I coughed, feeling so weak. I pushed the button on the remote we had to get the nurse. Egon woke up hearing it. 

"Natalie are you okay?" he asked me. 

"I feel a lot of pain right her," I answered, pointing to my heart. "I think I might be dying. 

"Oh," Egon said. We had seen death a lot more, so one of us dying wasn't that bad. He simply stood up and pulled a chair up so he could take my hand. I smiled at him, coughing a little bit more. 

"So last words time?" I asked him. 

"Last words time," he agreed. 

"How about we play that game again." 

"Alright. You first." 

I laughed a little, looking at him. "How long do you think you'll live after I'm gone?" 

"A week," he answered with a smile. "I'm going to hate being alone that I'll come with you has soon has I can. I give it a week. Are you going to be glad to get to see everyone again?" 

"Of course," I told him, chuckling a bit. "I'll tell them you said hi and will be joining us soon. I think Janine will be happy. How much do you love me." 

He smiled, knowing it was coming. He knew I had to hear it one last time. 

"I love you so much," he started. "I would go to the ends of the Earth for you. I would climb the highest mountain and go to the bottoms of the seas. I would do anything for you, even give my own life. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you, because you are my sister. You've been with me longer then anyone else, not because you are my sister, but because we are twins. You know me before we come out of Mom's stomach, and I knew you. We've been together forever. And I know that I'm going to win at this because you're the same way has I am. I know we are so different, but we love each other the same. Nothing could change that." 

I smiled up at him, tears in both of our eyes. He was right. I loved him the same way that he loved me. That monition would be climbed, that sea would have me in it. I would do anything for my brother, even give my life. Nothing would change that. He was right, I was the first person to know him. We did come from the same egg, but let's not get into that kids. Ask your parents how twins come up, cause the dying old lady isn't going to do it. 

"I love you Egon," I said has the nurse came in. She looked at me and sighed, telling us that there wasn't anything they could do, just let nature take it's course. We were going to do it anyway. 

"Wait," I said before she could go. "Can we have some cake and ice cream. Just to share it once last time?" 

"Sure," she said with a smile. She came back with vanilla cake and cookie dough ice cream. She gave Egon a piece and me one. I ate a few bites, happy I could share one of our favorite treats together, one last time. 

"Good idea," Egon told me, eating his. 

"I'm full of them," I replied with a large smile. I coughed, feeling my life fade. I'm disappearing. I knew it. I smiled up at him, kissing his cheek. 

"See you in a week," I told him, closing my eyes. 

"See you in a week," he repeated, the last words I ever heard from my brother when we were both alive. 

And now it's over. I hope you all enjoyed. I'm out of words, I used them all for FN xD Peace out my Stars! 

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