60: Ceremony

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*Ray's pov*  

"Let her go!" I yelled at the chysena. It had Egon and I changed to the wall, dangling uselessly has it cirled the still out cold Natalie. She was now wearing some kind of ceremonial dress made of gold and white silk. Her hair was down in curls, her glasses off. She looked beautiful, but she was going to be killed if I couldn't talk the ghost out of it. Egon was still out cold beside me. I could see the bruise on his forehead, and it didn't looked good. 

"I'm sorry Dr. Stanz, but she is what will keep me going for a long time," it told me flying over here. It picked up Egon's chin with it's tentacle. "Though I will have to keep him with me unless I want to be hunted my whole life. He won't forget what I have done, but you will." 

"What are you going to do to me?" 

"I'll erase your mind of Natalie, then Dr. Venkman, Mr. Zeddemore, and everyone else. Yet I can never seem to get the siblings to forget. So Dr. Spengler will stay with me. Who knows, I might let his head heal."

"You'll kill one Spengler and take another? Are you heartless?"

"Something ate my heart. SO that is a yes. I am heartless. Now I must preform the ceremony before Natalie wakes up!"

"No!" I yelled thrashing around. It stuffed a rag in my mouth and I couldn't yell at it.

I watched has it grew a circle with blue paint around her body. Then in red paint it made swirls and patterns that looked beautiful if they weren't for an evil reason. The chysena started to chant around Natalie, doing movements that would more then likely help take Nat's heart out. I tried with all my might to get out, but I didn't have it in me. Nat was going to be eaten. 

"What?" I heard Egon mumble, and he looked up at me, his eyes barely opened. His eyes opened a bit and glanced froward at the scene taking place. "Natal-" The chysena wasted no time gagging him also. He looked sadly has the chysena continued to do whatever it was to kill Nat. 

It picked up a silver knife and placed it over Nat's heart. It cut a thin line around her heart, but not enough but a small line of blood followed. It placed the knife down and picked up a small bag of powder. It sprinkled it over the now drying blood, causing it to turn a blue color. Egon was fighting like his life was the one on the line when it was his sister. I was also. 

"Just a few more steps and your heart will be mine," the chysena sighed, hunger in its voice. "The best heart I will ever dine on." 

"Not if we stop you!" Peter yelled kicking down the door. Winston followed and the chysena growled at them. 

"How did you find me?" it asked has it poured some pink liquid over the heart area, still doing what it needed to do. 

"We didn't," Winston answered and I saw Louis step out of the shadows. He was wearing a sick green with red trimming on it. He was wearing a pack and I could tell he was ready to help out. 

"I did," Louis spoke up. "You can hurt me, take the woman I love has your own, maybe even kidnap my friends, but you threaten anyone on the team, mostly Nat, then I'm not going to rest till she is safe! Let her go!" 

"Never!" it cried, and I saw it was done with what it was doing. It was now holding a gold knife over her heart, and Egon and I were fighting so much that I could feel the metal dig into my wrist. Louis wasn't about to let her go. He blasted the ghost, and it yelled out. 

In one move it hit Louis out of the way. Before it could go back to Nat, it had to deal with Peter blasting it. Before he got a trap out, he was with Louis, trying to stand up, held back by the chysena. Winston was getting the chains off of us. He was done with Egon, and almost done with me, but the chysena hit him. Egon threw himself at the chain and freed me, yanking the cloth out of his mouth. He picked up Winston's pack and blasted the thing. Winston got me one and put another on. We all blasted. In one last motion the ghost threw the knife down near Nat, and then, in the trap, it was gone. 

"Nat!" Louis and Egon both yelled running over to her. I looked, and it did look like the knife was in her heart. I ran over also, but saw that it was only next to her body, not in. Egon was holding her up, looking at her wound. He was blocking the view since her heart was close to the only reason you could tell she was a female. 

"Is she okay?" Peter asked covering his eyes. Everyone but Louis did. Respectful to her. It made since that her brother and might be her husband. I was confused now about that. 

"My head," Nat sighed sitting up. Egon nodded his head and smiled at Peter. 

"Yes Peter," Egon answered. "She is fine." 

"Come on, let's go," I told her helping Egon take her to her feet. She groaned again. 

"What happened?" she asked us has we took her to Ecto 1. We had to laugh. 

"What do you remember?" Winston asked. 

"The past few days are all blurry," she answered. We all laughed and she laughed lightly. "Anything I want to know. I don't care if I should know, if I don't want to, let it go." 

"Alright," I told her and we all drove away. Everything seemed backed to normal, Nat and Louis holding hands in the back seat. 

So guys, I have an important question. Should I end this book soon? I have so much on my plate, and most of it can't start with this going on. I know how to end this book, start the next one, then start the one after that. It's up to you guys. I have so much, and Racked in on hold till I figure out how to do the next chapter. So let me know if I should end this one or if I should carry it on a little bit more. Let me know. Peace out my Stars! 

The Real Ghostbustersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें